Member Reviews

I loved this book. Wow ❣️

This book had a little of everything for me. The way in which the book is written gives you enough insight to imagine the characters but also constantly keeps you changing your mind.
It's the perfect blend of thriller with comedy. I found myself hilariously laughing at the bad dates section (we have all been there) and in the next page wondering what was going on.
At various points I felt I had got the ending twigged boy was I wrong! I love that it constantly had me changing my mind and guessing.

As for the characters Gwen is brilliant a recently single woman navigating her life one swipe at a time.
Brilliant work.

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This book is about a women called Gwen. After breaking up with her boyfriend she decides to download connector (a dating app) to forget about him.

The only problem,each man is worse than the one before. But what happens when she matches with a serial killer? Each of her dates is murdered. As the story unfolds we see Gwen try to figure out this mystery and figure out who it is exactly that’s killing all these men.

Gwen works with detective Lyon’s to figure out who is behind all these killings. Can she find the killer before it’s to late?

Don’t swipe right is an amazing thriller. It had me hooked from the start and is a book that helped me get out of a reading slump. I’m so glad I tried this and hope that it will be the first of many books a read from this author.

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I received an ARC of this book thanks to NetGalley and publisher Head of Zeus in exchange for an honest review.

What a fantastic surprise this book was!

Don't Swipe Right is the story of Gwen, a woman who gets caught up in a string of murders when it turns out the men she keeps dating keep on dying. She naturally becomes a suspect and decides to investigate in an attempt to clear her name.

On the surface, I was already sold by the premise. It's a little hard to judge what kind of book this is from the cover, but it is much more cosy mystery/humorous thriller than the typical psychological thrillers. I suspect this might lead to a few disappointed readers, but if you know what you are in for then this book is a breath of life.

For starters, it's actually funny! It's so rare that I laugh at books and this one was genuinely entertaining in a very engaging way. The mystery aspects are fairly weak but the writing and characterisations are so good that I was hooked. I had an absolute blast reading it and I didn't want to put it down as a result.

If you want a tense, intricate thriller then this book isn't for you. But if you want a decent plot with great writing and great characters, then I strongly recommend this book. It is a very fun time and the perfect enjoyable read.

Overall Rating: 4.5/5

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Thankyou to NetGalley for this ARC.

This book was brilliant right from the start, had me hooked and I didn’t want to put it down. Definitely had me guessing right until the very end. The way it has been written is amazing, red herrings to make you guess and doubt yourself. But also humour to make it comical.
Brilliant debut book from L.M. Chilton can’t wait to see what’s next.
Would recommend to anyone that loves a good murder mystery.

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"...the problem is, this app is chock-full of absolute bellends. see what i mean? they all look like serial killers!"

Thank you to L.M. Chilton and Head of Zeus for gifting me this e-ARC.

when gwen joins connector and proceeds to go on date after horrific date, each one seemingly weirder than the last, she doesn't really bat an eyelid. after all, dating apps are full of weirdos and creeps. so when one of her previous dates dies the day after being seen together, and then another, and another, and the blame starts to flick to her, gwen has to race to find the people she's been on dates with before the mysterious 'parker', who seems to know something is going to happen, finds them first.

rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

my thoughts: advertised as perfect for fans of [book:How to Kill Your Family|50224049], and having seen the influx of books similar such as [book:How to Kill Men and Get Away With It|61833058] and [book:Vera Wong's Unsolicited Advice for Murderers|61827543], and of course anything being published by head of zeus, i had to request this book!

lets just say that this book had so many twists and turns, i never expected the ending at all! yes there were a few little plot holes, as to how Sarah got from her fiance's flat, to the island so quickly, even quicker than it took gwen, same with the police also!

i loved that we were led along the mystery with gwen and how connector was, well, connecting her life, and that of all of the men she had been on dates with. admittedly i was and still am also a little confused as to why we had an extra side plot about gwen's coworker at the coffee and ice cream van and coding, besides trying to frame him for the crime, but boy id this book keep me guessing!

its also something when you are left wanting more books about the side characters who weren't even in it for that large a portion of the book, jamal seemed like so much fun honestly and id love to know about his hacking etc too!

also, for a debut book? this was amazing, and i read it within two bus journeys on the way to work, it had me hooked! (i guess it also helps that i met my boyfriend through a dating app, so i sure have seen my fair share of weirdos, creeps and people that give off serial killer vibes too). the chaos of this book, with its strong pacing, gwens flashbacks to each date and how everything has led to these moments, the story is absolutely bonkers, brilliant, and altogether amazing.

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Stroy by L.M. Chilton ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Well done to you L.M. Chilton! For a debut novel this was pretty bloody good!!

I really like Gwen and her sense of humour. At one point I wanted to reach through my kindle and punch one (or more) of her dates in the face. And I have to say this had me guessing until the 80% which was refreshing (but maybe I'm just a terrible detective)

Would definitely recommend this book and would absolutely try this author again!

