Member Reviews

This was so much fun. A unique portal story with twists and turns that I never expected. I can't wait to see what happens to Lily next!

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I tend to go into books blindly and truly immerse myself into the story. Lily White is a beautifully written character that you simply can’t help but root for. I enjoyed this book and am looking forward to the next book in the series.

Thank you NetGalley and Yana for ARC of “Luminiferos”

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Book Review: Luminiferos: The Omen of Light by Yana Metro

Yana Metro’s Luminiferos: The Omen of Light, the second installment in the Luminiferos saga, plunges readers deeper into a world of magic, romance, and deadly intrigue. A tale of romance, self-discovery, and survival, it balances high-stakes action with a deeply personal journey of a heroine caught between two warring worlds.

A Compelling Protagonist
At the heart of the novel is Lilly White, a protagonist who, on the surface, may seem like a typical "chosen one" figure, but who is far more complex. Marked by poison and slowly being consumed by the venom that threatens to turn her into a monster, Lilly is both vulnerable and powerful. What makes her so compelling is that her strength comes not from invulnerability but from her tenacity to fight, despite being constantly hunted and caught in the crosshairs of opposing forces. Her physical condition—a literal curse eating away at her—mirrors the emotional toll that her journey takes on her. She's not just battling external threats but is also at war with her own dark impulses.

Lilly’s plight is a deeply human one, even in the fantastical setting of Luminiferos. She's cursed and poisoned, and her journey is not just about fighting a great evil but about confronting the parts of herself that she fears may become monstrous. Her story is a metaphor for internal struggle, with her transformation serving as an outward symbol of her inner conflict. This adds an emotional depth that makes the stakes feel personal, even while the larger conflict threatens two entire worlds.

A Dangerous Love Triangle
The tension in The Omen of Light is heightened by the dynamic between Lilly and two powerful male figures—Will, her Raven Guardian, and a mysterious, reality-bending figure with "jade eyes as cold as dragon scales." The love triangle that unfolds is not just about romance, but about trust, power, and survival.

Will is an enigmatic figure, bound to protect Lilly, yet also distant, guarding secrets of his own. His dual nature—both protective and dangerous—mirrors Lilly's own predicament, making him a fascinating character in his own right. As Lilly’s protector, he shoulders the heavy burden of keeping her alive while also balancing his own personal struggles and the oaths he’s sworn to uphold. Their chemistry is palpable, filled with tension as they both grapple with the harsh realities of their circumstances and the deeper emotions they feel for each other.

The second male figure, whose identity is steeped in mystery and power, offers Lilly something far more dangerous than simple protection. His ability to bend reality blurs the lines between good and evil, safety and peril. His “jade gaze” and cold demeanor suggest that he is a force of nature in his own right—an archetype of temptation that tests Lilly’s morality and sense of self. The dynamic between them is fraught with danger, and it’s clear that he represents both a potential source of salvation and destruction.

Metro does an excellent job of balancing the romantic elements of the story with the high-stakes plot. The relationships Lilly forges are not just romantic but deeply consequential to the outcome of the larger narrative. This tension between love and duty creates rich, layered character interactions that keep the reader engaged.

Worldbuilding and Magic
Luminiferos: The Omen of Light is as much about the broader conflict between two worlds as it is about the personal struggles of its characters. Metro’s worldbuilding is lush and immersive, pulling readers into a universe that is both familiar and fantastical. The Human and Spirit Worlds are in peril, and while the fate of these worlds hangs in the balance, Metro ensures that the emotional core of the story—the battle Lilly faces within herself—is never overshadowed by the larger cosmic conflict.

The magic system in Luminiferos is intricate and mysterious. From the venomous curse afflicting Lilly to the shape-shifting abilities of those around her, the story is steeped in a deep sense of the supernatural. Metro’s depiction of the curse on Lilly is particularly fascinating, as it adds an ever-present ticking clock to the narrative. The venom marks that spread daily across her wrists are a constant reminder of the threat she faces—not only from her enemies but from her own body turning against her.

Additionally, the shapeshifters in the novel bring a dynamic element to the action scenes and the lore of the world. The lethal nature of these creatures and the rules governing them are gradually revealed, keeping the reader guessing about their true intentions and the extent of their powers. The world of Luminiferos feels alive and dangerous, where every encounter could be a turning point in Lilly’s fight for survival.

Themes of Darkness and Self-Discovery
Thematically, The Omen of Light explores the darkness that resides within us all. Lilly's journey toward self-discovery is not just about becoming stronger or more capable but about confronting the darker parts of herself. The fact that she must "embrace the darkness within" to break the curse is a powerful metaphor for the idea that strength often comes from accepting—and mastering—our shadow selves, rather than running from them.

