Member Reviews

I really should have DNFed this one but I made myself power through because I needed to know what was going to happen.... The answer was not much. The main characters don't cross paths until at least 50% of the way through the story, and even then their relationship doesn't really develop it just... happens.
Suddenly they're in love and want to be together forever. I will not be continuing this series.

Thank you to Second Sky and NetGalley for an eARC in exchange for an honest review.

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This book took a little while to get into and I did wonder when the story and action would actually start..... 80% in case you are wondering! By the end of the book, things started to kick off and I am interested to see what book 2 brings

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A true gothic novel well suited to older teenagers and young adults.
I found it tedious at times and had to force myself to continue reading as it seemed obvious what was happening and what the conclusions were. But, I think read by what should be the target market, I doubt they will notice, and they may not have my extensive knowledge of literature- I read a book most days, I do read very fast compared to most people,
For the target market I would score 4 stars. For me, it's 3.

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This had a little to much logical errors in the plot for me to really want to get into it. I enjoy vampire books but this one did not meet my expectations.

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Like Twilight.... But better! It's no secret that I love my vampire books, and now I have another favorite to add to that category!

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Madison Greene had nothing, that is until she inherits an old mansion. Filled with a secret and complete with strange housekeepers, this is a tale that captivated from the start. I loved this book!

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Yes a new series by an author I just love to read especially as it was so different to what she usually writes......Exciting!!! and the cover was gorgeous. I just had to read it............ Hidden by Shalini Boland is the first book in the new Marchwood Vampires series............and what a brilliant start this was. It's a romantic supernatural adventure that spans the centuries........

But, falling in love has never been so dangerous.............

Madison Greene is seventeen and is in foster care with her younger brother, Ben. Until one day she inherits a fortune, she inherits a house, she inherits a cellar full of danger.

What a wonderful inheritance.........for a young girl and brother.

Where has this inheritance come from?

But, what is hidden deep in the cellar!? Is it Money? Junk? Books?

Alexandre Chevalier lives in 19th century Paris. On an archaeological expedition, he discovers a lost underground city where his life changes forever.

Question...........Can a human save a vampire?

Well, You will just need to read it. It will not disappoint. Just magical and a brilliant read! Especially if you loved reading Twilight or The Vampire Diaries this is a series for you.

I highly recommend Hidden. 5 star read.

Big Thank you to NetGalley and Second Sky for this ARC

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This book was really difficult to finish but started off strong. Was excited for a interview with the vampire or true blood type scenario but to be honest took way too long to get to the actual vampires. Also. Who puts a 17 year old and her 12 year old brother knowingly into a house with a bunch of vampires even if they are not awake. Was super annoying and too smoosh lovey for me towards the end and was a struggle to finish the last half of the book. While the first half was a page turner and so well written. It was like a second person wrote the second half. I usually enjoy this author but this book left me a little disappointed. I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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I went back and gave this book another chance and found that I actually enjoyed it in the later chapters. I have tried to find the next books on kindle and have not been able to, which I would actually love to get into.

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I didn't know what to expect from Boland in paranormal writing, as she's usually a master manipulator of mystery stories. I really enjoyed this book, though! Can't wait to start the next one.

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A Vampire novel with a twist!
I did enjoy it despite it jumping from past to present a fair bit.
I found the past very interesting, especially the archaeological bits, the more modern romance parts not so much but it did work and fit the plot line.
The characters were descriptive and for the most part entertaining.
I would read a sequel if there was one.

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I always love a good vampire story! Especially one with a good bite! Hahahaha! Sorry. Couldn't help it. Had to say it! Unfortunately, as much as I hate to say it, this one didn't keep me entertained 100%.

Hidden (Vampires of Marchwood Book 1) is a young adult, paranormal romance with two different time periods and eventually merges into one, present day.

I enjoyed the time period of the back story of Alexandre in Paris on how he came to be a vampire. It was thrilling, creepy, and suspenseful. I love it!

Then you have present day with Madison who is with a foster family that is only tolerating her and her little brother. Until one day an unexpected event happens and Madison has inherited a mansion and now has loads of money. She leaves foster care and is given permission to raise her little brother. While living in the mansion, she stumbled across some crates in a cellar and you can figure out the rest.

I will eventually dive into Book 2 and 3, because I'm always curious on how stories continue in a series. I'm already invested. I will need to see the story through.

Thank you to Shalini Boland, Second Sky, and Netgalley for the digital copy.

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I did not finish this one, it was not for me, I couldn't relate to the characters, and just did not care for the story.

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Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for this ARC!

Love a vampire story usually but did struggle to stay engaged with this one. It was less spicy and less fantasy than expected and more mystery which might be why it didn’t connect with me personally as I’m not much into mysteries.

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Madison Greene is only human, can she really save a vampire?

I’m a big fan of vampire fiction and this premise felt exciting, so I really looked forward to this read. While it does hit a lot of the vampire tropes that fans of the genre enjoy and had enough death/gore and some good twists, it was a bit of a slow burn (especially as I’m a lover of a lot of pace and action). So I’d probably recommend it more to twilight fans rather than readers of Jeanine Frost and Katee Roberts - as there wasn’t quite enough spice or pace in it for me, but it could be enjoyed by those who don’t mind less smutty vampire reads! Huge thanks to the author, Shalini Boland, and publisher, Second Sky, for this advance review copy. Views my own. 4*

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More twisty and mysterious than I expected. I was kept guessing most of the way through and I really enjoyed it

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I will be coming back to this book when I am in the right head space: for now I was not able to finish it unfortunately.

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Hidden by Shalini Boland - 3/5
Romance - Sci-Fi & Fantasy

Hidden is the first book in the Vampires of Marchwood series and I am eager to see what challenges the characters in this book have ahead of them in the next.
I will always find the good in any vampire story, they are my comfort reads for sure, and Hidden did not disappoint. While Hidden is not a spicy book it does not lack in any way, there is plenty of gore, death, and mystery moments to keep your mind racing till the end.

Thank you, NetGalley and Second Sky for the eARC.

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I normally love me a good vampire story, been reading them for over 40 years in some format or another. I really struggled to finish this, it seemed all over the place, i dont think there is a very good flow to the story, and it took me a long time to finallly finish it. Not for me this one.

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This one was really slow to get into and I want sure where it was going a lot of the time. I liked the way things played out but I don't think I'll continue the series for now because it was just too slow.

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