Member Reviews

Sunrise with the Silver Surfers is another winner from Boldwood Books. Once again, I found a book with an older woman at the center, trying to live her best life after divorce, and finding love again. It’s refreshing to read because so many books concentrate on couples in their mid-20’s or early 30’s.

I had a friend who spent a semester in Australia in a student exchange program, and later returned to visit for a year around the time of the 2000 Sydney Olympics. When she moved back to the U.S., she lived with my husband and myself for a while and told us many stories about the land down under. But with this book, I felt I actually got a better feeling of portions of the country through the vivid descriptions of locales.

The choices Elin makes as an older woman with years of experience, yet years of a dominating husband, make sense within the context of the story. That is to say, she doesn’t do anything that seemed out of character for a 58-year-old woman. The contrast with her sister, who has always lived life a little more carefree, was both refreshing and frustrating because of her sister’s lazy boyfriend.

I thought the slow burn of the relationship with Kit was handled well, especially because of Elin’s previous relationship with ex-husband Tom. And while there’s romance in the book, there’s no graphic sex scenes if you’re worried about that. I knew there was going to be some conflict that the two would have to overcome, because that’s how these sorts of books work out, so I wasn’t surprised when it happened, and I knew there would be a resolution in the right direction, but I was surprised at how long it took to get there. Elin made the smart choice to take her time, and I applaud her for it.

Surprisingly, the part of the book with the Silver Surfers was remarkably small, all things considered. Makes me wonder why that title was chosen. Also makes me wonder if there really is a Silver Surfers group that has clubs around Australia.

The sight-seeing around Australia was great, I really got a feel for some of the areas discussed. I know almost nothing about the country so it was a great little travelogue like a Nancy Drew book. 🙂

Elin’s ex-husband was a piece of work, for sure. Reminds me of someone close to me who had a domineering, belittling husband who made her feel like she had no self-worth. She and Elin stayed because of the kids, but eventually had the strength to break free from the toxicity of the partner in her life. The fact that Elin’s ex-husband moved on so quickly with another woman and a new child, then keeps reaching out to Elin when things don’t work out so well with the new wife is telling. I’m so glad Elin was portrayed as a woman who had found the strength to tell her ex to bugger off and stay out of her life.

Once again, I’ve found a great read at a reasonable price. Highly recommend!

I received an Advanced Reader’s Copy of this book from NetGalley and Boldwood Books in exchange for an honest review. All opinions expressed are my own.

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Oh I do love a book that features a road trip, and a road trip in a place I've never visited even better,

I was totally alongside Elin as she and Kit return Aunt Maggie's campervan from Cairns to Sydney, taking in a lot of sights on the way, and learning a lot more about each other too.

Elin has returned to Australia for the first time in many years, leaving behind her unpleasant ex-husband, and her needy grown up son.

And she soon can;t work out why she has stayed away for so long, And in hte processes rediscovers true self too.

It's a really enjoyable romp around Australia, featuring characters in the prime of their life, having the times of their lives. It was a true joy to read.

Thank you to Boldwood Books and Netgalley for this copy which I have reviewed honestly and voluntarily.

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Guess whose back, back again..

The silver surfers are back, tell your friends.

Aww it was so nice to rejoined with the gang of wildly fun, women. I really enjoyed finding out what they have been up to and going on another journey with them. Such fun as always.

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Ellen is a 58-year-old Australian/European who has been living in England for more than 20 years. She is also a divorced mother and her son Dan is 28 with the his own flat and live in girlfriend sky. Her ex blindsided her by leaving her for a 35-year-old who was pregnant with his baby and although he is unhappy and still needy she doesn’t even give it a thought when flying off to Australia. She is so excited she has it been back since she left to teach in England and a good looking man who chatted with her while waiting in business class didn’t hurt her excitement at all. She is so excited when she arrives in Australia to see her sister Rowan her aunt Maggie and her uncle banjo. She does feel bad when she finds out things they didn’t tell her while living in England one of those things was that her aunt Maggie and uncle banjo belong to a silver surfers club that travel around Australia in their RVs and would be going on a trip in just a few days. She is also shocked when the good looking man from business class shows up and she learns he is Rowan‘s live-in boyfriend Shane’s older brother Kip. This time their meeting goes totally upside down and when Kip leaves after arguing with his brother Shane Rowan insinuates he isn’t the best guy. So win a few days later they get a call saying their uncle banjo has had an accident and someone must fly to Baccaroo and drive the RV back home she says she is willing to go but doesn’t know if she could drive the RV. This is when Shane says he has a bright idea he gets his brother Kip to agree to go with her and he even pays for the flights. At first Ellen acts in different to kip NSF she could either take him or leave him but soon the chemistry and energy between them is something they can’t deny. They even extend the road trip back to include vacation sites but best of all they get to be with each other and by the time they make it back to Sydney Rowan is worried about her. After all her and Shane don’t have the highest opinion of his brother in the next morning Shane makes it perfectly clear the type of man Kip is. Ellen is crushed. Are the things Shane and Rowan saying True were the the feelings they shared in the Australian outback real? She doesn’t know what to think or who to believe what she does know is she isn’t talking to Kip again. I know it may look like I told the whole story but trust me when I say there is so much more to this great story. If you were looking for a pick me up in a great middle-age romance or romance of any kind you need to read “sunrise with the silver surfers. “You will be wanting to go to the outback to find this group of octogenarians. they’re so lovable this book is so good I absolutely loved it trust me when I say this is such a great book, not only that you will end this book with such a great happy feeling and wanting to go to the Australian outback in an RV. Great books or something I have come to expect with BoldwoodBooks and this one is no exception. I received it from NetGalley and BoldwoodBooks but I am leaving this review voluntarily please forgive any mistakes as I am blind and dictate my review.

