Member Reviews

Although this book had me hooked in some parts, others were a bit difficult to get into. The story is slow paced and ideal for fans of Twilight and is perfect for the Young Adult paranormal genre.

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Thank you NetGalley and publisher for the eARC in exchange for an honest review.

I thought this book was on the younger side of YA and more possibly teen. Some of the things the MC had to do were farfetched for someone of her age.

I usually read YA but felt I was too old for this book.

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t’s been awhile since I’ve read a vampire romance. Concept was interesting in this one. Madison and her brother Ben lost their mother a few years ago and have been with foster parents for the last 3 years. She’s doesn’t trust anyone and is always waiting for the shoe to drop. On her 17th birthday she finds out that she has inherited an estate and is now extremely wealthy, the only catch is that she has to live in the house. She later finds out that she has 5 other houseguest. The story jumps back and forth between Madison’s story and Alex - the houseguest she discovers and becomes infatuated with and then tries to kill. Her plan backfires and she ends up curing him of a sleeping sickness that has spread to most of his kind.

It didn’t blow me away, but I’m curious to see how it unfolds in the next book.

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Hidden is a YA vampire romance told in dual timelines. Normally, this type of story and structure is right up my alley. Unfortunately, this book was way too slow to get going. It took until almost 55-60% of the book to feel like the plot was really moving. The first half felt like one giant prologue. That being said, I did enjoy the last half of the book enough that I will definitely read the next book in the series.

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searching for a good vampire story?
here you are…

to be honest, i am really obsessed with vampire stories and i adore this book!

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It was definitely giving "stereotypical" vampire kind of book but I still enjoyed it. I don't think I will read the next one but it was enjoyable enough.

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At first, the story started out a bit slow but eventually ended up picking up the pace and then I was hooked. Most of the characters were interesting and the dual POVs added a nice touch to the novel.

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First book in what is going to be a great series!

It has a dual timeline of Madison and Alexandre's back stories coming together in present time. It's a slow burn book, the back stories are in depth which I enjoyed as it really gave you a sense of who they were and what their lives were like. Once they meet though .. WOW .. the book picks up pace. I loved the dynamic between them both and thought Alex was very endearing it finishes with an exciting ending leaving you wanting to know more.

I love a good vampire book and this was a good mix of light and dark, I'm really looking forward to reading the next books.

Thank you Netgalley and Second Sky for the ARC

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Rating : 5⭐️ -FAVORITE OF 2023-
Thanks to NetGalley and the author for the eARC !

I read it in 8 days … which is fast for me ! I LOVED that each chapter were alternating between Madison’s story and Alexandre’s story. A world well built, characters that you get attached to, and I didn’t see the plot twist coming at the end, really !!! For sure, i’ll read the rest of the story !

I asked where I work to list this book to be able to sell it in a bookstore in Paris ☺️ (and I’ll take a copy for myself lol) You can see that the author did research and thanks the French parts inside are correct ! We appreciate 😊
Anyway heart on Alexandre.

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This was unfortunately not for me .I am a huge vampire fan but this didn’t really grab my attention .

Thank you NetGalley and the publisher/author for allowing me to read the eArc .

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I never knew Shalini Boland writes fantasy and she writes it so well. I am hooked on this series and I need to read books two and three as soon as possible
The twists and plots come in abundance and they make the book difficult to put down. It is deliciously dark and as I was reading, there was a movie going on in my head. It made me feel like I am in the cinema, watching one of the best movies out there
I loved the characters and the pace of the story, I didn't know how to read quicker to find out what happened. It is such a new take on vampire stories and that ending left me craving for more

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It was nice. It's a good entertainment but a bit too cliché. It's not really original, the characters are kinda basics but it's still nice to read.

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I have been excited to start reading books from Blue Sky and even more so since I found out one of my favourite thriller writers, Shalini Boland would be writing in a new genre!

Obviously a swap of genre is always a risk, will the writing be as good, will readers follow into a new genre and will they be received just as much as the thrillers?

I was so happy that Shalini Boland delivered an epic debut fantasy, just like she does as a thriller author!

The blurb really intrigued me and I couldn’t wait to dive in to a new world, one which I knew was a trilogy so knew should I enjoy the first Id have two more to read straight after.

I wasnt expecting to fall in love with these characters but I did. Each were unique, the back story is expertly written and I even enjoyed the historical back story which I wasn’t at first as generally don’t enjoy historical fiction but it was delivered so well with the architectural element of discovery. A fabulous start to the trilogy!

