Member Reviews

I tried very hard to like this book.

It did answer a lot of questions I had or those I hadn't really thought about, but there was so much repetition of his wife not being his sister. I get it, she's not his sister, but the repetition was on the point of being annoying.

I do plan to read the book again later to see if I like it better, but for now it's a "No."

I was given the opportunity to read this title by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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This was a very different book that would not be for everyone. Much of it left me unsettled and questioning the information I just read. It did lead me to search for more answers to some of the questions. My suggestion would be to pray before and as you read it for discernment. A copy was provided by NetGalley but these are my true words.

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Interesting theories with much research having been done. Truthfully, even though I'm avidly religious and am just finishing up the Old Testament again, I had never given any thought to how Cain would have found a wife. Now it's one of the mysteries I hope we learn the answer to on the "other side", because I am really curious.

From the book: "In the history of humankind, Cain's wife has always been the most talked-about woman in the world." That got my attention, as I've never heard anyone mention or speculate about it. Made me wish my dad were still alive so I could discuss this with him and hear his thoughts. By now, he probably has the answer!

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Using Bible versus, ancient text in science the Author in my opinion proves his theory that Kane‘s wife was not only not his sister but someone from a totally different tribe. I grew up in church and don’t remember my preacher speaking about Cain‘s wife at all nor did anyone in my church believe the world had only been around 2000 years but having said that obviously some people do believe that and although that may seem crazy to those who didn’t grow up being told that we have to keep in mind that some people really believe that having said that I think this book should be sent out to churches. this book was not only educational but it was so interesting and there’s way more in this book that made it a really good read. I totally enjoyed it and highly recommend it. Especially to those who believe Cain was related to a sister. I know in the past they have used faulty science to disprove religious theory but I don’t at all believe that is the case with this book. I received this book from NetGalley and the publisher but I am leaving this review voluntarily please forgive any mistakes as I am blind and dictate my review.

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Hmm first thing that I will point out for this book is that the tittle should have been different, because I was expecting to talk more about what the tittle was promising and that wasn't the case, I understand that this was the first part of a bigger study, maybe in the next volume it will talk and show more studies about who Cain’s wife really was, the positive part is that I am interested in reading what comes next because the author was able to justify his reasoning and it was an easy read.

This kind of book is hard to review because talking too much will give away what it contains, talking too little seems like it wasn't interesting and that definitely is not the case, I did like how things were introduced, it really gave me another par of eyes in the story of God and Cain and their relationship, and when the next book is released I will definitely want to read to see how far and deep will the author be able to go.

Thank you NetGalley and BooksGoSocial for the free ARC and this is my honest opinion.

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An interesting book that has you riveted from the beginning to the end.I don’t agree with the answer he puts forward, but it will be of interest to anyone interested in biblical history.

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