Member Reviews

Oh what a wonderful story from the Miller family plus Lucy.
I absolutely adored the wit and how well written this was. Such a perfect winter book. Thank you letting me have the pleasure to enjoy it

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Another fantastic Sarah Morgan book. I was obsessed with this and loved the story. Siblings coming home for Christmas all with their baggage and secrets. A random girl who wants to save her career and the people she works with against the wonderful backdrop of Christmas. Sarah really knows how to write a family dynamic/romance story as they always keep me gripped and I highly recommend this one and I suggest reading it at Christmas! A wonderful new book from Sarah.

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Wow what a lovely read!

Another fantastic book by Sarah Morgan, a beautiful story about family and new friends.

I would recommend this to all my friends

5 stars from me

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Sarah Morgan's Christmas books are a thing of tradition and I don't think I've had many recent years go by without picking one up.

This was a a romance read mixed in with a heap load of family drama, which meant a lot of characters and perspectives. I would say I found there were quite a lot of characters for the amount of 'action' that actually happened. I was hoping for lots of Christmas festivities to make me feel in the spirit, so I probably would've enjoyed a bit more of that.

Overall this is one I'm glad I picked up but I probably won't reach for it again.

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I am not familiar with Sarah Morgan’s Christmas novels but after reading Snowed in for Christmas I am going to make sure next years novel is in my Christmas stocking.

This is bursting with Christmas spirit. An uninvited guest arrives for an awkward family Christmas. It all could have gone wrong, but it doesn’t. Instead, it’s a loving family Christmas, not without a drama, lots of baking and shortbread, snow and laughs.

Snowed in for Christmas left me with a warm Christmassy glow. Thank you to the publisher and Netgalley for the ARC.

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Having read all of Sarah Morgan’s books, especially her Christmas stories, just when you think they couldn’t possibly get any better she brings out Snowed in for Christmas which I adored. As another author says on the beautiful cover it really is pure happiness in a book.
I could see this as a hallmark/ Netflix movie. It has it all Christmas, romance, a remote Scottish castle and a mad cap family that reminds me of my own.
It starts with Lucy - a advertising agency wonder who is great at her job.
She works for a small agency that is more like a family which is exactly what Lucy needs as she has no family of her own. But when the agency looses several accounts and looks like it maybe in trouble, Lucy decides to pull out all the stops and go after the Miller sports account which would be huge for her company.
She’s heard that after Christmas CEO Ross Miller will be inviting pitches for the account so Lucy decides to get in early. When being in Scotland for another account ties in with being near the Miller family’s home, Lucy decides she’s gonna hand deliver her proposal - gift wrapped.
The Miller family are gathering for their annual Christmas at their parents home.
Owners of a famous shortbread brand, dad Douglas is keen to have a family photo taken to promote the brand.
Only the rest of the family are not so keen.
Son Ross has his own company and doesn’t want to follow family tradition and take over the shortbread company much to his fathers dismay.
Daughter Alice is a workaholic doctor and perfectionist who is bringing her boyfriend Nico home to meet the family for the first time - only he’s just proposed which has sent Alice into a complete panic. She hasn’t said yes yet ! Infact she’s avoiding discussing the whole thing, consumed by fear of the future.
Youngest daughter Clemmie has a big announcement to make. She’s moving back home after working in London as a nanny.
She’s made another big life decision but what will her family make of it and how will she handle seeing Fergus again, the love of her life who she moved away from because she couldn’t handle seeing him date someone else. Only problem is she never told him how she feels - and now he’s single again and raising his 4 year old niece.
Along with mum Glenda who just wants a lovely Christmas and the wonderful Nanna Jean who likes to remind everyone she’s old at every opportunity or use her age as an excuse for her meddling behaviour, the Miller family are wonderful.
The siblings have a get together before Christmas in London where they all live
to plan how they are gonna handle this years family Christmas and fend off their parents and grandmothers well ment interfierence in their lives. Ross decides to invent an imaginary girlfriend to fend off dating questions and his sisters suggest a girl on the front of his latest marketing magazine which is lying on the table in front of them
Called Lucy, only problem is they don’t expect actual Lucy to show up at their family home with her advertising proposal and get invited in as they think it’s wonderful Ross’s girlfriends turned up for Christmas.
Nor do they expect a massive storm which leaves them all Snowed in together for Christmas.

