Member Reviews

Christmas just isn't Christmas without a Sarah Morgan book so I always look forward to kicking off my festive reads with her latest!
I really enjoyed this one, getting to know the Miller clan and reading about each of their life dilemmas, in the build up to Christmas at the family home in Scotland.
As always, this was the perfect Hallmark movie type Christmas story and a very nice start to my seasonal reading.

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Firstly, thank you to the publishers for sending me a copy of this book and inviting me to be part of the tour.

Is it even approaching Christmas if the new Sarah Morgan novel is not released
Ideally, I do tend to leave my Christmas books to after Halloween, but the tour and the pure temptation of this book made it impossible to resist
This book was perfect. It has everything a Christmas novel needs. Snow, a house that is decorated perfect, a family drama, relationship issues, finding love, good food and hot chocolates

Whilst the book is a predictable, I loved it all the more for it. Sometimes you don’t need to be taken on a rollercoaster with a book, you need something to just cuddle up with and comfort read

I absolutely loved Lucy. She broke my heart with her grandma, especially the shortbread. Honestly, I sobbed my heart out. Feeling her pain. Nanna Jean. What a character. I want a Lucy and Nanna Jean in my life.

I cannot recommend this novel enough and if you fancy a feel good festive read this festive season. This is the one that you should pick!

Roll on the next one!

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Lucy works for an advertising agency, which feels more like family than work, especially since her only relative, her grandmother, died at Christmas a couple of years back. Now the agency is in trouble, she doesn't hesitate to head off to Scotland to try to win over Ross Miller, the CEO of a famous gym/sportswear company. She even has the perfect way to get his attention. Wrap her proposal to look like a present and hand-deliver it to his house. What could possibly go wrong?

Meanwhile, Ross and his sisters Alice and Clemmie meet up before their annual family Christmas get together to discuss tactics to deal with their parents, particularly their mother and Nanna Jean, who are just dying to see them all happily married. Alice has commitment issues and her boyfriend has just proposed, sending her into a panic. She suggests that Ross could take the heat off her if he pretends to have a girlfriend. Ross goes along with the joke and they randomly chooses the name Lucy for his fake girlfriend, after the girl on the cover of a magazine. So that when the real Lucy arrives at the Miller house, complete with her 'present' for Ross, his family get completely the wrong idea and invite her in. By the time Ross has turned up and the mistake is explained, it is snowing heavily and all trains back to London have been cancelled. And Lucy is stuck facing Christmas with a family of strangers...

Snowed in for Christmas is not a story about one couple's romance, but an ensemble cast who have multiple problems, exacerbated by being thrown together for Christmas with no prospect of escape! We have Lucy, who hates Christmas due to her sad memories; Alice, who knows she's no one's idea of a perfect wife yet terrified of losing Nico if she turns down his proposal; Clemmie, who moved to London to escape her childhood sweetheart, only to run into him again; and Glenda, the matriarch, desperate to see her family settled, but equally aware she has to step back and not interfere with their lives. Meanwhile, the hilarious but completely adorable Nanna Jean has no compunction about interfering in all their lives as often as possible! (As you can tell, Nanna Jean was my favourite character!)

If you love warm-hearted, feel-good romantic comedies, this is the book for you. Highly original and very funny (and deserving of being a Christmas classic), Snowed in for Christmas was one of my favourite reads this year. Would suit fans of authors such as Jill Shalvis and classic movies like While You Were Sleeping.

Thank you to Sarah Morgan and HQ for my copy of this book, which I requested via NetGalley and reviewed voluntarily.

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I enjoyed this fabulously festive family story with a romantic twist and seasonal snow. Lucy, still grieving for her grandmother, who died at Christmastime, is now facing an uncertain career future unless she can secure a big account. Glenda is looking forward to having her family together for Christmas but worries about them and her husband's health. Alice, Clemmie and Ross are close siblings who love their parents and grandmother but dread their well-meant interference. It is life-changing for all of them when the fates conspire to strand Lucy with this complex family during the festive period.

I love the snowy setting, the storytelling, the complex characters, and the believable family dynamics. It's the perfect winter read with a lovely mix of humour, poignancy and romance.

