Member Reviews

I love this book it was an easy one to listen to spare the gory details and the characters although unlikable were easy to read about and compelling.

This had me hooked! I found the characters a little irritating but that's what made it fun. I think selling this as a female Dexter does make sense however I would argue even though there is killing its not a DARK novel. I would say this is a fun thriller if your just getting started on the genre.

I found this to be an amazing and interesting read! And the cover is so lovely!! Looking forward to the author's next story!

This book follows Kitty as she starts to take matters into her own hands and get revenge on the men that do her and her friends wrong. But the high of killing starts to take over her life and she soon has to ask, when will she stop?
I feel like books like this are getting more common now - women killing men to get revenge for their sexist, privileged, entitled, dangerous and harmful behaviour. And don’t get me wrong, I’m all for it. What’s that quote? I support women’s rights but more importantly, I support women’s wrongs.
This is one of the best books of this kind I’ve read. And I think that is mostly down to Kitty as a character. She’s rich and a bit snobby, she barely works for her high class lifestyle and gets shit tons for free as an influencer. But she’s funny and she’s down to earth and she’s interesting to read about. I was rooting for Kitty throughout every misstep she made in this book, even when I thought she’d gone too far, because of how her character was written.
This was fast paced, with a killer (sorry, I had to) ending and I had such fun reading it. I received an audiobook through NetGalley and really enjoyed the narration - I really recommend the audiobook!

Meet Kitty Collins. FRIEND. LOVER. KILLER.
I devoured this audiobook. It was dark (dark!) but god was it fun. Took me less than 3 days to consume, I kept making up chores so I could continue listening. Brilliantly written, fantastically read. Loved it.

Enjoyment: 5
Total rating: 5
Is it healthy to describe a book about a female serial killer delightful? I hope so, as this is exactly what How to Kill Men and Get Away With It is.
Kitty is a very relatable character, even though I have nothing in common with them, well, except the dark humour. We follow her as she becomes a serial killer on a journey of self-discovery, improvement and messy situations.
Despite having a main character with dubious morals and opposing her antics, one feels compelled to admire her. With dark humour, sarcasm and wit, Brent comments on the traps of social media and toxic masculinity. Her prose is addictive. It has the right amount of sarcasm, darkness, gore, and lightheartedness.
I look forward to more from the author (and hopefully Kitty).
After reading the book, I listened to the audiobook and highly recommend it. Victoria Morrison's narration is EVERYTHING, and she captures the nuances of the character and prose perfectly.
Disclaimer: In exchange for an honest review, I am thankful to the publishers and NetGalley for providing a copy of How to Kill Men and Get Away With It

This book is what I wanted “How to Kill Your Family” to be. I was a bit nervous requesting this book as that one didn’t live up to the hype for me.
However, I enjoyed the dark humour and the tone of this book. Others have said it had similar vibes to Dexter and I agree. I think it’s having a MC/killer who is relatable, likeable and is selective over who they kill.
It was a fun, slightly warped read.

How to Kill Men and Get Away With It follows Kitty, a famous Instagram influencer who kills predatory and abusive men in her spare time. This is a fast paced and easy to read story. It’s the kind of book a lot of people describe as a “beach read.”
Surprisingly I did like reading about Kitty’s love life. I find it refreshing when an author is able to write in a romance plot without it irritating me. I also enjoyed reading about Kitty’s relationships with her friends and her parents. In general the interpersonal details were the most interesting parts of this book. I think Katy Brent’s real strength in this story was in her ability to show the different ways that Kitty was treated and perceived by the people who loved her. I like to read about the lives of fictional spoiled rich people, so Kitty being a rich influencer did contribute to a lot of the enjoyment I got while reading this. The first of the two main plot twists was easy to predict, but it being predictable didn’t make me like the story any less. The second twist wasn’t mind blowing, but I did think it was satisfying.
Kitty was an unlikable character. I almost always LOVE unlikable main characters, and in general she is intentionally written that way, but even her quips and traits that we as readers are supposed to see as “tough” or “smart” were unlikable. Sometimes it didn’t seem like Kitty had a consistent personality at all, and I couldn’t tell if that was intentional on the author’s part or if this was a flaw in the writing. All of the “feminist” content was very shallow, but I think that can be guessed just by reading the premise of this book. Because I already expected that, it didn’t necessarily disappoint me. It was still just annoying to read sometimes. The writing in this book was on the low end of mediocre to me, but it is Katy Brent’s first book, and I believe she will improve. And the writing was by no means bad enough to take away from any of the fun contained in the plot itself.
For me How to Kill Men and Get Away With It is a perfect example of a three star book. I did get some entertainment out of it, but I don’t care to recommend it to anyone else or ever read it again.

