Member Reviews

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for an ARC of this book. I have chosen to write this honest review voluntarily and it reflects my personal opinion.
This book is funny, lots of witty turns of phrase feature in the dialogue and thoughts. The characters are interesting and engaging; Tom's appalling, controlling behaviour and comments are so horrifyingly credible that they're laugh-out-loud. I was rooting for Elin to come to her senses about the positive change Australia had made to her. It's a really good book, I just thought everyone's acceptance of Kit's and Shane's roles in their father's company was not credible, why would they think it acceptable that Shane gets profits for doing nothing? This reduced my rating to 4 stars.

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This was a great read, funny, and lovely characters that were relatable. Easy read. Thank you to netgalley and the publishers and the author for the opportunity to read this book for my honest opinion

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Over sixty, frumpy and a bit sad? Read one of Maddie Please's novels to realise that life is for living and that women past 60 can find romance and fun.

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Sunshine, fun and sand sounds great . Elin is a lovely character and it was engrossing watching her confidence grow. A fun and lighthearted read that had me chuckling often and left me with a big smile. I loved that the characters are older and wiser but still have just as much fun.

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Honestly, this book just wasn’t my cup of tea. It was very generic. It was your typical feel-good cutesy romance.

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I really enjoy Maddie Please's stories. They have more mature characters, ones that I can identify with, but also they are usually dealing with a time in their lives where they are making changes and trying to figure out what is next for them. That is exactly what I got in this enjoyable story. Sunrise With The Silver Surfers is told by Elin, a 58 year old divorcée had put up with her nasty husband for years, but when she found out he had an affair, she was done. She bought him out of the house and he moved in with his girlfriend and baby mama. When Elin's neighbour dies, she leaves Elin money with the proviso that she use it to travel. With that unexpected gift, she is returning to Australia to see her family for the first time in years. She has quite the adventure while there, reconnecting with her sister and other family adventures. With romance far from her mind, seeing it happen with a younger man was wonderful, even with the blips along the way.

I loved Elin. When we first meet her she is a bit wishy washy, with little self-confidence when dealing with her ex-husband, but seeing her grow a backbone as the story progressed was wonderful. I was a widow by the time I was 59, so I was able to relate to the suddenly single Elin, although my marriage was a happy one. The Silver Surfers were a hoot. They loved to party and were so full of enthusiasm, I would love to meet up with them and maybe even learn to surf. I didn't love all the characters as the story began, but as I got to know them better and saw their various strengths and personalities they grew on me. Once again, Maddie Please has penned a wonderful, humorous, touching story of family, friendship, new beginnings and romance all with characters over the age of 55. I definitely recommend this one.

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Fun, life-affirming and joyful, Maddie Please’s Sunrise with The Silver Surfers is a delightful page-turner that cannot fail to brighten up your day.

Elin Anderson is sixty, single and determined to unshackle herself from the boredom and ennui that has consumed her and go on a wild adventure. With her marriage having finally come to an end, Elin’s first port of call is to return to Australia to reconnect with the family she hasn’t seen in ages. Yet, on her arrival Down Under, she finds herself struck by the fact that while she is surrounded by colour and life, she has allowed herself to become drab, grey and boring – something which she plans to change pronto. Joining a group calling themselves The Silver Surfers – a group of seniors travelling the coast – Elin decides to throw caution to the wind – and ends up getting far more than she bargained for…

Elin’s plans for a laidback and carefree adventure hit a stumbling block when her travelling companion turns out to be staid and boring Kit Pascoe, a man who has never met a rule book he didn’t like. Kit immediately makes it clear that this adventure is going to be subject to his terms and conditions, however, Elin is not about to let him call the shots. She is determined to grab life by the horns and not let anyone tell her what she can and cannot do. Who knows, maybe her joie de vivre might even make Kit realise that some rules are just meant to be broken…

Maddie Please hits the jackpot with Sunrise with The Silver Surfers. Inspirational, hilarious, heart-warming and brilliantly uplifting, Sunrise with The Silver Surfers is a fantastic tale of renewal, second chances and finding yourself that cannot fail to strike a chord. As always, Maddie Please creates fabulous characters who become like close friends by the end of the book and you will cheer for and fall in love with Elin and the Silver Surfers.

A sun-drenched and intoxicating escape, Sunrise with The Silver Surfers by Maddie Please ticks all the right boxes.

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What a wonderful story of new beginnings and relationships. And I have to admit that I made judgments about some of the characters. I loved getting to know Elin and watch her grow and develop and learn how to handle situations. Her family was a lovely group and experiencing an adventure with the Silver Surfers made me want to buy a camper and find my own group of peeps with whom to hang out. The book is filled with fun, anxiety, humor, discovery, and the warmth of love. This was a heartwarming read that will have you reading late into the night because you want to see what happens next.

