Member Reviews

Seems promising from the first few chapters although difficult to review more thoroughly than that! Looking forward to reading the full book.

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Hmmm, I hadn’t realised I only got two chapters so I’m somewhat disappointed. Unfortunately, not really enough to get a proper feel for the story.

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I found these chapters enjoyable and very easy to read. I am a fan of Bob Mortimer's anecdotes on various t.v. programmes, and of course Reeves and Mortimer, so I was keen to read this. Mortimer mixes, in his typical way, realistic, everyday details and events and commonplace characters with his own blend of hilarious surrealism. I would definitely recommend this as a lovely, entertaining and relaxing read, especially to any reader who is not looking to be challenged when reading-though I am not convinced of how memorable or of high literary calibre it actually is. Not hugely memorable-but nor is it highly forgettable.

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This is based on the first two chapters........Gary moved to London a couple of years before and hasn't really made any proper friends. On a night in the pub he gets chatting to a girl who caught his eye and was reading a book called The Satsuma Complex. They spend the evening chatting and when he returned from getting more drinks she had vanished just leaving the book and a note telling him he wouldn't be disappointed.
I liked what I have read and want more!

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This book has started so, so well, and I can't wait to read more!

As may be expected from this author, there are already delightful touches of humour and whimsy, and I can only imagine there will be more of that throughout the rest of the chapters.

I am very much looking forward to reading the rest of this book!

My thanks to the author, NetGalley, and the publisher for the arc to review.

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Peppered with Bob Mortimer's trademark off-the-wall humour, this promises to be a quirky and intriguing comedy-mystery with plenty of colourful characters and will certainly appeal to fans.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher Simon and Schuster UK for the chance to read this short excerpt. A promising 4 stars for now until I see the rest

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A really easy and engaging read. I was interested in the new characters, each with their insecurities and flaws. I wasn't sure where the book would take me, albeit the book title got slipped in nicely. I guess we all want better for ourselves. Life feels gritty but with light humour to keep it buoyant. Would have wanted to read further. The descriptions enabled a vivid picture to be formed in my head. Very promising. Would take a punt this book will be very popular. Rating on 2 chapters only

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A tantalising taster of more to come in this short extract which shows the tale off to a promising start with eccentric characters, quirky off the wall humour and some solid storytelling. No doubt this promises to be an amusing and entertaining romp.

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Was I intrigued and hooked by these two sample chapters of The Satsuma Complex? Yes I was.

Is this a book within a book? Quite possibly.

Will I continue to be intrigued? Only time and the final 279 pages will tell.

You had me at the talking squirrels, Bob.

Added to my wish list as I need to know what happens next but based on the sample here, it’s four stars so far.

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Even from this short excerpt, the Mortimer Magic is palpable. I’m more than excited to pick up the full length version of this charismatic novel soon!

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I was sent an advance copy of the first two chapters of The Satsuma Complex by Bob Mortimer to read and review by NetGalley. I really enjoyed reading this teaser – I call it that as I now really want to read the rest of the book! It is well written in a quite droll and deadpan style but there’s not much else to say until I have read the rest of the book! I’m looking forward to it!

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This is a review for the first two chapters. What an explosive start, I can't wait to get a copy of the full book, as I am intrigued to find out more about Gary, Mr Average and Miss Satsuma too.

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This is a review for the two chapter edition provided by the publisher via netgalley.

I'm quite the Bob Mortimer fan and I'm happy to say I've been left quite intrigued by the first two chapters.
The writing is neat, sharp and funny as expected.
I will most definitely be reading the full version in the near future.

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Tbh I don't know if I enjoyed this or not! It was certainly quirky and I love Bob's sense of humour, his legendary tales on WILTY are amazing. I wonder if his humour doesn't quite translate to the written word. I like surreal humour in a meandering way as he does on tv but in a book I like a story with a beginning middle and a definite end and I'm not sure where this book was going.
It is hard to review only 2 chapters and maybe I would need to read the whole book to really get it.

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If the first couple of chapters are anything to go by, this is going to be a terrific read. I can hear Bob Mortimer‘s voice so clearly in his writing. The humour is sharp and the plot is engaging. I already love the character of Gary - Mr Average. I was rooting for him when he met ‘Miss Satsuma’ and I’m desperate to find out what happens. I can’t wait to get my hands on a complete copy.

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Two chapters is not enough! Very tempting story I can’t wait to read more about Gary and the new girl in his life. Hard to give a rating just based on these two chapters, but if the rest of the story is written in the same style and with the same Bob Mortimer humour then I'm sure it will be well worth at least 4 stars!.

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Bob Mortimer is brilliant on Would I Lie to You with his off the wall tall stories he is often believed because of his delivery.A rare talent ,he shows he is equally at ease working with partners such as Paul Whitehouse and Vic Reeves.
Branching out into novel writing seems a natural progression. Reading two chapters of expected novel certainty gives a taste of Bob's voice and a flavour of what's to come. Unfortunately,it did not measure up to expectations. Bad language,for me, is a turn off, and shows lack of imagination. Whereas some celebrities make the transition easily, I believe Bob should have stuck to what he does best, appearing on television.

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Getting only two chapters of this book to read was not nearly enough, it simply left me wanting more, so much more. I could hear Bob Mortimers voice clear in my head as I read his words, it was written as the way he speaks, which is a marvellous mix od beautiful pros and rambling side notes which take you on a fun tangents.

I can not wait to buy this book and find out what Mr Average, the main character, will be getting up too. I hope you do too.

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I was so excited to see Bob Mortimer's novel listed on NetGalley and in the 'Read now' section! Thank you very much!
I was so disappointed to see that it was just the first two chapters.
Bob Mortimer could be considered an acquired taste - a strange mix of the whimsical and surreal but with a natural, relatable style that is frequently laugh-out-loud funny, that somehow works for me and, it would seem, quite a few others.
I really enjoyed his autobiography of last year and there appears to be quite a bit of that incorporated in the few pages included in this preview. My assumption is that the story will develop into an odd mix of the whimsical and surreal that will be frequently funny. But I guess we'll never know...

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Bob Mortimer is best known as one half of the brilliant comedy partnership with Vic Reeves (aka Jim Moir) and for his series 'Gone Fishing' with Paul Whitehouse. This is his first novel.

Bob writes in his own voice with the trademark surrealist view of the world and his central character, Gary, shares this characteristic.

Gary, a legal assistant, is in a pub meeting a work acquaintance called Brendan when he sees an enigmatic woman and falls in love with her. They get talking and she seems to share his quirky worldview; however, she suddenly disappears, leaving Gary bereft and with a copy of the book she was reading, called The Satsuma Complex.

The publicity blurb I have read suggests that Gary goes on a quest to find the woman, driven by his feelings for her and the subsequent disappearance of Brendan.

I liked the story enough to definitely want to read the whole book, but as a Vic and Bob fan I didn't expect anything less.

I was sent an ARC of the first two chapters of this book by Simon and Schuster UK, in return for an honest appraisal.

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