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Snowed in for Christmas isn't the typical rom-com, contemporary fiction book that I've come to expect from Sarah Morgan. As a keen reader of her books, I was eager to get my hands on a copy of this and although really enjoyable, it was a shame that it hadn't become a series of books. It's well written and the characters are great, I laughed with them and cried with them, but I'm just slightly disappointed that it all ended a bit too soon and without too many problems for them really.

The story follows Lucy and the Miller family as they are snowed in at the Miller's family home in rural Scotland over Christmas. Lucy ends up there purely accidentally by turning up to deliver a marketing plan that might save her job.. Ross' family mistake her for Ross' made up girlfriend (who his siblings named Lucy after seeing her on a magazine cover the week before) and invite her in where she promptly breaks her ankle and gets stuck there with the family.

As a premise that was plenty for me. Ross and Lucy are trapped together, its awkward but they become friends and fall for each other. However, despite this happening, it's barely written about as we're also following the love lives of his two sisters. One of whom is trying not to declare her love for the neighbour whilst trying to get pregnant by a sperm donor, and the other who is grappling with her feelings about being proposed to when she's so career driven. Add to this their mum feeling like she's failed, a meddling Nana and a proud father and it could easily have been a 3 book series!

All in all, a good book with several happy endings, I was just sad it all ended a bit too soon!

I received a free ARC copy of this via NetGalley and the publishers in return for an unbiased review.

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Thanks to NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review this book. I have been reading a lot of thrillers lately so this book was like a warm hug! A lovely setting and characters, this story sucked me in completely and made me wish it was Christmas already! An utterly lovely read!

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Once again Sarah Morgan has managed to craft the perfect festive read - it's warm and cosy, heartwarming, full of romance, a spectacular setting, a family I fell in love with, and lashings of shortbread and snow. It's everything you could wish for in a Christmas story and more.

In fact I really shouldn't need to say anything else as Sarah Morgan is wonderful, her books are always something special and if you are a fan of hers like I am then why are you reading this review, when you should be reading the book already!

And if you aren't already a fan of this author then frankly you have been missing out on years and years worth amazing books, from an especially talented queen of romance, and queen of the festive read!

Really all I want to do is throw a thesaurus' worth of lovely words at you, and be done, I was hooked on this book and once I had the characters straight in my mind, and they were all snowed in together, then the book took off and I literally couldn't put it down.

I read a large amount of this in one sitting, ignoring the fact I should have been working, as I just wanted to be wrapped up in the Miller family's dynamics, and their picturesque Christmas without pausing for breath.

And it's a family with some wacky dynamics that I loved seeing them all in the same scene. And there is a weird set of coincidences that lands Lucy on their doorstep, and with her being instantly treated as though she is part of the family and not there for a completely different reason.

If anything I'm slightly annoyed with the way the book ends - not because it isn't the perfect ending - it is, I was just enjoying my time with these characters so much, that had it been left differently I would been convinced this would be the start of a new series from this author, who writes series featuring siblings so so well! But the ending is other than that is utter perfection.

I would absolutely love to see this turned into a film, it deserves a wider audience and I for one would be keen to watch it.

If you can't tell I thoroughly enjoyed this book! Please don't make me wait another 6 months or so for another Sarah Morgan release, please write faster!

Thank you to HQ and Netgalley for this copy which I have reviewed honestly and voluntarily.

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I just loved the set up for this, it felt a bit like an old school Fred and Ginger film in a way, you could see how the characters were laying themselves open for mishap with hilarious, yet very romantic consequences!

‘They shared a long look that made her feel as if he saw every single thing she was hiding. Knew every single thing she wasn’t saying.’

Clemmie Alice and Ross are siblings, who have each other’s backs but bicker at the same time! All heading to the family home in Scotland for Christmas they meet to decide what they do and don’t want their parents to know.
Clemmie has a secret she wants no one to know, Alice doesn’t want her parents to know she may be getting married but doesn’t want kids, Ross , well, he has made up a girlfriend, Lucy, from the cover of a magazine.
Meantime the real life Lucy is heading to the same house to try to bag a marketing deal with Ross and ends up stranded at the Scottish home and bingo we have the perfect Christmassy romantic will they/won’t they set up!