I received a copy of this book from the publisher.

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It’s beginning to feel like Christmas

The Miller children are going home for Christmas and they know there will be questions about their love lives. All 3 of them just want to get through Christmas. Lucy is planning to drop of a marketing proposal to the Miller house and then leave to go back home. But things don’t go to plan and all secrets end up coming out all in time for Christmas Day.

I have never read a Sarah Morgan book before but I absolutely loved this one and I am fully converted and have already brought another book for Christmas.

I loved the characters which all had thier flaws but you knew were good people, just struggling. My favourite character was Nanna Jean, she was just awesome.

The chapters are long but they don’t feel it, they are all from different point of views so it does make the chapters go quickly. I couldn’t believe it was 400 pages in the end.

All I want now is to be trapped in the snow in a Scottish house for Christmas with some shortbread. Maybe I should write to Santa, it worked for Nanna Jean.

Disclaimer - I received an early copy of the book through NetGalley in exchange for a review on Amazon.

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If you are looking for the perfect Christmas read then look no further.
Absolutely loved Snowed In For Christmas it was one of those cosy reads you could just lose yourself in.
Packed full of family drama great characters & a side of romance all the ingredients for a wonderful read.
The story is set in the snowy highlands of Scotland where the Millers have there beautiful family home.
Ross , Alice & Clemmie will all be going home for Christmas but are trying to avoid at all costs the well meaning questions into their lives.
Their lives are personal & they want to keep it that way without any outside interference from their family.
Lucy Clarke isn’t looking forward to Christmas as losing her job might be on the cards unless she can pull in some more business for the firm she works for.
Since losing her grandmother two years ago, Christmas is not a good time for her as she has no family.
She has a good proposal to put to Ross Miller, in the hope, of winning a big contract from his firm, but it’s very hard to get to see him.
She has a plan to deliver the proposal in person to his family home.
With Mistaken identity & much confusion the secrets start to unfold as the tensions between them rise.
To make things worse the weather worsens & with so much snow nobody is going anywhere.
Captivating heartwarming read it will keep you engrossed from beginning to end.
I thoroughly enjoyed it.

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I really love Sarah's books.

This book yet again totally met all of my expectations. I wanted a lovely lovey festive read and as always I totally loved the characters.

The ambiance was perfectly festive. The sass from grandma was everything I absolutely adore, and even the predictable Christmas storyline was absolutely delicious, the only real issue for me was that the book was too short! I felt like Lucy's relationship was rushed, blink and you miss the fact they've decided to dive straight in. There was so much going on with each couple, whilst I liked reading several storylines in one book, I felt like it left too much unanswered for me and I wish this was more of a series. But that's the greedy side of me speaking.

Otherwise, beautiful writing, great characters - great read!

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I love a Sarah Morgan book and even more so, I love a Sarah Morgan Christmas book. Set in Scotland, this has the perfect scene setting but I felt the blurb was actually a little misleading. It sounds like it will be focused on one of the siblings when in fact it’s all three, and the mum to some degree. I think it tried to cover too much in one book which made everything feel quite slow paced until the end when it was almost a rush to tie everything up.

A nice easy read but not my favourite.

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What a great festive story, I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book. The Miller family are all getting together to spend Christmas back in their family home. Ross, Alice and Clemmie all have their own secrets.
Lucy will be spending Christmas alone after losing her grandmother 2 years ago and decides to go to Scotland to try to win a contract from Ross Miller in the hope it’ll save her job and a lot of her colleagues.
Things don’t go to plan and a massive snow storm sees them all trapped in the house together for Christmas.
A lovely read, didn’t what this book to end and a follow up would be great. Left me in a really festive happy mood

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I love reading Christmas books and in my opinion Sarah Morgan writes some of the best Christmas books, I always look forward to reading her new Christmas book.
This book is mainly set in Scotland, where as the title suggests, Lucy gets snowed in with the Miller family, who she doesn't know. Sarah Morgan often writes about family conflicts, and the complexity of family relationships and secrets. The Miller family are no exception, and Lucy is stuck in the middle of their rows and arguments.
Despite the tension between the Miller family members, this book is enjoyable and heartwarming. It is very festive and a perfect holiday read.
Thank you to Netgalley and the Publisher for my ARC.

