Member Reviews

"Pastor, Jesus is Enough" is a great book for ministers. It helps reorient our focus onto Jesus rather than on the many distractions that take our eyes from him. I appreciated the author's insights and found myself highlighting many passages. The message of the book is both convicting and liberating.

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Encouraging read to keep looking at Jesus - and get out of the rat race of creating a ministry that is all about me and my self-sufficiency. I am not called to be a CEO of a church or a master entertainer/philosopher/orator/mentor/counselor/event planner all in one. Jesus is supreme. This morning after finishing the book I sang the old song, "His name is wonderful." So thankful that it's his name - and not my own, or my reputation that is wonderful.

A helpful reminder for tired ministers who need to be gently corrected to keep looking to Jesus, not to self.

I received a free copy from the publishers in exchange for an honest review.

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Pastor, Jesus Is Enough
Hope for the Weary, the Burned Out, and the Broken
by Jeremy Writebol
Pub Date 15 Mar 2023
Lexham Press
Christian. |. Nonfiction (Adult) |. Religion & Spirituality
Lexham Press and Netgalley have provided me with a copy of Pastor, Jesus is Enough for review:
It can be exhausting to be enough!
Pastor, the good news is that you cannot be enough. This is because only Jesus is sufficient.
In Pastor, Jesus Is Enough, Jeremy Writebol invites pastors to hear the words of the risen Jesus contained within the seven letters of Revelation 2 — 3. In Revelation 2 — 3, exhortations are addressed to churches. Furthermore, they exhort pastors as well.
As Jesus draws near to pastors in these seven letters, he reminds them of his sufficiency, whether they are hurting or straying. In these warnings and promises, Jesus has harsh words for pastors. It is important to note that these are words of life. The most important thing Jesus urges pastors to do is to keep their focus on him.
I give Pastor, Jesus is Enough five out of five stars!
Happy Reading!

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This book is a needed and deeply encouraging word to the pastors who need it most.

Pastors are often told to read books. There is no end to the number of books we are given or recommended. Many of them promise some new idea or insight that will change our ministry and effectiveness if we could only apply it correctly. This is not that kind of book. Instead, this book is a balm for your soul. It is a reminder of all the things pastor's know but are tempted to forget.

The book walks through the seven letters to the churches in Revelation. It applies the message to each church as a message to a particular pastor. I had never considered reading the letters this way before, but I am not sure if I will ever be able to unsee it. The encouragements and admonishments in the letters are so applicable to the life of a pastor.

This book is profoundly devotional and pastoral. I often had to force myself to read it slowly one chapter at a time because my soul needed it. He covers all of the temptations and challenges we face as pastors. At each moment, he offers us Christ and the gospel. I loved this book. Any pastor who is struggling, tired, or weary should read this and find healing.

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