Member Reviews
Enjoyed this book which had lots of tips and info and a great book on cannabis and its history in general.
Thank you to Netgalley for an advanced copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
An interesting and informative read. Well-researched and well-written. Recommended.
AN ULTIMATE GUIDE TO CANNABIS; A Practical Guide to Indoor, Outdoor Growing and Making Money with Cannabis by Mila R.S. was a wonderful comprehensive guide on the cannabis plant. A must have for any wanting to grow for themselves, or grow for a profit!
I was very excited to read this book/guide, but it unfortunately did not live up to my expectations at all. I enjoyed reading some facts, but other than that, it was a very general grow guide. I’ve read blog articles that go way more indepth with growing cannabis.
In the beginning of the book, it states the benefits of cannabis and the negative impacts it could have. This would have been a great opportunity to include certain articles that back up these facts, such as how does cannabis improve memory. The book contradicts itself by saying that cannabis can have a negative impact on memory and cognitive skills.
This book isn’t the greatest growing guide as it tells you to water your plant, but don’t over water it and don’t underwater it. That is common sense and it should tell you approximately how much to water and how often or describe what overwatering might do to a plant and what underwatering might do. Nowhere in this book does it mention that cannabis leaves “wilt or look sad” during the nighttime. Some might mistaken this as the plant being underwatered and therefore overwatering the plant. Also, the best way to water any indoor plant is from the bottom so that the roots grow stronger and absorb the water.
From a visual perspective, this needs images and different font sizes to break it up. This book was visually uninteresting and it really did not inspire me to grow.
With many states finally legalizing cannabis, it’s become a more mainstream option for pain relief and other medical ailments. Being a Chronic Pain sufferer, I read this book to learn ore about cultivating my own as the taxes on medical marijuana in my state are so stinking high, no pun intended.
The book provides a great foundation for me to get started and I’m ready to grow some of my own flower. If you’re in the same position of wanting to learn more and get started growing your own, and you have the legal ability to do so, this book is for you!