Member Reviews

Their teeth never stop growing?

True. Although Alaska does have beavers, I have to admit to knowing little about them other than that they gnaw down trees and build dams. As a result, it was eye-opening to find out about this amazing creature. As for their teeth, that's one of the reasons they seem driven to gnaw on trees. It's rather the beaver way of keeping their mouth healthy.

You'll pick up lots of info on not just beavers but the wildlife about them. Even cooler, the story doesn't strictly focus on beavers but gives us information on these other creatures, too, not to mention "sound bubbles" illustrating how each might sound were we to encounter them in the wild. The various tracks of each are also shown, usually in a side panel.

I won't detail all the interesting things I learned but will say, wow, being a beaver is obviously pretty much a life of constant work. They prepare for each coming season in advance, meaning it's pretty much a cycle of life for them. The steps involved in building their lodges and dams to keep the water level high enough to allow them to live safely and snugly in their lodges is neverending. Cut-away views show us the insides of these lodges, btw, and they not only have air holes and exit/escape tunnels, but they're actually built on more than one level. Wow, multi-level homes. The entire beaver family works together to create this masterpieces of lodging, with each generation eventually moving on to create their own lodge elsewhere, an experience we follow.

This just touches the surface of what's inside. The illustrations are lovely and eagle eyed readers can spy various other wildlife as well as the layout of the land and waters about them. One thing the book did address, albeit briefly, is that while it certainly can't be 100%, many of the tree stumps left behind by the beavers fervent gnawing and search for food and materials to build their complex homes do eventually begin to twig out and start the growing cycle once again. So, destructive, yes, but perhaps not to the extent we imagine.

Bottom line, an excellent look at the beaver and the environment that surrounds this intriguing creature. Thanks #NetGalley and #StoreyPublishing for introducing me to a critter that while it shares my state, I've never seen in the wild. Had no clue how complex, not to mention exhausting, their lives must be.

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Thank you NetGalley for the review copy!

I had such an incredible time with this little book! I learned so much. A wonderful read for all ages.

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Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for an eARC of this title. This wonderful book is packed with rich detail on the lives of beavers and other forest animals. It’s a treasure trove of information, a book to be studied. There is so much learning and maker potential in this book. I can’t wait to add a copy to my library. There are levels of learning for younger and older elementary students. This is a great addition to any science or nature collection.

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"The beaver's favourite trees are birch, willow and aspen."

A beaver is an animal that I haven't really researched before. But I did learn a thing or two by reading this book. I didn't know that their teeth don't stop growing, they must have real bad teeth and jaw ache all the time. The book follows beavers throughout the year and you see how they adapt with each season. You learn how they build there dams, chewing down trees, starting a family and learning to get away from predators.

I enjoyed that the book didn't focus fully on beavers, but also other animals that live in the area. I loved the illustrations throughout I thought they were beautiful. This is a book that both adults and children will enjoy. The only thing I would improve would be to include a bit more on the negative impact of what a Beaver does and not just focusing on the positive. I will definitely be picking up a physical copy of this book to give to my nephews, who I know is going to love it.

Thank you Netgalley for a copy of the book for an honest review.

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This is an engrossing book about beavers. The illustrations are amazing and show what the inside of a beaver's home looks like. The book takes us through the seasons in the life of a beaver family and how one of the offspring goes about finding a new place to create a dam. The only fault I found with the book is that it does not show how destructive beavers can be. It explains how they build dams and chew down trees, but does not address the environmental effects of that. I do recommend purchasing the book for your library as students will enjoy the illustrations and easy to understand text while they learn about the life cycle of beavers. I read a digital copy of the book on NetGalley.

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A truly delightful& very informative look at this very endearing & important Mammal in our Landscape & how it helps the Biodiversity of everything around it . The illustrations enhance the Book greatly & it's a joy to read for both the young & the old.#NetGalley, #GoodReads,,#FB,#Instagram, #<img src="" width="80" height="80" alt="200 Book Reviews" title="200 Book Reviews"/>,#<img src="" width="80" height="80" alt="Reviews Published" title="Reviews Published"/>,#<img src="" width="80" height="80" alt="Professional Reader" title="Professional Reader"/>.

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An adorable book that is part story, part nature exploration book. It shares facts and pictures to show a beavers habitat but also follows a young beaver in her journey to find and make her new home. Such a beautiful way to share nature and facts with children. We were very interested in the little beavers story and adventure and learned so much along the way.

