Member Reviews

I've only read the first 2 chapters but from that I know this is a book that I need to finish!
It was very quick to read with mostly short paragraphs all of which seemed to hold a lot of information. It was like listening to someone describe their day in lots of highly detailed short sharp statements.
The were a fair few humorous moments especially the conversations with the squirrel.
I do wonder where this book is going and I really need to find out, luckily it's not too long now until it's published so I can find out!

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I only found out about this book a few days ago, thanks to an email from Waterstones about it. An intriguing title, I thought! However, it was by Bob Mortimer who I don't particularly like so that put me off a bit. Still, I read the blurb and that did sound interesting so I was pleased to see that it was available on NetGalley. However, it's not the whole book, it's just the first two chapters which is a major tease. I read them yesterday and actually, those two chapters were enough.

The book is very evocative of London, with the way the characters talk and act. It was quite realistic and well done. Not exactly Cockney wide-boy types but they probably wouldn't be out of place in Eastenders. Unfortunately, I found the main character to be rather annoying. He comes over as being a bit smug when he says that he doesn't do smartphones, he walks around looking at things and using his imagination instead. The constant 'I imagine it's because of' and his flights of fancy are a bit irritating, especially when it's used so much in such a short space of time. I also found it to be too heavy on the descriptions, there were just too many and some of them were unnecessarily detailed. Do I really need to know that his white shirt is cotton-rich and from Marks & Spencers? Overall, it was an easy read which is a bonus but I don't think the writing style is for me. It didn't hook me enough to continue which was disappointing as the blurb did pique my interest.

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This is only the first two chapters but unfortunately it doesn't promise to be a great read. Bob is a comedy genius but his verbal/visual style doesn't adapt well to the page, which is unfortunate

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I got the first two chapters to read and from that , I’d definitely like to read the rest,I haven’t read anything by Bob Mortimer before, this is going to be a book that I will read a few times, it has a humorous but not over the top style of writing that I enjoy..

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Netgalleysent me the first two chapters of this and I am absolutely hooked and can’t wait to buy the full novel. I laughed out loud twice already and I am not often this quickly invested!
The main character is self-deprecating and weird and most importantly has an excellent relationship with a squirrel. What more can you ask for in a novel?

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An intriguing taster of the first two chapters of this book by Bob Mortimer. There was enough to grab my interest and encourage me to want to read more as it is difficult to review a book on the premise of the first few pages but there is promise. Written in a style that is very Bob Mortimer, random but funny with some off-the-wall imagination

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We all know Bob Mortimer as a wonderful story-teller, and this taster of his new novel augurs well.

I’m really looking forward to learning more about Gary when the book is published.

My thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for this ARC.

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If you'd asked me to imagine what a book written by Bob Mortimer would be like, this would 100% be it. A bit daft. A bit tenuous. A bit funny.

I read the two chapters so quickly once I'd fallen into the cadence and style of writing, and I want to know more. I want to see how it progresses and what the deal is. I want to see if someone has pocket meats at some point.

I will rate the first two chapters as i enjoyed them but obviously the rate could change based on the whole book and plot etc.

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I’d describe this book as realistic fiction. The author has done an amazing job of creating imaginary characters and situations that depict the world and society. The characters focus on themes of growing, self-discovery and confronting personal and social problems. This is a first for me by the author and one I enjoyed and would read more of their work. The book cover is eye-catching and appealing and would spark my interest if in a bookshop. Thank you very much to the author, publisher and Netgalley for this ARC.

The E-Book could be improved and more user-friendly, such as links to the chapters, no gaps between sentences, and a cover for the book.


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While I’ve only had the opportunity to read the first 2 chapters of Bob’s book I am already loving it, Bob is a sublime story teller as any one who has seen him on Would I Lie To You will agree

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As a huge fan of Bob Mortimer, I have been eagerly awaiting The Satsuma Complex and was thrilled to have the opportunity to read the first two chapters.

Based on such a small extract, I can’t really tell which direction the story is going in yet. It could take a slightly darker, mystery/thriller path, or it could lean more towards the dark comedy route. Either way, it was enough to hook me and I’m looking forward to reading on.

The only strange thing was that I had to read it all in Bob Mortimer’s voice, which has never happened to me before! I can definitely say that his personality shines through in the story!

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This is for the first 2 chapters of the book. Straight away, I could hear in my mind the recognisable voice of the author taking me through the story. The writing is very much like he is with witty and quirky comments, and yet there also seems a serious side to the story. These two chapters flowed well and caught my interest right from the beginning. I particularly liked Gary's conversations with a squirrel! I'm definitely interested in reading the rest of the book based on these two opening chapters.

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So far so good - looking forward to reading the whole thing! Difficult to provide a full review as the bo is not yet availabe to do that

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Hard to review on just two chapters but from what I read, lonely downtrodden and rather unloved Gary is shaping up to be a great character, even if he is away with the squirrels at times! I certainly enjoyed what I read.
The blurb doesn't give much away in terms of the plot, and I am hoping this will turn into a dark comedy murder mystery. Definitely would like to read more!

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An enjoyable couple of chapters that has left me wanting to read the whole book..NOW!

Ii like what I’ve read so far and I am looking forward to reading the whole book

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Hard to rate it just on this much but the extract made me eager to get my hands on a copy of the book. Bob Mortimer is enough to have me sold and this looks like it's going to live up to its promise.

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Review for the first 2 chapters only.

I found this to be quite an uninteresting read. It failed to keep me engaged on any level.

Many thanks to the author, publisher and NetGalley for gifting me this arc in exchange for an honest, unbiased review.

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I love Bob Mortimer’s sense of humour and you can feel it so strongly in the first two chapters along with a warmth in the main character Gary so do I want to read more? Definitely. Am I intrigued with what’s going on? 100%.

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This is a review for the 2 chapter version of The Satsuma Complex.

Much loved comedian, actor and tv presenter Bob Mortimer, has now turned his talents to writing a mystery novel. Now just because he has a wonderful sense of humour and acting talents doesn’t automatically grace him with great literary abilities.

Initial thoughts? I found the humour a little forced, which is odd because I normally love Bob’s spontaneity, however it did finish with a need to know more, so after the 2 chapter taster I’ll reserve judgment for now, but would be keen to read more.

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Thoroughly enjoyed the taster sample of The Satsuma complex. I'm now eagerly waiting to buy the complete book on publication day. Well done Bob Mortimer! Thanks to NetGalley, the publisher and author for the arc.

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