Member Reviews

A heartwarming Christmas book, I enjoyed it even though I’m sitting round the pool in Cyprus. If you enjoy Christmas and romance and interesting characters this is the book for you

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Lucy is a workaholic desperate to help her boss and their struggling firm bring in new business… so she takes a bold risk…
Loveable characters in a festive setting. The perfect feel good book in the run up to Christmas.

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This is a perfect, feel-good, cosy up with the fire and Christmas tree lit behind you kind of book. Perfect Christmas read, simple and easy! This is a first for me by the author and one I enjoyed and would read more of their work. The book cover is eye-catching and appealing and would spark my interest if in a bookshop. Thank you very much to the author, publisher and Netgalley for this ARC.

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It's a Sarah Morgan book. What more do I need to say? Sarah Morgan has long since been an autobuy for me and this lovely book lived up to every expectation. Just lovely.

Thank you to NetGalley and to the publisher for allowing me an early peek at this lovely book in exchange for an honest review. I was thrilled my request was approved.

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I enjoyed this snowy Christmas story so much. The three Miller siblings are all unattached. Maybe some

Yuletide magic will help when they are snowed in and can't escape true love,

An atmospheric, uplifting book about family life, new beginnings, and trust. Warm and charming,

simply a joy to read.

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Who doesn’t love a good Sarah Morgan book? Would Christmas even be Christmas without a Sarah Morgan Christmas story? This one doesn’t disappoint, Another great story with great characters all set to the Christmas backdrop. What’s not to love. Definitely recommend for your Christmas reading!

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Absolutely loved this book and the range of emotions it generated. Everything from laughter to tears, and some warm fuzzy feelings too. This book is so enjoyable and leaves you wanting so much more!!

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Another great Christmas read from Sarah Morgan. I really enjoyed this story it is set in a remote Scottish location where the Miller family live and Glenda likes nothing better than having all her family home for Christmas, but they are all having problems in one way of another and when a snowstorm leaves them snowed in it's not all fun and festivities. There are some great characters especially Nana Jean who I really loved and they all have issues to sort out but can they finally find happiness so they can get the happy Christmas they all want .Highly recommend Christmas read

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Although I found this story a little hard to get into I really enjoyed it. Lots of interesting events occur in the build up to the Miller Family Christmas. Three siblings who live in London return to Scotland to spend Christmas with their parents, Grandmother and friends. Each of these three have relationship issues which are about to be revealed. This year a traditional White Christmas is an enjoyable read that I would recommend at any time of year.

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I was very excited for this book when I got accepted to read this ARC even though it is September! I was instantly transported straight to a remote Scottish highland village. This book is definitely a light hearted read, the characters are relatable and you will get into the festive spirit after reading this. If you have never read anything by Sarah Morgan before you are in for a treat! I read this book in a few days and once you start you won't put it down. One things about this book I would have liked Clemmie and Fergus relationship to be developed a bit more. However I really enjoyed this book and would highly recommend you to read it this Christmas.
Huge thank you to Netgalley and HQ stories for sending me this ARC in exchange for my honest review

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I expected nothing less! another great great book from Sarah and set during my favourite season so even better! Loved it

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I am flying through my Festive reads of 2022 already and it is looking like a wonderful year for Christmas storylines. Sarah Morgan is a firm favourite and a go to author of mine when it comes to festive novels because she is one of few who has a very festive looking cover but follows it up with a full Christmas setting too. This year is no exception with her new book Snowed in for Christmas getting me in the mood for Christmas already.
The Millers are all coming together in the Scottish family home for Christmas but they are all dealing with issues at the moment that they want to avoid their family picking up on but family always have a way of chipping away until the truth comes out! What they hadn’t anticipated was an unexpected house guest who is desperate to flee the family home but finds herself snowed in at Christmas with a family full of drama!
As we have come to expect with all of Sarah’s books we are introduced to a big cast of characters typically alternating between three main characters this time it is Alice, her sister Clemmie and the lovely Lucy. As well as these three much loved women we also are embraced by the whole of the Miller family and they all as so well developed that before long I felt like I was one of the family embracing family traditions and being surrounded by family love and drama!
My absolute favourite standout character was Nanna Jean, she was mischievous and had a wicked sense of humour and a no-nonsense attitude that I loved. I can’t remember the last time I actually found myself laughing out loud whilst reading and this cheeky woman got a couple of chuckles out of me!
We have the wonderful warmth and support of a loving family as well as struggles that many people face typically surrounding relationships. With the snowy backdrop and mouth-watering shortbread baking which sent my cravings off on a mad one, this was a perfect feel good festive read.

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Christmas perfection.

I got this thinking it would be a rom com, but what I got was a brilliant family story with a sprinling of festive romance.

I warmed to all the characters especially well-meaning Nanna. I
The writing and story felt right, it flowed perfectly and left me wanting to know what happened next.

Fully recommend for a festive cheer up.