This book is so sharp you could cut yourself on it. A dark comedy about Kitty, an Instagram influencer by day and avenger of women by night. Taking a hands on approach to dealing with men who abuse women Kitty navigates a post MeToo landscape in her own unique way.
This book touches on serious subject matter but always treats it with respect and never becomes distasteful, a difficult thing to do in a black comedy.
Kitty is a fabulous anti heroine you can't help but support. Overall a fantastic book.

I did enjoy this audio book yes its about a serial killer but its also quite funny and very entertaining
Kitty Collins is an online influencer, who decides to become a serial killer to rid the world of the men in her friends lives that Kitty thinks deserves it . The first death is accidental but Kitty takes that feeling & runs with it. as she reasons that the men deserve it for their behaviour but what would happen if she accidentally kills an innocent person?
I have listened to a very similar series of books by C J Skuse about a female serial killer but they were very dark and gory this was a lot more lighthearted if you can call a serial killer light hearted
My thanks to NetGalley & publishers, HQ, for the opportunity to listen to this book

Kitty Collins is a tour de force, seeking revenge for injustices against women by vile predatory men and she has a dark, wicked sense of humour. As a one woman renegade, she blasts through men, using her social media popularity and good looks to reel them in, before taking vengeance. Kitty is fun and fierce, though she has a few flaws - apart from her murderous intentions - she has double standards. She cannot stand wealthy, entitled and vacuous friends whilst being a wealthy socialite herself and turns a blind eye to the fact her boyfriends company was knowingly funded by a paedophile because she loves her boyfriend and the company needed the cash for its good causes. I really enjoyed the book and the audiobook was highly engaging. For me though, the sex scenes interspersed throughout did not add to the story, but just inconveniently got in the way. Whilst dealing with serious issues, this book felt like a light read as it deflected with dark humour and quick wit. #howtokillmenandgetawaywithit #katybrent #netgalley

Made in Chelsea on crack - a millennial revenge thriller with an unlikely heroine.
I raced through this humour-laden murderous romp over the space of a couple of evenings.
While reading I was reminded of Made in Chelsea crossed with true crime and while I’m not a fan of the reality show (I actively love to hate it and all its regional siblings) I wasn’t surprised to read the author notes at the end saying she was inspired by the show and thinking about what would happen if the girls got their revenge on the cheating boys.
When I read the first look on Readers First I was hooked by the dark comedy of it all and I was lucky enough to grab an early arc and audiobook from Netgalley.
It’s a quick read which lovers of How to Kill your Family and The Girls I’ve Been will definitely enjoy.
Protagonist Kitty Collins is a kind of anti hero, a meat industry heiress turned vegan social media influencer, a Chelsea girl through and through.
When one too many of her friends and fellow women are wronged by men, she decides to take matters into her own hands (literally) 💉🔪🪓 ☠️
Everything in this book is taken to the extreme, with highly charged humour, and I think that’s just the kind of read I needed as it was pure escapism.
It’s wonderfully out of touch with reality… but it could JUST be true.
This is everything a millennial thinks about doing after spending five minutes on Tinder but would never actually do.
Thanks so much to NetGalley and the publishers for letting me listen to an advance edition of this audiobook in exchange for my review.

This was fab! I really loved the quirky vibe and I just LOVED the main protagonist, she's written in a way that just makes you smile and sympathise with her reasoning. I found myself smiling a lot through this one and would definitely re-listen/read.

I enjoyed this one so much I even had a dream one evening after reading it that I myself was a female serial killer. I got that into the storyline. I liked how the MC killed for good reason, like Dexter. You could get on her side then. I wish there was maybe something else, a little more of a happy subplot to keep us glued in. I wasn't super into her dates, but maybe something a little better there would have kept some happy romance in the mix. I didn't guess who her stalker was though, and that was a bit of a wild stretch at the end.

