Member Reviews

I always start reading a new vampire novel (or series) with trepidation. Are there writers today who think they can improve on classics such as Dracula, Camilla, and Interview With The Vampire?
Shalini Boland brings vampire lore into the modern age with a full-blooded gothic triumph. From the very beginning the plot is dark and devious, twisty and richly atmospheric. Marchwood House, near Tetbury, is a perfect setting, unnerving and labyrinthine. The author pumps new blood into the ancient beast in the cellar tropes and has created characters who are totally addictive. Not all creatures of the night are monsters and the relationship between Maddy and her vampire lover is written with real tenderness. A tense and bloodthirsty denouement excels.

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"But no, she had charged ahead without thinking of the consequences."
This is the definition of the plot. There are two perspectives, or two timelines so to say - one from 1881 and one the present day. In both cases, all that happens happens because the characters throw caution to the wind and "were just so excited they couldn't stop to think". It makes for an interesting, albeit very frustrating plot. There would simply be no story if the characters were smart, luckily they aren't and so there is a story. I don't like this kind of story and and don't recommend it for people who expect the decision made by the characters to make sense at least half of the time. As it is, I cant stand them. Too impulsive, too selfish, too foolish, too dismissive of consequences (even when warned) - and yes, that goes as much for Alexandre as for the Girl from present day ... Maddy? And, no, their decisions rarely ever make sense.
For all it's faults, it is a story with potential, one that captures your attention and, while you are extremely frustrated with the characters, you continue reading. The writing was good, although it seemed a little immature. All in all, I didn't like it, but I didn't dislike it either.

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I sped through this book! I really enjoyed the split time lines and how we could see them converging together. The characters were utterly loveable and the plot really well done. I enjoyed the historical aspect and how it was connected to modern day. I did feel that it jumped a little quickly in parts but I am still excited to read the next book and see what happens with these characters.

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I wish I could give this book a better review but unfortunately I just don’t think it was for me. I personally didn’t really like the writing style and the whole switching between perspectives. Also, I can’t say I really found myself connecting with the characters and finding them interesting. I won’t say the book was bad it just wasn’t to my taste.

Overall, even though I personally didn’t really enjoy the book I do think that other people might, especially if they’re more into the whole vampire romance storyline.

Thank you to NetGalley and the author for the opportunity to read this ARC.

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A YA novel set in the present day and 19th century Paris.

Firstly, the two timelines really confused me. I was happily reading about Madison then suddenly the next chapter was about someone completely different, in a different country and 150 years earlier. I had to flip forward in order to work out if the book had been put together correctly. The two timelines don't gel well together like in other books I've read. I really couldn't get on with the 19th-century timeline.

Madison is 16 at the start of this book, and turns 17 a few pages in. The things she's able to do in the book don't match with a 16/17-year-old who lives with foster parents. I don't think the actions of the solicitor/lawyer would be legal. And the fact she gets an 18-year-old who she just met to test drive a car she wants to buy, then buys the car herself, at 17? That's just not possible. You have to tax and insure the car on the spot when you buy the vehicle, something she couldn't have done. The car wouldn't have been available there and then either.

I'm afraid the story lost me after this. Maybe young adults don't care about details, but I'm afraid I do.

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Look, I am a huge fan of vampire books. Blame twilight coming out at a very critical time in my young teenage life, but I love a good vampire book. And unfortunately, this wasn't one. They literally don't even meet or talk about vampires until the book is halfway over. There was soooo much unnecessary information. Also, as someone who has worked in the foster system, the author clearly never studied how any of it worked. I won't be continuing the series.

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I could not finish. It was not holding my attention. A quarter of the way through and I still didn’t know the plot. It all felt very boring, very slow building however not a good build.

Would not recommend at all!!

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Unfortunately, this book was not for me. I felt that Maddy was very immature and too young to be realistic to the plot and acted a lot younger and more immature than her actual age. I feel like this would be better suited to a younger audience maybe early teens/pre-teen but not YA. I also felt a disconnect with Alexandre although I enjoyed his POV more and found the historical element a lot more interesting. But overall it just was not for me, I think it is better suited for a younger audience.

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I received an E-Arc from the publisher for an honest review!

So I saw a post online about Hidden and I just had to read it. I think it was a cover reveal? Anyone I saw the author Shalini posting about arcs on Netgalley. You bet I requested it and got them!! I did a happy dance cause it's about vampires. Okay okay...let's get myself to calm down, right?

The story held my attention from the beginning to end. I literally read this book in two and half days. There's suspense, mystery, real life feelings, amazing description of could literally see the places the characters are at. Of course it has vampires in it...we all know vampires have been written many times and in many ways (which is fine with me!) but the author did a great job putting her spin on vampires. I love it! I dare wonder if Jay Kristoff would read this series...*ponders* He did watch Twilight and commented on it..I'm getting sidetracked..back to this awesome book.

The book is told from two perspectives. First is Madison who is a 17 year old teen that has a brother named Ben who is 12. Madison speaks of the current time frame, the year 2023. She and her brother live with foster parents and that eventually changes down the road as you know from the summary up above.

