Member Reviews

A real Christmas story set in the highlands of Scotland so you get a real snowy picture. It's funny how life can come true in a surprising way. Great book, characters and storyline in a beautiful setting. 5 stars and I recommend this .

Thanks to Netgally and publisher for this ARC

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Another great read from Sarah Morgan. Nothing complicated just great characters you can get into and an enjoyable storyline to keep you engaged.

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Lovely Christmas story full of family mishaps and following the story of Lucy who sets off to Scotland to win over Ross Miller with her business proposal. The plan does not go as she wished when she is mistaken for the girlfriend of Ross Miller.
This is a heart warming and funny in places and what happens when people don't talk to one another and secrets are revealed.
Full praise to Sarah Morgan for a delightful Christmas book.
Highly recommended on a cold winters night.

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The writing was clear, engaging and had some emotional moments in it. It was cleverly made up of multiple points of view which were clearly set out and gradually brought the story together. Nothing felt rushed and you felt like you got of each character's thoughts and feelings before moving on. The correct balance was struck with the chapters being long enough that you got invested, but not too long that you couldn't wait to get to the end and move on to the next pert of the story.

The chapters were generally fairly long and taken from one character's point of view. There didn't seem to be any particular rule as to whose point of view you read about next, but it was well chosen and made the story move along well and come together seamlessly. I loved the different points of view and seeing what those characters were thinking and feeling.

Whilst the chapters were fairly long, my interest didn't waiver. I got invested in each of the characters' storylines and was desperate to find out what was going to happen to them next. The story didn't feel like it was dragging as some stories with long chapters can. It was cleverly done to grab your interest and make you feel for the characters. Not one character let the story down. I could quite happily have read more on every single character.

Moving on to the characters. They were excellent. I loved learning about their lives and who they were from reading the story from their point of view. What they presented to each other was not necessarily who they were and that was interesting. I loved the family dynamic presented to us and enjoyed the fact that it was highlighted further by Lucy who didn't have any family. The love and support shone through this book and made it a joy to read.

Lastly the settings. I loved being snowed in in a big old family home set in a picturesque area, and having it all described to me. There was just enough description to make you 'see' what was there without detracting from the characters' thoughts, feelings and actions. It was what I would describe as a proper Christmas book.

Overall I loved it. It exceeded my expectations and exuded all things Christmas. I highly recommend it.

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Thanks Netgalley and the Publisher. Although I am not a Xmas person at all I actually really enjoyed this book. I liked the characters and the storyline.

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A Christmas Treat, and definitely a story that will leave you feeling warm and fuzzy.
We follow Lucy, a marketing manager who loves her job but who recognises that business is not going well. Determined to help out the boss she owes so much to, Lucy heads to Scotland for work…and decides to take a risk and drop a proposal to Ross Miller, Chairman of the company she hopes can save their business.
Unfortunately (though of course it works out just fine) Lucy ends up being mistaken for Ross’s girlfriend and is invited into the Miller home just in time to be snowed in for Christmas. The Millers are a rambunctious group, full of love and cheer…and just a little bit prone to meddling.
We can see that Lucy and Ross will work well together, but it was good fun meeting the rest of the family. Great fun.

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Snowed in for christmas

Sarah Morgan doesn't dissapoint with this Cosy Christmas read.  Family, strangers, secrets and romance set in the lead up to Christmas. I kept turning the pages and was invested in the outcomes of the characters. Great festive read.

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Another perfect Sarah Morgan festive offering. There’s something for everyone wrapped between the covers of this book. Loved it.

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A most engaging story of what happens when a family of stubborn independent characters get snowed in during Christmas week together with guest and an unexpected stranger. As each have their specific hang-ups over relationships that they are unwilling to face, and their parents must avoid, to keep the peace, however, the presence of outsiders brings added tensions. Grandmother has no such inhibitions and cannot understand why no one is able have a meaningful relationship which hopefully would provide her with longed for grandchildren. Pressure is especially on the eldest daughter who has brought home her boy fiend who has proposed but she is afraid to accept. When matters come to a head added by the presence of a stranger, no one can escape their dilemmas and so matters are confronted in time for a happy Christmas.

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I really loved this book , such a wonderful feel-good read. Great characters and so beautifully written it takes you right there to the Miller home . Absolutely lovely and highly recommended

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Sarah Morgan has been a top 10 author for many years, so I grabbed Snowed in for Christmas! I was not disappointed.

I loved this book so much. I loved the setting (slightly isolated house in Scotland). I loved the snow (soooo Christmassy).