I loved the characters in this one, all just right, it’s full of laughter and romance and of course snow. I swung from smiles and laughter to having a lump in my throat, that’s what family and love and Christmas does to me!
Oh Clemmie and Fergus my heart! Really these were my 2 favourite people in this book. The others are all great but it was these two who really squeezed my heart. I am such a sop but I just adore this genre, I never thought I would but it is such a tonic, an escape and a joy!

‘She was twenty-seven years old, and she’d loved Fergus Maclennon for at least twenty three of those years.’

And then this:

“Your child is always your child, no matter how old they are. You want the best for them.’

More sobbing! How is it that words written by someone you don’t know and have never met can do this to your emotions, it’s amazingly powerful stuff!

Oh, And Nanna Jean is an absolute Queen!

The ideal Christmas read, what a winner!!


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"I'm not saying anything." - Nanna Jean

Can I just start by saying that I absolutely adore Nanna Jean?! She's by far my favourite character in this book. Astute towards people's feelings; she's not above a little gentle manipulation to get what she wants: "I'm eighty-six...I'm not getting any younger." "You'll miss me when I'm gone." Nanna Jean is fantastic! Interfering, yes, but she does everything out of love.

But I digress. Snowed in for Christmas is a delightful read. It captures the imagination straight away and I was rooting for each of the siblings to have their relationships work out and have each of their Christmas wishes come true.

The festive frolics start when Lucy Clarke heads for Scotland determined to try to save her beloved company and help her boss from having to make redundancies. All she wants to do is deliver her business proposal to Ross Miller and leave; but when she's mistaken for Ross's girlfriend, she's welcomed in with open arms.

By the time the misunderstanding is discovered, a snow storm hits, and Lucy finds herself an unexpected guest to the Miller family Christmas get-together. But secrets are being kept and tensions start to rise. Will the Miller's have the happy Christmas they hope for?

I have to say that I found it hilarious when the family met 'actual Lucy'. This family is slightly crazy, but so warm and welcoming that I think anyone would want to spend Christmas with them.

Sarah Morgan has wonderfully created the warmth and joy of Christmas, as well as the tensions that can rise when families get together. Snowed in for Christmas is fantastically funny in parts and emotional in others.

I really enjoyed each of the characters and their story arcs. But I especially loved Clemmie and Fergus, I found myself wishing for more of them, and I'd happily read a book of their own if the author ever decided to tell more of their story.

This book will leave you feeling warm-hearted, wishing for a white Christmas and a plate of scrumptious shortbread!

Grab yourself a cup of hot chocolate, sit by a cosy fire and enjoy this fabulous festive treat from Sarah Morgan.

Pass the shortbread; I need a reread!

Five festive stars!


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This was such a great story, I struggled to put it down and kept finding excuses to pick it up and read some more. It is so well written and the story flows effortlessly. I quickly became wrapped up in the lives of the Miller family and wanted to be part of their Christmas too.

Lucy Clarke arrives at the home of Ross Miller to leave a business proposal but due to a mix up is invited in. Following an accident and a blizzard, she gets trapped there and quickly learns what it is to be part of a big family with all their upsets, compassion, love and laughter.

I loved Lucy, her character was so well written that I liked her straight away and wanted her to find her happy family Christmas. All the Miller family were wonderful, kind, complicated and loving. Nanna Jean was great and made me laugh. Fergus was so sweet, I loved the way he was with his niece and Clem. They were just wonderful characters.

If you want the perfect Christmas read, that will make you smile and get that warm Christmas feeling then I cannot recommend this romance highly enough. Although the plot was a little obvious it made no difference to my total enjoyment of reading the story.

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A perfect winter story, get cosy and enjoy this book, it had me laughing and crying. I love Nanna Jean, we should all be more like her!

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It has been a while since a book has hooked me in from the beginning, and finding it hard to put down. But Snowed In For Christmas did that for me.

Douglas and Glenda Miller, together with Nanna Jean are getting ready for Christmas with their (grand)children at home. This Christmas seems to be extra special as Alice will bring home her boyfriend to meet her parents and grand-mother.

But the Miller siblings, Ross, Alice and Clemmie, are determined to avoid any of the well-meaning questions about their love lives, going as far as creating a fictional girlfriend for Ross to deflect attention.

