Member Reviews

It’s hard not to sound like I’m gushing, as I review this book, but it really is rather special. Samantha Tong has created a group of people who couldn’t be less likely to be connected, yet they work perfectly. The story examines the loneliness of life’s misfits with a kindness that should be more common in the modern world.
As the synopsis explains, Dolly is feeling bereft after the loss of her sister, Greta. Her life has taken a downward spiral and her lack of self-care has reached challenging limits. Craving some of the routine that she enjoyed with her late sister, Dolly visits a lost luggage auction, as they had done together for years. Digging through the case that she buys, she discovers a notebook with a list of firsts, which captures her imagination, and offers an opportunity to reunite some of the items with their original owner.
Dolly has an eclectic mix of friends which include Leroy, her retired neighbour and Flo, the eleven-year-old daughter of her other neighbours. She also has a fish who she dotes upon. As the story progresses, we witness this rag-tag group each discovering their own potential, and their transformations are beautifully handled.
I cannot tell more of the story without running the risk of revealing spoilers, which is something that I would hate to do. The layers of this story are carefully crafted, and as they are peeled back, the reader and Dolly learn more about a past that is filled with assumptions and heartbreak.
Picking a favourite character, other than Dolly, is a simple task; I just adored young Flo and her story arc. I found myself willing her to find the love and acceptance that she was craving and to find a way to bond with her parents.
This book is an absolute triumph and I feel privileged to have been able to read an advance copy. It’s going straight in as one of my books of the year.

This was not for me. Dolly was insufferable and I found her history odd. Holing up with only her sister for nearly 50 years before realizing she wasted her life. The luggage bit was more odd than twee to. I’m not sure why this just didn’t do it for me.

I received this arc in exchange for an honest review, through NetGalley, and I’d like to thank everyone involved in allowing me early access.
“Lost Luggage” is an interesting story in the sense we meet characters very different from each other that, somehow, end up changing each others’ lives in a positive way. When I say very different, I really mean it, as we get retired people and children, members of the LGBTQ community and heterossexual couples. We have a very diverse set of characters and I think it worked really well. We don’t feel it to be a requirement, something there just because it’s what it’s currently done, we feel we could easily meet these people in our daily lives and I think this is one of the strong aspects of the book.
TW: death of a relative, grief, food disorders, cancer
I think the story unfolded in a pretty predictable way, which I didn’t appreciate that much. However, there are interesting conversations between the characters and there is an evident growth in the characters throughout the book. I think it’s a great read in bringing awareness to food disorders, which we don’t usually see so we might not really know what they feel like. I would recommend if you are looking for a more character focused narrative with meaningful conversations, rather than a cheesy romance you will forget in a couple of days.
This review will also be available on my GoodReads profile and later on, on my Instagram account - @cat.literary.world

Samantha is one of my favourite authors so I was really looking forward to this and yes she didn't disappoint! Her books are so enjoyable and I felt really connected to the characters. 5 stars

You never stop learning and this is certainly true for everyone but especially the characters in this book.
Dolly and Great have been there for each other through all the ups and downs that life has to bring them. There is nothing that they haven't managed to get each other through.
But now Dolly is alone as Greta Dolly's sister and best friend has sadly passed away leaving a gaping hole in Dolly's life.
Dolly and Greta used to have a tradition that they did every year. Ever year they would attend the lost luggage auction and in memory of her sister Greta, Dolly decides that she must attend.
It is here where one of the lots is a lost suitcase, in amongst the normal clothing, underwear, shoes, ect Dolly finds a notebook. But not any notebook. This notebook belongs to a lady who is a recluse and who has hardly stepped outside of the comfort of her four walls of her house for an entire year. While reading the notebook Dolly discovers that she relates to the writings inscribed in more than one way, and with the help and support of her neighbours, Leroy and Flo. Dolly decides that she is going to live out the year of firsts that Phoebe the lady who wrote the notebook had planned.
Not only does Dolly find herself on a mammoth journey of self discovery. But the notebook also opens the doors to secrets and a mystery. But are all secrets best shared? Or are some left hidden?
This is a really well written book,. It is joyful, uplifting, happy, sad, funny and moving. I adored the characters of the story and was rooting for Dolly all the way through. I recommend this book to all.

I would firstly just like to say a big thank you to Rachel’s Random Resources, who very kindly forwarded me an arc copy of this book, for my Kindle, in return for my honest review.
Lost Luggage is as it suggests, a story about one lost suitcase - two strangers - and a notebook that will change lives.
We follow the story of Dolly who goes to a lost luggage auction and bids on a suitcase that will change her life in so many ways.
I love this author’s books, so when I saw this one I just had to read it and I definitely wasn’t disappointed.
All through this story I just kept thinking that I didn’t know that lost luggage auctions were even a thing!!!
This was a wonderful, heartwarming book and may have bought a tear to my eyes…..

