Member Reviews

This is a love story to beat all love stories. Rosie and Will fall in love at school but life gets in the way. An absolute must read. I could not wait to find out what happens next. Five stars and more all the way.

Rosie and Wills are destined to be together, but life keeps getting in the way. A good girl, bad boy plot line, that at times is very emotional and intriguing. A book of love, desperation and heartache. So many missed opportunities, mistaken feelings and wrong roads taken.
A nicely written and carefully considered story. No great surprises, a gentle, if somewhat bumpy road love story, though Rosie needed a shake up well before the ending!
Thank you NetGalley.

Heartbreakingly beautiful. I absolutely adored this book.
My favourite read of the year so far. Will and Rosie were such gorgeously flawed characters.
There was so much intimacy between the MCs. I WILL SCREAM ABOUT THIS BOOK UNTIL ALL HAVE READ IT!
Daverley is clearly quite a talent and I cannot wait to read her next book.

There are not enough stars for this book. It’s a book about love and loss but it’s also about identity, happiness, and what it means to be human and I cannot recommend it enough. These people are so utterly real, and their lives so utterly truthful that I am missing them already. I am already planning who I will be giving it to, and will be raving about it in the shop incessantly.

Talking at Night by Claire Daverley is a compelling and emotional novel about the complexities of human relationships.

There is no doubt in my mind that this book is going to be a big hit this year.
It's so beautifully written. This story was truly heart wrenching and I felt every single emotion through Rosie and Will.
Rosie and Wills love story isn't straight forward it's intense, raw, flawed yet you know when you see two people and you just know they are meant to be together these are those two people. We really get to know the characters through the timeline from when they were teenagers to then adults and this definitely helped with building a connection.
The story covers many sad and dark topics but the author has covered them so well. My heart was constantly broken throughout this whole story.
Definitely going to be done of my top book recommendations this year!!!
Thank you to Netgalley & Michael Joseph [ Penguin ] for the opportunity to read this book.

Will and Rosie meet as teenagers and feel a quick connection. Will has had a more difficult life and a bad reputation whilst Rosie is a good girl and a talented musician. They meet through her brother Josh who studies maths with Will. Before things can develop too far, tragedy strikes and they are torn apart. Throughout the following years they stay in each others’ lives, sometimes more closely and at other times distantly as they both learn to heal. This isn’t a unique story but is beautifully told and I felt very involved in their sadness. One niggle is the lack of speech marks. I find this unhelpful in books and can’t understand why it is done. Thanks to Netgalley for an ARC.

Thank you to Netgalley for the opportunity to read this book in exchange for an honest review.
"Talking at Night" by Claire Daverley tells the story of a love that transcends time and tragedy. The book follows the journey of Will and Rosie, two people who fall in love as teenagers but are torn apart by a devastating event. Despite the passage of time and the many loves that come and go throughout their lives, they are unable to let go of the connection they share.
The premise of the book is intriguing, and the author does a good job of capturing the excitement and intensity of young love. However, as the story progresses, it falls short of delivering a truly great love story. While the connection between Will and Rosie is palpable, their relationship is often overshadowed by missed opportunities and other love interests. However, overall the book feels a little underwhelming. While there are moments of beauty and genuine emotion, the overall story feels underdeveloped and incomplete. If you're a fan of love stories and are looking for a quick and easy read, this book may be worth a look.

Talking at Night is a real mixed bag for me - following Will and Rosie as they grow up, grow apart, grow closer, but always being somehow drawn together. Of course readers will draw parallels to stories like One Day or Normal People, so if you're into those kinds of stories I'd definitely recommend you check this one.
The story lives up to it's namesake - the story felt exactly like one of those slow, personal conversations you have after the party is over and you're sitting alone at night talking about everything. Fragments of memories being shared, almost dream-like and lyrical in places. Unfortunately for me, the stylistic choices including the new trend of not using speech marks made this a little difficult to read and I didn't find myself connecting with the characters, who at first felt like the typical bad boy/girl next door duo but definitely came into their own as they grew up.
While it wasn't exactly for me, I still think fans of slow-burning, emotional romance will definitely enjoy this.

