Member Reviews

I’m interested to see how the plot develops as the series continues. However I wasn’t the biggest fan of this.

Writing is easy to read and the premise has potential.

Thank you for my copy.

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Seven Faceless Saints promised an engaging blend of intrigue and rebellion set in a world ruled by powerful disciples, but ultimately, the execution left much to be desired. The premise, featuring a city where the descendants of seven Saints hold power and a secret rebellion fighting for equality, sets up an interesting backdrop. However, the novel struggles to deliver on its potential.

The story follows Roz, a disciple secretly working against the oppressive regime, and Damian, a young Captain tasked with investigating a murder that might be linked to other deaths in the city. As they dig deeper, they uncover a spreading darkness threatening Ombrazia.

While the concept is intriguing, the book falls short in several key areas. The characters, Roz and Damian, have dark, emotional backstories that should be compelling but instead come across as one-dimensional. Their development feels stagnant, and their introspection and interactions become repetitive to the point of annoyance.

The world-building is another area where the novel falters. Ombrazia's creation by the Seven Saints and their descendants' powers are mentioned, but the details remain vague and inconsistent. The Saints, who could have been central to the story, are largely absent, making their inclusion feel unnecessary. The attempt at religious commentary is overshadowed by a lack of depth and relevance.

The writing style, while descriptive, becomes overly verbose, making it difficult to stay engaged. The romance subplot, described as enemies-to-lovers, feels more like a rekindled romance that lacks genuine conflict or chemistry. The repetitive nature of the characters' feelings and motivations detracts from the overall narrative.

One redeeming aspect of the novel is the murder mystery woven throughout, which adds some intrigue. However, this subplot is a minor part of the story and doesn’t fully compensate for the novel's shortcomings.

Overall, Seven Faceless Saints might appeal to readers who enjoy surface-level storytelling and don’t mind a lack of depth in world-building and character development. For those who prefer a more immersive and well-rounded fantasy experience, this book may not hit the mark.

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I love the sound of this one but just sadly don't see myself getting around to it any time soon. If that changes I will definitely update my review!

Thank you and sorry!

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I'm sitting somewhere in the middle on this one. There were elements I enjoyed, but I did struggle with the pacing and writing in parts. I think this book had a lot of potential, but the execution fell off for me somewhere around the 40% mark. I felt that too much was going on/we had too many characters so it was hard to keep track of what was going on. It also meant the book wasn't able to develop enough to live up to its potential. There are some great elements - like a rebellion - but it wasn't enough for me to pick up the sequel. If you are interested in this premise, and you're looking for a setup book, I think you will enjoy this.

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I kept putting off reading this book because I kept hearing that it just wasn't that good, but to be honest, it was kinda fun?

This ain't Lord of the Rings, and it's not Game of Thrones, but it was still a very enjoyable fantasy set in some Italian-inspired world. I would've loved a bit more world-building, but overall it was easy to fall into this world. Our main characters were classic fantasy tropes (the puppy-dog male love interest with bulging muscles, and the sarcastic-and-sexy heroine who has a deep dark secret which isn't so deep and dark after all), but I didn't really mind that at all. The plot was concise and fast-paced, and although the reveal at the end wasn't as exiting as I hoped it would be, I still had a good time.

Sure, I'm not gonna count this as one of my favorite books of all time, but I was entertained - and, honestly, what more could one want?

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What can i say?I didn't like the characters, the plot was boring, and the romantic subplot felt formulaic and detracted
The writing is missing something, it lacks suspense and atmosphere. There are not a lot of descriptions and the magic system felt very confusing due to the lack of proper explanation
the book felt very much like a YA annoying book than a NA that could have been (kingdom of the wicked style with the romance ughh can we have more fantasy without so much romance?)

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A bit of a mixed bag for me. I liked the setting and the world building was good. There was plenty of gore, which I am always a fan of. The magic system was interesting but didn't overtake the plot too much, which was appreciated. I think my main issue was the romantic subplot, which felt a bit formulaic and detracted from the story for me. I will be reading the concluding book because I think the plot was pretty strong overall, but could just have done without the romance.
I received a free copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for a fair and honest review.

