Member Reviews

A disturbing, unsettling reflection of obsessive thoughts & relationship, true crime fascination and the dark actions this can lead to.

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Loved this audio, listened along with another couple of girls from book club and we all raved about it! Will defo recommend to others

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Death of a Bookseller by Alice Slater and Narrated by Emma Noakes and Victoria Blunt was a great audiobook that I became engrossed in from the beginning till the end. It's a dark psychological thriller and it's about two female's who are the main characters: Roach and Laura. Roach is also a true crime fanatic and obsessed with serial killers and has worked her entire adult life at a local bookshop called Spires in London.
Laura, is a pretty and charismatic children’s bookseller, who arrives to help rejuvenate the struggling bookstore branch, Roach recognises in her an unexpected kindred spirit. But, Laura' is keeping a secret from Roach, when she was small, her mother was murdered, by a serial killer. They both have common interest; in true crime, But, Laura still keeps her distance from Roach, resisting the other woman’s overtures of friendship. Roach want to learns everything about her new colleague, and eventually uncovers Laura’s traumatic family history. When Roach realises that she may have come across her very own true crime story, interest swiftly blooms into a dangerous obsession.

WoW This is so good! especially as Alice Slater is a new author to me.

The two narrators Emma Noakes and Victoria Blunt made the characters feel more real and were excellent. I loved the cover very eye catching,

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Oh this is a dark, delicious little book!

We first meet Roach, a bookseller, who considers herself a real true crime aficionado, not just one of these pumpkin spice girls who has cling onto the latest trend. She is fascinated, almost obsessive about serial killers.

Along comes Laura, in whom Roach, not quite rightfully, sees a kindred spirit. But Laura’s connection to serial killers is very different and Roach’s attempts at friendship and expressions of interest in Laura’s crime inspired poetry throughly disgust Laura.

Roach’s continued attempts to get close to Laura become more and more obsessive and dangerous.

I found Roach and Laura completely fascinating. They are each very unlikeable in their own ways, but nonetheless, completely compelling.

I was hooked from the outset and devoured the story to find out how it all turned out.

The audiobook was brilliant too. Two excellent narrators brought the characters to life and really pulled me in.

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I tried really hard to like this book but I simply could not get into it. The pace is slow and I got bored! I had to fight myself to actually put on my headphones and continue
I didn’t like the characters either. Roach is trying to be creepy and what not but she just comes off as someone who is lonely and tries her best to make friends. Laura is pretentious and cruel in her own way. The way she talks to people who think she thinks are somehow beneath her is annoying and she just comes off as a mean girl.
I’m disappointed with the book because based on the title and the description I was expecting something else. And even the prologue gave me something to look forward to but then the book just got slow and boring

*thank you NetGalley and the publisher for the ALC copy of the book

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I really struggled with this audiobook. I found it very slow to start and I didn’t gel with the narration at all.
Sorry, I just couldn’t finish it.

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Thank you to Netgalley and Hodder & Stoughton for this ARC in exchange for an honest review!

I came into this book thinking that it was something different to what it actually was. I stuck with it and it was definitely intriguing enough. I liked the twists and turns that the book created - there was definitely a few "wait, what??" moments that happened, with such complex characters.

The morality of what's discussed in this book, I also found interesting. It focuses on serial killers and the obsessive who can't get enough of true crime and those who are directly affected by them. I'm definitely in the camp of not understanding why this topic is so hyped up, but I also understand the importance of keeping the memory of the victims alive (whether the true crime podcasts, adaptions, documentaries etc do this is another matter). This was probably the most interesting part of the story for me.

I didn't like the ending unfortunately, I wanted it to go one way after the build up that we got throughout the book, but this'll be a matter of opinion!

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Wow! I was completely captivated and engrossed in this novel! Laura and Roach’s twisted relationship had me simultaneously rooting for and rooting against them both. I cycled between theories as to what might happen but was ultimately shocked by the outcome. Absolutely fantastic writing! A brilliant must-read debut!

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I really wanted to like this, but sadly I found both main characters loathsome and unrelatable, like a combination of the worst characteristics of both types of people. It made them lacking in believability.