The book also delves into questions of trust, loyalty, and sacrifice. Lilly is constantly forced to question the motives of those around her, especially as she grapples with the toxic nature of her own curse. Will's hidden secrets, combined with the seductive pull of the enigmatic stranger, force her to navigate a treacherous path between love, survival, and her sense of morality.

A Fast-Paced, Tension-Filled Plot
Metro’s pacing is one of the novel’s strongest suits. The Omen of Light is a fast-paced and tension-filled ride from start to finish. The threat of Lilly's curse looms large, creating a sense of urgency that propels the story forward. Every chapter brings new challenges and revelations, making it difficult for readers to put the book down. The stakes feel real, and Metro does a commendable job of weaving together the personal and the epic in a way that makes both feel equally important.

Conclusion: A Dark, Alluring Fantasy with Emotional Depth
Yana Metro’s Luminiferos: The Omen of Light is an enthralling continuation of the Luminiferos saga. With its dark, alluring tone, richly developed characters, and high-stakes plot, it strikes a perfect balance between romance, action, and emotional depth. Lilly White’s journey of survival, self-discovery, and her dance with darkness makes her a heroine that readers will root for, even as they fear for her fate. Metro’s world is both magical and perilous, and her ability to keep the reader guessing until the very end makes this book a must-read for fans of dark fantasy and paranormal romance.

Whether you’re drawn in by the intense love triangle, the intricate world-building, or the emotional journey of its protagonist, The Omen of Light delivers on all fronts, making it a standout entry in the genre and a compelling second act in the Luminiferos series.

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Thank to to Netgalley and the publisher for this free digital copy. I unfortunately didn’t finish this book . I just couldn't get into it due to personal tastes.

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Thank you for this arc.

Book Review: "Luminiferos: The Omen of Light" by Yana Metro

The adventure had its moments of excitement, but I found the story a bit confusing at times. Characters appeared suddenly without much explanation, and the pace of the plot felt uneven. Although the world of Luminiferos was imaginative, I struggled to fully picture it in my mind.
While themes of friendship and bravery were present, they didn't feel very original or deeply explored. I found it hard to connect with the characters and their struggles.

In conclusion, it had nice moments, but it didn't quite meet my expectations. Despite its flaws, it may still appeal to readers who enjoy fantasy adventures with a lighter touch.

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"Luminiferos: The Omen of Light" by Yana Metro is a captivating blend of fantasy, romance, and philosophy that follows the life of Lilly White, an eighteen-year-old girl seeking meaning in a parallel world. The narrative skillfully weaves between the harsh reality of Lilly's upbringing in an English orphanage and the mystical dreams of lush forests and a loving family that haunt her.

The author adeptly introduces elements of fantasy, creating an ethereal and mesmerizing world through vivid descriptions of mystical creatures and enchanting landscapes. The premise of a lost world accessed through a portal adds an intriguing dimension to the story, offering a refreshing twist to the fantasy genre.

The character development of Lilly is well-executed as she grapples with the dichotomy of her experiences – the loneliness of her orphaned existence contrasted with the allure of a fantastical realm. The emergence of her latent gifts and the journey of self-discovery provide a compelling narrative arc.

However, the book falls short in some aspects. The pacing, at times, feels uneven, with moments of intense action juxtaposed against slower, more reflective scenes. Additionally, the philosophical themes, while thought-provoking, occasionally border on being overly abstract, making it challenging for readers to fully connect with the deeper meanings.

Despite these drawbacks, "Luminiferos" manages to deliver an enchanting tale of love, self-discovery, and the battle against impending darkness. Yana Metro's writing style is evocative, creating a vivid and immersive experience for readers. While not without its flaws, this book is a commendable effort in the realm of fantasy literature.

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Lilly White opened the door to a world of possibility when she stepped through the magical portal of Luminiferos. Nature's beauty was everywhere, from the towering trees to the winding rivers and sparkling lakes, but it was also a dangerous world, where darkness lurked around every corner.

Luminiferos: The Omen of Light is a thrilling adventure novel by Yana Metro. Through Lilly's journey to discover her family's past, she uncovers a powerful ancient relic that could unleash a dark force on the world unless she can find a way to stop it. With the help of mysterious allies, she must battle her way through a labyrinth of enemies and evil creatures in order to save her family and the world.

Yana Metro combines elements of both fantasy and magical realism to great effect in this captivating story. The lush worldbuilding and vivid descriptions draw the reader in to a vivid and exciting alternate universe, while the characters feel incredibly real and engaging. The plot twists and turns keep the reader entranced and guessing until the very end.

