Member Reviews

This was a great read. I started it one evening and found I couldn’t put it down. It drew me in quickly and I was desperate to keep reading to get to the end. I was sure that I had guessed the twist, but the ending was unexpected. An easy thriller and one that I’d definitely recommend.

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This was a fun and easy read! Perfect read for a Sunday afternoon read! The story is well written. Loved the mystery and humour too.

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for this ARC. This is a superb read and then I find out it is the authors debut?! *heads over to pre-order every book by him forever!* Fantastically written, full of intrigue and every time I thought I had guessed the killer….I was wrong. Would definitely recommend

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4.25 stars
This was a super quick and engaging read that has you along for the ride as Gwen tries to work out who is killing the men that she's recently met up with for, while simultaneously trying to stop herself from being accused of the murders by the police.
What I really enjoyed about this was the commentary on dating apps and modern dating in general.
Seeing Gwen deal with each of her terrible dates was both a little bleak as someone single myself but also incredibly relatable.
And that's what worked so well about Gwen, she felt like a real person and I definitely appreciated the Toffee Crisp and Quavers/Wotsits references and others like that, that are scattered throughout.
Male authors sometimes don't write women all that well but I feel like L.M. Chilton did a great job with our main character here.
I will say, there were about 5 different people that I thought could potentially be the killer, so the final reveal was a bit of a shock to me as I had never even considered them.
Even though it's kind of the opposite of Bella Mackie's How To Kill Your Family, I can see where the comparisons come from and would easily recommend it to those who enjoyed Mackie's book.
If you're looking for a modern murder mystery with some great dark humour and a female main character that you can get behind, this is it.
Thank you to Netgalley for providing me with an advanced copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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4.5 stars

“Listen, I’ll freely admit I’ve got at least two more credit cards than I need, a mild crisp addiction and I really, really need to work on my core.”

Me and Gwen need to be besties. This book had me laughing out loud more times than I could even count. I don’t think I’ve ever loved a character more than I have Gwen.

Although this is a murder mystery it was super lighthearted and such a fun read! I was convinced I had the killer locked down but I was SO shocked. What a great twist!

I can’t believe this is the authors debut novel and will 100% be picking up more books from him! I also can’t believe the author is a man, I usually hate the way male authors write FMC but I honestly had no clue until I googled him.

Also, the cover. *chefs kiss*

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'Dont Swipe Right' really surprised me by how much I enjoyed it! Being a reader of psychological fiction, I thought this might be too whimsical for my sombre tastes, but actually the humouroustone and rather far fetched plot were a winning formula that kept me turning the pages!

The plot revolves around single girl, Gwen, who has gone on a string of unsuccessful dates from a dating app, only to discover that her unfortunate suitors have been murdered, with the common denominator being that they have dated her! Gwen's backstory is revealed alongside the unfolding of events around these suspicious deaths and the police investigations. In one stroke of luck for Gwen, she discovers that the investigating officer is an old acquaintance and some flirtatious banter ensues. As the story concludes we do, of course, discover the identity of the murderer and the motive, and `I was pleased that this was not predictable.

All in all a great novel, and one which is very original and engaging in my opinion,

My thanks to Netgalley, author and publisher for the opportunity to review this book in exchange for an advance copy.

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Thank you SO much Netgalley and the publisher for giving me the opportunity to read and review this book!

Don't Swipe Right really intrigued me and i was NOT disappointed, what a fun and easy read! I read it SUPER QUICK. It's perfect for anyone who just need a quick and gripping read if you're in a reading slump and just need something to get you back into the swing of things! It is a lighthearted mystery and perfect for anyone wanting to get into the swing of mysteries!

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LOVE to see a female protag with a penchant for Toffee Crisps! Legend!
This was so much fun all round, a well-written, clever, fast-paced read with relatable characters and enough red herrings to keep you guessing right to the end. The perfect blend of humour and threat.

I'm old enough to have never used a dating app, but if I get divorced in the future I can't see me ever going near one now as this has scarred me for life!

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Can you really trust anyone on a dating site??

I confess - I’ve never had to delve into the dark side of dating with Tinder or other swipey apps so haven’t experienced first hand what a minefield they can be.

In Don’t Swipe Right, we follow Gwen who is trying to get over a break up by throwing herself into regular first dates (which never make it to the second). But what happens when her dates start turning up murdered… in the order she went out with them?

I started - and finished - Don’t Swipe Right yesterday and I can honestly say it’s a fun, easy read. Chilton has pitched the story at such a level to keep you eager to find out what happens next, with a steady pace to make the pages easy to keep turning and the hours while away.

Yes, it was obvious quite early on who the mysterious ‘Parker’ - her most recent match - would turn out to be but it was sure as hell good fun getting to the big reveal.

If you’re after a non-committal easy read then I would definitely recommend!

Thank you netgalley for providing me an advanced copy on return for an honest review.

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I wanted to read this as I loved the vibrant cover, and it sounded like a great concept combing dating and serial killers. I really enjoyed the dark humour; some laugh out loud moments. It took me a few chapters to get into the writing style and warm to the characters but I felt completely connected by the end. I loved the main character and would enjoy seeing them in a second novel. Overall quirky, twisty and unputdownable. A very accomplished debut and an author I will be looking out for. Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for my early copy.

