Member Reviews

I was first attracted to "The Lords Tusks" because it was set in Kenya...a country I have visited and love. I was there in the early 90s when elephant tusk and poaching in general was much so I avoided Tsavo game park as it was too dangerous.
Although a fictional tale, the sentiment is bang on. Corruption rife ànd the animals the ultimate losers. Main character Michael is in Kenya for research purposes but gets dragged into the deadly greed driven business.
The first part of the book sets the scene, introducing our characters. We learn their connections and start piecing together who is aligned with or double crossing who.
Gradually the poaching rings come unstuck as civil unrest hits the it often does in African countries. Aliases are out the window. Alot of action happens here, complicated by Michael's love connection to the daughter of the poaching kingpin.
I enjoyed the book and believe it to be a very realistic telling of the illegal wildlife trade and corruption of the region. It broke my heart when there was graphic telling of the wildlife death but in my heart I know now that efforts are being made to stop this trade. Down with poaching!!
Thanks to NetGalley, Jeffery Ulin and Black Rose Writing for my copy.

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This is a fictional book about an important subject more people should know about. In fact, several important subjects, not only poaching and illegal wildlife trade, but colonialism, corruption, recent history, as well as something that is going on now leading to death of some species.

I enjoyed the book, but they pace could have been a bit faster in the first half, and it was building up a bit too long with the feel of repetitiveness. The second half was more action, and it was definitely the better part of the book. Definitely ready to read more books written by this author!

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