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In this novel we meet main character Gwen, having recently split from her boyfriend she has joined dating site Connector. On here, Gwen connects with many different men and goes on some very disastrous dates. Unfortunately for Gwen, the men that she is dating appear to being killed off by a serial murderer.

As the reader of this novel, I really enjoyed the first half and then it went a big down hill for me afterwards. A really premise of a story that started strong but teetered off in the middle.

Gwen runs her own business as a coffee seller and has employs Charlie who I find a really good and interesting character. I really enjoyed the humorous side of Gwen's personality and the dark material of the novel was made much lighter through the humour and the comedic aspect of the novel.

If you are looking for a read with lots of humour then this a great book to read.

Thanks to Netgalley, LM Chilton and the publishers for allowing me a copy of this novel in exchange for my honest review.

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This is the first novel from author L.M. Chilton, and it most certainly did not disappoint.

This was definitely a page turner for me. I love a good murder mystery and honestly I changed my mind quite a few times trying to guess who done it. I did not see that ending coming! There was plenty of humour and It had me chucking to myself more times than I can count. I absolutely loved the main character Gwen and her witty and relatable personality, I almost wished she was real so we can be friends 😅 I found the whole online dating app very intriguing but also very worrying, I’ve luckily never had to delv into the world of online dating, but I can imagine that this is actually what it is like 🤯

I definitely recommend this read If you like a fast paced, easy and enjoyable murder mystery then this is for you.

I am looking forward to any future books L.M. Chilton writes they will be going straight on the list!


Thank you to netgalley, head of zeus and L.M. Chilton for this ARC in return for my review.

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Thanks to Netgalley for my ARC
4.5 stars rounded to 5

I was really excited to read this one, it was so funny and just chaotic! I love a murder mystery and this one took some of the darkness away with the humour. It was different to other books I'd read before and I really enjoyed it, I only figured out 'who dunnit' not long before the reveal! Everyone was a suspect at some point and it really makes you think about what goes on with these dating apps, my jaw dropped at the twist and how everything linked together

If you enjoy dark comedy I'd recommend this!

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A debut thriller by L.M Chilton.

Gwen, recently separated from her boyfriend, turns to swiping left and right on dating apps any spare chance she gets. Desperate to find 'the one', In what almost becomes her new addiction, little did she know, she would be using the dating app to solve a murder mystery.

The story takes you through many relationships of Gwens, from friends to dates. It brings about the comedy of bad dates from dating apps and also the thrill of solving a murder (or two!)

I found the storyline engaging and realistic in many aspects, which was relatable to me. The book is well-written and the storyline is exciting. I love the cover and the title.

Some parts I found less interesting than others. Closer to the end, I found a couple of the 'happenings' confusing to keep up with.

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This was a really fun read. The first third was a bit slow for me, but it really quickened up after that and kept me on my feet, and the writing style was great - I'll definitely be reading more from this author!

The end of this book was absolutely amazing, and I would recommend anyone to read this book just to experience the ending. I had absolutely no clue who the killer was, and the ending really surprised me. L.M. Chilton has a fantastic talent for killer endings!

Another aspect I loved about this book was the character development of Gwen, I absolutely love authors who only let you in on a characters secrets when they want you to know - they don't tell you everything from the start. I was really shocked by some of the stuff that came out about Gwen, and it kept me on my toes.

Thank you again NetGalley, L.M. Chilton and Aria & Aries the opportunity to read this book in exchange for an honest review.

Review also posted to Goodreads

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After a tough break up, Gwen joins 'Connector', a dating app that will connect her to all of the most eligble men in Eastbourne. The trouble is, every date is worse than the one before, there's the racist one, the married one, the super-feminist one - and to top it all off, her best friend is planning her wedding to the really boring Richard. She keeps swiping, keeps blocking, keeps swiping, keeps blocking
One by one, Gwen's ex-dates are found dead in mysterious situations, and all the signs are pointing to Gwen's involvement somehow.
Can she persuade the police that she's not bumping them off for being such terrible dates?

A quirky black comedy with some good twists and turns along the way, and some lovely self-deprecating turns of phrase, Don't Swipe Right might make you think twice before downloading another dating app....
4/5 from me

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This book is quite different from the typical book I would read.
First of all, the cover is beautiful and intrigued me so much I needed to know what it was about.

Although there are serious themes of crime and murder in the book, it was quite a light-hearted and comedic read at times.
It was a perfect quick read and the characters were quite interesting.
The plot had a lot of twists and turns and when I thought I worked out what was happening, I definitely did not which is a good thing as it kept me on my toes wanting to know more.

I will say the first quarter of the book I struggled with, but I am glad I pushed through as by the end I did enjoy it.