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I struggled with the dual POV chapters and didn't really get into the story until the two merged. Just WOW when that happened. Mads is no Bella here, and is quick to take charge. Unfortunately, after reading the ending I didn't feel the call to continue the story.

Thank to the publisher and Netgalley for allowing me an ARC. The above is my honest opinion on the book.

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Hidden is a must read for fans of The Vampire Diaries and Twilight - it will leave you craving more. Lucky for you, it's a complete trilogy so you can sink your teeth into the next book, Taken, once you've devoured the beginning of Maddie and Alexandre's story.
This was my first book by Shalini Boland and I got totally sucked in! It was so easy to read and get lost in the dual timelines - modern day Maddie with her Cinderella-esque story and 19th century Turkey following Alexandre's archeological adventures.
But my favourite was when the pair meet! Honest to goodness, the nostolgia I felt reading this book was like a comfort blanket! It had all the vibes from circa 2008, the high time of YA paranormal romance, and I was here for it! I can't wait to continue the trilogy and find out how Maddie and Alex's story ends.
Thank you to Second Sky Books and NetGalley for an ARC.

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'Hidden' by Shalini Boland is a dual pov, cross century story about a girl and her brother who are just barely getting by in the foster system. Madison is of course, a bit of an outcast. She wears a lot of dark clothing and has little money. Lately, stress also has her acting out at school.

Just when things seem about at their worst, the siblings inherit wealth and a house. As the eldest, she's in charge of their fortune, guided by a solicitor representing the estate of their ancestors. But there's always a catch.

Alexandre is a feisty Frenchman who always seems to find himself in trouble. Also the eldest of his family, he's expected to set a good example and maintain a good reputation for his own siblings as they come into their own. Easier said than done.

After upsetting another group of nobles, he and his family leave town for a bit on the trip of a lifetime. Off to Turkey on a career making archaelogical expedition, his sister doesn't even want to go. She finds the entire idea off-putting and boring, but has no choice other than to accompany them.

What I love about this tale is the origin story for the vampires. It's uncommon to see authors dig deep (no pun intended) for their characters turning points, but Boland does this in a way that's almost reminiscent of the vampire queen herself, Anne Rice.

Boland excels at the backstory, the social structure of the world she builds for that time, and the dialogue is well-done. Even Madison and Ben's backstory is handled pretty well. I find them to be less interesting characters in general, but largely because they are mostly stereotypes. They're still likable and you want to see them succeed.

I enjoyed the way the two timelines were written, with the dual-narrations coinciding with each other.. drawing closer and closer until they merged. It's at this point I think the story struggled a little, however.

Somewhere, Alexander's personality got lost when he was put in the modern setting. Dialogue didn't mesh well and chemistry could have been better between the pair. Madison's reactions flipped in moments, in ways that didn't feel authentic.

Nonetheless, I am looking forward to trying book two. It's possible that since this is just the first in the series, Boland hadn't fully settled into her groove yet and as it had a ton of potential, I'm hopeful the improvements will show themselves there.

Still, it was a solid enough read if you don't mind a slow pace. I think Alex could be lovely.

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Shalini Boland is an author who makes me think of her psychological thrillers. Which are excellent, BTW. Hidden is the first book in a new series called Vampires of Marchwood. Any book which includes vampires has to be on my reading list.
Told over two timelines, we meet Alexandre from the past and Madison in the present day. Madison is seventeen and in Foster care with her younger brother. She inherits Marchwood, an estate in the English countryside. Her life changes in so many ways. Alexandre is in 19th century and on an archaeological dig with his parents which turns his life on its head.
A young adult supernatural romance which captivated me immediately. I always enjoy a dual timeline and Shalini Boland has written this so I didn't want to put it down. I enjoyed both characters individual stories. Madison, the hard done by foster kid, who ends up with a 'country pile'. Alexandre's, which took me on an archaeological dig. The discovery of a hidden city makes for such an intriguing story.
This was a story that was rich and vivid in the telling. I was easily transported to Alexandre's world and couldn't wait to discover how these two very different people crossed paths. I thoroughly loved the fact that it's not too dark a story. It's a nice mix of dark against light.
It's a book that isn't just for young adults, it's one that will entertain readers of almost any age. I was certainly swept into this series so well that I didn't want Hidden to end. I was so lucky I had the second book!
Thanks to Second Sky Books and NetGalley for the copy of the book