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Firstly a thank you to netgalley for an advanced copy of this book in return of an honest review. If you are looking for a cosy, warm, fuzzy feeling christmassy book, then this is the one for you. Set in an idyllic sounding lodge in Scotland, a family all head home to spend Christmas together. An unexpected visitor and a hefty downfall of snow, making leaving impossible, leaves the inhabitants time to reflect on their past and present life situations. A good bug to snuggle up with.

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As the Miller family gathers for Christmas at the family home in rural Scotland, the children are dreading the usual probing about their love lives. Meanwhile, their father Douglas, is finding running his business but can't see how to semi retire and their mum and nanny just want the siblings to settle down with someone special. All of this causes frictions and bickering.
So when snow stops anyone leaving, you know that tensions will rise.
Gentle feel good for Christmas without big surprises

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A Sarah Morgan Christmas book is always an enormous treat and this latest one has all the special, magical elements. A lost soul, a madcap family, a fabulous house in Scotland and a sudden snowfall all combine in a charming festive smorgasbord. Read and enjoy this warm hug of a book and look forward to Christmas.

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This was such a lovely light-hearted read. Usually I don’t like when there’s more than two POV (this one had 4) but I really enjoyed it and it filled a really good purpose. We got to follow along multiple love stories which I loved and the Miller family felt so loving! My favourite character was 100% Nana Jean! If you don’t already have this one on your TBR to get you in the holiday spirits you I can recommend adding it!

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I really enjoyed reading Snowed In For Christmas. It's got all the will they won't they of a classic romance, but with a whole heap of family relationship drama thrown in. Siblings Ross, Alice and Clemmie find themselves snowed in at their family home, along with Lucy, a stranger with a business connection.

What follows is much less about the inevitable happy endings, but about the family dynamics between the siblings, their parents and assorted other supporting characters. I loved that the interactions were so honest and realistic - we've all been there with a pre-Christmas 'this is what we'll actually tell the parents' discussion!

Snowed In For Christmas is a great book to get stuck into, it's not overly festive so perfect for any time of year!

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A lovely read that makes me long for cold afternoons spent in front of the fire watching the snow come down. A good family story with all the things we are used to - dodging questions from family about where we see ourselves and why haven't we settled down. All the elements of a family Christmas!!

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would like to thank netgalley and the publishers for letting me read this exceptional book

this has to be one of the best christmas stories i have read so far this year....its made me laugh cry and made with jealous with envy

the funny one liners that would appear and make you laugh at loud, the emotionally charged moments of remembering loved ones at christmas, oh how i cried thinking of my own mother who loved christmas and for those moments when family around the table on the big day is all that anyone really needs, christmas isnt christmas without family

this is definitely one of those books that makes you feel good about the whole season and about reading a good christmas book....

will be keeping an eye out for more of this authors christmas books from now on...

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Despite the bickering and squabbles, Ross has the kind of family that everyone secretly wishes they had. Lucy travels to his picturesque part of Scotland to complete some business, but ends up with a broken ankle and snowed in with Ross’ family, masquerading as his fiancée. Ross’ grandmother is the star of the show - really bringing the book to life with her warmth and compassion. This is a lovely, relaxing, feel good, festive read!

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Another fabulous Christmas Romance by Sarah.

The Millar family live in Scotland on an estate, Glenda, Douglas and Nanna Jean. Their 3 children Ross, Alice and Clemmie all moved down to London for work. Alice is a doctor, Ross has his own company and Clemmie is a nanny. They all return at Christmas to spend time together.

Alice works in marketing and has come up to Scotland to take pictures of a product with reindeer’s. She decides to drop off a proposal for Ross, but it doesn’t go to plan. The storm has come in and blocked the roads.

This is a beautiful romance novel, full of happy smiles and a all round feel good book. Loved the setting, the snow and all the wonderful characters.

Thanks to Netgalley and the publishers for a copy for an honest review.

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I love romance, especially Christmas romance, but for some reason this book did not hit the mark for me. I could not gel with the heroine at all. The writing fell too drawn out as well for me, I like to get to the heart of a romance decently quick, but it all took ages.

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