Member Reviews

Little Elephant has the cutest illustrations and so many fun facts about elephants and why they are endangered. Complete with a variety of activities in the back, this book is sure to inspire anyone to do their part in saving endangered species.

'Little Elephant: A Day in the Life of an Elephant Calf' by Anna Brett with illustrations by Carmen Saldana is a picture book story of elephants.
In this nonfiction book, the reader will meet Little Elephant who is part of a big family led by her Mother. Things like food, bathing and danger are among the many things the reader will learn. There is also an activity section at the back of the book.
The information seems perfectly presented for children. The illustrations are adorable.

I got this on Netgalley in exchange for an honest review!
I really liked this one! It tells the reader about the life of Elephants, and how they behave and live, narratively! It doesn't feel like a non-fiction book, while also providing great and accurate!
I also loved that it has a lot of additional facts in the back, with pictures and exercises children can do! Perfect for teaching!

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for the arc. Like the other Anna Brett book I read recently, Little Platypus, this charming children's book is 'narrated' by a young animal and tells about their life with their family on a typical day. There's lots of great facts about African elephant life woven into the narrative, and nice activities at the end. This is a great series! Would be great to read to younger children, or for early readers too.

Little Elephant is such a beautifully illustrated book all about the day in the life of a baby elephant. There are so many interesting facts about elephants in this book and it also has a quiz and crafting section, which is perfect for young readers.

"Little Elephant - A Day in the Life of a Elephant Calf" by Anna Brett was an unexpected yet great surprise. Little did I know that I would encounter so many interesting facts about elephants and their conservation.
I am certain that the young ones will love to read this story and will appreciate elephants at the end of their journey with Little Elephant.
The beautiful illustrations by Carmen Saldana are a great plus, not to mention the ideas and quizzes as well!
I recommend this book to all children and also to adults who like elephants...
Thank you so much NetGalley and Quarto Publishing Group for this ARC.

“Our family group is called a herd. Come and spend the day with us. We live on the African savanna.”
This is another attractive, informative book in the Really Wild Families series for kids. It introduces children to the animal family with one of the young members, in this case “Little Elephant”. You can see her sweet little round face on the cover. I love the illustrations by Carmen Saldana. I wish illustrators were given more credit!
“This is my mommy and grandma. I’m proud to say we’re the world’s largest land mammals – although I’ve still got a bit more growing to do!”
I take strong exception to the use of the American “mommy”, as I did in Little Platypus, another in the series, but I’m pleased they show the family hierarchy and dynamics. Grandma is over 60 years old and the head of the herd.
My Goodreads review has an illustration with the caption:
“We share our habitat with many other animals, including these playful oxpecker birds.”
As Grandma leads them on a long walk, Little Elephant keeps up by holding her mother’s tail.
My Goodreads review has an illustration with the caption:
“Grandma leads the way, and she can figure out what’s happening nearby by feeling the vibrations in the ground through her feet.”
On the way, they stop at a waterhole to drink and cool off with a spray.
My Goodreads review has an illustration with the caption:
“Mommy is also using her trunk like a snorkel so she can enjoy a swim.”
And where there’s water, of course there’s bath time.
My Goodreads review has an illustration with the caption:
“Yippee, it’s bath time – but our baths involve mud instead of water!”
On their way again, they see a male elephant who is on his own, because all male elephants leave the herd when they’re teenagers. This one is reaching high into a tree.
My Goodreads review has an illustration with the caption:
“Some elephants have learned to stand on their back legs to reach the very highest leaves.”
We meet a new baby elephant and learn how the little ones are protected. When Grandma trumpets the alarm that there’s a lion nearby, the adults circle the little ones.
Tusks begin to grow when the little ones are two and become pretty impressive – good for frightening off other animals.
My Goodreads review has an illustration with the caption:
“They are useful for digging , lifting, and gathering food as well.”
I don’t know if you can see in the bottom picture that a branch is perched across the two tusks. This book does not talk at all about how people have domesticated elephants and used their power and lifting ability. Instead, it concentrates on their natural state and how Africa is learning to live peacefully with them.
Elephants can cause havoc on farms and in gardens, but they don’t like bees, so farmers have taken to putting beehives around the perimeters as a peaceful barrier. Clever!
At the end of the book are some photographs and more factual material, as well as games, puzzles, a craft project, and quizzes.
There is also some good information about conservation and habitat loss. The Reteti Elephant Sanctuary, opened in 2016, is the first such sanctuary owned by the community, rescuing and rehabilitating orphans. It’s a win-win, providing good jobs for a good cause.
My Goodreads review has an illustration with the caption:
“A keeper feeds an orphaned elephant with a bottle of milk.”
This is a delightful start for a young reader who may now have only a passing interest in a curious beast, but who may discover a passion for one of earth’s grandest creatures, as a member of my own family did.

