Member Reviews

A good premise but...
this reminded me of a 30 min tv show that I really like where I know the characters and what to expect. It's a mid season filler episode and we don't learn anything new about anybody - we just know that the main character sees ghosts and it'll help her solve a crime.
The problem was this should have been the pilot episode where things aren't glossed over so quickly and dismissively, we get more character information and better interactions.
Just enjoy the book for what it is rather than expect anything challenging at all

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A good premise but...
this reminded me of a 30 min tv show that I really like where I know the characters and what to expect. It's a mid season filler episode and we don't learn anything new about anybody - we just know that the main character sees ghosts and it'll help her solve a crime.
The problem was this should have been the pilot episode where things aren't glossed over so quickly and dismissively, we get more character information and better interactions.
Just enjoy the book for what it is rather than expect anything challenging at all

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A fun book that was quite nice to read.

Thanks to NetGalley and to the author for giving me the chance to read and review this book.

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The Spirit Girls
By Dawn Merriman
I love a good ghost story and this has several! The main character can see and communicate with ghosts. Her family knows about it and she has a following online. But more amazing is her home life! He dead mother is haunting her home unintentionally. She was killed in her room and now she is still in her room but doesn't know she's dead. The gal has other things lurking in there too. I don't think I could ever sleep in there knowing they were there! Yikes!!!
The main mystery is that someone is killing girls and tying them to her aunt's tree. The girls are found in very similar conditions. She's able to communicate with the ghosts briefly.
It's a great adventure trying to figure out who is doing this and how and why! Also not getting caught by cops because they don't want her interfering. Good suspense, love all the ghostly intrigue, and the psychic in the story.
I love the characters and all the mysterious stuff around her home and life. I definitely want to read more in this series! There is so much going for this book! Even a hint of romance.
I want to thank NetGalley and the publisher for letting me read this great book! Going in my favorite folder!

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This a great read for a cosy winter afternoon especially if you're a fan of mystery books coupled with the supernatural.

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I was intrigued throughout the whole book. I don't usually read fantasy liked this but I enjoyed it.

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An enjoyable paranormal read where Rylan investigates a murder on her aunt's farm. With a cosy community, a potential love interest and ghosts this is a good start to a series. I wanted it to grab me more than it did, but I believe as the series progresses so will the depth of characters and plot.

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This was a good start to a new series. I love a bit of paranormal with my mystery and this did not disappoint. Strong characters with lots of potential. I’m looking forward to what is next for Rylan, Ford and the rest of the cast. It seems they all have a story to tell.

Thanks for allowing me to review.

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Wonderful, fun YA fantasy novel, the first in this series. (Complete story line). Ghost story, mystery, and a bit of possible romance. There were enough twists to keep me happy. Just the sort of easy read fantasy to give me a satisfying read. Look forward to the next one. Thank you to Second Sky Publisher’s and NetGalley for the ARC. The views expressed are all mine, freely given.

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Amazing read.
Merriman has an ability to set the scene in the fewest words but so vivid you can feel the characters around you. I didn't read to the end (purely lack of time) but Merriman gives us a protagonist with a curious life as well as facing a new challenge of her own. She's loveable, caring, but misunderstood, and being wrong place wrong time doesn't help.
I can't wait to purchase the paperback

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I wouldn’t usually select a paranormal story, I thoroughly enjoyed this book and hope to read more from this author!
The storyline flows well, full of mystery and suspense, with a gentle touch of romance!
The chapter layout brings the main characters to life, there is a strong sense of believability as the story unfolds!
Rylan has strength to follow the signs of the truth, her intuitive nature considers the clues as they appear and embraces the gift she lives with.
A small town with too many secrets, will detective Ford be able to solve the mystery in time?
Dawn Merriman writes a convincing story that keeps you entertained and enthralled, this book certainly has the wow factor!

With thanks and congratulations to the publisher, NetGalley and the amazing author for the opportunity to read this book.
I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Thank you NetGalley and Second Sky for this eCopy to review

I enjoyed The Spirit Girls, it is a murder investigation with a twist, because Rylan can see ghosts.

Rylan is compelled to carry out her own investigation when a ghost leads her, to the ghost's dead body in the woods at her Aunt's house. When another young girl is found murdered in the same location Aunt Val is arrested, Rylan has to use her gift to help free her Aunt.

I enjoyed the interaction between Rylan and Ford, and will love to see what happens to their relationship in the future. I found the pace fast which kept my interest, I would say it is a light easy read and will be interesting to see how the characters develop over the series.

