Member Reviews

So, I'm a big fan of vampire books (it really fuels my inner 2014 paranormal/fantasy romance lover) but this really just wasn't my cup of tea. While it had all the genre-specific tropes that I love, something just left me wanting.
All in all I think it was a good book, just not for me.

Thank you NetGalley for the arc

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Many thanks to Second Sky and Shalini Boland for the advanced copy of Hidden via NetGalley, in return for my honest and unbiased review. Quick note: I don’t recap plots in my reviews, as it’s easy enough to read the book’s synopsis and blurbs, I purely focus on my feelings & opinions of how the books makes me feel.

As someone who has read their fair share of vampire books and is quite tired of the genre, I genuinely enjoyed this book! Shalini Boland has taken a different approach to the topic and made it intriguing once more.

Whilst some of the aspects of the story are quite unbelievable and make you, as a reader, think “well, obviously, this would only happen in fiction”; once you let go of this and go with it, the storytelling is good and draws you in.

I found myself being drawn back into the book and finished it quite quickly: a sign of a good book for me. I would recommend this to vampire fiction fans!

Moods: adventurous, dark, mysterious, tense
Tropes: love at first sight, orphan, rags to riches, redemption/dark past
Pace: slow/medium
Character development: medium
Plot or character driven: 50/50
Diversity: medium
Spice: 1.5/5
Trigger warnings: Blood/Gore, Death, Death of a family member, Murder

Rating 3.5/5 (rounded up to a 4)

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This is a young adult PNR. A seventeen year old girl and her brother inherit a mansion, with some quiet guests Insitu!

The beginning was a little slow, but I persevered and it took an interesting turn near the end.

It was ok, but I'm not sure I'll get the next book.

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This book was a completely gripping read. The perfect combination of romance and mystery to keep you hooked. Looking forward to the next one in the trilogy.

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Our two orphans inherit more than a huge mansion and a good sum of money - what to do with those five pesky vampires in the house. Alternates between the creation of the vamps and modern day as they wake up, from you know, being released from the cellar! Good vampire fun.

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Hidden is the first in the Vampires of Marchwood series. This is a book in the YA fantasy genera. I felt like the romantic relationships and situations were appropriate for that world. It features Madison, a strong female main character and her younger brother as their lives are introduced and merged with this vampire family. I enjoyed the historical past of the vampires and how that and Madison's story were woven together to bring us to how they met and became a found family. The end was full of action and a take I haven’t seen yet in a vampire series. I enjoyed the characters and plot and definitely recommend for younger fans of fantasy. For fans of the more adult novels, it will seem juvenile. However, it is still enjoyable and an easy read.

Thank you to Shalini Boland, Second Sky, and NetGalley for a digital copy of Hidden.

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Let me start by saying that I am far from the target audience for this book which is aimed at the lower end of the YA range. I had a few eye rolling moments but on the whole enjoyed it. As often happens for me with dual timeline books, I enjoyed the historical time line more. Many thanks to Netgalley for an arc of this book.

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Vampire Romance? Yes, please!

This book had me on the edge of my seat from the beginning up until 50% mark. Before the halfway mark the story was intriguing and pulled the readers into the story. Now after the halfway mark the story finally started merging the past and the present. This is where the main female character Madison and the main male character Alexandre meet. Once they start hanging out, their relationship buds really fast and is honestly boring. Now the end of the book speeds up again as Alex is trying to revive his family but I was somewhat disinterested by then. However, the epilogue may have intrigued me enough to pick up the second book.

Thank you NetGalley and the Publishers for sending me a copy of this book in exchange for a honest review.

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All bite and very little bark.

You think that would be a good thing with vampires but I like a little more then just the bite. This book felt a little surface level for me and didn't keep me 100% entertained the whole time. I had to structure out time to make myself read it. It may not be for me but it may be fore you.

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thank you to netgalley for the advanced reading copy of hidden. this was part of a romance and fantasy trilogy that was fantastic. I always enjoy a fantasy book with romance in it and this was a good trilogy to read.

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I really really wanted to like this but unfortunately Hidden fell flat for me. It was like three different stories were smooshed together and it did not flow. The first half of the book was Maddy in the present day with alternating chapters with Alex 100 years ago. And then it switched to an instalove romance story between the two in the vein of Twilight (super awkward, not gonna lie- she was literally in love with what she thought was a carved marble statue. If that is not a cry for help, then I do not know what is). And then it turned into like a secret mission with hijinks and betrayals, and really it did not fit the other two sections of the book.

Yes I know this is book 1 in a series, but the VERY slow development of the world was too much for me and I will not be continuing. I was expecting a vampire paranormal romance and no vampires showed up until at least half way and then it was all love. The story was not even a little bit cohesive, and near the end the perspective jumped around between the two main characters in the middle of paragraphs so it was hard to keep track of what was going on. And I didn't like the characters, so there is that too. To be honest, 3 stars is me being incredibly generous.