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Writing didn't work for me, characterisations lacked depth, and worldbuilding felt very vague and barely defined.

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I had some trouble getting into this book as the languages were advanced and the worldbuilding complicated.

When finally getting into the book I enjoyed it. For me, it turned out to be a little bit too boring?

But I really enjoyed the murder mystery part of the book!!

I do think I will read book 2 when it releases and I am sure its gonna be very good.

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Thank you for the opportunity to read an advanced copy of this book. I had been looking forward to reading this book, but unfortunately I just couldn't get in to it at all. I didn't enjoy the writing style or the story

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I received a free copy from Netgalley all opinions are my own
DNF at 19%
I've had this ARC for awhile. And I've been trying to read this for months. Bit nothing caught my attention.
I didn't like any of the characters, and so far the plot was boring to me.
I also didn't fully understand the whole saint and disciple thing.

I might pick this up again in the future. But for now this is a dnf.

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I was sold the second I realised not only was this a fantasy but it was a fantasy tale with a murder mystery at its heart. I was constantly looking for clues whilst reading and the magic system was incredibly well thought out.

Told via dual-POV, our two main characters are distinctive and their second chance romance develops perfectly. If you like a morally grey character youre going to adore this book.

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It's now been a couple of weeks since I last picked up this book and, honestly, I can't bring myself to pick it up again.
It's not that it's bad per say, it's just kind of... boring?

The suspense curve is flat, the characters bickering isn't funny, the plot is moving slowly and the atmosphere is lacking something.

I feel like on paper this book has such a good premise, there's potential for dark vibes, but it ends up just falling flat in both atmosphere and action. Mix that with a writing style that doesn't really make you connect with what's on the pages. I can't exactly put my finger on why it prose didn't do it for me, other than it felt detached.

I wasn't connecting with the characters either, which definitely does not help. I LOVE a stabby lead girl, they are my kryptonite when it comes to fantasy, I almost always love anything with a stabby lead girl in it, but even Roz didn't do it for me.

If I'd finished the book, I think it would've ended at somewhere around 2.5 stars. I'm not hating on it, it's just not making me want to read, and so I really can't bring myself to pick it up again, apologies.

DNF @ 42%

Thanks to NetGallery and Titan Books for providing me with an ARC in exchange for an honest review

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A good book for M.K. Lobb. Though it tries to be like some of the well-known fantasy out there, the characters are good and plot is quite good. But there is this thing that it need some 'oompff" with the story but it doesn't go through.

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I thoroughly enjoyed this book! The mystery was intriguing from the start, and the dynamic between Roz and Damian was deliciously antagonising. There was enough action throughout to keep my interest, and all the excitement at the end had me flying through the pages. The world MKL has created is eerie and fascinating and I'm very excited for the sequel

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Once again I have been seduced by a cover, unfortunately Seven Faceless Saints isn’t nearly as badass as the cover art, it’s not gritty, it’s a lesson in YA 101 and I’m very sad. The story basically follows 2 characters, Roz and Damien, investigating a series of mysterious murders in a setting of saints, magic and rebels, all while written with Anger and Sadness from Inside Out in mind.

Roz is a character I like, frustratingly while this book has 2 main characters and narratives, it doesn’t feel equal. You will learn a lot about Damien, his thoughts and feelings etc, but Roz, at least for me, is more likeable, more complex and more interesting and is not used enough. So while I liked Roz, she doesn’t necessarily feel real, her feelings aren’t explored, she isn’t given layers at all. She’s randomly bi, she cares for her ill other then her mother just stops featuring, and while I love a strong woman, Roz is a little too infallible, she’s like a caricature of a strong woman, she has pain but it’s not dwelled on, she gets things done, she takes no bs etc. I craved more vulnerability and exploration from Roz’s POV.