Roach, going around calling people ‘normies’ like she thinks she’s special? You cannot be holier than thought when drinking dark berry cider …. Please?! Then being impressed by a basic pair of original DM’s?? Oh and you named your pet snail Bleep after Dennis Nilsen’s dog, how very original - yawn. Honey you cannot be passing judgement on any ‘Pumpkin Spice Latte Girls’ with those basic bitch choices.

Laura Bunting, the opposite kind of awful, comes across as an irritating, super perky, people pleaser and an absolute toff (I think this may have been partially due to the voicing though.)

The author does have a talent for writing grim characters and describing gross things just enough to make you curl your lip in disgust, but there was just no relief from the unlikeable characters. I wanted more action too, overall, just not for me I’m afraid. 

The narrators were fine, but not really narrators I’d purposely go back to though. 2.5 rounded up.

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A debut novel with a cracking cover. Set in a book shop where Roach has worked for year she is obsessed by true crime. A few colleague Laura sparks obsession .Especually when Laura is linked to a true crime. Its a game of xat and mouse as Broady pursues Laura friendship.
The story has orher characters which seemed to be added to show more of the main characters personality. Some seem unnecessarily vile as they appear almost of cue.
The main characters are well written and developed. The increasung darkness and odd incidents of violence make this a compelling and though provoking story. The run up to Christmas in retail us told in so much detail it screams personal experience.
This was a joy to read. I was slightly disappointed with the ending at first. However after thinking about the deep flaws of each character i can see why the writer decided to ho this way. It resolved itself very quickly and tge epilogue made me wanting more.
Fantastic debut. Thank you so much to net gallery and the publisher gir my arc. Look forward to the next one.

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Within the first few chapters I knew I was going to love DoaB. It’s dark, unnerving, funny & extremely twisted.
The story is told from Brogan “Roach” & Laura’s POVs and provides an unsettling tale of obsession.

Listening via the audiobook, the two narrator’s made the characters feel more real and as a result elicited strong emotions from me.
I immediately took a dislike to Laura. I found her to be snobby & extremely self-obsessed.
Roach, on the other hand, I adored. I connected with her. True crime “fan” (she’s more on the fanatical side than me lol) with a deliciously dark sense of humour.
Roach innocently tries to connect with Laura, feeling they share the same interest/passion, but Laura just dismisses Roach as if she is an annoying bug. And so the obsession begins.

I found this fast-paced, captivating and had me enthralled. A truly unique & compelling read. I mean, I cannot believe this is Alice Slater’s debut novel! It’s brilliant!

My dark twisted heart loves this book.
I love Bleep 🐌

Why only 4 stars?
The end. Once you read it, you might understand, but I can’t say too much because of spoilers.

Thank you, NetGalley & Hodder & Stoughton Audio, for the audiobook in return for an honest review.

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A dark psychological thriller that left me feeling uneasy at times .
The main characters Laura and Roach both work at Spines book shop and they are like chalk and cheese or day and night.
Roach is obsessed with true crime and steadily becomes obsessed with Laura and her character seems to become more unhinged throughout the book.
Laura seems to have everything Roach doesn’t , but Laura is in a mess dealing with grief, drinking too much , single and too much time to think .
Laura’s distinct dislike for Roach seems to pull Roach towards her like a magnet .
The main characters are both flawed and not particularly amiable but suffering from different psychological issues , Roach being delusional whilst Laura is crippled with grief which is causing major issues in her life
I found this a solid debut . Looking forward to more from Alice Slater.
I listened to the audio book and the narration was excellent.
Thanks to NetGalley and Hodder & Stoughton Audio .

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A 'deliciously, dark read' centered around bookshops and true crime!? Absolutely sounds like my type on paper... However, sadly it was just not meant to be 🫣

Unfortunately for me this book just fell a little flat. Maybe I went in with too high expectations after seeing so many fab reviews, I dunno? The 2 main characters were both (intentionally) equally flawed and unlikeable however I just couldn't connect with either of them and tbh they both just annoyed the life out of me lol. Also if I'm to be completely honest there were multiple occassions when I almost DNF'ed but I held on waiting for a cheeky little twist/surprise but sadly it just never came.

Also ✨️ SPOILER ALERT ✨️ ...

Nobody dies !??... 🤷🏻‍♀️😳 which I have to admit left me totally bewildered, when I'm reading a 'thriller' the least I expect is a little bit of claret 😆 am I wrong!?