This was a good read. It took me a while to get into it. But once I was into it I really enjoyed it. I felt the characters worked well together. So many twist and turns I didn't expect and it was very heart tugging at points

This is a love story of Will & Rose, who are totally opposites in the way they grew up and now are. Rose never breaks the rulesand is pretty straight laced, whilst Will is a bit of a wide boy and gets up to all sorts. But their tale is heart wrenching and will have you hooked.

Initially, it gave me vibes of Cecelia Aherns' Where Rainbows End, which pans over several years, but I found Talking at Night a very slow and long read. Found it hard to connect with characters. Not my cup of tea.

I wanted to read this book because of the reviews saying it was like 'One Day' but better, which I loved, Other reviews saying that it will 'keep me up at night'. Unfortunately it didn't live up to the hype for me. It follows the love affair of Will and Rose, the standard bad boy and the equally standard girl next door. Some parts were lovely and quite sentiment, but overall I found the book quite depressing and also frustrating. To be honest, it was basically a tale of someone just constantly trying to please other people and not themselves and a lot of time was wasted by doing this. I didn't think that either of the main characters were very happy at all. I know that not everyone is content with their lives and their choices, but I just felt like I wanted to shake Rose most of the time! Also I would have like to have known better timelines, there were bits in the book where it became apparent to what stage in their lives they were at, but dates or years gone by would have been better..
Thank you Netgalley for the advance preview of this book.

No ordinary love story!
This is a beautifully woven story of Rosie and Will, who are at school together, who almost have a teenage romance and continue to "almost" for several years, through University and an apprenticeship, through relationships and losses.
I loved the characters of Rosie and Will...portrayed perfectly as the straight laced teen girl and the misunderstood bad boy and how those characters developed through adulthood and found myself sighing with frustration every time they failed to get it together!
With a host of beautifully written supporting characters (particularly Wills gran!) the book follows the pair through their individual tribulations and those shared that bring them back into each others orbit time after time.
Read it!

A wonderful read…loved it. A heart wrenching and beautifully written story which will stay with you long after you finish the book.
Highly recommended.
Thank you to Netgalley, and the publisher for an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

I didn't have much expectations for this book. I know it's clichéd you should never judge a book by its cover, but I could have quite easily dismissed what in essence was such a beautiful love story.
I found myself gripped from the beginning and so immersed in everyone's lives. The tears flowed and the story really touched my heart.
A truly beautiful love story. I look forward to reading more from this author.

I loved this book. I can see why it's being compared to Sally Rooney (though I wish people would stop this as it's really lazy shorthand) but I think it's a comparison based on the fact that a lot of the book is dialogue. I think Daverley is a much better writer than SR - the characters were so well drawn and the dialogue was beautifully meandering, about everything and nothing, and felt so real. I completely got caught up in Rosie and Will's story and found myself at one point unable to put it down! It's only February but I know this is going to be one of my books of the year. An astonishing debut.

Not my favourite but then am not really into romance novels. While this is a love story it’s got more than the usual fluffy love stories, it is a bit heartbreaking but has some lovely bits. Like a lighter Normal People, the dialogue isn’t as smart arse as Normal People. It’s an enjoyable read but it’s not one I would buy. It’s perfect for fans is character lead romances

What a tender, beautiful, gut punch of a novel. I can't believe this is a debut. I couldn't put it down.

Talking at night is reminiscent of the slow unfurling story writing by Sally Rooney.
Will and Rosie meet as teenagers at a party and their lives intertwine throughout adulthood.
Rosie - a twin - straightlaced - does everything by the book and strives to gain a place in a Russell Group university.
Will - daredevil, tagged with 'troublemaker and womaniser'' and doesn't want to go to university.
Their story is a long-played-out love story and they face, love and loss over the years.
Well written and absorbing.