Member Reviews

Women filled in in almost every conceivable role that one could Imagine during WWII. What attracted me to The London Girls was the fact they rode motorcycles. I ride a Harley and so I identified with these brave gallant ladies.
I knew very little about the women dispatchers who braved the roads to roar the messages for delivery. It’s an exciting read about WRNS and the extent and lengths they went to deliver the messages no matter what.
Ava, Olivia, and Florence experience love, loss, pain, exhilaration, and patriotism and they were all brave souls.
Throw a leg over and ride into this little known path Of WWII.

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I enjoyed this book and learning about the WREN motorcycle riders. I felt for the characters and all that they went through. Highly recommend this book. I received a free e-copy from Netgalley.

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The bombing of London during the height of the Second World War is source of endless material for historic fiction. The London Girls from Soraya M Lane is one such story based around the dangerous life of the dispatch riders, who as the war dragged endlessly onward were all women volunteering from the Women's Royal Naval Service (WRNS; popularly and officially known as the Wrens).
It is 1940 and the British government has made the decision to replace the male dispatch riders with women which was not received well in the very definitely male driven corridors of power, but as the decision had been made women were being recruited to take on the dangerous, highly secretive work of carrying information across the length and breadth of London and further afield.
Ava, headstrong and somewhat spoilt is WREN working for a dashing General as his secretary when her attention is drawn to the poster advertising for recruits. Knowing nothing about motorcycles, she decides, as she is in ‘love with the General that it will give her a perfect opportunity to see the General after hours. She applies and is accepted to the course.
Olivia, also a WREN and experience motorcycle rider, working in the same Ministry is more than keen to apply and does so knowing full well she is more than capable of doing the work required. Florence also a WREN is hesitant to apply but when she meets Olivia on her way out of the Admiral’s office, she tentatively wonders if it is something she can do.
The three women decide to meet at the local Pub to talk through the exciting situation of ‘motorcycles’ and decide to enroll and see what happens. When the three women find themselves fronting up to Commander MacIntosh, call me Commander Mac, facing the first of the stringent tests, namely riding a motorcycle, they are entering a new, dangerous life which will test all three to the very limits of their emotions and lives.
Ava and Livi make the course for dispatch riders while Flo, is seconded to the Ambulance division for her excellent driving skills with a motor vehicle. Flo has deep secret and is suffering for the tragic loss of her family in one of the earlier London bombings and is not at all sure she will be able to do this job at all, let alone well.
Beautifully written The London Girls portrays well the fear, bravery, horror, enduring love and friendship that was created during these terrible years, as well as paying tribute to the many dispatch riders who undertook terrifying, dangerous work, many giving their lives to aid the war effort.
While there are some small historic inaccuracies in the storyline, Soraya Lane points these out in her Authors Notes, as well detailing a little of the history of the dangerous day of the devastating German bombing, which is the day Ava has her accident and where the story begins.

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Brilliant book loved reading yet another lovely story that has you hooked readers will also love this well done Soraya M. Lane 5*

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Thank you to NetGalley, the publisher and Soraya Lane for the chance to read this ARC in return for my honest opinion.

I have read other books by the author which have tended to be more harrowing and somehow much more difficult reads - it’s really hard to articulate.

So this was a pleasant surprise. The story of 3 Wrens fed up with secretarial pool jobs who volunteer to become dispatch riders however one is transferred to ambulance driving in light of her skills at driving 4 wheels rather than 2.

The book has love, tragedy and lots of bravery and the terrors of wartime London.

One character is infuriating but eventually sees the error of her ways, one sees so much tragedy that you think how can one family cope with it all then something terrible happens and you realise that this type of thing went on all over the country for so many families. I am a child of the late 50s so have no first hand knowledge of WW2

The writing is easy to follow. The only part that stretched my credibility was where one character had an accident on the outskirts of London and then we were given the impression she walked to Plymouth to deliver her important dispatch - which of course is impossible. It was almost as if a section had been removed from the script.

However this still doesn’t mean the book doesn’t deserve 5 stars

Great historical fiction

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London 1940 WW2.
Ava Williamson at a temporary posting in Norfolk House. The dashing general Armstrong, her time with him has been interesting and she is falling for this married man. A bit of flirting means no harm to them both she is his little sailor.
The navy is recruiting for motorcycle dispatch riders and Ava is all for the job and applies now to talk around the general and most of all her parents, it's a twenty four hour job delivering all over England and makes firm friends with Olivia Blakely and Florence New they become the London girls.
Wow what a story that I so enjoyed right through, with action and gripping chapters to be enjoyed. I loved it all from the start right till the end. 5 stars

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The London Girls
Review Score: 4 Stars

Five Key Feels

-I was immediately taken by the friendship of Ava, Olivia, and Florence.

