Member Reviews

Impressive new author (at least for me, not sure if this is his first book...) and an impressive new series. Such a cool setting and a entertaining ride!

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Thank you to #Netgalley & #SecondSkyBooks for an eArc in return for an honest review.
The Fury of Kings by R.S. Moule is the 1st book in what I hope will be at least a trilogy if not more.
I enjoy fantasy & I really enjoyed TFoK. TFoK is set in a medieval type world with hints of modernism in other countries.
The story is related from multiple points of view so you receive a good grounding in the whys & wherefores of Erland. The characters range from a capricious, vindictive King to lowly thieves. This is not at all confusing as each character belongs to a part of society that is separate from the other. Most of the characters are young, intelligent & naive & it is was fascinating to watch them following their dreams & ideals. Some came to fruition others had theirs dashed against the harsh light of reading.
Brutal in places TFoKs is no sweet fairytale but a gritty tale of the life & politics of Erland. I enjoyed the magic & the narrative of waning magic & magic yet to be discovered.
The layering of the story & characters was a joy to read & I look forward to the next book in the saga.

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I loved good fantasy novels, in almost all their forms, and this was a good fantasy novel.

Set in its own world, this medieval-style story centres around a number of characters whose PoV the story is told through. One of the good things about this book is that the characters are either young, inexperienced, naive or lazy, so you learn much about the world through their understanding as they traverse the dangerous waters of growing up, falling in love and trying to take a throne.

None of the characters is perfect, in fact, hardly any of them are even close. And the one who was a little too bland for my liking still managed to trip up in the end, which means I am hoping for better things from her in the next book. Of which I am sure there will be, because a world like this, with its hints of magic and a power pulling the strings from behind the veil, it will surely be a corker!

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4.5/5 stars! This is the kind of book that fans of Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time would enjoy. I say that because this is an epic fantasy with huge amounts of world-building and many characters developing throughout the story. This book is long, so if you don't enjoy settling in to be fully immersed in a story, you'll probably be frustrated. For those readers who are like 'heck yes' so far, this book was beautifully written. It has all the skills of most seasoned fantasy authors. My only little pokes are at the predictability of a couple of points in the story, but overall a great fantasy read.

I received an advance review copy for free through NetGalley, and I am leaving this review voluntarily

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Wow. My eyes are currently sore from the unblinking stare I've had upon my tablet screen, rushing to get to the end of this story. I loved it - it was gripping, with barely a dull moment, every chapter serving to move the characters and story onward. There was tension, drama and death. Oh, the death. There's even secret tunnels hidden behind bookcases!

I've knocked a star off because I felt that there were scenes skipped in the book that the reader could've been present for. For example, we read the wife's perspective after she's been told of her husband's death rather than be shown the scene where she is told. This could've been a great, emotive and powerful scene. (Please don't kill her or her daughter off!) There's another where a father and son deal with the news that the other son/brother has been kidnapped - again, we miss the immediate reaction from this character to the news.

I did have to remind myself how young some of the characters are because they behaved and spoke much older. There's a daughter who is just 11, with brothers who are teens. They face a lot of responsibility and come across very mature.

Characters were well-rounded, all with clear flaws and goals that progressed their story arc individually while impacting the whole. There's a lot of moving parts, games being played, schemes being formed but by the end, it's clear how they all fit in. The culmination of the individual parts is amazing.

I'm definitely hooked for book 2.

I need a lie down.

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This was a good read. The cover is beautiful and the plot is engaging. Thank you to the publisher, for the opportunity to read and review this ARC via NetGalley.

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This started out very well but I lost interest in the book. I think it's more because of my reading then the story. I have gotten out of traditional books like this and I did enjoy it

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This was a pretty decent fantasy. It's got some of the familiar tropes and some of the plot was rather predictable, but it's well written for the most part. A few characters are rather 2 dimensional. There was no map, which is something I quite like for fantasy worlds.

I give it 3.75 starts. Received as an ARC from NetGalley.

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The Fury of Kings is creative and imagination, a visit to past that never was and a look into what might have been. Perfect reading for fantasy fans.

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The Fury of Kings is an exciting and quick-paced book that tells the stories of many houses during a time when war is looming. There is a wonderful balance between backstory development along with the more fast-paced battle scenes. This coloration is often massively uneven with books of this genre, making it a pleasant read.

The only downfall I found about this book is that it is fronted by multiple characters. This is a personal pet-hate of mine as I personally feel it can affect the flow of the book. In this particular book I did feel that it didn’t overly affect the readers' experience, and for a reader who enjoys this style, it would be a 5* read.

All the characters have independent backgrounds that are explored within this book. This allows you to quickly pick which side of the war you are supporting. Regardless of who your favourite characters are, you will get equal amounts of book-time with them and an unbiased view of the war. I do feel that the book and its characters were that well written they could all easily have their own stand-alone novel, or a full-length book within this series (I personally would buy a whole stand-alone series just about Pherri).

Over all, I have given this book 4.5*/5 and will be purchasing the series as it develops. I will be adding my review on Goodreads and Amazon when this option is available.

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Intriguing and very entertaining. A debut fantasy really worth the time spent on reading it. With good characters’ dynamic and world building and a narrative that was easy enough not get through but no boring so that you feel compelled not to finish it. I’m very glad I had the chance to read this book!!!

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