Lucy, having worked on a marketing campaign in the area, plans to drop off a marketing proposal at the Miller house for Ross. Hoping to score a new client in the new year, that her company is in desparate need of.

But dropping of her proposal leads to confusion and before Lucy knows it, she's stuck with the Millers, Snowed In For Christmas.

This was my first book by Sarah Morgan and I absolutely loved it. Each chapter alternates between the different characters which gives the book a wonderful flow.

Snowed In For Christmas is a wonderful uplifting Christmas romance!

Thank you NetGalley and HQ for my eARC in return for my review. My opinions are my own.

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Lucy has a plan, after she tried and failed many times to get an appointment with the CEO of a sports company in order to pitch him a new ad campaign she has decided to track him down to his family home to had the proposal personally.

The plan backfires quickly though since she didn't expected to be snowed in Scotland with his whole family and the moment she arrives to be confused for Ross' girlfriend days before Christmas.

One unexpected thing happens after the other which resulted in having to stay there, which really isn't that bad, if you don't mind having to spend a holiday with a group of strangers, who all have their own problems but they are all so welcome and the alternative is to spend Christmas alone.

The book has multiple povs and it was very interesting to see all the angles and different dynamics in this story. I love the snowed in concept and this along with the family concept was wonderful to see. Also there is more than a romance in the book which is always a bonus.

* I received an ARC and this is my honest opinion.

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I absolutely loved this book. I couldn’t put it down. I instantly liked Lucy, she’s the kind of person you’d want as a friend. At first I was unsure about Alice but she definitely grew on me, in fact there wasn’t a character I didn’t like. This story has left me feeling so Christmassy I actually wish I could put up my tree! It felt like the perfect ending to a wonderful story. Sarah Morgan at her finest.

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This book has it all.

Christmas spirit, a cast of witty characters and of course it is brimming with family, friendship and first loves.

Not forgetting the all important happy ever after.

So where should I start?

First of all we have the lovely Lucy, who is a talented marketing professional. However right now the firm she works for is on the brink of collapse. With rumours of job losses, Lucy is worried because she adore her job, especially after everything she's been through to reach this point in her life.

Then there are the three Miller children, who all live in London but are planning on having a traditional family home in Scotland. Ross runs his own firm, Alice is a successful doctor and Clemmie works as a very sort after Nannie. But each of these siblings have a secret or two they're hiding so this December might be a little more dramatic than any of them are hoping for.

When Lucy decides to bring a marketing proposal to Scotland where Ross Miller lives in a bid to help save her bosses company, she only wants to stop by and drop off the proposal. However a huge snowstorm has other ideas and makes it impossible for her to leave.

All stuck together, it's a question of how much chaos can happen and how many truths will be uncovered? With all the Miller family chaos over the holidays, which secrets will get out, and how will this family cope?

I just adored this story.

Wonderfully uplifting.

Lucy has had her share of grief in her life, starting with her parents dying when she was young, and then her grandmother (who raised her) passing away just two years ago. So I felt hopeful from the get go.

It's one of those stories that just gave me all of the feels.

A case of mistaken identity leading the way for meddling family members and a few Christmas miracles.

Yes there are problems to face but the way they were all approached was wonderfully heart-warming.

The dialogue between all of the characters had me in fits of laughter. A big shout out to Nanna Jean who with her rather unique charm, managed to really a bring the family together in a crisis.

It really is the perfect cosy holiday read and has all the makings of a Hallmark movie.

I'm already counting down the days until Christmas.

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If you want to get into the Christmas spirit this is definitely the book. It’s only September and I now can’t wait for Christmas. Perfect Christmas romance with all the trimmings. Though you better have the ingredients for shortbread in the house before you start reading!

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This book wasn’t right for me at this time. I’m a mood reader but I’m stuck in a slump right now. I struggled with the long chapters most of all but the read was ok just not my favourite

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I'm a sucker for Hallmark like Christmas novels and this one was perfect. The setting is fabulous, Scotland, and the quirky and lovely characters made me wish I could spend some time with them.
Sarah Morgan is an excellent storyteller and this is a festive, heartwarming and compelling story.
Many thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for this ARC, all opinions are mine

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