Thank you to NetGalley and Boldwood Books for my advanced review copy. All opinions and thoughts are my own.

For more reviews, please visit my blog at: Over 1000 reviews posted!

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Newly single at sixty, Elin Anderson decides it’s finally time for an adventure of her own. With her marriage to tedious Tom now officially over, Elin plans to visit the family she hasn’t seen in years. First stop: Australia!

But going home is harder than Elin thought. Everywhere she turns Elin sees brightness and colour, which only makes her own life seem even more drab and beige. How has she let herself fade away?


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When Elin’s divorce finalised, she determine to change who she was before. First thing was to make a trip back to Australia to see her sister and aunt and uncle. She has not been back since she got married. This is also to distance herself from her ex-husband, Tom who despite being married, has continued to disturb her life. While she was in Australia, she met Kit, the brother of her sister’s partner, who she met at the Airport. Due to an unforeseen accident, she have to go on a road trip with Kit to get to her aunt and uncle. Kit is a man who doesn’t know what is fun is and make it clear to her that this trip is not what he wanted.

This story is heartwarming about family reconciliation and relationship. All the characters in the book is likeable. Love Elin for her strong character despite of the failed marriage. Overall, this is fun read to me.

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A cute quick read with loveable characters and laugh out loud moments. A perfect easy read while taking a short break from reality.

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Thank you to NetGalley, Boldwood Books and Maddie Please for an ARC of this book. The latest book by Maddie Please definitely does not fail to please! Pun intended! Elin, recently divorced at sixty, is ready to expand her world. She begins her journey of discovery by returning to her childhood home in Australia. Once there and surrounded by her warm family, she realizes she needs color, light and love in her life. Naturally, there are a few obstacles along the way but all ends happily. An uplifting and fun read which shows that growth and romance are possible at any age! Highly recommend to readers “of a certain age” who are looking for a character they can readily identify with.

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I loved this one as a strong possibility for book clubs! The story has wonderful layers and a subplot that rivals the primary story. Maddie Please has crafted a wonderfully engaging story, and I can't wait to see what she writes next.

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This was such a feel good,enjoyable read.
When Elin gets divorced , she plans to travel back to Australia to see her sister and aunt and uncle. She loves catching up with them and meeting her sisters partner. She’s encouraged to have fun and see life with new perspective. She finds herself having to bring her uncles motorhome back after he has an accident and the road trip is so much fun that they decide to enjoy some sightseeing along the way. Her travel companion is her brother in laws brother and there seems to be no love lost.
It was such a joy to read, meeting all the characters, enjoying their get togethers, the freedom of the motorhome and seeing Elin emerge from the shadow of her ex husband and enjoying being back in her hometown in the first time since she married. Strong characters and wonderful settings.

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EXCERPT: Someone switched on the fairy lights that surrounded the Wipe-Out. They were like white stars against the dark sea-scented sky and the whole evening was suddenly unforgettable.
I looked at my aunt and uncle, laughing together across the table, Benjo trying and failing to flip and catch six beer mats at once. Maggie mopping up his spilled beer with a paper napkin and slapping his arm for his clumsiness. Next to me, Rowan and Shane were singing along to a Beatles song, Shane with his arm around her and tapping out the beat with his feet. It was lovely to see how relaxed and carefree they were.
The tears pricked at my eyes. How and why had I stayed away from my lovely family for so long? I'd left Australia filled with optimism and excitement. I'd returned having learned a hard lesson, one that had changed me from a confident, extroverted young woman into someone who had settled for so little when life had so much to offer.

ABOUT 'SUNRISE WITH THE SILVER SURFERS': Newly single at sixty, Elin Anderson decides it’s finally time for an adventure of her own. With her marriage to tedious Tom now officially over, Elin plans to visit the family she hasn’t seen in years. First stop: Australia!

But going home is harder than Elin thought. Everywhere she turns Elin sees brightness and colour, which only makes her own life seem even more drab and beige. How has she let herself fade away?

Determined to have some fun, Elin reluctantly agrees to join The Silver Surfers – a group of seniors who travel the coast, only caring about their next big adventure. Because life’s too short to watch the ocean when you could be making waves…

There’s only one catch – her road trip companion, Kit Pascoe. Kit is a man who doesn’t know the meaning of the word fun and makes it clear to Elin that this adventure will be subject to his own strict rules.

But with every new day, Elin slowly begins to rediscover who she really is. And she’s certain that rules are meant to be broken…aren’t they?

MY THOUGHTS: Maddie Please certainly does - please, that is.

Her books are heartwarming, poignant and fun; her characters lifelike and relatable. I think I was originally married to the same man as Elin; he just used a different name. And funnily enough, Australia was also where I rediscovered the original me. So there was a lot for me to relate to in this read, but that's not the only reason I enjoyed this book.