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I have not read much mystery in the past, but when I saw this book was about a dating app I was immediately intrigued as I am a sucker for a romance novel. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this lighthearted mystery and immediately connected with the main character Gwen. I loved how the author managed to weave in some comedy aspects to this crime/mystery novel. This book was truely a page turner from the very start, and I could not put it down at some points! I am very excited for you all to read it when it is officially published, it is a great book, especially for a debut novel!

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Gwen goes on terrible dates and one-by-one they start dropping dead. The formula sounds like a classic whodunnit right? And yet, the main character takes it to the next level.

Gwen is hilariously witty and more than once did I find myself smiling at the back and forth between characters. I loved the personality of the writer that shone through and hope they enjoyed writing it as much as I did reading it.

As a side note and general rule of thumb, women written by men can feel... unrealistic. But this wasn't the case here. For example, the description of the dates. They're, unfortunately, true to life and this shows an understanding from the author that can be lacking in many other novels.

In short, Don't Swipe Right is an unexpected gem.

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Loved this book , had be gripped from chapter one , everything I look for in a thriller ,the twists and turns were great , would never have predicted anything that happened in the book,great plot and writing style ,hope to read more by this author in the future.If you are a thriller fan it’s a must read.

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I really enjoyed don't swipe right right it really makes you question people everywhere an everything it's a very comeing of age crime read an I will definitely give it 5/5 stars as I binged it over the weekend every page was a page turner an you just didn't know what was going to come next Or who to question next she even questions herself at times it really put into perspective how the dateing scene has changed over the years

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I absolutely loved this book. It was funny, clever, realistic and at times really dark and disturbing. An incredible debut!! I would a sequel, another story featuring Gwen, who is one.of the most messed up but incredibly lovable and funny main characters I've read in a while. A must read for the online dating generation xx

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I absolutely loved this book.

The writing is brilliant, the plot is incredibly well thought out and delivered. L M Chilton has mastered believable dialogue between characters. I enjoyed the way the plot made me laugh and gasp out loud.

All in all an impressive debut novel that is gripping, entertaining and thrilling with a a cast of characters that will pull the reader in every direction and keep them guessing right the way through.

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This was a great whodunnit, it had everything you’d want in it; humour, red herrings, bad dates and a flawed lead character. I kept changing my mind throughout about who the killer was and it wasn’t until the end that I was 100% sure, which is always good. At only 242 pages this is a quick, easy read that had me chuckling throughout. This is Chilton’s first novel and I’ll definitely be looking out for more from him. A great read!

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4 - 5 stars rounded up

This book grabs you from the very funny start at the (groans, from hell) Hen Do from which Gwen retreats to the ladies and desperately swipes through dating app Connector as her best friend Sarah is now abandoning her to singledom. After a curious incident with one potential date via the app, he sends her a cryptic message about a dead jogger. To her shock the deadman is Rob Hamilton, who Gwen dates (once, that was enough) two weeks ago. Shortly afterwards , two policeman turn up at her door. It gets worse, way, way worse . ……

This book is exactly why I really like reading and reviewing debuts as methinks we have a cracking writer here! Right from the start I love the tone as at times it’s funny, at others it’s wry and ironic, it veers into deadpan and when needs must, it’s serious, though you can always count on Gwen to break the tension with a really smart remark. The dialogue is so good as the banter goes back and forth.

This is a very good blend of perfect pitched humour with a very twisty, suspenseful mystery and police investigation. It’s fast paced and even the backtracking doesn’t halt the momentum and serves to give us further information.

The characterisation is very good, I really like Gwen, she’s a quip a minute but with pluck, bravery and gumption, well, some of the time! A big shout out to for policeman Dandy Lyon’s
who is my kind of policeman!! Wouldn’t it be great to “meet“ these two again as they’re far too good characters for a one off. The plot builds, escalates, barrels and turns its way to a, hallelujah, a good ending.

Overall, this is a very promising and highly entertaining debut which I recommend.

With thanks to NetGalley and especially to Aria and Aries for the much appreciated arc in return for an honest review.

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The premise of this one enticed me to read and I’m glad I did.

Gwen has not been long out of a long term relationship and has hit one of the dating apps. As her best friend’s wedding approaches, Gwen finds that one of the guys she has dated has been murdered. And then another. And another.

Who is targeting Gwen’s dates, and why? A wild ride, with an excellent plot. Lots of misdirection and surprise turns keep you guessing. Certainly one I didn’t want to put down.

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The ending !! I Did Not expect that, I was so sure I knew who was doing it!!! I was actually proud of my self for guessing who it was but I was so wrong. I really enjoyed this book. Gwen is a relatable character I’m sure we all have a friend like her. She’s just out of a relationship and is using a dating app she’s always swiping right. She’s gone on some rubbish dates. Her first date is murdered and she finds out on her best friends hen do when another man messages her the newspaper link. The ‘man’ is sending her creep messages about all the murders. . She try’s to solve the murders her self but being at the wrong places at the wrong time she’s now a suspect. A old friends older brother is one of the police men on the case, The plot was really good with lots of twists and turns. It keep me on the edge needing to know what was going happening. The book wraps up nicely and was completely not what I was expecting. I would definitely recommend to anyone who loves a who done it mystery.

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