Member Reviews

This is so fun! I'm always looking to update our biographies - looking forward to more from this collection!

I loved this book so much! It's written as a dialogue between two kids talking about what they learned about RBG. The format took me a few pages to get used to, but it grew on me! A fun and engaging biography about Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Kids will love learning tons of fun facts and important information about Ruth. I learned a lot too! I will definitely be adding this book, as well as the entire series, to my third grade library!

Such a great format for biographies for kids. Informative and engaging. Kids will enjoy learning about Ruth Baden Ginsburg. I am excited to have this book and many more like it in my library.

Written more like a readers theatre or script, this text is formatted differently than the average fiction or non-fiction, which will set it apart from other books on the shelves. This book is divided into chapters and involves a conversation between two children discussing interesting facts about Ruth Bader Ginsburg. There are also random sections like “Things women couldn’t do in the 1930s and 1940s” or “Stuff you don’t know about the supreme court”. There are small black and white illustrations, and comic-like scenes spread throughout, as well as very well-spaced text and a good about of white space on a page, making it less intimidating. With the choice to make this book more script like, there are less long paragraphs, with excess or difficult vocabulary. The interesting facts are more accessible to readers who are not overwhelmed by large paragraphs. As a grade 3 teacher, I would recommend this book to parents of children in the age 7-11 range. Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for giving me the chance to read and review this book!

Dan Gutman does a good job of holding the attention of children with his books. This one was fun and filled with great information about RBG! I enjoyed it and my daughter liked reading it and looking through it with me.
Can't wait to share it at the library.
Thanks NetGalley for this ARC!

What a fun book! Fun and informative. You get so caught up in the very realistic banter between siblings Turner and Paige (get it?) that you don't even realize how much you're learning, learning about not just Ginsburg but history and equal rights in the process. The fact the banter occasionally makes a brief detour, ie Turner and his thing for prunes, makes it all the more fun as Paige's response is very sister-like. There's even a section called "Mushy Stuff", which reminds us all the more of the probably target audience's age.
I liked the format. It made for a quick read and didn't dwell on any one specific fact for long, making things seem to move along all the more faster. True, as an adult reader I found myself wanting to know more at times but, hey, this wasn't written for me. That I thoroughly enjoyed it, however, speaks volumes for the humor and skill with it shown by author Dan Gutman. The artwork is simple but effective and even though there were reminders in the digital copy I read that the artwork wasn't final, it worked. The siblings' tone, I might note, even while lighthearted and occasionally playful, was respectful, even while revealing, say, RBG's lack of driving and cooking skills. Good thing her husband learned to cook, and cook well, huh? He was also the designated driver, so to speak.
Bottom line, this one is a winner and should appeal to both adults and the target audience of children. There is much to be learned, not just about Ginsburg but the times she lived and influenced. You know, considering the fact no law firm would even offer her a job after she graduated law school, Harvard, at that, she did okay, I'd say. No, better than okay. She became THE Notorious RBG.
Thanks #NetGalley and #WWNorton&Company - #NortonYoungReaders for the chance to get to know this remarkable woman better.

A cute informal biographer of the notorious RBG! The format of this is in the style of two siblings talking to each other about RBG's life. I thought it was really cute and really informative! I think this would be a great way to teach kids about such an important figure.
I received my copy from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

Received a copy of this book from NetGalley. The book holds the readers attention and provides a lot of facts about Ginsburg. Great introductory book for kids about Ginsburg