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Hidden: Book Review | Author: Shalini Boland
**Warning: this review contains spoilers**

The Marchwood Vampires trilogy, including Hidden, Taken, and Hunted isn’t your typical vamp-fest of blood and gore, sex & debauchery, nor is it a horror-filled tale of unspeakable acts committed by equally inhuman monsters. Though, truth be told, there is always space for those types of stories in the heart of any true fan of the genre — Court of the Vampire Queen, amiright?! 😉

Instead, The Marchwood Vampires are as far at the other end of the spectrum as you can get. For one thing, this trilogy is firmly rooted in its assigned place as Young Adult fiction (YA). But don’t underestimate it, this is a fantastic and engrossingly original tale that will take you on a wild ride! You’ll travel, past and present, from modern-day UK to 19th-century France, across the Eurasian steppes of ancient Scythia, and all the way to the Cappadocia region of Turkey in its Byzantine, 19th-century, and modern eras.

I’ve seen people compare this series as more akin to the Twilight saga– which is fair–but lose the idea you have in your head of sparkly vampires. These vampires do have impermeable and indestructible bodies, they possess extreme strength, they are indescribably fast, and they have heightened senses; however, unlike the sparkly ones, these vampires are painfully afflicted when they encounter sunlight. They are similarly incapacitated by any UV-spectrum light-emitting instrument…

…Hold on a sec…I’m getting ahead of myself…I don’t want to give up all the secrets of these books to you at once.
Let me take you back to the beginning of the series.

Hidden is book 1 of the Marchwood Vampires; here we are introduced to the FMC:

<<My name is Madison Greene. On my seventeenth birthday, I inherited an old mansion and wealth beyond my wildest dreams. I thought it was a joke, but as I step through the creaking door of the sprawling building, I realise my life in foster care is in the past. I’ve been chosen and my world has changed forever.>>

From there, we are taken on a boisterous ride as Madison learns of family ties she had no idea existed and inherits wealth beyond her imagining. We also accompany Madison as she explores her newfound independence and develops maturity–she makes and breaks friendships, experiences the consequences of impulsive actions and reckless decisions, and grows into her role as guardian of her younger brother, Ben.

<<But I wasn’t told that Marchwood House hides a secret.
As I explore every inch of the crumbling property, I stumble upon a set of large, dusty boxes in the basement. When I pull back the lid and look down, I find myself staring at the most handsome face I’ve ever seen. High cheekbones, porcelain skin…>>

Of the 3 books, I found that this one took me the longest to get through. But this is only because of the significant amount of world-building that Shalini Boland puts into creating this fictional world and bringing it to life for her readers. She draws upon the core features of the vampire fiction genre, then upends everything you thought you knew as she expertly weaves her tale. Hidden introduces us to a world of vampires suffering from an ancient malady; to a shadowy organization of humans working for a group of primeval vampires; to the accidental modern-day discovery of a cure; and, of course, to the love story between Madison and Alexandre.

<<And when he wakes up and locks eyes with me, I realise my heart already belongs to him, even though my head is screaming at me to get as far away from Marchwood as possible. Because I know what he really is.
I never planned to fall in love – but it’s too late now. Alexandre has a dark and dangerous past. He needs me and I have to help him. But can a human really save a vampire?>>

I really appreciated Boland’s use of dual perspectives and dual timelines. This is something that she effectively uses in all three books. In Hidden, the narrative voice and contemporary timeline is written primarily from Madison’s perspective. However, in order to flesh out her tale and provide historical information, Boland takes us back to the events of the late 19th-century, beginning in 1881, which led up to Alexandre’s violent & bloody vampire rebirth. This is, of course, told to us from Alexandre’s perspective. If you’re a fan of Victorian-era tales which feature the discovery of lost cities, archaeological exploration, and ancient artefacts, you’ll love this aspect of the story! Aside from this, Boland also fills the reader in on other necessary background detail by having Madison find diaries and old letters in the cellar of Marchwood House that her relative kept. Considering I keep a box of my grandmother’s old diaries in my basement, this aspect appealed to my hoarder & booklover nature.

I could go on and on, but I think I’ll finish here by saying that the Marchwood Vampires trilogy was the perfect choice for Second Sky books to launch their new imprint with (Second Sky is the SFF arm of Bookouture which is itself a division of Hachette UK).

I was honoured to be invited by them to be part of Shalini Boland’s virtual book tour, and I can honestly say that once I read Hidden, I became even more thrilled–the excitement and engagement that urged me to keep reading the other 2 books was real!

