Member Reviews

THE LUMINARIES is the start of a new Susan Dennard series, a contemporary fantasy with creepy woods, monsters, and a town full of secrets.

Some readers might have started learning about this book and world from the “Sooz Your Own Adventure” in 2019. This book is absolutely not that story – it’s a very different plot, but it is also filled with so many nods to it, including fan favourites like “Ugh, Jay.” It was fun to see such a different and yet familiar story, feeling like you knew the place and characters (despite it being the first book) and yet there being so much to discover and theorise about.

Also, yes, you WILL be theorising a lot, so have a bookish friend on speed dial to send ideas back and forth with because there are SO MANY hints and clues and “throwaway” lines to obsess over. Being a Susan Dennard book, you know these are going to come back with SIGNIFICANT meaning in later books, big “oh” reveals as it all ties together. It was fun knowing that’s her writing style and so being alert (and then coming up with a dozen theories.)

It is a really funny book – it’s not a comedy , but Winnie’s voice means that her observations can be very, very amusing. I was laughing so much at lines throughout. The overall tone is definitely one of creepy forest vibes, but it gives some moments of levity alongside the eerie.

And it is such a creepy forest. A mist that chokes you then births monsters. The monsters themselves (and the new one know one will believe Winnie about that has the worst powers.) All the history and lore and “things are just not quite right here” vibes of the town that’s full of people dedicated to saving the world and so have built all these rules and rituals into their lives.

I loved how common sayings had all been adjusted to fit the world, similes and metaphors like “raining cats and dogs” replaced with “raining hellions and banshees.” It’s small details like that that make a world believable, where the consequence of the fantasy elements are thought all the way through into speech.

It’s a really sensory book, particularly on sounds. So many people have audio-producing tics so there is a lot of onomatopoeia throughout. As someone who really struggles with sound processing, it made situations more stressful to have the sound so prominent, because that is what I’d be unable to escape in that situation myself.

Next book please!

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I am a big fan of Susan Dennard and was really excited to listen to her new book.  Whilst very different to her Witchland series, you cannot mistake Dennard's writing style and characterisations.  I ended up really enjoying it, it was well plotted, fast paced and I ended up listening to the whole book in almost one sitting.

The narrator was perfect and really brought the story to life.  I cannot wait for book 2!

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Very mediocre and forgettable. I was very excited to give this book a go as the description was giving me a dark-small town-magical-secrets vibe however it did not live up to the expectations.

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The Luminaries by Susan Dennard Narrated by Caitlin Davies ...........I wasn't sure if I would like this book but the cover caught my eye I am so glad it did and it did not disappoint - It was beautifully written from start to finish and I Loved it. especially as it was fast paced and full of mystery, with lots of action and scary monsters.

Hemlock Falls isn't like other towns. You can not find it on a map, your up to date phone won't work here, and the forest outside town might just kill you.

So be aware before you venture in!!!!

Winnie Wednesday wants nothing more than to join The Luminaries, the ancient order that protects Winnie's town and the rest of humanity. This protects from the all monsters and nightmares that rise in the forest of Hemlock Falls every night of the year.

Do you still want to venture in?

Ever since her father was exposed as a witch and traitor, Winnie and her family have been shunned. But on her 16th birthday, she can take the deadly Luminary hunter trials and prove herself true and loyal and restore her family's good name – or die trying. But in order to survive, Winnie enlists the help of the one person who can help her train. He is called Jay Friday and known as the resident bad boy and Winnie’s ex-best friend. However, together, he and Winnie will discover a danger that is lurking in the forest no one in Hemlock Falls is safe and prepared for it .

WoW.............So strap your self in and open your kindle or turn this audiobook on. It will not disappoint it was brilliant and I loved all the characters especially Winnie Wednesday She was excellent. But I wouldn't like to meet her in a dark alley, But I know she would have my back!!!!

The narrator Caitlin Davies was excellent and bought this book to life.

I highly recommend this book

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No, just no, I don't even know what to write, how to review this, I do not know a single character's name even though I finished it 2 minutes ago, I have no idea what happened except there's some weird ass forest.

