Member Reviews

A slow start but an easy read if you stick with it. A sliding doors scenario. Does Becca respond to her ex or does she ignore him ? Both sides are explored , and loved Becca’s friends antics .
This book would be a great holiday / me time read .
Thank you to Netgalley, Penguin Random House and Laura Jane Williams for letting me read this book in exchange for an honest review

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This was another book that really let me down this year. I normally really love LJW's writing, but this one was just so hard to get into. I think I only really got into it at the 50% mark, and then then I sort of struggled to finish. I think the biggest issue I found was having no connection to the characters. It was really hard for me to feel invested when I felt no connection at all to what I was reading.

All in all, this was an OK book, but not something that really grabbed my attention in any special way.

I would like to thank the publisher for providing me with an ARC through NetGalley. As always, my opinions are entirely my own.

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I really love Laura Jane Williams novels, they are always well written and the characters and plot are always spot on. This novel was quite slow to begin with and I found it really difficult to get into and I was quite disappointed with it, given my love for her books. I persisted through the book and by the end, I did find myself really enjoying it and the dual/split pov was very interesting.

As always, I enjoyed the writing style from Laura however, in comparison to her other books, I can only give it 2.5/3 stars as it just wasn't for me. However, I think many people will really enjoy this book!

I'm really hopeful for her next books as I have always found her books great to read :)

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Thank you to Netgalley and Penguin Random House for the e-arc. When her ex texts her right away after the manifestation ritual she holds to obtain him, she knows it must be a sign. Becca was a fascinating character to follow and watch her timeline throughout the book as she embarks on two possible roads to find love: should she rekindle her love with Mike or block him and find a new relationship. It was difficult for me to get into this book since I didn't think the chapters flowed as well, but I liked the notion of two different tales, and I loved how they intertwined. The conclusion caught me off guard, but I thought it was lovely.

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I have read and enjoyed some of the previous work from this author but this book felt too slow and difficult for me to get into. I loved the initial 'sliding doors' concept but I felt that I just did not root for Becca at all. I had no interest for either of the relationships and I figured the twist out pretty early on. I think this could be a really enjoyable book for a lot of people, unfortunately this just wasn't the case for me. I did really enjoy her writing style however and the way that each chapter reminded the reader which side of the story we were reading in each chapter.

I kindly received this ARC from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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Lovestruck overall is an easy read if you stick with it and get past the first few chapters which feel quite boring and don't really add anything to the story.

It's a nice summer read but not necessarily one you will remember.

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Love Struck is a cute read with a sliding doors type vibe. It explores the options of what Becca Galloway does if she texts her ex back or if she doesn't.

It's an interesting concept as how many times have you wondered "what if I've chosen a different path?" This is something that a few authors have tried and it's definately a concept I enjoy reading.

It was a cute, easy read and one you could take on holidays with you. Perfect Summer read.

#summerreads #lovestruck #paperbackbook #lovingbooks #alwaysreading #lovetoread #readingforjoy #greatread #reading #jamiesreads #jamiesbookstagram #love #romancereading #romance

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I enjoyed the duel ‘what if’ point of view that the book took. Taking the age old ‘should I text him’ question and going down the two routes of if she’d replied and if she hadn’t.

I found the first half of the book slower-paced and once I got past the half way mark my enjoyment increased.

I loved the who she ended up with in the end and how it all came together. The main character, her friends and parents were all very likeable.

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I really enjoyed this book. It was my first by Laura Jane Williams and it definitely won't be the last. This story was, honestly, written so beautifully. Would definitely recommend!

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She’s done it again! Laura Jane Williams is the queen of the rom com.
The minute I see her name on a book I know I’m going to be captivated from the first page to the last !
Thank you so much for creating such a joyful and entertaining read . I would highly recommend

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This book was such a delight and I thoroughly enjoyed every moment of it. Romance with a twist is the perfect description for this story; I loved the alternate plot lines that ran alongside each other. My favourite part of that were the smart little references to each thread of the story that was dropped in naturally.

It was difficult to not like the characters in this book. I adored the friendship between Becca, Jin-Lia and Carlos and could 100% see myself in the pub having a laugh with them over a few drinks. I found it difficult to choose a guy that I liked best. Both Mike and Noah had their pros and cons and I thought that Becca was a better (yet different) version of herself with them both.

I chose this book for a fun and light hearted read and it delivered on that brilliantly. A great rom-com that I whizzed through in two sittings. I continue to love Laura Jane Williams!

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Such a fun little read!
I really enjoyed this one, it was easy going, fast pace, and the characters were brilliant!

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Witty, romantic and original. I really enjoyed reading this, it was perfect escapism that I could not put down!

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I have to say I was disappointed by this book. I had read some of Laura Jane Williams’s previous books and found them to be enjoyable and an easy read however this one was a struggle.

It was very slow to the point that I was almost giving up which I try really hard not to do. The Sliding Doors concept just didn’t work for me and I couldn’t empathise with main character, Becca.

It is a shame that I didn’t like to but I am sure plenty of other people will, it’s just my opinion.

It hasn’t put me off this authors books and I am grateful that I got the chance to read an ARC.

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Loved that it was set in Birmingham, but unfortunately was much more interested in Jia as a character than Becca as the protagonist.

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Great uplifting story, it was so good I didn’t want it to end.

Thank you NetGalley for my complimentary copy in return for my honest review.

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Having read and enjoyed Our Stop last year, I was very much looking forward to reading Lovestruck. Thank you to Netgalley and Penguin Random House for the e-arc. Unfortunately I didn't enjoy this as much as Our Stop, and although I appreciated the two timelines, it didn't quite hit the mark for me.

• two timelines was really clever and the crossovers made me smile
• Laura Jane Williams writing style - it was a lovely easy read


• the twist came from nowhere. It wasn't until about 70% of the way through the book that there was any inkling the book might head in a different direction - I would have liked some build up
• it felt very rushed - I didn't beleive Becca's relationships with Mike or Noah; I didn't feel the chemistry and I would have liked a bit more spice (but I understand that is personal preference)
• some of the secondary characters were a bit annoying (including Mike's mum who I felt was far too much and unrealistic)

This wouldn't prevent me from reading another Laura Jane Williams as I do like her writing style, I just enjoyed Our Stop more.

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Becca Calloway is ready for the one. She will even hold a manifestation ceremony to get him and when her ex texts her straight after she knows it must be a sign… but what does the sign mean. We follow Becca as she goes down two different paths to find love, should she rekindle her love with Mike or block him and find a new man?

I love Laura Jane Williams books, I love her beautiful writing style and I always think her books are so easy to read and imagine the story. Her female main characters are always so fun and full of life and Becca totally fit into this, she was a great character to follow and see her timeline throughout the book. I didn’t find the chapters flowed as well in this book which made it hard for me to get into but I liked the concept and the idea of two alternative storylines was so cool and I loved how they weaved in and out of each other. I was surprised by the ending but I thought it was sweet.

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This book was incredible!

Such a unique way in which it was written. The main characters has personalities, flaws and felt human.

I couldn’t put it down and loved the ending!

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Although initially confused about what was happening, once I got into the book I realised that it was operating on a ‘sliding door’s’ narrative arc. Sadly, the eventual outcome seemed so obvious that there was no real question in my mind and the characters were, for the most part, simply too two-dimensional for me to really get onboard with it.

If you are looking for a feel good summer read that doesn’t stretch your imagination too far on the beach, this might well be what you’re after, it sadly just didn’t work for me.

With thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an arc of this novel in exchange for an honest review.

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