Member Reviews

3.5 stars
I was very surprised by all the religious mentions, I was not expecting this to be a christian story, more just a paranormal mystery. Maybe I should have, since people relate spirits to other religions aspects, but I was not expecting that aspect of the book since I never seek out religions fiction. The mystery was interesting enough, a completely random plot that was a good twist. The police procedure aspect of the story missed the mark for me and my actual knowledge of how policing works, but maybe this lack of rules is more suited for a laid-back small town dynamic then the big city functionality I know of.
Overall this was a very quick and interesting paranormal mystery, where the main mystery wrapped up but the ending began the next book's plot. Also there are tons of details about the main character that are hinted at but never actually discussed that were interesting enough that I would read more to see if they are revealed.

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This is such a fantastic written story I loved all the twists and turns it was like being on a rollercoaster I didn't want this story too end but such an amazing ending I never guessed I love a good thriller that keeps me on my

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The premise of this book made it sound like the perfect read for me. Except, it wasn't.
The execution was very poor. It didn't really read like a book aimed at adults. The protagonist behaved like a teenager, there wasn't anything that stood out in the author's prose and the whole plot and resolution felt extremely flat. When there's a mystery to solve, authors are supposed to hint at the culprit. In this case, there was no hint whatsoever. The criminal was idiotic and came out of nowhere. Oh, and let's not forget about the religious bit. Not a fan in the least.
After this experiencie, I won't continue reading the series. A shame cause I truly love paranormal mysteries.

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Nothing like a bit of paranormal fiction, filled with ghosts and murder galore, to kick a dry reading slump to the side! I haven't read anything by this author before, but will add her to my new TBR list! Recommended.

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the spirit girls was an addicting supernatural journey - think literally like supernatural, Ryland has the ability to see ghosts, and when she comes across a dead body, she decides to use her gift for the greater good to help the police solve a murder. drama, twists & intrigue all the way through!!

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I quite liked the main character rylan , being able to communicate and see ghosts she is just the right amount of weird . It left me with a lot of unanswered questions which has left me wanting to read more about her adventures .

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Great first book in the Rylan Flynn series. The paranormal aspect of the book makes this a very enthralling read. I love suspenseful mysteries and this book had everything I love about a good mystery. Look forward to the next in the series!

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I enjoyed this book. It was a little slow to start for me but overall I really enjoyed it. The combination of romance, mystery and the paranormal was right up my street and I really liked Rylan as a character and how despite her past she was still a bubbly girl.

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If the cozy mystery genre had a baby with the paranormal thriller genre, this would totally be the perfect book baby.

Rylan can see and speak to the dead that haven't crossed over. She hosts a paranormal show that takes her viewers on her trips to help those needing to cross. When she follows a haunt into the woods and finds a dead body, thats where the story really picks up.

Merriman melds a mix of the occult, hauntings, religion, mystery and thriller into one easy to read, fast paced novel. The audiobook is narrated by Stephanie Cannon with a cadence and tone that fits the more positive persona of Rylan. I alternated between reading and listening and couldn't choose a better format. I enjoyed both equally.

I did feel that this reads more along the lines of young adult with some of the language and decisions. I was not slowed though. I was sucked in and adored how the plot flowed without filler or repetitive inner monologues. I enjoyed each aspect the characters brought to the story and there is one particular dark part in relation to child abuse that I would've liked more backstory on to flesh out the villain so to speak.

This is the first book in the Rylan Flynn series and I'm definitely looking forward to more. I may dare say that if you're a fan of the Mediator series by Meg Cabot like myself, you'd enjoy this one as well (just minus the ghost romance).

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Thank you, Second Sky and Netgalley, for a copy of this book in exchange for my honest opinion!

This was a fun read. I'd definitely recommend it to older teens and tweens who love paranormal stories that are not 500+ pages long and doesn't have to be 100% realistic. On the other hand, that is why I gave it only 4 stars. I wish it had been a bit longer with more character building--I can't even believe that I'm saying that since I hate long-winded character building--and more police procedural.

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The Spirit Girls didn’t work for me for several reasons.

This is adult fiction with a distinctly YA feel to the writing and characters. Rylan, our main character and narrator, is 28 years old, but her personality and behavior put her closer to 17 or 18. I just couldn’t take her seriously as an independent, adult woman.

The characters and plot lack development and complexities.

Content has strong christian fiction undertones.

This is a quick, easy read, though the writing, for me, was too simplistic.

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This was a fun light hearted read- a great way to while away a lazy Saturday afternoon. This has a cosy mystery flavour although it is a paranormal investigation too. Many thanks to Netgalley for an arc of this book.

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This was a fascinating story, Ghosts that talk back! Fast paced with some great characters and an unusual story line. Good conclusions with implications for the next book.

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Thank you to NetGalley for the opportunity to read this ARC of The Spirit Girls.

The Spirit Girls offers a delightful and effortless reading experience, seamlessly blending paranormal occurrences, religious undertones, romantic elements, and mysterious twists. The author skillfully intertwines these themes; however, the book fell slightly short of my expectations. One notable aspect that hindered my enjoyment was the challenge I faced in forming a connection with the protagonist, Rylan. Despite her haunting history and her remarkable ability to perceive spirits, her excessively cheerful disposition appeared somewhat detached from reality.