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Lucy Clarke, an enthusiastic marketing wizard in London, and along with the entire workforce, attends a meeting organised by the CEO of the business Archie. They already know that the business has lost accounts and they can see the worry on Archie’s face. Lucy is in charge of the Christmas ‘special deal’ of heated gloves and arranges to travel up to Scotland to get some advertising photographs featuring reindeers. Then she will use influencers to advertise their product ready for a pre-Christmas launch. She is determined to help save the company. She loves her job and the staff are tightknit and hardworking. She comes up with a portfolio of ideas to enhance Ross Miller’s business. She tries to get in touch with Ross Miller Active, based in London, a clothing and fitness empire that is an up and coming venture. Unfortunately Ross is unable to see her as he is on leave and due to travel home to Scotland for Christmas with his parents and siblings Alice and Clemmie. Their family home is a remote Lodge not too far from her reindeer promotion, so Lucy decides to drop in her new marketing ideas in a festive package at the family home before her train from Scotland back to London leaves the local station.
A massive snow storm is due to arrive, so Lucy hurries to Miller Lodge. Little does she know what the consequences of this plan will bring for her. It will literally change her life forever. She has no family of her own since her grandmother passed away almost two years ago. When the family invite her in to break up her long journey, Lucy feels it would be rude to refuse their hospitality. Luckily for her, Ross is delayed, but Alice and Clemmie have made up a tall story about their brother and a mysterious new girlfriend called Lucy simply to deflect the attention away from them. Jumping to the idea that their guest is Ross’s girlfriend, they cannot be more welcoming to Lucy. Alice and Clemmie go along with their deception but are worried about what will happen when Ross arrives. He will be furious with their meddling and they will have to face the consequences. They will have to run with it and say sorry when they are found out.
This is just the tip of the iceberg in this engaging story about family, pressure, secrecy, loyalty, love and longing. You have already met two unreliable narrators, misrepresenting the truth to conceal information they want to keep private. The whole family are keeping heartrending private secrets. The storyboard is full of surprises and, typical of Sarah Morgan’s talented storytelling, this poignant story is beautifully communicated. There are many narrators, each with a fantastic story to tell. The characters are skilfully envisaged and become dear to the empathetic reader. The main story is about Lucy and Ross and the ending is predictable, but that doesn’t matter at all because by then you will be hooked. The points of view from the Miller family members are a delightful addition to the main story and when all of the threads are merged and the secrets confessed, so the story becomes complete. The first third or so of the novel is a void of romantic stories but the rest is vintage tried and tested Sarah Morgan spellbinding magic.
I received a complimentary copy of this novel from publisher HQ through my membership of NetGalley and in return for an honest review. Thank you for my complimentary copy. I so enjoyed this festive feast of fiction. I loved the loving interaction of Miller family members. I loved the themes that were explored and I recommend this novel as a cosy Christmas necessity for you or to give as a present. If you have never read any novels written by this author you are in for a treat.

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Another absolute corker of a book by Sarah...absolutely loved it.

Lucy hates the festive period, reminding her of her geandmothers death a couple of years ago. Christmas will be alone for her but she intends to work, not only to keep her mind busy but also to help gain new customers for the agency in which she works, which is struggling.

She has her hopes pinned on securing a new business belonging to Ross Miller. A successful business man in the field if sportswear she decides to personally deliver her proposal to him in Scotland during his family holiday.

However, add into the mix a rather eclectic Miller family, snow that prevents anybody leaving the area, a broken ankle, fractured relationships and a meddling grandmother , the run up to Christmas was never going to be simple.

An absolute joy of a book, warm, funny, characters that you can absolutely relate to and some happy endings....highly recommend a read of this smashing Christmas hug in a book.

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Another gorgeous festive read from Sarah Morgan that wonderfully explores the intricacies of family life. Told from the perspectives of different members of the fabulous Miller family but also a total stranger, Lucy, a woman struggling to cope with Christmas following the death of her only remaining family. The novel explores the pressures of expectations from family and society, dramatically intensified by the Christmas family gathering. I loved all of the characters- especially Nanna Jean who wonderfully uses her age as a way of getting round social niceties. It’s like a mug of hot chocolate on a cold winters day- just perfect.

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If you want nuanced, realistic family drama, Sarah Morgan is one of the best. This novel covers a lot of themes: parents' hopes for their children, the pressure of perceived parental expectations, and the ability and willingness to communicate. Plus a grandmother who uses her age as an excuse to say what everyone would really rather she didn't. Alice, Ross and Clemmie all have things going on in their lives that they don't want to bring to the family Christmas get-together, but of course the truth leaks out anyway and a bit of snow-induced enforced proximity forces the issues to be sorted out one way or another. The counterpoint to the family relationships comes from Lucy, who has no family of her own and distinct misgivings about the festive season, yet is drawn into the Millers' orbit through coincidence and mischance. There's humour, heartache, so much relatable interaction, and this is another Christmas success for this author.

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A great feel good, easy read. I knew early on how the story would play out but that didn’t stop me really enjoying the book. Great characters you can’t help but like, I just wish I’d read this book in front of a fire with a Christmas tree in the corner and a glass of wine in hand! With thanks to Netgalley and the publishers for this ARC copy.

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For me a Christmas book is a story with a hug. This certainly fitted the bill. The story did not revolve around one couple but a whole family. The storyline is well defined and, with this type of romance, quite predictable. Just what you need for a quiet afternoon's read in front of a warming fire!
Thank you to NetGalley and HQ for the advance copy of this book.

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A delightful read……warm and atmospheric. As always, Sarah Morgan beautifully builds each of her characters and then intertwines their stories. The stresses and strains of this family’s life gradually unfolds as time together in their snow-locked home in Scotland forces them to face their failings and resolve family feuds.
Sarah doesn’t disappoint as the story with many strands becomes a beautifully woven whole. I was really sorry when it ended!

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