I definitely seem to be in the minority with this one so please don't let my review put you off reading as the book itself is incredibly well written, but unfortunately this one just wasn't for me.

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Death of a Bookseller is a slow burn psychological thriller about two female main characters: Roach and Laura work together at Spines, a chain bookshop. Laura's mother was murdered by a serial killer when she was just a child, a fact she keeps hidden. She hates the fact that Roach is a true crime fanatic, obsessed with serial killers to the point of fetishization. Roach's fascination with Laura becomes a dark and twisted thing as the novel progresses. Through the two perspectives we are shown both sides of the ongoing argument about the validity of True Crime as a 'genre' of entertainment.

This is one of those books where you can sympathise with both characters despite the fact that they're both expertly written to be unlikeable. Roach is a black sheep with poor social skills, unconventional thinking, poor hygiene, and a generally off-putting vibe, but there were moments of vulnerability where I felt genuinely sorry for her. Laura's a hoity-toity, barely functioning alcoholic who is utterly intolerant of Roach. At times, the reading experience reminded me of Ottessa Moshfegh's writing.

I really enjoyed the book and found myself not wanting to stop reading. Alice Slater is now one of my authors to look out for!

Thanks for the arc!

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Death of a Bookseller is such a dark and unsettling psychological thriller. Set in London, this book is told from the perspectives of two booksellers who live very different lives, Roach - a true crime obsessive with a pet snail and Laura - a preppy, stylish bookseller who writes poetry. Their relationship is uncomfortable and uneasy to read but somehow this made the book so much more enjoyable! Without spoiling too much, this book really showcases the issues society has with true crime and the macabre obsession that we can develop with it! It's a fantastic creepy thriller which also includes mentions of books (which is an added plus in my eyes!)

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I absolutely devoured this! I’m not much of a thriller reader but, being a bookseller, this was just calling to me! I was thoroughly engrossed and creeped out from start to finish and couldn’t put it down. I absolutely loved the bookseller perspective and the little details that the author included because it made for a very cosy vibe. That cosy vibe was in complete contrast to the characters who I did not like at all but made for a wonderful dynamic and had me asking lots of questions. I was 100% on edge throughout and honestly the bookselling element made it a little too close to home which just added to my anxiety and the atmosphere whilst reading. I would definitely recommend if you enjoy a good thriller or if you like books about books!


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The title and synopsis drew me in. Loved reading about the workings of a bookshop and how awful some customers can be.

The book is told from two points of view, which i do like reading from more than one. But neither character was likeable, laura being selfish, entitled, snob and Roach being weird, creepy, disturbing. Their interactions became very repetitive and just seemed to go round in circles. I almost didnt finish the book.

The narration was done well and giving clear which point of view is being told, and its mainly because of the narrators that i finished the book.

Thank you to netgalley and publisher for providing me with a audiobook for an honest review.

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Loved this. So unique. The bookish references were so funny to read as a bookseller myself. Loved the commentary on true crime and obsession. The narration was excellent and really brought the characters to life.

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Roach - bookseller, loner and true crime fanatic- is not interested in making friends. She has all the company she needs in her serial killer books, murder podcasts and her pet snail, Bleep.

That is, until Laura joins the bookshop.

With her cute literary tote bags and sunny smile, she's everyone's favourite bookseller. But beneath the shiny veneer, Roach senses a darkness within Laura, the same darkness Roach possesses.

And as curiosity blooms into morbid obsession, Roach becomes determined to be a part of Laura's story - whether Laura wants her in it or not.

I was intrigued by this book by both the blurb and the book title. When you’re a bookworm like me and you see the word bookseller in the book title you just want to read it. Each alternate chapter is told by Roache and then Laura. It’s a dark, tense and gripping read. I was hooked from the very beginning.

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I listened to the audiobook.

I had no expectations going into this book, so my mind was completely open to anything. The blurb is intriguing, and the cover is deliciously creepy.

The story of Brogan/Brodie/Roach and Laura is so tense and gripping, I almost couldn’t bear to put it down. I was so engrossed in the drama that I stayed up WAY too late last night!

I thoroughly enjoyed this chilling, dark story!

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