Member Reviews

Exceptional book that made me read the rest of the series.
Interesting characters going trough situations bordering the unbelievable.
All in all excellent fiction.

I’m a fan of thrillers where the protagonist has skills, character and an air of mystery. So I was very pleased to be allowed an ARC of this book. Korso moves around the world to keep himself safe whilst offering services to shady underworld characters, amongst which is his ability as a covert salvage expert. What some of us may call stealing as it involves acquiring rare works of art, books and gemstones. This is the third in a series featuring Korso and this was not a disadvantage to reading it. I was 10% in when I paused my reading and went to check on the availability of the preceding two books and bought them before continuing to read Prototype. This is not usual for me.
The story concerns an innovative drug that can assist those with glaucoma but also has a military application as it gifts the user with improved night vision for several hours. So when people find out about it the prototype pills become a valued commodity. Unfortunately their inventor dies under interrogation for their location and formula. Fortunately he has a brother who knows the location. Unfortunately the brother is in prison. Korso is contacted by someone to whom he owes a favour and is brought in to spring the brother from prison and find the prototypes. Money is no object and he assembles a team to do this. The problem as ever, is who can you trust?
Prototype is a great read, keeps you engrossed and the characters are well written. I’ve now read the two preceding books and the first of the author’s James Bishop series. Now my book budget is spent so I’ll have to wait to read the rest but it was money well spent.
Deservedly five stars. I recommend this author #JasonDean #Prototype #thriller #Korso

I hadn't come across his author before but enjoyed this action-packed book (3rd in series but succeeds as a stand-alone). The writing was very immersive, and it seemed like the author knew the streets of Sofia in Bulgaria very well indeed.
The main character, known simply as Korso, is an independent operator available for hire to 'find things' and didn't particularly mind which side of the law he stood on, because he had his own moral code. There was a fair amount of blood, murder and deception, and our hero had plenty of technology at his disposal, along with a healthy distrust of everyone, including his own team.
The plot hinges around the development of a glaucoma drug which has the fascinating side-effect of enabling the user to see clearly in the dark for a temporary period (6-7 hours). A scientist is murdered after refusing to give up the formula and location of the prototype tablets. I felt more could have been made of the prototype plotline in a practical sense, but the story was basically about the hunt for them by the various players involved. The ending contained a surprise.
I would recommend this book to fans of action / adventure / spy novels.

Jason Dean is one of my favorite authors and Korso is a great invention of his. Prototype is the third book in this series about covert salvage specialist Korso. In this one the main adventure is all about finding the wherabouts of some prototype nigh vision pills. I found the second book a little slow but the first and this latest is wonderful. Lots of intrigue, mystery and deception. I actually had no clue where it would end and it did surprise me a lot in the end. As always with Deans books it's well written and it feels like he has walked the streets he is writing about. Great characters and some good suspense as well. I must thank Netgalley and Canelo for giving me this advance copy.