-The story was so engrossing, I felt that I was in London during the Blitz.

-It was really interesting to learn about how women became drivers to help the war effort.

-No spoilers, but there were so much anguish in this book, you could feel how the characters felt during war.

-I really enjoyed how the story was wrapped up.


The London Girls was kindly provided as an ARC by Netgalley and Amazon Publishing UK, Lake Union Publishing. Thank you for allowing me to read this wonderful book!

Release Date: 11/8/22

The London Girls is an intense, engrossing story about women who became motorcycle and ambulance drivers during World War 2. The three women, Ava, Olivia, and Florence, all come from different paths, but are united in their desire to support the war effort, and each other.

I loved the character development in this story, as well as the detail that was put into this time period. I really felt like I was there during the Blitz, and was riding along with these girls as they worked.

I did not know much about women drivers prior to this, and really enjoyed reading about them.

I definitely recommend this book! It was so well written.

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Three woman are recruited to try to be motorcycle message carriers during WW2. One of the women gets recruited to be an ambulance driver instead. The other two pass.

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I adore the author's books, and knew I HAD to read THE LONDON GIRLS, especially as it's set during the WWII blitz, a time that continually draws me.

One of Soraya's hallmarks as a writer is to humanize horrific times in history, and she does that beautifully here through three female characters, Olivia, Ava, and Florence, who become motorcycle dispatch riders delivering top-secret orders. They risk their lives traversing London's dangerous streets as Nazi bombs drop. What a story, one I dare you to put down once you read the first page. It's thrilling, heartbreaking, must-read historical fiction!

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Just like all books by Ms. Lane, this was amazing!

This is a story of 3 friends, who become more like sisters over the course of their careers as WRN's, or Wrens, as they were nicknamed. They were pioneers during a tumultuous time in London's history, also known as The Blitz. Florence was an ambulance driver, and Olivia and Ava became motorcycle couriers.

Their lives, their families and their loves are what keep these women going, day by day, through the constant danger of being caught in a bombing blitz. They all entered these professions under different motivations, but were determined to keep at it because the roles they filled were extremely important to the war effort.

Be prepared with tissues near by, there are many happy moments but also some very sad moments. If you're a lover of historical fiction, please read this book, you won't be disappointed.

Thanks to the author, publisher and NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review this book, but my opinions are my own.

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Soraya M. Lane is one of my favorite authors of Women's WWII Historical Fiction. Her latest release stars three young, unforgettable women whose story will stay with you long after you have read the last word. Five Stars seems almost inadequate to rate this phenomenal work. This is one of those books that will have you have living this intense drama with every word that is read. Olivia, Ava, and Florence come from different walks of life, but they all joined the WRENS – The Women's Royal Naval Service (WRNS – popularly and officially known as the Wrens) was the women's branch of the United Kingdom's Royal Navy. They felt compelled to serve their country and then felt an even higher calling and volunteered for much riskier services than working in offices as Secretaries. Olivia and Ava became motorcycle couriers, daredevils of a sort, carrying top-secret messages that contain information that will help save London. Their trips sometimes take up to ten hours round trip and that is with them riding at breakneck speed and with their headlamps on only when necessary to avoid being seen by searchlighlights and drawing bombs or other artillery their way. They were told to deliver the messages even if it meant sacrificing their own lives. Florence becomes an ambulance driver amidst the bombings of London. Each of them live lives of quiet desperation. They form a bond that is closer than family. They face things together in a short period of time that most people never encounter in a lifetime. They are each other's sounding boards, supporters, encouragers, pillars of faith, and love each other fiercely. War pushes people beyond what they can imagine they can survive and that is what these three friends face. Each of them stared death in the face at one time or another, whether it was their own, the life of a loved one, the life of a friend, or a family member.

This book is a reminder of The Greatest Generation of people who lived lives when cannot even imagine! Their sacrifices have paid the way for us to live in freedom and enjoy lives and comforts this generation would have never dreamed about. This is one of my Top Ten Books of 2022.

I was provided a complimentary copy of this book by Lake Union Publishing & NetGalley. The opinions expressed here are completely my own and without influence.

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Thank you NetGalley for the advanced copy of The London Girls by Soraya Lane. I loved it! This style of story is totally my jam.
The story follows three women: Ava, Olivia, and Florence. The ladies try out to be motorcycle delivery drivers who deliver urgent war messages throughout London and the surrounding area.
It's fun to read about women riding motorcycles! I didn't find Ava all that likeable at the beginning, but I came around by the end. Olivia and Flo were likeable from the beginning, and Flo's grandma is a shining star in a secondary character along with George and Jack.
I really wish the cover was different - wish it had a motorcycle on it!
Great story, lots of action, and a dash of romance kept me flipping the pages fast!