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When Elin and Tom divorced after 34 years of marriage an elderly neighbor wills Elin money and tells her to see what she's missing. Elin decides to go home to Australia to see her sister and the aunt and uncle who raised them and avoid Tom, his new wife, and baby.

Setting out on her adventure she books her ticket in business class, something Tom would never do. Sitting in the business class lounge she strikes up a conversation with another passenger, a handsome gentleman about her age and says goodbye to him in Australia thinking she would never see him again.

Reunited with her sister Elin is having a wonderful visit until her uncle fell off a ladder and needs someone to drive his motor home back home. Taking the long way home, Elin and her sister's France's brother set off to see the sights and have adventures.

The first thing that drew me in is the quirky characters. The second is just waiting for Tom the ex to get what he has coming to him.

Silver Surfers is a love story about couples and how many different types of relationships there are. It's also a story that shows how different, and the same, people are no matter their ages.

I loved this book and the travel around Australia and I thank NetGalley for the ARC. I hope you like this book as much as I did.

#BoldwoodBooks #WomensFiction #MaddiePlease #SunriseWithTheSilverSurfers #Australia #NetGalley #ARC #LoveIsNotJustForTheYoung

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I loved how Elin used money left by a dear friend to take herself on her own to visit her family in Australia. I really enjoyed the concept of the silver surfers and how they had such an impact on Elin's life for the better. They really did colour her world in such a wonderful way. Elin's roadtrip with Kit was eventful and it was lovely to read how their relationship developed. It was full of wonderful characters who were so much fun. A real heartwarming read.

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Oh Maddie, well done, you've done it again, another wonderful, perfect story celebrating the fact that older people aren't invisible and can explore new relationships and have fun, I think I need a road trip now

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Wow what a fabulous book and a first for me by this author and won’t be my last

This was a fabulous feel good read and also covered some sensitive life changing topics and showed that life doesn’t have to stop after divorce and that she isn’t a barrier and that never think you are too old to find happiness or achieve your goals

I couldn’t put this down Andrea’s it in almost one sitting.

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This was such a great book that I found it really hard to put down. I loved all of the characters and the descriptions of Australia made me want to hop on a plane straight away.

Elin is a brilliant character and one that I expect many readers can identify with. How do we lose ourselves and become dull and routine driven when we were all so different when we were younger? I loved Elin’s journey to becoming more impulsive and ready to do new things but also the way she was finally taking charge of her own life. The other characters were all brilliantly written too although I especially liked Rowan, Elin’s sister.

I was a bit puzzled by the title as only a short part of the book involves the silver surfers but the book itself is a brilliant read.

Thank you to Net Galley and Boldwood books for my ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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Thank you Netgalley for this ARC for an exchange for an honest review.

Such a good book, I liked it a lot.

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Liked the story about going back to find your family and roots! Along the way making friends and enjoying life! A perfect book to read at the end of the day.

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This is my 2nd read by this author. One reason I enjoy her books is that she writes about people in my age group.
The main characters, Elin, is recently divorced and decides to take herself to her birth land of Australia and see her sister Rowan..Little by little, bit by bit and little bit by little bit Elin comes to herself. There's no husband to fill her days with complaints and constraints. She relaxes and for the first time in decades she starts wearing bright clothes....which yes is an analogy for her being coming brighter.
She travels around Australia with a group of like minded seniors and some younger surfers.