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This book has now made us all love beavers! This book is so informative, yet in such an enjoyable way! The pages are comic like - which was so fun for my 7 year old boy to look at! Such a unique and fun way to tell a story.
It was an incredible read, to be able to learn more about beavers, their dams, and the habitat they live in. I would say the age range is 7-10 for this book. I even learned many new things that I had no idea about, which as a parent is fun to take-away things from the books we read to our children. This is a great addition to have for animal/science lessons!

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Lots To Chew On
This life story of a female beaver is comprehensive yet told with labels, art, illustrated sidebars, all that keep detailed information in engaging chunks. Readers may want to reread over and over as to absorb all the details. This beaver saga is informative and interesting, making readers appreciate this animal in new ways.

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During our evening walks, my husband and I often visit what we call the “Beaver Pond.” It is an oasis for all sorts of wildlife. We see a variety of birds, and we occasionally see deer. Every now and then, a beaver will make its existence known by raising its head above water and swimming away from us. I knew very little about beavers except that their presence is an indication of a healthy ecosystem, so when I saw “What Goes on Inside a Beaver Pond?” featured on NetGalley, I requested it immediately, and I was not disappointed. It is a wonderful book with beautiful illustrations and great information. I have a much better understanding of beavers and how they live, along with other cohabitating wildlife. The only disadvantage of the book for me is that it is set in a northern climate, but the habitat and species are similar enough. Thank you to Storey Publishing for providing a review copy. I loved it so much that I immediately pre-ordered a hard copy, as it inspired me to begin collecting nature-oriented children’s books.

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What Goes on inside a Beaver Pond is a must read for children and adults alike.

Being from New Zealand my children and I have never seen a beaver, nor are we overly familiar with the concept of them but I believe they are now our favourite animal.

My 8yr old was enthralled by the infographic aspects and comic book style elements. He couldn't get enough of the information and was desperate for us to read slower so he could spend more time taking in the pages.
My 4yr old was delighted by the artwork and all the other animals we encountered on the way, many new to us.

I found this book informative but entertaining, The storyline was sweet and I love how it moves through the seasons.
The information was displayed well and it made reading easy. I will now start spurting off random beaver facts to all the other New Zealanders before pointing them in the direction of this book.

I was gifted a digital copy of this book in exchange for a fair and honest review.

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My daughter has been absolutely obsessed with beavers since we saw them at the Detroit Zoo. This book was beautifully laid out and descriptive. We’ve read it every night and she’s begun to be able to point out the things she’s learned along the way. I love that it’s set up like a comic book but also has asides for things like anatomy and special information. The author also included other animals that beavers encounter and how they interact in the environment, which has kicked off a whole forest life mini study for our nature-based homeschool. If your kids love animals, this is a must read.

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I thought it was a really insightful read/ story and people could learn something from it regardless of age, even though it's written for children.

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A beautifully illustrated book full of so much useful information. I learnt lots from reading this and cannot wait to share with my grandchildren,. Highly recommend this to all school children. It would also make a great book for a parent to read with their child and spend time discussing each page.

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I was blown away by how much I enjoyed this book! I read it to my daughter (7 years old, 1st grade) and she was enraptured by the story of the beaver’s lives. The illustrations were fantastic, super detailed and beautiful. I enjoyed the book so much, I’m fact, that I sent an thank-you message to the author through Instagram! Fabulous natural science book for elementary and mid-grade readers. Loved it!

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This was an interesting, educational book all about beavers. It goes in to detail about how they build their dam's, the foods they eat, how they store for for winter ect. Great facts, well done illustractions, I love that it doesn't solely focus on beavers but also the animals that are found in their habitat.

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Wow what a beautiful book with gorgeous illustrations! My daughter loved learning all about beavers and how they build their homes. There’s also a few facts on other animals and insects. This is such a wonderful book!

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What Goes on inside a Beaver Pond is a fun but still educational book which has great illustrations to accompany the information. It is aimed at 8 to 10 year old children but my son who is only 6 loved it and took a lot of information from it.

Thank you to NetGalley and Storey Publishing for my ARC.

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I love the style of this book. Some pages are comic book like while others have diagrams or illustrations. It’s a perfect mentor text for teaching informational writing. I can’t wait to buy it for my classroom as my students are reading a book about saving beavers. This book is filled with facts, many of which are new to me. It will definitely appeal to my middle schoolers. .

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A wonderfully illustrated look inside the life of a beaver. My son and I enjoyed reading this together and discovering new to us facts.
I love the add ons on each page that can expand older children and adults curiosity and learning.
This would be a great addition to any classroom and a great resource to assist during a learning module about beavers. I throughly enjoyed this read!

Thanks to Net Galley and Storey Publishing for the advanced copy.

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