Roz has hardened over the years since her father was killed for being a deserter. She was in a relationship with Damien but when her father was killed and Damien, fighting on the front line, just stopped talking to her (rant to come), it changed her. She has become disillusioned, she is a disciple of Patience, inheriting the gifts of the saint, and yet resents people like father, not touched by the saints, are treated as less and sent to war. Roz is now a rebel (aka a pointless plot), working with people without the Saints gifts to try break the system, she’s also trying to solve the murders of a number of people, including her friends sister, who are not being investigated because they’re treated as if they don’t matter. And this need for justice leads her to put her anger aside and work with Damien.
Roz has just reason to be angry, to be closed off, she’s impulsive but actually always (literally) right so it’s ok, she is blunt and a pretty fun character. Frustratingly Roz’s conflicts are just not explored enough; her conflict between Damien and working with the rebels or her mother who never recovered - she is all anger and lust.

Now there’s Damien, Damien the spineless, passive, self pitying hypocrite, as you can tell, I’m not a big fan, which might be surprising as looking at other reviews Roz seems more unpopular. Damien is described as soft, he’s meant to be nice, righteous and of course, you have sympathy that the war, the trauma he experienced there, his father and his insecurities about being unflavoured by the saints have left a mark on him, an emotional scar in fact. But the boy is written so beaten that it starts to grate the longer the self pity goes on. While Roz is written on the attack near constantly, Damien is on the defence. He had the potential to be an interesting character but he is so one track. It literally takes 2/3 of the book for Damien to realise that while he resented deserters, his father pulling him out of war while others fought and died, is no different. He is desperate not to be sent back to war, which is understandable, because he’s scared, it was horrifying - and yet when talking about Roz’s father who deserted he goes “did you think he was special?”. C’mon dude, you literally got special treatment and you’re defending the set-up and man who sent you there.

If Roz says anything bad about his father, he’s defends him, he says she’s biased to think he’s involved in the murders (because of that time he murdered her father…cough). His father treats him poorly, his father looks down on people, his father lies or avoids questions to his face, Roz even gives him evidence to show what a bad guy he is and he still is in denial. And yes, family relationships, parental love, can be complex but it’s not written complex.
Damien’s naivety played a part in the death of Roz’s father as he reported his absence when he deserted, not only this but he then just never spoke to Roz again, never told her he was safe on the front line fighting, just left her to grieve alone, grieve twice in many ways because she didn’t know he was safe either. I mean it’s an awful situation, what could he said to her, but out of fear he said nothing, her pain be damned. He is still so wrapped up in his own guilt and how bad he feels for hurting and (ironically) deserting Roz, that when the 2 have to work together, it’s all about making HIM feel better for hurting HER. Roz owes him nothing, he aided in destroying her life (whether he meant to or not) and then walked away because he was too cowardly to face her and for years she has been filled with hurt, anger and betrayal, all while caring for her mother who is a shell following the death of her husband. And now Roz has to take care of Damien and his hurt feelings and I genuinely have no idea how a romance comes out of this emotionally one sided couple.

Damien knows Roz is (justifiably) angry, he knows she owes him nothing, and yet he is so wrapped up in needing to be forgiven, needing to unload some of his guilt, needing reassurance and to be close to her, he comes to her, he brings up the past, he holds her hand, he rests his head on her stomach and tries to hug her after telling he reported her father … it’s painfully self involved how much comforts he seeks and needs from someone whose life he helped ruin. Damien’s needs and trauma are just prioritised more and it’s frustrating. An example is after Roz saves Damien from a situation, y’know the guy who avoided her for 4 years and only just revealed he’s the one who basically gave his father the head start to catch and kill her father. Anyway, the guy who doesn’t talk to the girl he loves for years has the audacity, after she risks everything to save him, “if you’re ready to talk, stay. If not, then by all means, go home” - because Damien’s needs matter more. Oh and, from the guy who ghosted her, again, “tell me how often you thought of me”, y’know, stroke my ego and reassure me about how much you wanted me when I threw you away. Another fun example is how in a matter of pages someone Roz loves is killed, when it’s mentioned to Damien ‘the news scarcely registered’, when he then finds Roz she tells him with her voice shaking, that this person was killed and she failed to save them. And yet ‘Dorian didn’t immediately realise who she was talking about and he was too stunned to ask’. And yet, AND YET, “we both know the only person you’ll ever put first is yourself”. This coming from the guy who literally stalked Roz and climbed up her wall to see her taking care of her Mum. This coming from the guy who repeatedly ignored hearing about someone murdered.