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Thank you net galley for sending me an advanced readers copy of Luminiferos

A short and stellar novel perfect for young adults who want a taste of dark fantasy without diving into the deep end. The characters were so charming and despite the dark aesthetic atmosphere of the book certain details such as the fmcs adorable pet kept the story sweet and easy to read.

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I didn’t finish this book due to it not being a great fit for me, sadly. This is merely personal taste, however, and should not in any way hinder anyone from trying it for themselves. It simply wasn’t quite what I expected and it failed to engage me.

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Thank you NetGalley, Publishers, and Yano Metro for gifting me a copy of Luminiferos: The Omen of LIght in return for my honest opinion.

2/5 stars
A fusion of fantasy, romance, and philosophy, this is a story of a girl who goes to a parallel world in search of meaning.

At just eighteen, Lilly White has lived multiple lives. There was the cold, hard reality of growing up in an English orphanage, isolated and unwanted. But paradoxically, visions and dreams of lush forests and mystical creatures, and most troubling of all – a warm, loving family. Lilly doesn’t know if these are the delusions of a lonely mind, or something more.

When a man with a raven reveals a portal to a lost world, she finally gets proof she is not insane. But for all the ethereal beauty of this impossible place, a toxic darkness creeps closer, consuming everything in its path. Caught between the desire to find her family and fight against an evil that threatens all of existence, Lilly must hone gifts within herself she never could have imagined, and embark on a journey of self-discovery, transcendence, and love.

This cover is stunning! If I'm being honest, that is why I requested this book and not because I enjoyed the synopsis. I'm working on it! I know I have a problem! I really wanted to like this book but it didn't work for me. There was so much going on and for my ADHD brain, it was just way too much! Between it being too predictable, to there being little to no plot it was just a really tough read.
While I did enjoy the romance and the cliffhanger at the end it wasn't enough to get me to read the second book in the series.

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I wanted to like this one but it was not for me and I did not end up finishing the book past 30%. The premise seemed intriguing and I was hoping to enjoy it, especially since it has quite a few good reviews from other readers! However, the writing felt juvenile to me, the dialogue was underdeveloped, and the world-building was info-dumped on the reader. I hope others enjoy it!

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This novel had lots of world building, and amazing an amazing magic system. It seemed slow at points, and lacked the romance I was expecting. It felt as though this is the first in a series? If so I would be interested in reading the follow ups.

I want to thank Netgalley and BooksGoSocial for an eARC of this book

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So, I just finished reading Luminiferos: The Omen of Light by Yana Metro. Gotta say, the cover is absolutely stunning! Unfortunately, that’s pretty much the only positive thing I can say about this one. It had so much potential, but man, did it miss the mark.

First off, the writing was kinda clunky. It just didn’t flow smoothly and left me feeling a bit disconnected from the story. And the pace? Slooooow. I mean, seriously, it dragged on and on without much happening to hold my interest.But here’s where things really fell apart for me - the plot (or lack thereof). I was left scratching my head wondering what exactly was going on. It felt like there wasn’t much of a cohesive storyline driving the whole thing.

And as for the characters? Meh. They were flat and one-dimensional. I couldn’t really connect with any of them or get invested in their journeys.All in all, Luminiferos: The Omen of Light ended up being a real miss for me. Such a shame considering how captivating that cover was. But hey, not every book can be a winner.

**ARC Via NetGalley**

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Suspenseful, Enjoyable, great pacing, exciting settings kept me hooked. Great novel that will be the perfect to lose yourself in. Thank you Net Galley ARC in exchange for my honest opinion

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Wasn’t quite my kind of book. Nothing particular, just didn’t hold my interest in the way I had hoped for. The writing style is good, and I think it just depends on the reader.

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It wasn’t the worst book I’ve ever read…. It was okay. Just okay. It didn’t really feel special. I had no trouble getting through it, but I didn’t enjoy it either.

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This book was alright, I didn’t love it but I didn’t hate it. The characters were alright didn’t feel like much depth or growth, the storyline was interesting and seemed to move at fast enough pace which I liked. Overall not horrible but could’ve been better.

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This was okay. It didn't quite hit as much as I would have hoped but I still found it to be an enjoyable read overall. Loved the characters but it was very much so 'all vibes and no plot' for me

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This imaginative blend of fantasy, romance, and philosophy introduces a captivating parallel world. The story flows smoothly, making it a quick and engaging read. While the unique concept stands out, the first book feels more like an introduction, with limited progress in plot and character development. Although enjoyable, it's difficult to determine if I would recommend it without reading further into the series.

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I loved this different take on fantasy and romance. Metro's writing style is so unique and the world building is so fantastic. I hope to see more stories in this incredible universe she's created. Lilly is a great heroine!

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