Member Reviews
Always wanted to be inspired and get motivated but don’t want to have to read an overly long book? This is the book for you.
Enjoy, I thought it was great.
This little book reminded me to live each day to the fullest and find your purpose! The power of this book is its simplicity. It is a very straightforward no fluff kind of book! Easy and quick to read.
This is a very short little book with a lot of common-sense things that gets the reader to ponder over the topics discussed. The reading felt a little choppy as there was a lack of continuity from topic to topic. The Q & A mode of writing this book seemed a bit distracting.
This short book, true to its subtitle, is a quick read. Some of the material is common sense, some thought-provoking and some, silly (or tongue-in-cheek). It’s okay, not earth-shattering.
A nice little book. Can be read in one go. No superfluous stuff. No data. No Wikipedia stories. Just practical way to find your purpose and then following it. Its power is its simplicity. Fir such a short book review also has to be short and precise.
"What are you doing today that would make your 12 year old self cry?" This question resonated. This is the shortest book I have read yet also it is straight to the point. The author is honest and has narrowed down life values in few pages so you don't have to read hundreds of pages on what really matters in life as in reality it is much more simpler than that. I enjoyed it, thank you!