Member Reviews

*I own a physical copy*

In 2019 my health started going down hill and I didn't take into consideration what that would mean for my book reviewing. Sadly, I've been trying to play catch up for years and it's been affecting my ability to keep up with present day tasks. So I greatly apologize for this but I am going to clear out all these older review books and focus on present day. I will come back and update this review if I end up reading the book, which is very possible as a lot of these books are still ones I would like to read, I just don't think the pressure looming over me is helpful. Thank you for giving me a chance to early read these books and I am so sorry I wasn't able to provide what was needed.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the eARC.

I so wanted to love this one - I usually enjoy speculative fiction with a western twang and I was so intrigued by the premise of this novel, but I made it around a quarter of the way through and nothing has really happened. Unfortunately a DNF for me.

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This novel is a western dystopian novel about a girl that is forced to become the next Butcher. Being a Butcher in this world means to punish the people that have been judged for their crimes and were found guilty.

The story is very dark and almost tragic but I did find this to be very low on the horror. The book explores what it means to live in a world ruled by a feudal, patriarchal system in which anything you say or do might get you in trouble with the Deputies. You have to walk on eggshells to survive and keep all your limbs.

This world reminded me of The Hunger Games but in a more raw and realistic approach. Even in this patriarchal society women were the Butchers. I guess people felt more comfortable getting their fingers chopped by a woman, even though the outcome was still going to be the same.

We explore generational trauma and an oppressive society and how hard it is to break free from it. The novel felt a bit repetitive at times but the core story is that of hope and resilience. Lady Mae was a great flawed character that was just trying to navigate her reality as best as she could with the tools she was given.

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‘How should the guilty be punished?’ cover tag line.

My thanks to Titan Books for an eARC via NetGalley of ‘The Butcher’ by Laura Kat Young. My apologies for the late feedback.

This novel is a dystopian Western horror, though not of a supernatural kind. In Settlement Five if someone is found guilty of a petty crime they are subject to ‘atonements’ in which a part of their body is dismembered. Alongside the slaughter of animals, this task falls to the local Butcher. Currently the community’s Butcher is Winona. When her daughter, Lady Mae, turns 18, she'll inherit her mother's job as the Butcher.

One day Winona refuses to butcher a six-year-old boy. Settlement Five’s leaders, known as the Deputies, are not pleased and come to her house and murder Winona for refusing her duties. At the same time Lady Mae’s close friend Arbuckle flees the settlement while she is forced to take up her mother’s job.

Time passes and Lady Mae comes face to face with the Deputy who had murdered her mother. It presents her with a choice as to whether she will seek vengeance, keep her head down or flee, aware that she will be hunted down.

I am not particularly enthusiastic about Western novels, whether dystopian or not. I found this quite a weird premise. It seemed so counterproductive to cut bits and pieces off citizens and expect a community to thrive. I also found it difficult to relate to Lady Mae.

Overall, I found ‘The Butcher’ an okay read though not quite my cup of tea.

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I thoroughly enjoyed this book more than I thought i would. Although it had some moments of gore (to be expected given the title) which is not my thing. This was a very interesting story. Every time I thought that I figured out where the story was headed, I was wrong. Definitely pulls at your heartstrings multiple ways. Will be reading more by this author.

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I feel like the idea behind this was solid, but the story itself was a bit wanting. Looking at reviews, other people seemed to feel like it dragged- I didn't get that sense, but did feel that some of the inner monologue of the main character felt rather repetitive. This felt more like young adult fiction than adult, but doesn't seem to be marketed as such. Still a decent, quick read.

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This was a very different read for me, a dystopian horror romance I would say? It was a very dark tale, very gruesome at times and the ending was very bittersweet. It was split into three parts and each part was as haunting as the next. I really had no idea where it was going, and even so close to the end I was wondering how it would possibly tie up. I enjoyed the fact it kept me guessing.I felt like this novel packed a lot into it and I really enjoyed reading the main characters internal dilemma over her role in the community and the lack of choice, justice and forgiveness in her world.