I am glad that I get this book as an ARC. It is an amazing written book with too good visualization of the situation relevant to each page of it. Illustrations were good and the info about Elephants was way better to be gathered at once to let people know about this amazing creature. Elephant indeed my favorite animal too. I really like watching and reading stories about elephants and giraffes.
There is a great learning on this creature and its daily life acts. 'Factivity' section was again very impressive and 'quiz' & 'craft' sections were also creative. Knowing that African wild species are lowering in the numbers is saddening. But also to know that there are programs running and communities are developing to save this cute animal make me bit lighter.
For me it is 5.0/5.0

A beautifully illustrated book about a day in the life of an baby elephant. It tells a lot of interest facts about elephants and elephant conservation and even has quizzes and crafting ideas in the back which look absolutely amazing and are a lot of fun to do. Definitely a great book for small and big elephant fans.

Anna Brett does it again! I really love her Wild Families series, especially for my classroom where kids love to learn about animals and all the cool things they can do! Super informative and fun book!

For everyone – but especially my T-Town people – this is the CUTEST little elephant and book cover I have ever seen, perfect for all of the little elephant angel bbys in your life. In this precious little children’s book, Little Elephant tells you everything you need to know and plenty of fun facts about elephants, from their large size, to their life on the African Savannahs, to what they eat, how they play, and more. This one is adorable and educational!!

I had read Anna Brett's previous book, Little Platypus, and had high expectations for this one- and it definitely met them! This is an incredibly cute children's book that teaches the reader about elephant facts while also sharing a precious story about a baby elephant and her family! This book also includes fun activities in the back that would be excellent for young readers!

An adorable little elephant shares her life and her world in this fantastic picture book from the Really Wild Family Series.
She lives in a group of elephants called a herd which is big and has very caring and loving members. The leader is her Mummy and her wise Grandma plays a very important role in the safety and guidance of the journeys and activities that the group take part in.
Little elephant documents: what happens in the herd, how they are 'ecosystem engineers', the role of female elephants, and why these magnificent animals are endangered.
The illustrations are wonderful and the author has included an engaging and fun component at the end of the book comprised of craft projects, case studies and even a quiz. This is a celebration of elephants and the perfect book to share. Children can explore and learn about elephant habitats, their family dynamics, and how they play, grow and survive as a family.
I love this amazing book and I highly, highly recommend it.

This has been a successful little series, for successful little learners, and this entry in it is no exception – a young elephant guides us around their world for a day, before we have end-matter that includes activities and a revising quiz as well as further pages about conservation. It's cute enough, it's designed to be a chatty read that doesn't appear to be a bludgeoning lesson, and for an early nature book it's all done really quite well. A strong four stars.

I know this book is meant for younger kids, but I absolutely adore this book as an adult! I love how the story of the little elephant is solidly based on facts of how elephants behave in the wild. As someone who worked in the scientific and education world, this is always important to me when I look for books for my kids. I also love the additional information and activities in the end of the book. The photographs are a wonderful way to circle back to the actual animals this book is about.
I was never aware of this Really Wild Families series until now and I'm very excited to read all the other books in this series.
Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the advance digital copy in exchange for an honest review.

I thought that this book was excellent
It was very easy to read and follow and there was plenty of fun detail and facts
It really gives an insight for younger readers about the life of an elephant calf
A great introduction to all things elephant and some really lovely illustrations too
I read the book with my five-year-old daughter and she loved it and the added activity sections at the end were a brilliant addition and a great surprise!
It is 5 stars from me for this one, very highly recommended!

This picture storybook is so precious!
Everything you need to know about elephants is here. I wasn’t expecting a full fledged more than thirty two paged picture book but here we are with an amazing book with more pages with full of fun facts regarding the animal and its herd.
You will get to learn about why and how elephants they are the way they are, their uniqueness well explained, their natural instincts and their habits well described.
The illustration is so good! A must add for your library.
Thank you, Quarto Publishing Group - QEB Publishing, for the advance reading copy.

What a darling book! I am decades beyond a child’s book, but I couldn’t resist this one. I love elephants so much. They are smart, loyal, and absolutely fascinating creatures. It breaks my heart that they are endangered.
This book is full of fun facts and presented in an easy learning format. The illustrations are adorable. I wanted to reach into the pictures and hug every elephant.
It’s educational so young readers can learn about these gentle giants and their uncertain future.
It’s not just a kid’s book, but a book for all of us kids at heart and who love wild animals on the African savannas!

The cover of this children’s book draws one right in. It is very sweet. Inside this title, the illustrations continue to be evocative and delightful. In addition, the text goes nicely with the visuals.
Here is a book that invites kids to learn more about elephants and their world. Adults may be surprised to learn that elephants have 22 month pregnancies. This is just one of the things that was learned in these pages.
Both adults and children will like this title. The end of the book includes lots of nice extras. All in all, highly recommended.
Many thanks to NetGalley and Quarto Publishing Group for this title. All opinions are my own.