Member Reviews

This was a slow burn vampire story with a bit of romance thrown in. For the first half, it was dual timelines with such different stories it would take me a minute to get back into the other timeline while reading. The first half had me setting it down and wandering off. The second half picked up the pace and held my attention much better. It does end with a lead in to the second book of the series, and it peaked my attention.

Madison is tired of all the foster homes her and her brother have suffered through. And when a mysterious man tracks her down, it turns out she and her brother are the last of a surviving line. Her great (x a lot) grandpa has a manor and a inheritance, but she will have to live at the manor in the country to inherit it. Is it worth moving to where no one knows her? And is there something off about the house, or is it just

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I really enjoyed the dual timeline and I liked the historical bits. A great first book of the series, I look forward to finding out more about some of the older characters in the rest of the series.
I do like a good vampire book and would recommend if you enjoyed Twilight.

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*I received an e-arc via Netgalley and the publisher for review. Thank you. All thoughts are my own.*

I went into Hidden not knowing much, other than it’s a vampire romance. I was pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed it! It’s perfect for fans of Twilight, Vampire Academy or The Vampire Diaries. This is the first book in a trilogy, and I need to read the rest of the series to find out what happens next. I enjoyed reading the two different POVs and timelines, just felt that the pace was slow at certain points.

Seventeen-year-old Madison Greene and her twelve-year-old brother Ben have been in and out of foster homes ever since their mother passed away. One day her fortunes change, when a solicitor tracks her down and explains that they have inherited a mansion and a fortune from one of her mother’s long deceased relatives. Maddie soon finds out that the house holds a secret, that has long been buried.

Alexandre Chevalier is a young, handsome man living in 19th century Paris. He sets out on an archeological adventure with his parents and siblings and some close family friends. They go on a dig in ancient Cappadocia and discover an underground city that changes their lives forever.

Madison and Alexandre find each other and fall in love in the present day, but things are more complicated than the two of them could ever imagine.

I definitely recommend this one to anyone that’s a YA fan, likes vampires, and a sassy protagonist! I plan on picking up book two asap!

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The book initially made me feel so nostalgic for some reason.
Maddison and Ben are my babies like they didn’t deserve that life. I’m so happy they got the family they deserved in the end like my precious beans.

Trevor and Angie were such terrible people, was so glad to be rid of them

The quickness in which they got together gave me whiplash 😭😭 like where did that come from. They were cute I guess… but I would’ve liked a lil more depth with their relationship it literally felt like he was awake 2 seconds and suddenly they were in love. Be so serious

Cant believe I ever liked that nasty lawyer. Like oh my god.

Morris and Esther MI GENTE 🤭🤭🤭
The gang being back together 🥺🥺 like my heart is full and I can’t wait to read the other books

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I absolutely love the cover and the blurb drew me in.
Although I found the story a little slow and young it was still an enjoyable read.

Thank you to netgalley, the publishers and the author for letting me read this novel

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Unfortunately not for me, I found it very young, I enjoy some YA but this felt super young for me.
Just my thoughts and by no way any negativity on author as I am a big fan of her other books

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Wow! that was some story. Very imaginitive and also realistic. Had me gripped from beginning to end. Some really entertaining characters.and an amazing storyline. I hope I get to read the rest of the series.

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On her seventeenth birthday, Madison Green inherits a mansion and wealth beyond her wildest dreams. There’s one stipulation: she has to live in the house in order to gain access to the money when she and her little brother get older. After years in the foster care system, Madison feels like she is finally free. But the mansion holds a dark secret…hidden in dusty boxes in a secret section of the basement, Madison sees a beautiful doll-like figure who captivates her. And then he wakes….

Vampire stories are my guilty pleasure. I’m always looking for new takes on the original story and was pleasantly surprised by Hidden. This is book 1 of the Vampires of Marchwood Series and it would best be described as a paranormal romance. I liked the dual perspectives of Alexandre and Madison, their back stories are really well written (particularly how Alexandre became a vampire and the terrifying underground city in Turkey where he first encounters the ancient ones). The dual timelines at the beginning of the book slow the pace of the story right down, but I think it works to give the reader the chance to explore the worlds of the two protagonists. The pace quickens greatly in the second half of the book and we are left on an exhilarating cliffhanger.

Alexandre and Madison’s relationship is a real slow-burner too and I can’t help but think the author was influenced by Twilight in terms of how she explores their budding romance.

If you enjoy paranormal/vampire stories with a bit of romance thrown in, check out Hidden. It’s out now (and Boland also released book 2 Taken and book 3 Hunted so you don’t have to wait to see what happens!) Thanks to NetGalley and Second Sky for the arc 4 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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I can’t really put my finger on what this book is like, perhaps inspired by twilight? Not quite for me.

Thanks to NetGalley and to the author for giving me the chance to read and review this book.

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I found this really slow going and felt like giving up at times but I hate to leave a book unread once started.
I'm glad I persevered as it really picked up in the last few chapters and ended nicely all ready for the second book.
Would definitely recommend.