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This is a refreshingly modern, fast-paced thriller where Gwen has gone on a series of (mostly) disastrous dates from a dating app called 'Connector' when suddenly all the men she's gone on dated start showing up dead in the order she dated them. Now she has to figure out who the murderer is quickly before she gets pinned for all the murders.

I loved all the characters, especially Gwen she was so genuinely funny instead of cringey as you find in most books and I found her feelings and actions to be believable and relatable also. I was rooting for Gwen the whole way through and I loved how she grows into herself and learns to love herself in the end. Also there was so many twists and red herrings, the ending had my so hooked and shocked I didn't see any of it coming. I loved the feeling of suspension and tension throughout and how it kept me guessing, I was desperate to get back to reading every time I had to put the book down, although this is only a debut novel I absolutely loved it and would definitely recommend and read more from the author.

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wow what an ending I loved this book.
Had lots of twists and humor in it.
Every guy that gwen dates ends up getting murdered.

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Gwen is still devastated by the breakup of her relationship, but we find she's had enough of moping and she’s joined the new dating app Connector, and she’s gonna try get back on the horse..
Problem is, each date seems to be worse than the one before, and then comes the major one, a serial killer intent on murdering all of her previous dates.
Gwen is determined to find out who the perpetrator is, but the police see her as the prime suspect. I have to say it kept me guessing, and entertained, and I was so shocked to discover who the killer really was.
Was a fun read and I do love a good murder mystery.

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Don't Swipe Right by L.M. Chilton

After a bad breakup, Gwen thinks that joining a dating app is exactly what she needs. The matches come flying in, and so do the dates. After a string of awful first dates, Gwen forgets about the guys and moves on to the next. Until one of them turns up dead, and Gwen's world is turned upside down. She sets out to hunt down the killer, but will she find them before they kill again?

This book was captivating and fast-paced right from the beginning. This murdery mystery was funny, with heaps of wit and sarcasm, which kept me entertained throughout. Our main character, Gwen, absolutely made this book for me. How she continued to rush into these ridiculous situations without a second thought had me giggling because of how absurd it was. The way the author shows us her confused, panicked state of mind through her erratic and questionable actions was really inspired. She is also incredibly witty and makes some brilliant, honest observations on how tough the dating world is these days. Also, the complete lack of awareness from the police during these crazy events had me simultaneously rolling my eyes and laughing.

The choice of using a very contemporary thing, such as a dating app, was a new and interesting idea for a plot, and one that I really enjoyed. The intense and dramatic ending to this book had my heart pounding in my chest.

Overall, I found this to be an easy read that kept me thoroughly entertained throughout. The author has a lovely, witty writing style that was a joy to read. This, mixed with the unique and thrilling plot makes this book a must-read. I would highly reccomend.

Thank you to Netgalley, Head of Zeus publishing and L.M Chilton for the ARC

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Sometimes dating can feel like murder - but for Gwen, that's closer to the truth than she knows. She joined a dating app to try and move on from a devastating breakup, but every single man she meets just seems to get worse until she thinks they couldn't possibly get worse.

And then - one dies. And another one. Someone seems hellbent on killing everyone she's dated recently, but she has no idea why … or who. But whoever they are, they want her to notice.

So now, it's a race to track down every terrible date before it's too late. Before they find all of them. Before they find her.
"And now here I was, on the brink of unravelling in an empty corridor, weeping for men I'd barely known, temporary acquaintances, fodder for anecdotes at best. But my life would be intertwined with theirs - forever."

This is a bitingly funny and entertaining thriller; a contemporary murder-mystery set in the modern world of online dating and connected worlds.

From the very first moment, Gwen is undeniably compelling. She bares her soul to the reader, creating the tone of this story which is firmly in the grey - what really makes someone the villain? Are there bad people or just bad actions? And can we trust anyone in this book? She's witty, sarcastic and doesn't take crap from anyone - her observations on dating and modern life were razor sharp and utterly hilarious. She isn't a saint herself, but the way she faces her bad choices is so very real and full of heart.

This is like thriller-lite - part police procedural, part murder mystery and part total chaos. Gwen finds herself in increasingly ridiculous situations, bodies following her, cryptic messages turning up and incompetent police officers taking over her life when all she wants is a break. The pace starts strong and doesn't let up, the momentum steaming full speed ahead even with Gwens tangents and trains of thought. The story engrosses us with potential leads and suspects - leading us to a totally explosive ending that left me reeling.

Electrifying entertaining and just the right amount of absurd - you should definitely swipe right on this book

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Really loved this one! Was very unique and unlike anything I’d read before. Loved the twists and how it kept you guessing right to the end too. The humour and how it all linked up in the end was very clever as well

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Gwen, the main character, recovers from the breakup of her relationship. She jumps on online dating and the story become more interesting and... scary. The book is a murder mystery full of humorous moments and some twists. A very enjoyable read.

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