Member Reviews

The London Girls yet again another fantastic historical fiction set in WW2 by the excellent Soraya M Lane. I did not know much the motorcycle dispatchers and how they used women to free up the men but I can assure you that I am going to research this more throughly. I absolutely loved this book by the characters and the storyline. You know you are reading a great book when it makes you laugh one minute than cry in sadness the next.

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I love Soraya Lane, and even though her novels are formulaic, this one was fantastic! She always writes from the perspective of three women, each usually with love interest, set in World War 2. I know it, and I’m still here for every single one of her books. This one was really great. I highly recommend if you like WW2 historical fiction.

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I really enjoyed reading this book it is a strong historical fiction. I loved it because it was so different from other books I have read. The occupation that the women choose is full of danger and I for one found it exhilarating.

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I received early access to The London Girls by Soraya M. Lane through NetGalley, however I did not finish it until after publication. This is my second novel by Lane and I think she has become a new favorite author for me and automatic purchase. Her goal in novels is to highlight the heoric women of WWII and their contributions to the war effort. In The London Girls, Ava, Olivia, and Florence are wrens who become the first female motorcycle dispatch riders and ambulance driver. I loved the friendship these women developed. Lane takes us on their nightly adventures during numerous bombings of London including the night of the blitz. There was even a little romance mixed into the story line as well. This is a must read historical fiction novel!

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Once again, another fabulous book based on real people and events which I find so interesting and informative. This type of historical fiction always draws me in. 3 women who didn’t know each other before they joined the WRENS .

The Women’s Royal Naval Service (WRNS), also known as the Wrens, was formed in 1917 during the First World War, as a branch of the Royal Navy.

The initial intention behind the Wrens was that the service would free up men for frontline action by serving in roles such as cooks, dispatch riders and sail-makers.

Olivia, Ava, and Florence come from different backgrounds and home lives but after joining the WRENS they wanted to do all they could for their country and signed up to be motorcycle dispatch riders. Navy dispatch riders, all women who deliver urgent orders and messages between headquarters and military units. These women performed bravely and heroically in London. The women willingly risk life and limb for their country.

Pub Date 08 Nov 2022

I was given a complimentary copy of this book.

All opinions expressed are my own.

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Soraya M Lane does it again. I was lucky enough to get a ARC of this book from NetGalley and Lake Union Publishing. I am never disappointed by any book I’ve read by Ms Lane, and this book was no different. Anyone who asks me for historical fiction recommendations hears her name.

The London Girls is about motorcycle dispatch riders. Three women, Olivia, Ava and Florence meet when they try out to ride. As the bombs fall in London, we follow these three courageous women through their experiences. Death surrounds them at every turn, like in any instance of war, but you see the strength of their friendship and relationships with others withstand all the ugliness.

Another spectacular WWII book.

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Such a great books about women in London during WWII who risked their lives to deliver important was documents and drive ambulances. Bombs killed some of them, but yet there were people who didn't think it was a women's place to be involved. Lots of respect for them from me. An exciting story.

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FANTASTIC READ! An Historical Fiction set during WWII. We come to know the main characters very early on. Ava, Olivia and Florence. Each keeping secrets from the others about their personal lives. Ava and Olivia find what a home should feel like living with Florence and her grandmother’s home. The girls go from being WRENS. Once they have been on the jobs for six months , they see a flyer recruiting motorcycle riding dispatchers. Avery dangerous job, currently performed by men that are needed on the front lines. Tol opihe girls made the cut both Ava and Olivia. Florence was reassigned to Ambulance driver. Another necessary job to perform. I can’t find enough words to praise this book and highly recommend.. Special thanks to the following for allowing me to read. All opinions are totally my own. My first book by Soraya M. Lane but it won’t be my last. Looking forward to the next.
Pub Date: 08 Nov 2022
Go out now and get a copy for your treasure of a weekend read.

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Thank you Netgalley for the opportunity to read and review this.

I really enjoyed reading this and found myself crying at the end.

Based during WWII, three women, Olivia, Ava, and Florence all respond to a notice for motorcycle dispatch drivers, and upon meeting each other, they become fast friends. However, only Olivia and Ava pass the test, and Florence, showing her driving skills and not her motorcycle skills becomes an ambulance driver instead.

Each woman has their own reasons for joining up, and you learn more about them from their point of view in each chapter.

A gripping and touching story that will leave you in tears.

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I love books set around the Second World War, especially in my home town of London so I was excited to read this book.
From the start the characters came across as credible, relatable and as a reader I quickly became invested in their stories.
The book was fast paced and exciting with many emotional moments. I thoroughly enjoyed it and it gave me an insight into as aspect of the war that I knew nothing about.

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Many thanx to NetGalley, the author and the publishers for allowing me to read and review this book.

A story about WW2 and a wonderful new look at the brave women who risked all to help win the war!! Great characters and down to earth scenarios. Very brave young girls who volunteer to be motorcycle messengers in London.
Enjoyed this story as I have this author's other books.

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Based on historical fact it is a heart warming and gripping story about WRENs who risked their lives as motorcycle dispatch riders in WWII. All the horrors of war are honestly described, as are the attitudes towards women and their ‘proper’ roles, which had to be challenged and defeated by brave and determined women.