There’s something extra special about a book that feels personal to you and that’s exactly what Sam manages to create with hers, and it’s not just because the location is pretty much on my doorstep! But the fact it is is amazing and really transports me into the books as I feel like I’m walking the same steps and streets as the characters and really puts me into the story.
I love the idea of this book, the idea of those lost and forgotten suitcases hiding hidden treasures (or a bunch of dirty clothes) but then the owners being reunited with sentimental items that they thought of as lost forever. The list of firsts is also a really nice idea and I almost prefer that to a bucket list, especially how ‘normal’ some of the items may have been when you first look at them.
So often what we see on the outside isn’t anything like what the person is like on the inside and I love reading Sam’s books because they peel back the layers of the characters and you feel like you get to know the true version of them.
Little Flo though was my favourite character of the book, such a bundle of energy and just a Ray of sunshine throughout, even when she was struggling with things herself! I think the overall message of this book was to keep trying and not give up, friends can appear at any point in your life and they really will get you through everything.
This was just such a lovely, heartfelt, joyous and emotional book that I couldn’t get enough of! I loved it, thank you Sam!

Thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for an early review copy.
I was hooked from the beginning.
A story that focuses on different relationships family ones, romantic ones and friendships.
It’s the story of Dolly, who has recently lost her sister, and is getting used to life without her. They both loved going to auctions, ones that sold unclaimed airline luggage, after winning it, they would, at home, try working out who would’ve owned it, if they couldn’t, they’d either donate or sell the items it held.
For the first time after her sister passed away, Dolly attends an auction and bids on something that changes her life. Once home, she finds that the item contains a notebook with a list of ‘firsts’ in it. She decides to do the list, along the way she meets some new friends as well as old ones. There’s some twists along the way as she works through the list.
The characters were lovely, relatable and ones I’d be friends with. When the book ended, I wished it hadn’t as I enjoyed being a part of Dolly’s life.
I recommend this book.

It took me a little while to get into this book, but once I did, I was hooked. I loved that the main protagonist was in her seventies. How refreshing. Her story was really intriguing, including lost suitcases and a lost love. I loved Dolly's group of friends, all different ages. A warm, inclusive story. Thanks NetGalley for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

A lovely book. We join Dolly trying to get to grips with grieving after her sister died. Through their hobby of buying lost property at auction Dolly is plunged into new situations and learns to take control of her life again by meeting new people and helping them and also finding people from her past......... All this helps her start again and to enjoy life.
I thoroughly enjoyed all the characters and how they jelled together and made a wonderful story.

I was so lucky to have been able to read an advanced copy of this book. Having read previous books by Samantha Tongue, I think this one is probably my favourite to date. The book starts with a lost luggage auction, (which I love the idea of this setting) where Dolly, the lead character, purchases a case that leads her on an unexpected journey of discovery. This book deals with some emotional matters in such a delicate and empathetic way, the characters interweave effortlessly and I think some of them are quite relatable. An absolute must read.

I found the premise of this book absolutely intriguing and I really wanted to love it but I found it so poorly written that it was a struggle to finish.

The book was very well written and flowed well. The plot was great. Everything I thought it would be from the description. It had every emotion thrown in. Great author

This is a deep emotional book but one that needs reading. Good characters that interact well and make for a very good book.. 5 stars
Thanks to Netgalley and publisher for this ARC

Thanks, NetGalley!
I wanted so badly to love this book, but it took forever to grow on me. I didn’t feel fully invested in the characters until there were ~100-150 pages left. As it neared the end, the writing pulled me in much more and invoked emotion. Prior to that, I feel I brushed over unnecessary details and rolled my eyes at some of the predictability. The ending saved it and made the read feel worth it

I loved this read. Thought-provoking, entertaining, and a complete delight!
Before picking up this read, I hadn't previously read anything by Samantha Tonge; however, I will certainly be picking up her work in the future.
If you like storylines based around having second chances in life or living life to the fullest regardless of age, this book is for you! The writing style was engaging and entertaining, achieving an excellently executed conclusion. The characters were individually likeable, making this a read to get lost within.
I finished this with my bucket list in my mind. What's on yours?

Samantha Tonges' books just get better every time!
True, I'm a total sucker for multigenerational, friendship, uplifting yarns, but this has it all in spades and a plot device that I didn't even know was a thing - lost luggage auctions! Brilliant!
Heartfelt, emotional and uplifting - a wonderful autumn read!

I like finding older heroines and Dolly certainly fits the bill. Friendship across the generations plays a huge part in this story as neighbours Leroy and Flo, and later Phoebe, give Dolly all the support and encouragement she needs to start enjoying life again after her sister's death. There are secrets revealed, big decisions taken, and moments of joy too as Dolly slowly rediscovers who she truly is. And I just loved the fish!

A lovely book that was much deeper than I existed, but in a good way
An enjoyable read that you won't be disappointed in!
Many thanks to the author, publisher, and NetGalley for the advanced copy of the book.

This is a story about all kinds of relationships, family ones, romantic ones and friendships. It follows the story of Dolly who is coming to terms with the recent loss of her sister. One activity they both loved was going to auctions that sold airline luggage which was not claimed. They would take it home and see if they could find clues to who owned it, and if not would sell, donate or recycle the items inside.
Dolly goes to the auction for the first time without her sister, and bids on a lot that ends up changing her life. She finds a list that has lots of ‘firsts’ on it. Dolly decides to carry out the list herself, and finds some new and old friends along the way. It’s not smooth sailing, and there is a twist or two along the way.
I really loved the characters in this book, as whilst some of them are not always nice, that what was felt realistic about it. It really made me think about my own life and the relationships in it. By the end I felt a part of the group, and I was a bit sad when the book drew to a close, as I really enjoyed being a part of their world for a while.
Thank you to Boldwood Books and NetGalley for my free advanced copy. This review is my own honest opinion