I loved the family, how they didn’t always see eye to eye, but ultimately really cared for each other and backed each other up. And l loved the way throwing Lucy into the mix made such a contrast and brought out the best in everyone. I loved all the romances too. I liked the fact that there’s a long established relationship, as well as several that are earlier on. I think my favourite character was Nanna Jean. She was just so funny, and lovely! And there’s a lovely dog too.

Overall, this story was both hilarious and heartwarming, simply a Christmassy delight. Perfect to get you into the festive spirit.

I was given a copy of this book, my opinions are my own.

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I do love a Sarah Morgan Christmas book and this was no exception. A real feel good story, with interesting and likeable characters. I can't recommend this book highly enough.. Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for the chance to read and review this cracking read.

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I would really highly recommend this book . Loved it from start to finish. A brilliant book to curl up on the winter nights and not stop reading, made you feel very Christmasy and with the perfect house described in the book would make anybody's perfect Christmas scene. The story was so entertaining and loved the mystery, the characters with lots of humour . Grandma was my favourite. A really must Christmas read.

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This book reminded me of the movie Christmas with The Coopers a little.

It was so much more than a standard festive romantic comedy, it was about a family. A family that had it's own set of issues with each other and the world.

Three siblings each with their own romantic trope. Friends To Lovers. Forced Proxemity. Fear of Commitment.

I really loved that each character had their own wish for their life, and they weren't perfect. They made mistakes and worked through them as a family full of differences and yet unabiding love.

I partially loved the grandma! There is something so pure about a woman who has reached an age where she no longer filters her speech and just says what she thinks.

This book was so much more than I was expecting and I am so glad I snagged the ARC for it. This is my second book my Sarah Morgan and I can't wait to read more!

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I absolutely adore Sarah Morgan and the best time of year to read her books is Christmas! Nobody does it better. It's cosy, wintery, filled with humour, drama and love, snowed in for Christmas is the perfect feel good festive read. Thanks to HQ, Sarah Morgan and Netgalley for the ARC.

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I always enjoy Sarah Morgan's novels, and this is a wonderful Christmas tale!

Ross and his two sisters all live in London, and have there usual pre-Christmas meet up to cover all the things they don't want to reveal to their parents before heading home for the festivities. It's a tried and trusted method of keeping their secrets. Lucy Clarke doesn't have a family Christmas to look forward to and with her job hanging in the balance she needs to ger ahead of the game by getting a proposal to Ross Miller asap. As she is in the highlands for another part of her job, she takes the opportunity to drop it off at the family home but doesn't bargain for the Scottish weather and how fast it closes in. She didn't bank on spending Christmas with the Miller family and, while it's nice to experience all their traditions, they are not her family and she doesn't want to be in the way.

There is always added sparkle to this author's festive stories and, having given it some thought, I suspect it's because it's a great story which would work at any time of year. Everything about this one is special - the characters, the setting, the snow and the wonderful family traditions. Beautifully written, as always, with several threads going on, this is one to definitely add to your winter reading list. Highly recommend and easily worth all five glowing stars. Don't miss it!

My thanks to the publisher for my copy via NetGalley; this is - as always - my honest, original and unbiased review.

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Such an enjoyable read with a picture perfect setting and a family that would just envelop you up with love.

As with so many books nowadays, the plot has been done before - mistaken identities, snowed in at Christmas, family dynamics and of course some romance. But it's a plot that Sarah has written exceedingly well - told from a multitude of character viewpoints, the storyline segued easily between chapters and was easy to follow.

All the main protagonists had an intiguing story to tell. I had a soft spot for all of them but Clemmie was the strongest for me, despite seemingly being the complete opposite of that on first impressions. I thought her role in the family was key, she seemed the peace keeper, the one who could calm things down. Nanna Jean was fantastic too though - some epic one liners and comedy moments!

Overall this did not disappoint, I think it would make a fantastic read closer to the festive season too. Certainly one to pick up!

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This book deserves far more than 5 stars! The feel good factor is genuine, the characters wonderful and the story was one I simply could not put down. I had a smile on my face throughout, a few tears of happiness and a wish that it wouldn’t end. Brilliant.

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There’s just something so warm and comforting about a Sarah Morgan Christmas book and this one was no different. I loved the characters and the different storylines going on with each of the siblings and Lucy. I read this so fast because I was just enjoying it so much!

-multiple pov
-cosy Christmas vibes
-interfering but loving family
-siblings figuring things out

Definitely recommend for a cosy Christmas read!

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I’ve never read a Sarah Morgan book before and didn’t know what to expect, but this was absolutely lovely. A wonderfully immersive festive book.

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