I enjoyed this story but not sure it would be one I would reread.

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Rylan Flynn can see, and sometimes talk to ghosts in her hometown of Ashby, Indiana.. One day a ghost leads her to a murder victim tied to a tree. Dawn Merriman’s tale of The Spirit Girls (ebook from Second Sky) is a nice, solid, mystery that follows a predictable path. Fun.

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Rylan Flynn can see ghosts. She can speak to them. And she can help them move to the light. But when one ghost directs Rylan to her body and tries to tell her who killed her, Rylan insists on finding the killer even if it puts her in danger.
The Spirit Girls is a paranormal murder mystery set in America.
I loved the premise of the book and the main character Rylan. She has a YouTube channel in which she goes ghost hunting but it is her gift and kindness that make her easy to like. She is led through the forest by a ghost of a young woman until they come across the victim's body. Rylan want to use her gift to help solve the case but things get more complicated...
Rylan's situation with her mother simmers in the background (no spoilers!) and there is a romantic tension with police officer Ford Pierce. Neither of them are ready to confront their feelings for each other but I'm hopeful that there will be future books and they'll let their hearts lead them together. For now though, they are at loggerheads over the murder investigation that he is leading and she is involved in.
The book is written from various first person perspectives including the killer. This adds a sinister edge to the plot developments as we anticipate their next act. However, the majority is from Rylan's viewpoint with Ford a close second which helps us get to know and like these two main characters.
On a personal level, I loved how the author married together ghosts and religion in a way which reflects my own beliefs. There are some clever twists surrounding ghost lore and interactions with characters. I was less keen on the conclusion of the book and the reveal of the killer along with their final act as I felt it was a bit predictable. There is plenty of potential for future books and unresolved personal issues for Rylan to act upon.
The Spirit Girls is a gripping book with a strong lead character.

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disclaimer – i received a copy of this book via second sky books in exchange for an honest review.

the spirit girls, by dawn merriman, is listed as sci fi/fantasy but it feels more like an uneven combination of mystery, supernatural, and awkward romance wrapped up in young adult package. the main character, rylan flynn, is written to be an adult, but her personality, choices, and speech patterns make her feel like she's in her teens.

there is so much potential in the individual plot parts -seeing/communicating with ghosts, the 'is there or isn't there' a romance, solving the mystery before another murder, family ghosts (real and hyperbolic) - they just never quite come together. in the end, it feels as if you're reading some confusing, albeit interesting, separate vignettes.

overall, this is a story with good pieces that really deserve to be a whole. it's an interesting and entertaining read that just slips out of your mind once it's finished.

three out of five stars

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he Spirit Girls by Dawn Merriman is the first book in the Rylan Flynn paranormal mystery series. The story introduces readers to a young woman who possesses the ability to see spirits whom she helps to crossover the other side. Merriman delivered an interesting and suspenseful tale which will have readers flipping the pages.

Narrated from multiple POVs from Rylan to the villain, The Spirit Girls delivered a light, engaging and quick read. It weaves together the perfect blend of paranormal, witchcraft, mystery and religious themes. It reminded to some extent of the television show, The Ghost Whisperer.

In all her encounters with spirits, she never encountered ones seeking her help to find out who murdered them until now. The police, aware of her claims as a ghost hunter, warned her away from the case. She, however, decides to conduct her own investigation. A decision which places her in the killers’ crosshairs.

The Spirit Girls read like a young adult story, even though most of the characters were definitely over twenty-one. Despite the young adult vibe, I found the story engaging and the characters interesting. Rylan's family is aware of her gift, however not all of them willingly acknowledges same. She also faces ridicule from some of the townspeople. She doesn't let it bother her though and besides she has acquired a a lot of followers on her YouTube Channel. 

The story hinted at the possibility of a romance between Rylan and the lead detective. Their attraction to each other was clear, but the author chose not to explore it. Hopefully, the upcoming books will deliver on this.

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There’s a lot of potential in this series and there’s a lot of questions that I hope will be answered in the next novels.
It’s an entertaining story, a mix of paranormal/horror/religion and it works even if I’m not a fan of the religious part and of some parts where I got the impression that the religion defined the good and bad characters.
That said I liked Aunt Val, George the dog and Ford. I’m a bit on the fence with Rylan that I find very brave and living a in a very mysterious way.
The mystery part is well plotted and kept me turning pages. There’s some gore and there’s the right level of creepiness.
The cliffhanger makes me wish I could read the next book soon.
If you like paranormal investigation set in small town this is the right book.
Many thanks to Second Sky for this arc, all opinions are mine

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Rylan Flynn can see ghosts, and makes her living recording places that may be haunted in and around Ashby, Indiana. But this time it’s different, she sees a shady figure when out visiting her aunt and then finds a body. Ford Pierce is a friend of her older brother, but also a local police detective and Rylans secret crush, he’s also determined she’s not going to interfere with his investigation.

An interesting read, Rylan tries to help lost souls cross over when they seem to be stuck where they died, and she also has to cope with her own personal tragedy, the loss of her mother. There is nice characterisation, a twisted plot and it isn’t overly gory or hysterical. An easy read. 3 1/2 ⭐️

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read and review this book.

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