To add to this, it never really feels like Roz loves Damien or has missed him. Looking at Damien she can see the ‘her’ before her life was ruined, the girl who loved a boy, had a healthy mother and a doting father. When Roz looks at Damien she can hold onto the past for comfort and safety. And likewise for a Damien when he looks at Roz, a boy before war, innocent and unscarred. It comes over unhealthy and I didn’t feel it all, too much has changed between them, they have changed and all they have is the past (and the past versions of themselves they cling to) and physical attraction (which is referred to randomly at times). Damien even comes across a lot like beyond these factors, he struggles to tolerate Roz, he dislikes her methods (even though he achieved squat bumbling around before she got involved in the case), her strong headed-ness, her beliefs and understandable bitterness on their society. For a guy who talks constantly, he really struggles to listen, he doesn’t listen to Roz’s warnings, he goes into situations unprepared and he hates admitting Roz is right which makes him reckless.

Plot wise, the world building concept with the saints and the disciples is interesting, although it has a lot going on and only vaguely explored. However the story essentially becomes a murder plot which is less engaging and the reveal on the motive, or rather the Saint it relates to, comes out quite early with a reveal that is a little underwhelming. The last 15% of the book picks up, Damien actually stands for something and shows respect for Roz so that’s cute. But really it’s too little too late. The ending has real promise, while other elements are wrapped up way too neatly, but I think there are just too many factors to put me off reading more. Ultimately if you like the characters (or at the very least don’t feel inspired to type up a rant) and the romance, this book could be good with potential, it just wasn’t for me.

Thank you Netgalley for the review copy I’m exchange for an honest review.

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Amazon Summary

Roz and Damian grew up in Ombrazia, a city ruled by the disciples of the seven faceless saints, where those with magic live in comfort whilst the rest struggle to survive. A city caught in a twenty-year war of attrition, a battlefront consuming a generation of conscripts.

Roz serves as a disciple of the Saint Patience to support her mother, and to spy for the rebellion. Her Ombrazia is corrupt and unjust and she'll tear it down to get justice for the murder of her father at the hands of the Ombrazian military. The Military that Damian now serves.

Damian is the youngest captain in the history of Palazzo security, expected to be ruthless and strong, and to serve the saints with unquestioning devotion. But he's haunted by the ghosts of war, and trying to rebuild his life as he rediscovers the love he once had for Roz.

When a brutal murderer strikes the city, Roz and Damian find they are the only ones willing to hunt the killer no matter the consequences. Forced to work together, they must face their buried emotions, the past they once shared, and the dark and powerful evil that wants to consume their city.

My Review
I really like this book, a bit of a slow burn but worth it in the end. The world building was ok. The plot was full of mystery and intrigue which i loved and the characters were fab.

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Thank you to NetGalley for providing me with an arc in exchange for this honest review.

I have been buzzing with excitement for this book since I first heard about it, but sadly, it fell short of my expectations. I found myself caring little for the characters, and the prose and atmosphere felt like tried too hard to be dark and edgy. I might give this book another shot, since I already have a special edition coming, but I was sorely disappointed, as it was pretty mediocre to me.

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I'm torn on this one. I enjoyed the premise, but I wanted more murder mystery and less YA romance. Not sure I enjoyed it enough to read the next installment.

Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for the ARC of this book, in exchange for an honest review.

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This was very, very YA, but still enjoyable, and an easy read!

Can’t wait to see the beautiful FL edition.

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