Member Reviews

3.5 Rounded up - Unexpectedly emotional. I love when romance books deal with heavier topics that don't make it feel like an after school special. I loved how the author showed Josh & Gemma navigate hardships together, and balanced heavy and light.

Sometimes sequals feel unnecessary, but this was a great addition to their story!

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Wow. This book took me on an amazing journey. I laughed and I cried so much, but ultimately I was so inspired by this beautiful love story. This author never disappoints. The narrator was fantastic too.

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I didn’t love this book as much as the first, but it still had its moments. It picks up as a follow-up to the “happily ever after,” diving into the real and raw challenges that come after the fairy tale ending. The single POV worked well to keep the story focused, but I found myself missing some of the charm from the original. While it wasn’t my favorite, it’s worth a read if you’re curious about what comes next for these characters.

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This book has a completely different vibe from the first book. It is much more serious, but still manages to be light-hearted. Josh and Gemma must learn how to love again after Gemma falls into a coma due to pre-eclampsia.

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I wanted to like this book. It just wasn’t for me. I don’t know I was bored to tears. I love this author and the narrators were good. It may just be me.

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I ended up DNF'ing this one. I really wanted to enjoy it since I've read other books by Ready and liked them, but I was bored with Josh and Gemma's relationship. Just not for me.

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I enjoyed the first book and was excited to read book two. Sadly, I didn't get the chance to finish this and wasn't feeling this as much. Hopefully I can find the time to pick this up again in the future though!

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I wish their story ended with the first book. I couldnt bring myself to finish this one, It was boring to me ,

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An okay story, but it paled in comparison to Josh and Gemma Make a Baby. I found it unfortunate that the author chose to revisit a lovely story with this story. I would have preferred to have just left Josh and Gemma alone in my mind.

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Does not work as a standalone.

The first book was sweet and painted Gemma as an analytical, organized individual. Yes, she is anxious, but there is no way she'd be going through preeclampsia and not think something is wrong, and for how badly she wanted the baby, she'd do anything to make sure it was okay, even before her marriage to Josh. To kick off this book, as she's suffering from preeclampsia, she sends her sister to buy flipflops because her feet are swelling and she ignores headaches, and then she faints, which is what puts her in a coma and drives the plot. After she wakes (only 20% in), her healing actually feels really fast. I didn't buy in, and overall, the book felt contrived. I think I'm happier just pretending everything in book 1 wrapped up with a bow and leaving it at that.

5 stars -- self-publishing is hard.

Thank you to NetGalley and Swift & Lewis Publishing LLC for the ARC.

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With an open door unique take of a second chance romance this book was a bit heavier than the previous book in the series. It is much more of a domestic drama than a rom-com but there are many warm, funny moments sprinkled throughout. I would definitely recommend reading Josh and Gemma Make a Baby before starting this one so you can understand how the relationship started. It will help to appreciate all that they are going through in this book.
Erin Mallen's narration gave life to Josh and Gemma's story. Her numerous voices make listening to the audiobook very enjoyable.
The characters are well developed and still relatable even if their situation may not be. How Josh and Gemma's relationship became a second chance romance even after they had a baby and started wedding ceremony was a unique situation. But the way they get through it builds their relationship in an even stronger way than it had the first time around. I loved the added drama Ian, once again, gave to their story. This book has heart and emotion which kept me interested throughout while rooting for Josh and Gemma to get back what they once had by the end.
I am grateful to Swift & Lewis Publishing LLC and Netgalley for the opportunity to listen to an audiobook of this emotional book in exchange for an honest review. All the thoughts and opinions are my own.

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A great story, beautifully narrated and a pleasure to listen to.

I enjoy Sarah Ready's novels very much and I am very thankful for the opportunity to listen to the audiobook of this one.

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3 stars
audiobook review

I love the narrator but I felt that even her talent couldn't make me like this story to rate it more than 3 stars for me. I love a story where we get to see the main characters once more but this was a story where the characters were experiencing heartbreak and questioning their strength as individuals and as a couple. It took me a while to finish this story and when I did overall I feel like this was a one time listen for me. I do have a copy of the book and may give it a chance and read it instead.

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I really tried to get into this but just could t connect with it and ended up DNFinf it. I wish NetGalley would allow you to skip giving a star rating on books if you DNF because I can’t accurately say what I’d rate it.

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I listened to the audiobook of "Josh and Gemma the Second Time Around" by Sarah Ready. I loved the first book in the series, and picked this one up without even knowing what it was about. It was quite a bit more intense than I was expecting, and heartbreaking at times. I was torn on how to feel about the reintroduction of Ian in the story, but ended up okay with it by the end. I really enjoy the author's writing style and ability to tackle difficult topics while keeping the stories light and fun. I will definitely be reading any new books written by Sarah Ready.

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I admit to dnfing this. I approached this book with interest, particularly drawn to its premise and the promise of a second chance romance—a theme I typically enjoy. However, I must admit that my reading experience was somewhat hampered by personal preferences and initial expectations. One of the central plot devices, the coma trope, which I just can’t get into. Additionally, I was unaware that this book was a sequel to "Josh and Gemma Make a Baby," which perhaps affected my ability to fully connect with the characters and their backstory.

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I personally feel that this sequel was unneeded. I think the first book wrapped up pretty nicely. I didn’t enjoy this book as much because I felt like the storyline was forced and uninteresting. I found myself counting down how long I had until this was done. Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for allowing me to experience this book in exchange for an honest review.

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After enjoying the first book, Josh and Gemma make a Baby, I was happy to see a sequel to this fun rom-com. Gemma is still a bit oblivious and Josh is still a great, accepting, easy-going guy. Miscommunication, like in the first book, is still an issue, but mostly the characters are lovable and their story is sweet and romantic. The narration is great.

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I unfortunately didn't have the time to get to reading it before it archived! Though I will pick it up in the future.
So please disregard the low rating as Netgalley forces me to put one down with my review.

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I really enjoyed book one in this series. I gave it 4/5 stars. But I couldn't get into book 2. Honestly - let's pretend the first is a standalone book

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