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Oh my word I could not put this down and read it in one day. It started off straight with action and didn’t let up until the very end. It was fast paced and had me hooked!! Please tell me the second one is due out soon!!

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This book was fine and written well, it just wasn’t my cup of tea

*I was given a free copy from Netgalley in return for an honest review.

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This was a fab easy read with an adventurous,funny protagonist.
Rylan can see and speak to ghosts. She also has a YouTube channel where her and her friend Mickey, film adventures where they try to contact ghosts and send them home. She's visiting her aunt when they discover the dead body of a girl tied to a tree on Val's land. The young girl's ghost had led Rylan to the spot where her body was.
An investigation is started and Rylan is not supposed to try to help or interfere. This is Rylan though!!. She doesn't listen to what she's told to do, especially by the hunky childhood friend who she fancies the pants off!!. Rylan may get herself into some hot water!.
I loved the ease with which I read this book, I loved all the characters, who were all funny in their own way and definitely people I could like!.. I think there may be more after this book so read this one, enjoy and look out for more being published!!.
I received this free ARC book for an honest review.
#Netgalley, #secondskybooks #dawnmerrimannovelist.

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I really loved this unique twist on the mystery thriller genre. Rylan, who is a spiritual investigator who help souls cross over, finds a dead body in the forest one day near her aunts house. When another body shows up her aunt is wrongfully accused, Rylan is determined to investigate, help the souls of the victims cross over, and find the real culprit.

I found this such a fun enjoyable read. It was really quick and I couldn't put it down. I loved the writing and all the characters - I'm really rooting for Rylan and Ford. I will definitely be checking out the rest of the series to see how things unfold and maybe get a more in depth view of Rylan's history and her mother.

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Really enjoyed this paranormal story.
Ryland sees and hears ghosts, sometimes they come to her other times she goes and finds them. She tends to get into trouble when she's trespassing to try to help the ghosts she interacts with.
I found Rylan a very likeable character and loved the plot. I look forward to book 2.

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Thank you to #NetGalley and #SecondSky for the copy of this book! Rylan Flynn sees ghosts. Not a psychic, she just as the gift of seeing ghosts as they present themselves to her. When a ghost in the woods of her aunt Val's property lures her into the woods, Rylan stumbles upon the body of the ghost, stuck to a tree. Turns out the victim is Celeste Monroe of Toledo, and she came to Rylan for help. A murder investigation ensues, and Rylan can't seem to steer clear of law enforcement. When another young girl is found murdered in the same location, Rylan turns to her gift to steer her in the direction that the officers and detectives cannot see.

I rated this 3 stars based off of the quick pace, lack of plot development - this had the potential to really build over the course of the book and it missed the mark. It was a very quick read, most likely because the plot failed to develop to its full extent. The character development was lacking as well. I feel as though there was so much opportunity and it failed to execute. I also feel like there wasn't a thrilling plot. I was expecting more paranormal interaction, as well as more juicy details in the murder investigation. I also felt as though it was a predictable ending. The twist didn't WOW me as much as I had hoped.

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I enjoyed this easy to read Y.A horror thriller.
The characters were likeable and well written and Rylan exploits were amusing and intriguing.
A decent plot and quite a fast paced storyline made this book a quick and thrilling read!
I’m looking forward to more Rylan Flynn adventures!

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CW: death, gore, depression

Rylan Flynn can see ghosts.So when the ghost of a teenage girl leads Rylan to her body, naturally Rylan wants to help. Unfortunately, helping may just be what puts Rylan in harm’s way.

The potential was there. I didn’t hate it, but this story just felt incomplete. The MC finds a body in the woods, and in her defense she really does try to let the police handle it. But, as is the standard for heroine MCs who just don’t know when to quit, our MC can’t stay away. Fortunately, she really doesn’t get in the actual police’s way, so that’s nice. And she doesn’t go confronting potential murder suspects alone in dark allies, so more bonus points there.

I don’t really know what else to say about this book. There’s a potential love interest who actually seems like a decent guy, there’s some good groundwork for a really entertaining story, and there’s a lead-in to the next book at the end. It has all the makings of a really lovely ghost-y murder mystery. It just didn’t quite get there. The details are nice, but can be a bit sparse. The sentence structure is a little choppy in areas, although nothing horrible and it could work if the story had some more meat to it. Unfortunately, very few of the characters end up feeling relatable or overly likable because we just don’t have enough information about them.

I could easily have enjoyed reading this story if it had been 2-3 times as long, provided the extra length came from fleshing out more of the little things that really make a book jump out and grab your attention. I’d definitely be willing to check out more of the author’s work in the future; it’s just that this book didn’t quite do it for me.

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