Member Reviews

Sarà Winslow is an attorney whose life has started to get complicated. Her handsome but abusive husband has been cheating with her best friend. Then he gets murdered, amd it starts to look as though he has been making the wrong kinds of connection.

And all she wants to do is enter her pedigree terrier into competitions alongside her hslf-, sister and win prizes.

Then it looks as though the Mob want her swimming with the fishes.

From this synopsis, it should sdlready be clear that here is a story full of genuinely unexpected surprises: this book caanot be faulted for its twists. Winslow is to discover there is more to her history than she could ever have imagined.

It's possible this book tries to be too many things, as Sara has interesting connections from the paranormal too, with ghostly friends routing for her whenever she is in a fix. Not sure this is essential to the plot, though, which is that Winslow has a lot to learn about herself, and who she really is. There are elements of escapism alongside all the danger, as well as an element of romance.

This novel should appeal to those who enjoy that kind of thing, quite probably it's not meant to be taken that seriously. If that is the case, get ready to be entertained.

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This book had may elements to it but they were clearly crafted into one fine plot.
Many thanks to Black Rose Writing and to NetGalley for providing me with a galley in exchange for my honest opinion.

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The description of this book sounded so good . I could not wait to start reading it. One of the changes i made this year was to stop pushing myself to finish books that i did not find interesting , or that just had to mich going on to the point i stayed confused. Sadly this one fell into both categories . It had way too much going on . It was a mystery, paranormal ,thriller, suspense,and romance. I pushed myself to read about 35 % of this book before deciding that i just could not read any more of it. Just because it was not for me don't mean you should not give it a chance. Hopefully you will enjoy it much more then me.

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While I can appreciate a quirky, indie mystery with lots of ideas, characters, and sub-genres, there has to be some cohesiveness to the whole for it to work in the end. My overall take is that Sharon K. Middleton had such grand ideas for this fun little read, but connecting all of the pieces became a struggle. The result was a bit chaotic, or overwhelming at best.
I think the published book would have been much successful if the author sacrificed some of her ideas for the plot in favor of really fleshing out the few that made the most sense for propelling the story along. I enjoyed the romantic subplot, but really wish that could have been explored more. I enjoyed the setting a lot too.
The cover doesn't do a lot for me, and I think on shelves it won't perform very well.

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I really enjoyed this book. It’s not something I would usually go for, but I was pleasantly surprised! The plot was amazing and I was completely thrown off when the attempted murderer was revealed. I do feel as that the ending was a bit abrupt and could have been given a few more chapters. I highly recommend this book for anyone who loves thrill, excitement and a good scandal.

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First of all I would like to say a big thank you to NetGalley and the publisher, Black Rose Writing, for choosing me to read this ARC of Heart of the Storm by Sharon K. Middleton. I love to support independent publishing companies!
Unfortunately, this book was just not for me. I love that the author had so many ideas brimming, but the result was a quite chaotic jumble of a million different things happening to a million different people, and it was frankly quite hard to follow. I appreciate that there was a "cast of characters" breakdown in the beginning; listing all of the people and who they were and their relevance, but I have always found that in a well written, cohesive finished novel, all of that is revealed in the story itself. The author did make it clear that about half of these characters were minor characters from some of her other novels though, so maybe if I had read those first, it would have come together better for me.

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This is a quirky, fun read, not to be taken too seriously by the reader! There's a lot going on and the book can fit into multiple genres from cosy mystery to crime thriller, mixed in with a bit of romance. The characterisation was a bit shallow and I failed to like any of the characters, but I loved the dog action in the book! I found it all a bit confusing trying to work it all out and eventually just gave up and finished the read! It would be a good light book to read whilst on holiday, it's just not for me. Thanks to Net Galley for my ARC.

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This book had a lot going on. It was a mystery, thriller, suspense, romance, and paranormal? I read about half of this book before deciding that it was not for me. I mainly spent the book confused and no matter how hard I tried to understand I just couldn’t.

There are so many areas that this book had wonderful potential and could really shine. I feel that if the genre would have been better defined, and the author stuck with that, it would have helped. The characters were fun and quirky, a lot quirky lol. There was also a lot of dog talk which was endearing and fun to read. I felt that I could connect with the characters and really enjoyed learning about them.

Overall, I think if you can stick with this book and overlook some of the flaws, then you would really enjoy this book. There’s also a fun mob aspect which is entertaining. Just because I couldn’t get into this one, doesn’t mean you won’t – there is a lot to love here.

Thank you to @netgalley and the publisher, Black Rose Writing, @blackrosewriting, for my advanced copy in exchange for this honest review. Black Rose Writing was a new publishing house for me, they are a small independent Texas US based publishing house that focuses on relationships with their authors. I look forward to reading more of their books in the future.

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Heart of the Storm
A McCarron's Corner Mystery
by Sharon K. Middleton

A pretty good read. I enjoyed the book. Many people were a bit confused. Good all the way through. I liked it had
mystery/thriller/bit of romance and not just a big deep thriller.

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Good book! This book was a cutesy read but with some grit! It had suspense, intrigue, action, murder, mystery, romance and a great who done it! I did enjoy reading this book! It had a bit of a paranormal feel but not to much, it was definitely a cute read! I will definitely recommend reading this book as it was well worth reading! Thank you Netgalley and the publisher for sharing this book with me!

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