Member Reviews

I have been excited about this release for months. In fact, I preordered on before stumbling across a review copy on NetGalley. I canceled my preorder because I figured that I would just read the review copy and be good (I am poor-adjacent... don't @ me!). But about a chapter in, I re-preordered because this is a volume I will read again and reference regularly.

I had read Bartholomew's *Contours* a couple of years ago and enjoyed it and have read some Kuyper and some Bavinck, but Brock and Sutanto have written a great work that has re-sparked my desire to dive into the works of Kuyper and Bavinck. Whereas Bartholomew seemed to focus on what developed out of the teaching of Kuyper, Brock and Sutanto's work really fills in the gaps for me as to what both Kupyer and Bavinck explicitly taught. I appreciate the need and benefit of both approaches, but since Bartholomew's excellent work already exists, I am glad Brock and Sutanto went this route. Plus, this volume functions well as a resource that will aid me greatly in approaching primary documents, so I appreciate that. And while this book is fine in print (assumed) and ebook (for sure), I think it shines brightest in Logos format with citations linked and searches and guides super accessible.

Brock and Sutanto strike a good balance between being thoroughly sourced but not burdening the reader with ceaseless secondary references. The vast majority of works referenced are primary writings from Kuyper and Bavinck and as such the book stays focused as a close reading of the two leading figures of early Neo-Calvinism.

e-ARC provided, Logos edition purchased. Grab a copy of this and be blessed.

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