Thank you NetGalley for providing digital advanced copy in exchange for honest review.

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I was very gladly surprised! I absolutely devoured this! As soon as I started listening I was invested! The setting was so well set, and scary to certain degrees! But it really made me feel like I was part of the Luminaries community ! I am not sure which family I would belong to though!

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I really enjoyed this YA fantasy! I thought The Luminaries was fast paced and full of mystery and action. Winnie was a likable main character who was strong willed and determined to help her family. I really liked the twins and how they did not care that Winnie was considered an outcast. Jay was an interesting character that definitely has secrets… one in particular is pretty easy to guess! I found the forest and all the nightmares were so intriguing and eerie! Although I enjoy the ending, I feel like there are so many secrets and mysteries to be uncovered still, and I can’t wait for the next book!

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I’d like to thank NetGalley and Bolinda Audio for approving me for an ARC of this book. A special thank you should also go to Bex for being my buddy reader on this one too.

Told entirely from Winnie Wednesday’s POV we are introduced to the world of Hemlock Falls and all the creatures it inhabits. Winnie and her family have been outcasted by their group and Winnie are determined to see their status restored. With the hunter trials looming, this is her opportunity to gain back the respect her family have lost.

This interesting read had me turning the pages from the start. If you took all the best bits of The Hunger Games, Twilight and Divergent then The Luminaries is what you get. There are creatures, families, monsters, action, a hint of romance, and mystery. Plenty of storylines to keep any reader interested without drowning us in information.

I felt the fear when Winnie was taking part in the trials and found myself squinting for fear of seeing these creatures come to life, it’s a wonder I didn’t have nightmares! Aside from the trials you also have our complicated protagonist who has found herself caught up in a lie or two. When you add in all the usual teenage dramas you can’t help but feel that Winnie is swamped with everything and her family doesn’t really help matters.

The community of Hemlock Falls and the different ‘houses’ were fascinating. I liked that each family had its own responsibilities and played an integral part in keeping the community going. I do have my suspicions about a few of the higher-ranked members and wonder why they are so fixated on one creature instead of another. No spoilers from me though!

I am desperate to see what happens next in the series. I wouldn’t say it was a cliff-hanger ending, as such, but there were a few loose threads that tell me the next book is going to be amazing!

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The Luminaries by Susan Denneard
Thanks to Bolindaaudio for providing this ARC. I really enjoy the narration in this book. This was an excellent fast-paced read! A fantastic supernatural fantasy full of mystery, action, and plenty of monsters.

Winnie Wednesday is brilliant - I loved observing her heartwarming and thrilling story as she tries to become a hunter (and reclaim her family's disgraced reputation) through the strangely eerie Hemlock Falls.

It was over quicker than I expected.

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In contrast to its slow-paced start and strong YA language, Susan Dennard’s “The Luminaries” has that special something to it that shows potential for a long-term book series. While the characters do not seem out of the ordinary for a YA story, I couldn’t help to notice the attention to the character development all across the novel. This aspect is even reflected in the audio version of the book where the tension from the first part slowly gets replaced with more understanding and empathic environments. The main character / narrator’s shift from focusing on the degrading environment in which she lives to focusing on her hunter journey makes for a great story, and I really hope to see more character development in the second volume of the series. After finishing chapter 40/41, I was sad to find out that the second volume is not out yet and that I have to wait until the end of 2023 to see how the story continues. If it’s anything like volume 1, it will be worth it!

Special thanks to NetGalley, Bolinda Audio, and the editorial team for giving me the opportunity to review the ARC in audiobook format and to you, my reader, for taking the time to read this honest personal book review.

If you are interested in other of my book reviews, make sure to follow me on GoodReads! #TheLuminaries #NetGalley #LifeLongLearning

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An entertaining and exciting read. I love the premise and lots of action filled moments. I received an audiobook copy of this from the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. The narrator was perfect and definitely added to the experience. Reasons for knocking 1 star off is that Winnie is a bit annoying in all honesty and a lot of questions were introduced very early on in the novel and not a single one was answered. When I hit the abrupt ending on the book, the unanswered question felt a little bit like a ploy to continue the series.

