Member Reviews

New believers will benefit from reading this book from Aaron Armstrong. Simple answers and understanding for new believers.

*I received a digital ARC from the publisher through NetGalley in exchange for my review.

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I've always called myself 'Christian' but only recently have I actually begun exploring what that means.

Going to church had left me more confused than anything else. This book has been great at helping me navigate the minefield that is Christianity in a modern world.

Many of my questions were address, such as what makes a good church, what makes a good leader, what is expected of me and where should I start.

The author describes his journey along with his wife as they came to the faith as newbies.

Whilst I probably ended up with a lot more questions by the end of the book, I really enjoyed walking alongside the author as he discovered his faith.

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Written by Aaron Armstrong, this book offers the important perspective of a believer coming to faith as an adult.

This is faith made accessible, simple, and transformational - all without dismissing the very real challenges that individuals may face in their lives as they begin new life in Christ.

Reading Level: Easy (Approximately Grade Four)
Faith Engagement Level: Easy to Digest (Written to New Believers, practical for all)
Reader Age Recommended: 16+ (or discretion of parents) - The book references some elements of Aaron's testimony prior to becoming a believer that are more adult in nature, and contains a chapter focused on healthy Christian sexual ethics for new believers.

If you are a new believer, or have new believers in your life, this book is an important resource to consider including in your library. It is written with short, clear chapters - which are broken into bite size sections that are manageable for individuals with difficulty reading. Unlike other 'new believer' resources, this book is written to new believers from the perspective of a couple who came to faith as adult partners living together. It shares with great vulnerability the process of coming to faith, engaging with new practices, how awkward faith can be for those from alternative faith backgrounds, and tackles the most difficult changes brand new Christians will face in their faith journey.

I would highly recommend this book as a beginner resource for churches and individuals to have on hand for new believers - as it has clear, concise steps for what it means to build a relationship with Christ and the community of faith. It also offers very approachable content on ways to begin sharing your faith with others - a resource that may be helpful beyond just the beginner years of faith.

I have been a Christian for a long time, but I still felt challenged by the contents of this book. The explanations of faith and what it means to follow Christ were simple, incredibly practical, and offered a lot of insights to the what is truly necessary in faith, and what it unnecessary. As a pastor, I found myself encouraged to create more opportunities for learning for adult new believers - and more space for their growth before involvement. The author has a high bar for the inclusion of individuals in Christian leadership - one based not on length of development, but depth of roots in faith.

The book also concludes with a wonderful appendix that offers answers for individuals, churches, and pastors looking for clarity on how they can better support new converts. These are not trite solutions being offered - but deep, and meaningful challenges for the body of Christ to fully embrace new believers in a way that is transformational.

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