Member Reviews

RYLAN FLYNN can see ghosts. She is the host of a podcast Beyond the Dead Investigations. The police think she’s crazy.

A murder occurs and someone close to her is a suspect. She starts to investigate and won’t stop until she finds the killer. Even if it puts her in danger

This is my first time reading this author and I thoroughly enjoyed every minute of this story. It was fast paced and full of ghosts and intriguing characters that I really want to read more about. Hopefully there will be a little bit of romance in the future got Rylan and Ford.

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Wow! I absolutely loved this book. It pulled me in from the first page and I read it in one sitting. I cannot wait for the next book.

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Having her aunt framed for the murders of two girls in their area was beyond thinking. A surprisingly engaging story, but Rylan had a serious problem. She needed to sort herself out and seek help for her hoarding addiction. She was unaware of the danger she placed herself in when she began investigating the mysterious deaths through her ghost link. Catching the attention of the killer or killers was not her intention, but what she didn’t know, in this case, could kill her.

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would like to thank netgalley and the publisher for letting me read this book

an interesting concept that drew me in...

rylan can see ghosts and tries to help them cross over.. she also has a following that love her ghost trials and tribulations

but when a young girl is murdered near her aunts property things start to get out of hand quickly and its not long before another body is discovered in the same place but this time an arrest is made and its rylans aunt

this was a short story introducing us to the character of rylan and her abilities, have to say i am looking forward to reading the next book in this series

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Rylan Flynn can see restless spirits and help them move on, but discovering a murder victim near her aunt’s cabin hits too close to home.

Ford Pierce, the head detective, doesn’t want Rylan near the investigation, despite her gift. But when a second body turns up and evidence points to her family, Rylan has to act…

I was pulled into this creepy story from page one. I liked the balance of characters—that some believed and supported Rylan while others were skeptical of her gift.

Told through multiple POVs, the story moved at a steady and consistently tense pace. The budding romance between Ford and Rylan was sweet and I look forward to it developing in future books. A few dark details in her life were left unresolved, another hook for the series.

I would have liked more/stronger clues to lead to the reveal at the end and a little more character development, but it was a fun quick read.

Thanks to NetGalley and Second Sky for the ARC.

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Thank you Netgalley for the advance audiobook and reader copy of The Spirit Girls (A Rylan Flynn Mystery Book 1) by Dawn Merriman in exchange for an honest review. This book was an odd combination. It was a murder mystery with the occult through it as well as religion. I liked the story, but I'm not sure if I would read anymore.

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I love love love paranormal mystery books as long as they are written well. I feel like paranormal books are often written kind of cheesy.

#SpiritGirls by #DawnMerriman is written in the best way possible. The character building is fantastic.
Rylan has always been able to see what others can't. There has always been a doorway in her life that allows the dead to come through to her. Over the years her Father who is a Priest has helped her to release spirits to the afterlife. Spirits don't usually find Rylan, she usually finds them until one night a spirit does find her. She is led to the brutally disfigured body of a young woman who is tied to her Aunts tree.

Ford Pierce shows up on the scene as is instantly annoyed to see Rylan Ashby's local youtube ghost hunter is already there and even worse the crime has happened on her Aunt's property.

As the mystery surrounding Rylan's Aunts property progresses and more bodies begin to show up tensions are running higher but the spirits are still reaching out, begging for help.

#SpiritGirls by #DawnMerriman is a fantastic book that draws you further and further in. I can't wait to continue reading the RylanFlynn books!

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The Spirit Girls is an interesting mix of paranormal and Christianity. I really like how it blends and look forward to the next book in this series. Rylan Flynn can see ghosts and her primary goal is to help them move on, but to pay the bills she has a YouTube channel about ghosts that she created with her best friend. She also has a longtime crush on her brother’s best friend Ford. It is well written and is a quick read. I would give this book 4.5 stars.

I received a free copy of this book to review through NetGalley.

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The title and description sparked my interest, which is why I chose this.

This was a paranormal mystery, and it was satisfyingly spooky. I believe this is the first of a series of books featuring this protagonist, and I warmed to her and found her quite likeable. The chapters were fairly short, and the story was entertaining without being too long or overly drawn out.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publishers for a free copy to review.

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Wow! Mesmerizing story that captivated my imagination immediately. Ryan's character was fierce, brave, a daredevil in all but in facing Ford with her feelings. Her mission? To help the ghosts pass on despite non-believers in her ability. A must read, for believers of ghosts and lovers of a great mystery. The first of this series I can't wait for the next adventure!
I received this book as an arc through Net Gallery and am voluntarily submitting my review.

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Loved the concept of this story and I can see it’s been set up for a sequel however I sadly didn’t gel with the characters or their storylines.