Thanks to NetGalley, Boldwood Books and the author for the opportunity to read and review this book which publishes 1/12/23

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Elin, originally from Australia, makes a return trip for a much needed break so she can have a good catch up with her family and friends. The trip couldn’t come at a more better time as her divorce is now final and apart from her grown up son, there isn’t anything to tie her down.

Wow, this author knows how to get across the gorgeous setting in this novel! Everything seemed to come alive when Elin lands in Australia. I could hear the waves as well as the birds along with vivid colours jumping out at me. I almost felt like I was there. It was great to see Elin slowly transform herself from the person she was back in the UK where from her lifestyle to her dress sense was quite bland. Back in her home land however, she starts to find herself and remembers who she was and what she liked before her marriage to her ex-husband Tom. You get a real sense of Elin feeling carefree and it was easy to get caught up in all those wonderful feelings.

Life in the land down under definitely feels more laid back. Kit, however, the love interest, seems to be a workaholic and things get off to a bit of a bumpy start between him and Elin. The unexpected road trip they find themselves on sounded so idyllic and I was very envious that I wasn’t actually there in person but glad that reading of their trip, that I was somehow experiencing it alongside them. Even if it was only in my dreams!

Maddie Please is one of my go to authors for wonderfully uplifting stories that are set in places that I would love to go to and Sunrise with the Silver Surfers was no exception. It was vibrant, colourful, humorous, uplifting and so much more! This really was a delight to read and can’t recommend it highly enough if you are looking for a feel-good read that is guaranteed to be the perfect pick-me-up.

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This was a wonderful book, showing that there is truly life after divorce, and that you have to ability to change who you are at any age! Full of age-positive examples, from young 20-somethings to more mature "Silver Surfers", a fun group of friends who travel around Australia, surfing, laughing and staying young.

Elin was in a rut after her divorce. Her son is away at school, has his own relationship and she's at home on her own, with occasional annoying updates from her ex-husband on his new wife and baby. She decides to take a trip home to Australia to spend time with her sister and other family/friends, and on that trip she discovers a person she didn't know was inside of herself.

Give this a try: its a quick read, well-written, funny and warm. You'll thank me!

Thanks to the author, publisher and NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review this book, but my opinions are my own.

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A fun book about a recently divorced woman finding herself as she travels to her birth country of Australia to visit her family. Along the way she makes friends and falls in love. A nice story, though the title suggest the Silver Surfers are featured heavily which they really aren't. I found that odd. Otherwise though, the story itself was nice.

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This was a thoroughly enjoyable read! I found myself laughing out loud several times at the author’s descriptions and dialogue. I love that this story features older characters in good, loving relationships too. And I feel like I’ve just been to Australia and back!

Thanks to NetGalley, the author and publisher for an advanced reading copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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A cute, quik and easy read that I loved. The writing is always so engaging and the story is captivating. The characters were well developed and I loved them, I also loved the vivid and rich descriptions within the book. I really wanna spend time with these Silver Surfers

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I've loved all of Maddie Please's books but this is my favourite so far. It sparkles with wit and fun. The descriptions of Australia are vibrant and the carefree lifestyle is so gorgeous that I wanted to pack my bags and leave on the next plane. Elin is such a fabulous heroine. I held my breath all the way through this unputdownable book - superb characters and a warm, wonderful story. Bravo!

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What I loved about this book is reading about people your own age. It's rare, so well done Maddie for not ignoring us.
Elin is divorced from Tom, and after years of being treated badly, she decides to go back home to Australia for a holiday.
I loved the road trip Elin took with Kit in the motor home. Exploring the country has made me even more determined to visit. It sounds wonderful.
Elin's ex-husband sounds like a really horrible man who got his just desserts. She was well rid of him.
This is the first book I've read by this author, and it won't be the last.
A highly enjoyable read and definitely recommend.
Thanks to Netgalley and Bolwood Books for the ARC in return for an honest review.

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OMG! At the beginning of this story this author has described my husband perfectly! OMG! It's as if she is writing my story through Elin. Just wow!
At the beginning of the story I felt just like Elin did. Where along the way in your marriage did we lose ourselves? How'd we let that happen? Through narcissists.
Wow! I really loved Elin! She's got guts! It's something that I admired her for. I loved in getting to know her and I loved this whole book. Yes, I did find myself snickering in some places and in others places Shaking my head especially at Tom then later at Kit.
My favorite thing about the book was the setting Australia! My favorite place to visit the koala sanctuary. This new to me author describes it perfectly and I felt like I was there with Kit and Elin
Just a fun read that I thoroughly enjoyed! It has a few laughs and in general covers a few tough subjects as well.
The cover is gorgeous with all if my favorite colors!
5 stars for a job well done! I highly recommend!
My thanks for a copy of this book. I was NOT required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are my own.

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