Member Reviews

“You deliver those documents, even if it kills you.”

I love Soraya Lane’s books featuring unsung heroes of war! With as much wartime historical fiction as I read, I’m always surprised to find unique stories and, somehow, Lane always delivers.

Olivia, Ava and Florence will keep you spellbound as you learn about The Flying Wrens - motorcycle dispatch riders and ambulance drivers in WWII. These daredevils risked it all to deliver messages via motorbike in one of the most dangerous cities in Britain. They sped through the dark and through bomb raids to get highly time-sensitive information or severely wounded people into the right hands. Their contributions were vital yet overlooked.

“If ever there was a night she was in danger of losing her life, it was tonight.”

Imagine your nose filled with smoke, thick in the air, darkness enveloping you, and the reverberating sounds of bombs exploding, ringing in your ears as you head out - wondering if this would be your last dispatch. Oh, the courage needed!

Lane will bring this period to life with her attention to detail and her writing style and the perfectly paced plot will keep you engaged. I will remember this book due to the connection to the characters, the amazing imagery and detail, and the messages about friendship and courage.

I’m always intrigued about how a seed idea for a novel blossoms into such a wonderful book at the hands of a capable author. Lane satisfied that curiosity and left me wanting more; more knowledge about The Flying Wrens and more of her compelling stories!

If you are looking for a great book about extraordinary women during WW2, featuring a unique plot and told from the female perspective, you need to read this one.

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What a fantastic book, loved every page as it kept me looking forward to the next. It was written in a way I love, it puts you ‘there’, you are friends with the characters. Fictional history is so educational as well as a great read. Highly recommended.

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The London Girls tells the story of three strong women: Ava, who had been a debutante and whose parents expected her to be married already, Olivia, a tomboy whose three brothers are soldiers, and Florence, whose parents had been killed in a bombing and she was living with her grandmother Ivy. These 3 women filled a need during WWII when the men were called up to go to the front. All three signed up to become motorcycle dispatchers, risking their lives to deliver messages during the war. The book shared an interesting aspect of the war, one I didn't know about and one that I found quite interesting. Ms. Lane writes books that draw you in from the very beginning. Well researched, well written and totally absorbing. If you are a fan of historical fiction, this is one book not to miss!!

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A riveting story of the women who risked their lives too deliver messages on motorcycles. The three women became the best of friends but the war had brought tragedy to them all. They worked to overcome their losses and help all those who depended on them. A great read!

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Because of the need to have men available for active service during WWII, women took on many new and exciting roles. "The London Girls" is a fictional account of three girls who took on some challenging roles in London during the years of the Blitz. Two of the girls were motorcycle dispatch riders, delivering important memos to command centers all over Great Britain. Often required to deliver vital information at night during bombing raids, the girls risked their lives to make certain that the messages they carried were delivered in a timely manner. This necessitated riding at high speeds on darkened roads without the use of headlamps, for fear of attracting the attention of enemy planes. The third girl volunteered for the ambulance corps, and followed emergency vehicles through darkened London streets, often while bombs were falling, in her efforts to rescue as many as possible. I was unaware of these contributions and was amazed by the courage and strength demonstrated by these brave women. The sights and sounds of London during the Blitz changed the lives of these characters forever. The author's vivid descriptions made this story come to life. I enjoyed the information provided by the author concerning her inspiration for this novel, as well as factual information concerning the motorcycle dispatch riders. I would recommend this novel to anyone interested in WWII, particularly the roles of women during the war.

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I'm sadly drawn to WWII books. I never knew anything about "The Flying Wrens" female dispatch motorcycle riders! Great book on it's history and what they did during the war.

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The topic matter in the london girls is excellent. Great to see a profile for unsung heroes of WW2. It is also pleasing to see a story where women are told they can’t do something only to find that they have the same capacity for excellence and bravery as anyone else. Having said that, I found the narrative difficult to engage with. It was too wrapped up with the personalities of the main characters rather than the events of 1940. While it referenced those, I would have liked to see more emphasis on them.

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The London Girls is a beautiful, emotional story of friendship, bravery and adventure. I enjoyed the motorcycles the best.

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This was a great read. Fantastic characters, a wonderful story of friendship and resiliance. Every emotion was felt reading this, a few tears shed too. I would really like to see a sequel.

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Soraya has done it again. London Girls is about three young women doing their part for WW2. Ita a wonderful gripping story of friendship, adventure, bravery and love. that has you laughing and crying, so have tissues on hand. You won't be able to put it down.

Thank you net gallery for allowing me to review the ARC.

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Soraya Lane created a beautiful novel that weaves together the lives of three women Ava, Florence and Olivia. This novel takes on the focus of the women who rode motorcycles to deliver messages during WWII. These Wrens are beautiful women inside and out and face a lot within their time of knowing one another yet they support one another and encourage one another to keep going throughout. There are moments of sadness, happiness and the fear of the war is also captured. Definitely a beautiful story!