Also, maybe this is too adult of me and any teens would not care, but is Maddy not going to finish high school?? It seems like an important thing to conclude, but she just floats along and nobody seems to care (except for me, I care too much apparently).

On the positive side, this was the most unique version of vampires I have read in a while so I appreciate that detail and how Alex came to be a vampire was different too (just so bloody boring to get to that point it was hard to stay invested).

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I chose this a while ago because I liked the striking cover illustration and it suited my reading mood at the time.

This was a vampire romance novel, and the first of a series. I expected the writing to have a dark tone, but it was much lighter than I was expecting, and the characters were a lot of fun. There were also two narratives - one in the present and one in the 1800s, which made it an interesting read?

Thank you to NetGalley and the publishers for a free copy to review.

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I generally really enjoyed this book. It was a bit sluggish to begin with and seemed to drag a bit, but once it got going I was drawn in and couldn't put it down. Would definitely recommend.

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Madison Greene and her brother Ben inherit the Marchwood house and a hefty fortune to go along with it. Hidden is the first book by Shalini Boland and and it lays the groundwork for the rest of the series.

In Hidden, the storyline jumps between 19th century Paris and present day. I really liked the expedition portions with Alexandre Chevalier and the rest of the family on the hunt for a lost city. What they find is more than they bargain for. The scenes are descriptive and vivid.

Present day, Madison has had to grow up too quickly. Her protective nature over her brother is so endearing. She does have a naivety to her that hides behind her anger. I liked the combination of character growth she shows and watching the connection between her and Alexandre grow as he acclimates to a new era. It grew a little too quickly and clingy at times but it's also not the overall focal point and I like that.

This is where the action comes in. When Alexandre learns of a way to help his family, all revelations come to a head.  Fast paced ending that had me flipping kindle pages like a maniac. I like the eluded to cliffhanger too.

This series is perfect for fans of K.F. Breene, Sarah J. Maas and Tracy Wolff! You'll want to sink your teeth into these. True rating 3.5/5.

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I recieved an advanced copy from the publisher via Netgalley for an honest review.

When this novel started out I absolutely preferred reading the stuff from 1881 over the modern day, it just seemed more interesting. The one HUGE negative I have with this novel is it was like 50% if not more through when we FINALLY got introduced to any vampires at all. What happened with the vampires and their statue like state was never fully fleshed out either. Then we have the Maddy/Ben storyline that I was just annoyed with for a lot of the novel. Why is she NOT finishing school? Why is she allowed to be 16, almost 17, and just be allowed to not continue school? Great example there big sister. A great deal of this novel was frustrating and the main characters were not really likable. Then when their stories are brought together the chapters were a bit confusing with switching points of view. However, the insta-love/OBSESSION was a bit too much. I get it, she is trying to emulate Twilight true love stuff, and I do love my Twilight series! That is not what happened here, rather, Maddy was so in love with a statue (weird) then instantly in love after he awoke but it felt like more instantly obsessed for no real reason. It just was hard to believe. The ending wasn't bad, sort of happily ever after....for now. I think I may pick up the next novel in this series, but I am not itching to read it right away.

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I actually (and this happens very rarely) couldn't finish this book, as I found it very annoying. Specifically the colloquial language, particularly irritating if you're from the UK. I wish I had a better way of saying this, but I just didn’t enjoy it - not for me! (Maybe for a younger audience?)

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So good! I ate this up! I loved the mc! She was awesome! The story was really good! I definitely want to read more by this author.

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NetGalley ARC Educator 550974

A quick, slow burning romance. Features Madison and her brother, Ben. Raised in foster care and suddenly on Maddie's 17th birthday, they discover they have inherited millions of dollars and a massive estate. This is the first book of the series. It tells Alexander's story along with Madison's through time jumps, do pay attention to the chapter headings.

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Thanks to the Publisher and NetGalley for providing me with this eARC. I really enjoyed reading this book. I loved the setting in the past and the present. Especially the past spoke to me, speaking as a future archaeologist. I can recommend this story.

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This was a little gem of a book! I love it when you pick up a book and get absorbed in it way more than you ever expected. As someone who isn't generally a fan of YA Vampire books I was really hooked on this one!

Madison is in foster care with her little brother, suspended from school and on a threat of being split up from her beloved brother, things aren't looking great for Maddy.

Alexandre is a socialite who seeks adventure in 1881 Paris, where his rash actions inadvertently sends his family on an archaeological dig in Turkey where they discover why the hidden city they seek has been buried for centuries. When Maddy is hunted down by a solicitor and presented with a surprise opportunity, the future changes for both of them.

Although this is your typical YA paranormal romance, there's something refreshing about the plot and characters that kept me hooked and turning the pages. Maddy felt like a real teenager and I think I enjoyed the novel taking place in the UK. Alexandre is sweet and kind, though rash and with a touch of arrogance. They had a cute little romance going. This is a fantastic first book in the series and I'm ready to dive into the second book and find out what happens.

Thank you so much to Netgalley and the publishers for providing me with an arc in return for an honest review.

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