I haven’t had the pleasure of reading Boland’s work in the past, but I can say for sure that she’ll be on my radar in the future.

I’d like to thank Second Sky Books, Shalini Boland, and NetGalley for providing access to ARCs of this trilogy in exchange for my honest review.

Congratulations to Second Sky books and Shalini Boland for such a successful launch!

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Wow! Shalini Boland is just fabulous. A fun new take on vampire adventures. This was exciting and had so many twists and turns. I have loved all of her thrill writing and she does not disappoint on this road.
Thank you NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review this book

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Hello again everyone! Today I’m reviewing Hidden, the first book in the Vampires of Marchwood, by Shalini Boland. As I understand it, these were published before and have now been rereleased (with a name change for this book, from Chosen), so I was looking forward to reading this as it passed me by originally. So, let’s get on with the review…allons-y!

Here’s the blurb…

‘My name is Madison Greene. On my seventeenth birthday, I inherited an old mansion and wealth beyond my wildest dreams. I thought it was a joke, but as I step through the creaking door of the sprawling building, I realise my life in foster care is in the past. I’ve been chosen and my world has changed forever.

But I wasn’t told that Marchwood House hides a secret.

As I explore every inch of the crumbling property, I stumble upon a set of large, dusty boxes in the basement. When I pull back the lid and look down, I find myself staring at the most handsome face I’ve ever seen. High cheekbones, porcelain skin…

And when he wakes up and locks eyes with me, I realise my heart already belongs to him, even though my head is screaming at me to get as far away from Marchwood as possible. Because I know what he really is.

I never planned to fall in love – but it’s too late now. Alexandre has a dark and dangerous past. He needs me and I have to help him. But can a human really save a vampire?’

This is one that I’d class as YA but leaning more towards NA, as there are some heavy themes in here. The female main character, Madison, is 17 but has had to be strong for a long time, so is more mature in a lot of ways. It’s heavier than Twilight, let’s put it that way! Although it manages to lose the creep factor associated with Twilight due to the fact that, while the male main character was born in the 19th century, he hasn’t spent those years out in the world maturing far past the age of 17/18! Anyway, this book is very much not Twilight so I’ll leave that talk there and get onto the book!

When we meet Madison she’s on the cusp of turning 17, getting into trouble often and in a precarious living situation with foster parents that have taken her, and her brother Ben, in for the payday rather than a genuine desire to provide a loving home. During a school suspension she is forced to work in a supermarket with her foster mother, including on her 17th birthday. She is approached by a smartly dressed man who turns out to be a solicitor for a firm representing a long dead distant relative who tells her that she and her brother are the only living descendants of their client, and as such has inherited his huge country house and a fortune in money. The catch? She has to live there. Happily, and quite sadly if think about it a little, she manages to ditch the parasitic foster parents with a payoff of a house and a lump sum, with them kept vaguely around in case they’re needed for social services. So it is that Maddy and Ben move into the palatial estate of Marchwood, where a long buried secret lies hidden in the basement…

What I will say is that this book does not rush. There isn’t a hint of a vampire until almost 50% through the book. Luckily the book is good enough that you enjoy the story as it is! The first half of the book is told from two perspectives and two timelines, as you find out about Maddy and about the male main character Alexandre in 1881 as you find out how they’re connected. I’m a history nerd so I loved reading about 19th century archaeology and ancient myths and legends, so it meant that the first half didn’t drag for me at all. The vampiric stuff? Starts in earnest after 50% and involves a sweet but intense love story, as the book races to its action packed conclusion and sets up for the next book in the series.

This is a really well written and pleasant to read book, with a couple of well fleshed out main characters and good side characters that I hope I’ll see developed more in the second book. I loved the world building and the attention to detail, and the vampire backstory was a new one to me which is a lovely change! There’s a lot of story packed in here, but it doesn’t drag at all which is a testament to Shalini Boland’s skill. The story is rounded off nicely, with a good bit of peril dropped in for good measure in the second half of the book, and it leaves a fleeing antagonist and some breadcrumbs for the next book Taken - which, as far as I’m aware, was released on the 21st of March 2023 with this and the third book Hunted.

I’m going to give this ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ because I simply enjoyed it! It’s one I’d happily reread, and has me looking forward to reading the rest of the series as soon as I get a chance!

I received this book in exchange for an honest review. As always, all opinions are my own. Thanks to NetGalley, Second Sky and Shalini Boland for my copy of the ebook.

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