Loved loved loved this book!!!
Took a few chapters to get into, but once I did, I couldn't stop listening!
The story follows Kitty, a social media influencer living the high life but feeling the need for something more. One night after a few drinks, a man follows her halfway home, threatens her and accidentally dies, a whole new chapter of Kitty's life opens up... or was her story just paused?
Incredibly written, and although this book is probably aimed at women, I would recommend men reading to get a glimpse into the world of what it is to be female, and how certain behaviours may seem like a 'laugh' to some men, they're often the absolute opposite for women.

So, imagine if Dexter and Rihannon Lewis (of SweetPea fame) moved to Chelsea and had a baby....meet Kitty Collins.
How to Kill Men and Get Away With It is the dark, twisted and sweary story of Kitty Collins (online influencer) and her crusade to right the wrongs done to women by lecherous men across London. Filled with dark gallows humour, graphic depictions of abuse and murder and some nicely placed plot twists this book will appeal to fans who are trying to fill that Dexter/SweetPea/Jane Doe shaped hole.
I really wanted to love this book and while I did enjoy it unfortunately some aspects were just overly far fetched for me. Let's just say Kitty Collins would want to be a whole lot smarter about how she conducts her business if she is to remain a free woman and see a sequel!
I listened to the audiobook and definitely think this would be the best format as Kitty's sharp humour and snobby snipey comments translated so well, although it does increase her unlikability factor (but I guess that’s just Kitty).
Overall a dark yet funny tale of a female serial killer doing good, or is she?

Promising Young Woman meets Made in Chelsea. A lot of tongue in cheek humour, with depressingly accurate scenarios of nights out and Tinder dates.
Kitty is a rich socialite and influencer, who is sick of the way men are treating women. She decides to take matters into her own hands, one ‘nice guy’ at a time with some feminist style vigilante justice. Relatable and hilarious!
(Although Kitty isn’t the most likeable character at times, isn’t that part of the whole experience of the book? It makes you question how you feel about her and her actions? I don’t feel like this is a realistic book, nor that it is meant to be. I certainly don’t think she would be getting away with murder at any rate, but it is definitely very entertaining)
The narrator was perfect for this, totally believable as Kitty and made it easy to tell each character apart.
CW. Mental health Issues, murder, depictions of violence, rape, sexual violence,

This sounded like a lot of fun based on the blurb and it some ways it did deliver. I am very glad I got the audiobook for review because I don’t think I would have finished this otherwise. Victoria Morrison has the narrator is a huge plus, because without her narration I do not think I would have made it past the 30% mark.
How to Kill Men and Get Away With It starts out well but has gets (if I’m brutal) rather boring after the first quarter and then picks up again at the end. The ending is either a shocking twist or ridiculous, depending on where you end up after nearly 400 pages in Kitty’s company.
Kitty is hypocritical and ridiculously judgemental. A lot of the time she didn’t make sense, or her character is being actively stupid in a way that makes you wonder how she can do anything let alone get “away with murder”. This type of story requires disbelieve for you to enjoy it but at times it really was ridiculous.
The beginning really is good and sets up the premise well. I totally can see how the first murder would have worked out like that. I started really enjoying this book, to being a bit bored, to actively disliking Kitty, to enjoying it again to finding the ending quite comical.
I don’t know if Kitty is meant to be the super-annoying-preachy-vegan meme by design or if it was meant as a sincere commentary re the meat food supply process and it went wrong. Either way she comes across like The Vegan-Teacher type of vegan (social media ref there 😉 ) and that can’t be good.
The premise and audiobook narration get this 3 Stars. I would definitely recommend the audiobook over reading on this.

This is a great book to listen too. The narrator is amazing and is making me want to continue.
The story is a little far fetched, but I still loved it. Kitty is a socialite who has started to kill men. Men who deserve it.
It gives the vibe of promising young woman and American psycho! If you enjoy dark humour you will live this!
I will look for Katy Brent again!

I loved this one! The narrator did well bringing the main character to life. As far as the actual plot goes, I feel there was no possible way she could actually get away with killing men, especially with her status. I'm not a professional in killing men myself, but I felt like she was a little too confident with using her real name with some of the men she killed, and killing one in her own apartment! Nonetheless, just assuming that everyone else just does a bad job at investigating, I felt like the story was fun. Really enjoyed it.