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A most enjoyable and emotional story and my first taste of this author. I look forward to any further titkes.

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Thank you to Net Galley and the publishers for the chance to read and review this book. The opinions expressed are my own.
Soraya M. Lane is one of my favorite historical fiction writers, so I was very happy when I was approved to read and review this book. This is the story of three brave women who became motorcycle dispatch riders during the Great War (1941). This job was very dangerous because they were delivering highly classified orders throughout the city. They had to be very careful and use their wits so they would not get caught. This story takes place in London, so the title is perfect! I really liked this book! The young women were very likable, and they all had their own back story. I admire the strength and courage it took to do this incredible job. Highly recommend to all historical fiction fans!

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Three young women meet at a WREN recruitment drive to find motorcycle couriers. WW2 is still in its early stages and women were deemed the last choice.
The story highlights the commitment these women had in their role in delivering messages to various establishments.
Through the pages we see plenty of love, friendship, loss and heartbreak.
Do these women and their love ones survive the war?

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The thing that I love most about reading is learning something new. This is especially true for historical fiction and even more so when it’s with authors like Soraya who are so passionate and meticulous. In all my years of reading about WWII I had never heard of female motorcycle dispatch drivers (Soraya admits this as well in her author notes) so when I saw this novel was about such an intriguing topic I couldn’t resist! This is my first by her but it absolutely won’t be my last!

During the time of the London Blitz, Olivia, Ava, and Florence all respond to a notice for motorcycle dispatch drivers at the head office where they all work as Wrens for the Women’s Royal Navy Service (WRNS). Women were needed to free up men to go to the front. Each of the women has their own unique reason why they want to sign up for such a dangerous task, each compelling in their own way. Olivia and Ava pass the test and Florence has the driving skills but not the motorcycle skills so she becomes an ambulance driver instead.

This gripping story is told in alternating narratives, each from a different woman’s perspective. The heart, bravery, grit, and friendship are solid throughout. Although it would seem that it would be constant sadness there are funny moments and of course poignant times as well. But, yes, keep the tissues handy.

The speed at which I added the rest of Soraya’s historical fiction catalog to my TBR list could rival Ava’s around a track.

Note: there are a few historical inaccuracies but the author explains these in her notes with good reason.

Thanks to NetGalley, Amazon Publishing UK, and Lake Union for an early review copy!

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This is a book that doesn’t deserve to be put down! Joining the Wrens for various reasons, Ava for the freedom away from her controlling father, Florence to get away from her memories after losing her family in the blitz and Olivia to honour her brothers who are away fighting in the war. The girls soon become friends, meeting up when they get the chance. They even share family, notably Grandma Ivy who made me think of my own.
I read this book late into the night as I worried about the girls going about the city doing dangerous war work.
It’s the first book I’ve read about despatch riders. I had never thought about people during this time feeling guilty about being happy for birthdays, weddings etc when there was so much destruction and lose of life going on round about them.

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3 Wrens all are tempted by the offer to swap their admin roles at Norfolk House to become dispatch riders based from London releasing the men to the front line where they are needed for the War effort

Yes it's the 2nd World and its set in 1941 any things are changing it may of seemed strange at the time its a very different era! Ava a confident and beautiful lady (the authors descption not me being sexist she is described as a head turner and she loves it. Her new friends Olivia and Florence (Flo) are aot calmer and all prove more than able in the roles they take on and are a vital cog in the war machine that gave us victory. Hope that's not a plot spoiler but think most people know we won the war (the Allies) and its the men and women of the time that gave their lives and so much that we can have the life we have today. Times were a lot harder than they are today but think that's well established despite Covid and Putin.

Anyhow back to this wonderful novel that highlights just how valuable the women were as well as the men and the often forgotten but vital role they played. This plot has a lot of veriity a that I loved a touch of romance (not my favourite but this was really week done) lots of action in truth as it was at that time. I really enjoyed the characters the back stories how well it all was quilted together. There was a lot of loss family friends all loved one unfortunately that's what happened. I never realised the skill and bravery that these Ladies had to ride motorbikes at night with their lights of much of the time to avoid being seen in the blitz. If I see others driving or riding without lights at night now I can honestly say I don't have respect. Our heroines and the many others that actually did this wow no matter who they were it tooks guts. Bombs also created obstacles as well as killed.

Obviously that was all a big part of this great Novel but there was also the relationships the friendship as well as the lovers and family. This as I said had it all and it is a great read if your still wondering whether to get it or not my advice is YES absolutely. This is a five star read its yes informative it's entertaining and let's you escape into another time to zone out and we'll beat see for yourself.

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I loved this book! The story was an intriguing look at female motorcycle riders, and their contributions to the war efforts. The characters were so relatable I couldn't put the book down. A must read for historical fiction fans.

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Thank you to NetGalley for the ebook version. I enjoyed this book based on WWII. I have read several historical fiction books but never one about women being couriers on motorcycles. I loved the way the author had several different stories all intertwined into one amazing book. If your looking for a different take on a historical fiction book read this.

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