Maddie Please's writing is full of fun, humor and energy. Her characters are engaging, and I was swept along by the storyline. It is upbeat and enchanting. There is, of course, a certain amount of soul-searching on Elin's part, but it is swamped by her desire to rediscover the person she used to be and not ever to lose her own identity again.

A great alternative title for this book would be 'Elin Grows a Backbone'!

There are lots of laugh-out-loud moments in this read which is funny without being silly. Highly recommended if you're looking for a heartwarming and fun read!


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THE AUTHOR: Maddie Please was born in Dorset, brought up in Worcestershire and went to University in Cardiff.

After a career as a dentist Maddie now lives in Devon with her exceptionally handsome and supportive husband. They have 4 adult-ish children all of whom have left home and are probably rather surprised by all this. She did warn them.

Maddie is a voracious reader, and would enjoy hoovering, defrosting the fridge and cleaning the windows but unfortunately she doesn't really have time. She is very disciplined and sensible about her writing and she likes to write every day because it gets her out of doing the ironing.

DISCLOSURE: Thank you to Boldwood Books via Netgalley for providing a digital ARC of Sunrise With The Silver Surfers by Maddie Please for review. All opinions expressed in this review are entirely my own personal opinions.

For an explanation of my rating system please refer to my profile page or the about page on

This review is also published on Twitter, Amazon, Instagram and my webpage

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Sunrise With The Silver Surfers by Maddie Please was a fun easy read book and great for holidays.
This book was a winner especially as its not usually a book I would not of chosen to read............But, the cover caught my eye and I just thought Sunshine, smiles and laughter. I was not wrong there.......It was a feel-good, very up lifting happy romance book. I loved it and will be reading more from Maddie in the future.

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Maddie has a gift for telling stories that get me excited about getting older. Age is just a number and there is so much fun still to be had and life to be lived! I wouldn't want to go thorugh the divorce Elin had gone through or even worse had to deal with her disastrous ex-husband Tom, but I would gladly swap places with her to go on all those adventures in Australia. Elin tells her story first person and it so easy to picture you are right there with her, meeting so many lovely people full of life enjoying themselves, seeing wonderful places, enjoying the sun, sea and the new friends. She really blossomed throughout the story and I found myself smiling a lot and feeling like I was right there with her wondering whether to risk loving again. I smiled, laughed and felt like I had gotten a big eccentric hug from this book!

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Thank you @rararesources and @MaddiePlease1 for letting me part of this tour and reviewing this book. What beautiful front colour, love the colours and the ladies in the sea wish that was me. Sunrise with the silver surfers I thought it was good read and easy to get into. This is romance book that is 353 pages long. This is the first book i have read by Maddie please snd i found it a lovely read. I really like the characters Elin and Kit and i liked how different they are to each other. The story is set in Australlia This is a nice gentle read and lovely style of writing 5 stars. I think Elin was really brave to join the silver surfurs i would find it difficult to join group where i didnt know any one that well. I liked how she was trying to live life and change.

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What an absolute joy of a book this was! Recently divorced and thus very much single, Elin is on her way to Australia, her country of birth, for a long overdue trip back home. Just shy of 60, Elin decides to tackle her trip with a few "firsts":

Fly Business Class
Drink as much champagne as being offered to you
Talk to the handsome stranger in the airport/on the flight/you meet at your homecoming party (this might or might not be the same person)
Don't answer your ex-husband's texts
Do get rid of the boring, English wardrobe and bring some color to your suitcase
Do let your hair down and put on your bathers
Travel across Australia in a campervan

From the first page, this book was nothing but fun. I loved Elin's voice, especially her inner-voice made me laugh out loud more than once. Through humor and a whole lot of reflection on her life in England, Elin discovers that the girl she left behind in Australia and the woman who returns 20 odd years later, can somehow still be the same person.

A journey back to yourself is never fun taking on alone. (Unless you are Cheryl Strayed) Reconnecting with her family in Australia and meeting a whole new bunch colorful characters and of course the Silver Surfers, brings out the girl who used to love having fun and who always smiled in the family photos.

As a South African, I thoroughly enjoyed the author's description of life in the Land Down Under. We really do have very similar cultures, weather and beautiful scenery. Especially the vast coastlines. I can understand why so many South Africans immigrate to Australia!

This was my first time reading anything by Maddie Please, but please can I read more books by her. She sure has a talent to combine, humor, quirky characters and serious ones, descriptive scenery with romance and an intriguing plot line. This will not be our last Maddie Please, that I'm sure of.

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This is a unique book I loved the story the characters were amazing. I loved the atmosphere in the story I felt strongly connected to the characters. I smiled allot through out this book loved every paged.

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