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I enjoyed this and I really like the main character but I really felt for her for what she went through in this. I want to add this to my collection. Trigger warning for death, loss of a parent, loss of a partner.

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This book has a different quality about it that makes it very easy to read and make you think about it after you put it down. I highly recommend this book to anyone and everyone!

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The Butcher is an adult western dystopia where "An Eye for an Eye" is taken a bit too literally. An interesting premise and discussion of power, control, and justice; however, I was left wanting more. More information about the world. More coherent plotting. More compelling narrative. This was almost painful to read but my interest was piqued enough to see how it ended, but the ending didn't offer a satisfying payoff. I didn't enjoy this at all and I'm so sad about it.

eARC & ALC provided by the publisher via NetGalley and LibroFM for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion nor the contents of my review. Quotations are from an unfinished proof and subject to change upon final publication.

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The Butcher is a dystopian/Western revenge story with a strong romance storyline. Lady Mae is a great main character. She is brought up in a stark world where her mother is responsible for butchering criminals. As a child, Lady Mae is forced to watch the murder of her mother which then puts her in the position to become "the butcher" for the settlement.

Laura Kat Young has created a dark world where tragedy and pain are both keys to survival. I thought the idea behind this story and the characters were interesting, but the book felt a little disjointed. The first half had great build-up and suspense, while the second half was rushed and disorganized. I also was not a fan of the romance because the writing felt different in those sections.

I enjoyed it while reading it, and I would recommend it to people who like dark, gruesome dystopian tales.

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A dystopian horror with excelent twists and a powerful main character. I didn't know what to expected because I started reading without memory of the plot, and wow. It haunts you in a good way. It is dark and mysterious, and the western vibes are really well written. I just found the ending a bit... boring, comparing to the feels it brought to me during the rest of the reading.

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Imagine reading a dystopian horror novel that follows our main character. You picked the novel up reading that it was supposed to be a horror but came more off as a hallmark romance tragedy. Now the dystopian world is the only thing that is keeping you interested while reading it. However, the main character wants nothing to do with the world and blocks most of it out so there’s no longer any world building outside of the small settlement it takes place in.

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Fully aware this is 2000 & late, but I purchased my own paperback copy & finally got around to reading it and yo, this was a really good book. Super haunting, absolutely will stick with you days after you finish it.

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Dystopian western - small town horror with a coming of age story baked in. What an interesting mix of tropes/settings.

This book is heartwrenching and dark.

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The Butcher is a horror delight set in an isolated settlement in a dystopian world. When Lady Mae inherits her mother's job as the Butcher, she's expected to dismember guilty residents for petty crimes. She witnessed her mom murdered for refusing to enact death on a six year old boy. Will Lady Mae escape to the mountains, do her job, or get vengeance on the deputy who took her mother's life? Highly recommended! Be sure to check out The Butcher today.

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I loved the concept of the book, very different horror story to the “norm” I did find it to be slow in parts but overall I enjoyed it

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Wow. The Butcher was a LOT. It is scary, it is dystopian, it is strange, it is intense. It is also a bit slow at times, but ultimately I'm glad I gave it a try as Lady Mae is perhaps one of the most memorable characters I've read this year.

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Absolutely yes! I really enjoyed reading this novel. The characters were fun, it held my interest, and provided an escape from reality. I would definitely recommend!

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A dark distopian novel about a young woman singled out from birth to become the butcher - both of animals, but also the executioner... and all the hate that might imply.
This one was just not for me. Obviously, I was intregued with the premise, but I did not connect with the writing. The characters were very distant, and not very in-depth, the main character was very childlike, the discussions on guild, redemption, forgiveness and the likes got very heavy. Those are all important topics, and I applode the writer for wanting to open the discussion, but having the characters quote books to each other on the subject felt very stilted. I would have preferred the actions to speak for itself with a lighter-handed commentary.

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