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The London Girls tells the story of three strong women: Ava, who had been a debutante and whose parents expected her to be married already, Olivia, a tomboy whose three brothers are soldiers, and Florence, whose parents had been killed in a bombing and she was living with her grandmother Ivy. All three women are members of the UK's Women's Royal Navy Service (Wrens) when they sign up to become motorcycle dispatch riders, a necessary but very dangerous job during WWII. The three become fast friends, sharing their lives with each other through hardships, triumphs, and heartbreaks. No spoilers - but this story is well written and inspiring. I have read many historical fiction books about women in WWII but I had never heard of the motorcycle dispatch riders and their heroism. Soraya Lane is rapidly becoming one of my favorite authors!

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an ARC of this novel in exchange for an honest review..

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The London Girls by Soraya M. Lane

London, 1941. The Blitz. When a Royal Navy memo arrives at head office, requesting female recruits to sign up as motorcycle dispatch riders, delivering highly classified orders across the country, three women jump at the chance to sign up for the most dangerous jobs in London.

I love the historical aspect to the authors book and the fact she weaves a brilliant story around actual fact.
A brilliant character in Olivia and her contemporaries .
Stories such as this one put me in awe at how very young people ( both males and females ) were prepared to give up everything to help to fight for king and country during the 2nd world war ,

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This is a great WWII read. I’m always interested in reading about aspects of the war that are not well known.
The British were forced to enlist women (Wrens) to become dispatchers of important war documents. These brave women rode motorcycles through blackouts, bombings and storms. The bombing of London took a high toll on the English people. The Wrens suffered casualties in their home land.
There is also an ambulance driver woven in the story. Ambulance drivers and helpers also faced bombs and burning homes as they tried to help the wounded.
War takes its toll and this story reflects the bravery and loss of the British.

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This is an excellent read. Based on historical fact it is a heart warming and gripping story about WRENs who risked their lives as motorcycle dispatch riders in WWII. All the horrors of war are honestly described, as are the attitudes towards women and their ‘proper’ roles, which had to be challenged and defeated by brave and determined women.
This book would make an excellent film - if it is not already lined up.

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One of my favourite books by Soraya M Lane is Spitfire Girls because it shows a different aspect of the war that I previously had no knowledge of and this book is exactly the same. I didnt know about dispatch riders during the war, let alone female ones so I found it really interesting to read about. I also loved the friendship between Ava, Olivia and Florence although I found Ava difficult to like at first.
I loved the author's note at the end explaining how the author balanced fact and fiction.
Another absolutely brilliant book by a brilliant author.

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“The London Girls” is a WWII historical fiction book by Soraya Lane. I’ve read a number of Ms. Lane’s previous books, so I’m familiar with both her style of writing and the usual fashion her books take (three women meet, become friends, there’s some romance, some crisis, and then a nice happy ending). In this book, we meet three women who decide to become motorcycle couriers for the UK military. There is some romance … there is some drama … and there is a crisis (or two or three). But, as Ms. Lane stated in her Author’s Notes, there was a, for me, nice change to her usual storyline. My hat’s off to you for that. If you want to read a book about the motorcycle courier WWII service - from why it started to the dangers faced as being part of this vital service, this book may be up your alley. An enjoyable WWII historical fiction book about some under-praised women doing their war effort.

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Firstly I want to say a big thank you for the opportunity to read "The London Girls" by Soraya M.Lane before the release date.

This is a story of three brave women who decide to take on a challenge which could cost their lives. Three friends sign up to be dispatch riders from WRNS, one ending up as an ambulance driver and two riding on a motorcycle.

The story of grit, courage, love and determination. I thoroughly enjoyed these beautifully written pages and found myself seeing the most thrilling movie unfolding in my mind which kept me on the edge of my seat the whole time! I have no doubt that this story will be on the big screen one day.
This story is based on many true historical events which took place during the WWII and it will leave you speechless and possibly tearful.
Thank you!

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Three women…war time..doing their best to help. Historical fiction that reads like nonfiction. This would make a great movie. This book was sent to me electronically by Netgalley for review. The characters come alive on the pages of this novel. It is as if we know them in person and hope the best for them…friendship and family…courage…looking forward..hoping…wishing…new people…the setting is, of course, important to this story because of the history happening. Enjoy this cannot put down novel.

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Soraya Lane’s latest historical fiction about women in war does not disappoint. Action-packed accounts based on real WRNS in WWII London keep you wanting to know what comes next but not wanting to end the book. I strongly recommend this book to readers of historical fiction and especially for those who enjoy books based in WWII.

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