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This is a great start to a new series.
If you like crime thrillers with a supernatural twist, then this book is for you.
Rylan works as an investigator of supernatural occurrences and with Mickey filming her, has a successful online presence.
She doesn’t expect to be pulled into a murder case when the dead victim beckons her into the woods to show her her body.
Ford is investigating the murder and is a childhood friend of Rylan’s but she wishes it was more than just friendship.
Rylan is warned to stay away from the murder investigation but she is determined to find the killer.
I can’t wait to find out what’s in store next for Rylan.
Thanks to Bookouture and NetGalley for the opportunity to read this book.

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The story was fine, just not for me. I usually love paranormal stories, but this one had more religion than I like and left me wondering about too many other things that were mentioned but not fleshed out. I wanted more character development, and hopefully, as the series goes on, it will happen. I needed more background information on Rylan’s abilities, her mother, the spirit in her brother’s room, the hoarding, etc.

Thank you to NetGalley, Second Sky, and Dawn Merriman for the eARC.

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The Spirit Girls by Dawn Merriman is the first book in the Rylan Flynn series, and boy am I glad that there will be more! Rylan can communicate with ghosts, and she, along with her father (who is a pastor) do their best to help them cross over. When a girl is murdered and left in the woods on her Aunt Val's property, the cops investigating it, including Rylan's crush, Ford Pierce, are focusing on Val, so Rylan figures it's up to her to find the real murderer. With her special access to the ghost, you would think it'd be easy as pie, but all the twists and turns prove this not to be the case.

I love a good whodunit with a paranormal twist, and this book had plenty of that. I was kept guessing until the very end, which I loved!

This was a really quick read which I enjoyed very much, and I look forward to seeing where the next book takes Rylan.

5/5 stars.

*** I would like to thank NetGalley, Second Sky, and Dawn Merriman for the opportunity to read and review this book.

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If I could have stayed wake all night, I definitely would have read this book in on sitting. It is so good that I didn't want to quit reading and go to sleep. But common sense took over and I waited until today to finish it. Such a great story. I love the characters and cannot wait for whatever comes next.

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This is the 1st book of Rylan Flynn series, it can be read as stand alone. My first in this series and this book is good. The opening really hook me! Scene in abandon hospital! Rylan has ability to see ghost see use her ability to help ghost cross over. One ghost reach her and this ghost is murder make Rylan determine to find the suspect. I really love this book! Fullfil my thrist in mystery, ghost story and detective! I hope more ghost involve in next book!

Thank you to NetGalley for provide this book, it is pleasure to review this book.

#TheSpiritGirls #RylanFlynn #DawnMerriman #SecondSky #NetGalley #ARCs

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Rylan sees and talk to ghost.
SHe is led to a body by a ghost then another body shows up the sameplace and died the sameway with seems to be a ritual death but why and by who.
A good story with drama,suspense,mystery.
Voluntary reviewed.

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I really enjoy books that are police procedurals that have a fantasy element that takes place in contemporary times, or basically urban fantasy or paranormal mystery. I thought this was close to that and I was correct, even more than I thought. Rylan is a complex character, and she is, I think, fighting her own demons in more than one way. That wasn’t explored much, but there were signs which I hope is explored later. I loved the ghosts and the characters even if they didn’t occupy much of the story. The mystery wasn’t quite a surprise, and there isn’t much hunting for clues or a complex mystery, but this is really good anyway. I am really looking forward to more in this world, and I’m excited to find out more about Rylan’s past. Recommend. I was provided a complimentary copy which I voluntarily reviewed.

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First off, I thoroughly enjoyed this book. While short it kept my attention for the full read.
This book follows a ghost hunter, who while visiting her Aunt is lured into the woods. We follow the story and investigation as to why she was lured here.

I was always guessing what would happen I was satisfied that it wasn’t obvious and with the twists and turns within the book, I was wanting to turn every page.

I would recommend this book to anyone who would like a quick read, anyone who enjoys a whodunnit and anyone who likes a page turner.

Thanks to the author, publisher and NetGalley for the ARC.

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This book sucked me in a wouldn't let go until I turned the last page! After which I immediately signed up for this author's newsletter to make sure I wouldn't miss any books in this series!

We start off with Rylan and her BFF filming a video at a haunted location. Rylan is trying to speak to one of the ghosts that live there, a local legend who many believe doesn't exist. She comes face to face with the ghost and speaks to her before she disappears..

Later while visiting her aunt, she sees a ghost beckoning her into the woods, she follows and finds a young woman dead. This starts a whole set of circumstances that leads Rylan into investigating this crime on her own.

I loved the mystery, I had no idea who the killer was until it was revealed, I loved the dynamics between Rylan and her family and best friend, and also how she goes into a ghost hunt hoping to help the ghost cross over.
This story had everything I was hoping for and so much more, I can't wait to continue this series and see what is going to happen next!

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