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Another great 5 star book from Soraya. Following 3 WRENS Olivia, Ava and Florence through their experiences during WW2. The 3 girls meet up at Motorcycle dispatch driver training. 2 make it through training and 1 goes on to become an Ambulance Driver. It’s a powerful read as women were only just being accepted in this role. Thanks to Soraya and her publisher. Also thanks to NetGalley.

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Set in devastated London during The Blitz of WWII, The London Girls is all about friendships, courage, survival, romance, grief and hope in the midst of unspeakable horrors of war. In order to free up men for the front lines, women were needed to fill male-dominated jobs including dispatching packages by motorcycles and ambulance drivers. Three young ladies, all WRNS, were selected, two for driving motorcycles and one to drive an ambulance. Olivia, Ava and Florence were from very different backgrounds and met whilst applying for the positions. They became loyal friends and colleagues and shared their lives...and secrets. As bombs dropped, causing physical and mental agony, life continued, though very differently. The sole focus became survival.

The girls played a huge role, much to the chagrin of some with traditional viewpoints, but they also impressed and proved themselves under incredible pressure. Aside from the fast-paced action, there is romance as well as making poor choices. But the girls grew and matured throughout. They had to. War was their reality.

My favourite aspects are the friendships between the women as well as learning more about the dangerous delivery system which was critical, even at the cost of lives. Do be sure to read the author's notes about her inspiration and research which prompted me to read more about it.

My sincere thank you to Amazon Publishing UK and NetGalley for the privilege of reading this fabulous book.

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Based on true events, this WWII novel takes readers into the throes of war in London. Three women, each from different backgrounds set out to be motorcycle dispatch drivers to relieve the men for other duties. Through their eyes will readers will experience the dangerous mission. One will become an ambulance driver helping rescue many during this horrible time. Realistic, heartbreaking and informative. Recommended.

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Lane has written a great fictional account of three gutsy women who jump at the chance to sign up for the most dangerous jobs in WWII London. Each of the main characters is their own unique and complex personality and you will grow to root for them and their journeys. The only drawback for me is that I can’t stand cheating/infidelity in my characters/stories; it’s something that always puts me off. Other than that, this book is a well-written untold chapter in women’s history and I’m glad to have read it. I especially appreciated the additional historical info in the author’s note.

I received this eARC thanks to NetGalley and Amazon Publishing UK in exchange for an honest review. Publishing dates are subject to change.

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I just adore this authors books and this was amazing! I fell in love with all these characters. I countnt put this book down! Highly highly recommend!

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Soraya Lane is one of my “go to” authors. I know when she has a new book, I will love it! But I have to say…this may be my favorite yet!!! What an emotional story about 3 young women contributing to the war effort! Their stories will make you laugh and cry and feel like you know them personally! Absolutely loved it!!!

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Three girls riding motorcycles in the Blitz is an amazing idea. The execution though was poor. We have as the usual motive of these novels three parallel stories. Ava’s, Olivia’s, and Florence’s. Ava is the privileged one who’s having an affair with a much older superior. Olivia is the logical one. Florence is the hurt one, with her dead parents. It’s the same motive over and over again. I would like a little more writing diversity, because the idea was really excellent. It’s really slow in the beginning. We could have read from one girl’s POV who posted where. I didn’t like Ava. She was very vain. She seemed so oblivious to the war and it seemed that she where doing all this war effort just to be seen. After awhile I just didn’t care to read more. Although I did like the bond these girls had. But aside from all of that, it was as ever a great story. Soraya Lane did again a wonderful job at letting you feel it. All of it. The despair, the sadness, the love, the hope.

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Yet Another Realistic Fiction Of WWII. Lane does a tremendous amount of research for all of her WWII historical novels, then takes licenses where needed to tell the story she is trying to tell within that setting, and this tale is no different. Yet again Lane manages to bring a spotlight to a particularly deadly role in the war, that of the female motorcycle dispatch riders in the UK -where in the author's note Lane reveals that of the 303 women killed in the line of duty (of 100,000 serving), roughly one third of them were these very riders.

And yet, even in this realism we also get a remarkable sense of who these characters are and some of their all-too-real motivations, as is also typical of a Lane tale. You're going to fall in love with these women and their men, and that makes the tragedies of war all too real for the reader as well.

The only modicum of anything remotely negative here is likely at least parts of the epilogue, where Lane falls into tropes all too common in romance books (which this could *maybe* qualify as, as well?)... but here again, given the events of the years immediately after the war... even this particular thing is more real than not, and thus contributes to the very "mostly accurate" depiction Lane strives for and achieves.

Ultimately this tale does exactly what Lane set out to do - highlight these women most have never really known about, and tell tales of their lives that are all too plausible in every respect. Very much recommended.

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