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Really enjoyed the two different perspectives of Alexandre and Maddy. Loved how their world are so far apart. Loved the archeology and finding the lost city filled with vampires and how Maddy comes into the inheritance and can f off her Foster parents (more trevor). Can't wait for book 2.

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My guilty pleasure but what's not to love about a good vampire love story . I enjoyed the era at the beginning of the book and found myself wanting more of that . Modern day Anne rice

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I really enjoyed the start to the Marchwood Vampire series. Maddie was a character I really felt for and could relate to from the get go. Alexandre sounds like a vampire we'd all love to meet with his handsome face and dashing ways.
I found a couple plot bits mentioned which didn't make sense, but as I have a very early copy with the original name I assume these have been fixed now.
I can't wait to dive into book 2.

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This book begins interestingly because it divides us between the present and the past. It shows us our two protagonists in different times and then puts them together and the story moves forward.

Unfortunately it was not a book that I was excited to read. I kept reading because I wanted to finish it but I didn't feel that emotion of wanting to know what happened next. And it's a shame because I was quite excited about this reading, it's been a long time since I read about vampires.

I can't say it's badly written because it's not. However, I did not manage to connect at all with any of the protagonists. I didn't feel close to them, let alone the protagonist. I feel that I lacked depth in the development of the characters and I don't like that cliché of a girl alone with no one to take care of her so that the plot can develop without many conflicts.

However, I would like to read other things from the author!

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Unfortunately I was not a fan of this at all. It read very young and as I was reading it I thought it felt like something written 10-15 years ago. I think it may actually be a re-release from around that time range after looking on Goodreads. There was some very intense insta-love and the plot (aside from the vampire part) was completely unbelievable. There were also a couple of instances towards the end which made no sense at all. An ultra fast, crazy powerful vampire couldn't chase after or attack someone, but would definitely have been able to both times, you can't have it both ways so it's convenient to the story.

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Whew.. what a way to kick off my first ever netgalley review! I was completely enthralled from start to finish.

We meet Madison (Maddy) and her younger brother Ben in foster care. Maddy is everything you expect from a 17 year old girl - mature yet full of teenage angst. She just wants to find somewhere she belongs.. and that place is Marchwood House.

The story is originally told from 2 perspectives; Madison in the here and now in 2023 and Alexandre from 1881. I originally thought I would struggle with the dual timelines but it 100% made the story better and really laid out a solid foundation for the rest of the series. I really got to know the characters and empathise with them both.

The end was packed with action with both Madison & Alexandre at the forefront; knowing and not knowing who the real enemies are. I cannot wait to read the rest of the series!

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I enjoyed this book but personally this book felt a tad bit like twilight which in my opinion needs to be left in the past but anyway it was overall quite good the split person between the past and the present with two children who stand to inherit the house of their relatives

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I was intrigued by this as Shalini Boland is one of my favourite authors and the new genre gave me pause, I wondered how she would approach it.

Unfortunately, I found it a bit ho hum, lagging in parts and a little contrived. It picked up towards the end, but I felt that overall the story was a bit bland. Also, really far-fetched, and ironically I'm not talking about the vampires. The buying off of the foster parents, the convenience of a sudden massive inheritance and these two kids (for that is what they are, no matter how tough their lives have been) rushing off to play house in a mansion, all alone.

Nah, seems off to me. I think I'll stick to Ms Boland's thrillers, they offer far more to sink your teeth into, no pun intended.

Thanks to Second Sky and NetGalley for my ARC.

2.5 stars rounded up to 3.

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Thanks to #NetGalley and the publisher for providing me with a digital copy for an honest review!

Hidden is written in two separate timelines. One happened in 1881 following Alexandre and his family on an archaeological quest in Turkey. The second is in the present, following orphans Maddie and Ben, who are siblings moving into an inherited mansion.

Firstly onto the things I liked about this book.
Alexanders' POV is far more interesting than Maddies; I wish we had stayed and explored more about the lost city and its legends. That's it.

Vampire illness, deep slumber, mystery and mansion exploration were going great until Maddie woke Alexandre; from there on, it went downhill. Insta-love, no real high stakes; the book seemed long and too short; some stuff happened, but not really. I probably won't read the rest of the series because it didn't grab me, and I have no interest in finding out what happens next.

All in all not a bad book but neither memorable nor attention-grabbing.

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I’ve loved Shalini Boland’s thrillers, and this is my first read of fantasy from her. I am more of a science fiction lover over fantasy, but i really liked the characters in this one. I felt vested in both Madison and Alexandre. I weirdly kept imagining Fiyero from Wicked. Maybe it was the playboy flirt in him. And with Madison, while she could come off a little bratty at times, her spunk really came through too.

I love the redesigned covers for the re-release of the books. I keep wanting to touch them, but alas I have an eCopy.

With two different timelines, it almost seemed like this was two different books at the start since it took a while to figure out what the connection would be (as there is always some sort of connection, right?) I am not incredibly knowledgeable of vampire lore, but I really liked the old world vibe in the past part of the book. I really know nothing about that setting, but could picture and feel it based upon descriptions. And the catch at the end of the chapters kept me wanting to read to resolve the cliffhanger.

The stage is set for the remainder of the series and if you think you will just read the first book, think again.

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