Member Reviews

"Buried Seeds" is well-written, dense with information, but does not feel cumbersome while reading. The connections that Salvatierra and Wrencher draw between base ecclesial communities, hush harbours, and the possibilities for movement-building and faith development in the twenty-first century are thoughtful, inspiring, and worthy of conversation.
I would disagree with the premise that these historical, grassroots communities have been under-examined until this book. Every reader's background and breadth of exposure will differ, but in reading about theologies of martyrdom and about liberation theology, base ecclessial communities and hush harbours both have figured prominently in the discussions. In the historical and background information here, I found myself revisiting familiar territory often. It is a refreshing addition to the conversation to hear from Latin and black voices speaking on these topics; there is still far too little representation of these voices in the theological discourse.
Overall this book is interesting, inspiring, and well worth reading for anyone interested in both the history of these communities and the ideas and possibilities they present for communities of faith today.