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Perfect spooky & contemporary story for YA readers. Fast-paced and keeps you wanting to read on, particularly with the audiobook - the narrator was fantastic and very engaging.

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This story replicated the feelings I had when I read and watched The Vampire Diaries for the first time. It's spooky without being scary. Edgey without being too grim. I think it would be perfect for YA readers who are looking for a mix of contemporary and paranormal romance. As someone in their 30s, the teenage drama didn't quite hit for me, but I wouldn't expect it to really. I did like the world that was created though and I enjoyed the 'vibe'.
I was given access to the audiobook on NetGalley, which is how I read the book and I thought the audiobook was well put together. There are sections where 'The Compendium' is quoted and I liked how this was incorporated into the narration in a way that wasn't jarring but what clear that it was a quote and not the MCs narrative.

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I thought the voice actor did well but the story was not exactly what I was expecting. It was more modern and high school for a fantasy. I still enjoyed it and gave it an overall rating of 3.5 stars. I liked the trials and the budding romance. Wish there was more revealed at the end but I guess the next book will uncover more.

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This was a fabulous fast-paced read! A highly enjoyable supernatural fantasy, full of mystery, action and lots of monsters.

Winnie Wednesday is brilliant - I loved following her heartwarming and thrilling story through the mysteriously eerie Hemlock Falls, as she tries to become a hunter (and re-claim her family’s disgraced reputation).

The book is the perfect start to what will hopefully be a great series. The premise is truly intriguing, world building fantastic and writing really good. I look forward to reading more from the Luminaries.

4.7 stars

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The luminaries


Okay I LOVED this, I went into this completely blind as I got it from my Illumicrate subscription but I also got the audio arc from net galley🥳

This book is such a cosy fantasy and I really enjoyed the whole book, I loved Winnies backstory and how determined she is.

Jay seems so in love i cant cope??

Emma and britta seem lush aswell i love them.

The nightmare descriptions are incredible and I can’t believe this book is only just over 300 pages?? I feel like there was so much action and just a lot to go through in such a short book.

The set up for book 2 was incredible, i am so excited to read book 2❤️

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I really enjoyed this book, the story was fun and fast-paced and I can’t wait for the next book.

The audio narration was very well read and really added to the enjoyment of the book.

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Thanks to Netgalley and Bolinda Audio for approving this title.
Winnie Wednesday ( jep ) is an outcast in her community because her Dad is a witch. To redeem herself, she wants to join the Luminaries, the Hunters of the Evil in the Forest. To become part of this group, she has to survive 3 trials.
"Not all monsters can be slain, and not all nightmares are confined to the dark."
Luminaries was Indigo's best teen book of 2022.
This surprised me after finishing this book. Were there really no better teen books in all of 2022?
The only reason I managed to not DNF it was the fact that I was listening to it as an audio version. Caitlin Davies gave it her all to make this interesting.
If you read the blurb, you basically read the whole book. No surprises there. I liked the forest setting and I love the "surviving trials" trope.
Great Audio all thanks to Caitlin Davies, Meh-ish Story. Not gonna pick up the next in the series.

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I just loved this book. The blurb piqued my interest and I'm so glad I decided to listen via audiobook. I'm a big fan of audiobooks they just bring the stories to life and the narrator had such a calming voice I was soon transported to Hemlock Falls.

Winnie Wednesday, what a brilliant name, and her family have been outcast by the Luminaries because of her father. They are shunned by almost everyone. On her 16th birthday she's allowed to take 3 trials to become an hunter.

Such a great cast of characters and I loved Winnie's attitude when things finally changed for her. I'm already looking forward to the second book in the series

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I like to pride myself in the fact that I very much LOVE fantasy books. I enjoy reading about world building, governments, magic systems and other world creatures. On the premises this book has it all. Everything I KNOW and LOVE about fantasy, yet somehow I found it severely lacking. I felt like it could of been so much more.

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