The second viewpoint is told by Alexandre who is 18 years old and is considered to be a man in time. He speaks of his time in the year of 1881. Alexandre has one brother and sister along with parents who he is close with. His story starts with his family and then goes on a trip where vampires end up. I love the spin on how vampires came to be for that part.

So the story goes back and forth between Madison and Alexandre which is great! It might bother some people but for me it was such a nice flow.

Towards the middle of the book Madison and Alexandre meet at the Marchwood House where the book is transformed with both characters speaking on the same page. I hope that makes sense. When they meet it's scary for both of them..but in time they learn from each other and feelings happen.

I love Madison feisty attitude. She rocks. She also cares for her brother Ben as much as a sister could. She is just awesome. When she inherits the house, she learns more about the world. Something new to her but she dealt with it.

Alexandre what can I say? He craves adventure when he was human. I think his trip made him see the world differently and woke his senses up of learning new things. I love the relationship Alexandre has with his family.

Now the story the viewpoints of Madison and Alexandre who are teens which is fascinating to me. I put myself in their shoes and could see how it would be. It was pretty cool. I do have to say when they say "I love you " to each other, it made me wonder could hormones be a part of this along with the idea to belonging to someone. To feel seen, to feel loved? Everyone wants that.

I will point out I loved it when Madison took Alexandre clothes shopping and he hated it. Madison made a reference to that even her brother Ben hated clothes shopping. This can be true for some men. I just had to chuckle at that.

Since the majority of the story focuses on Madison and Alexandre, there is another plot to it..I'm trying not to give it away.. Last few chapters at the end has to do with Alexandre's family and major action happens. Like fight like action and things like that which would be perfect for a film. I can literally see this book as a movie too!

The ending has a leaves you wanting to know what is going to happen next.

Will there be peace or revenge?

So I suggest to those who have read tons of vampire books to pick this up to read. Go do it. Read...and let me know what you think.

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“This is a mistake; my life is a great big mistake. It's not supposed to be like this.”
Intriguing and honestly a good ya paranormal romance book with vampires. I thought I was too late in the game to fell once again in the vampires’ rabbit hole … turns out … you can never be too late.
Especially considering that this book was a mixture of multiple books together. A girl finding out she and her brother inherited a fortune and finding out vampires exist while also falling in love with one of them !!!
Maddy’s story was quite funny and even fast paced considering what happened during her childhood and how sad and painful it is for a child to end up in foster care.
I have especially high hopes for the other books in this series !!!
“There were five vampires sleeping in the cellar. One of them had sucked her blood, one of them had sucked her brother's blood and she had to do something about it.”

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Unfortunately, this book was not for me! I could not connect with the characters very well and the plot felt predictable. I did enjoy the historical elements although they could feel slow and at times mess with the pacing. Overall, a typical YA fantasy about vampires!

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Hidden (Vampires of Marchwood Book 1 by Shalini Boland

Blurb :Description
Falling in love has never been so dangerous…

From USA Today bestselling author Shalini Boland comes the addictive Vampires of Marchwood series. Perfect for fans of K.F. Breene, Sarah J. Maas and Tracy Wolff.

My name is Madison Greene. On my sixteenth birthday, I inherited an old mansion and wealth beyond my wildest dreams. I thought it was a joke, but as I step through the creaking door of the sprawling building, I realise my life in foster care is in the past. I’ve been chosen and my world has changed forever.

But I wasn’t told that Marchwood House hides a secret.

As I explore every inch of the crumbling property, I stumble upon a set of large, dusty boxes in the basement. When I pull back the lid and look down, I find myself staring at the most handsome face I’ve ever seen. High cheekbones, porcelain skin…

And when he wakes up and locks eyes with me, I realise my heart already belongs to him, even though my head is screaming at me to get as far away from Marchwood as possible. Because I know what he really is.

I never planned to fall in love – but it’s too late now. Alexandre has a dark and dangerous past. He needs me and I have to help him. But can a human really save a vampire?
Hidden (Vampires of Marchwood Book 1)
by Shalini Boland

My Thoughts: Madsion and Ben had been in a Foster care and now inherit a house insert Alexandre.
This book has a great fast pace which keeps the reader engaged. I was quickly invested in this first installment of the Vampires of Marchwood series. I really enjoyed getting to know the two children and how they've adjusted to their new lifestyle.

I also enjoy the flips back to 1881 whereas we 1st meet Alexandre and his family. It made me sad what happen to the family those creature lying in wait for them. I do feel at times it was slow but want to read the next instalment.

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Despite my love of vampire stories, I found it difficult to identify with the story in the book Hidden because it reads like the most sugary romance novel.

Maddie and her brother Ben live in a foster family and by sheer chance, they inherit a vast fortune with a large estate. In the house, however, they face a group of vampires that have slept for over a hundred years, until the most beautiful one (of course!) wakes up and he and Maddie fall madly in love.

The plot in the book is expected, Ben contributes a bit of humor, and Maddie turns out to be mainly uneducated (she dropped out of further education at the age of seventeen, despite unlimited financial resources!), ignorant, troubled, and rude, and consumer-oriented to the end. Meanwhile, Alexandre is a romantic introvert who acts like a martyred saint.

The book is historically interesting because it takes place in two time periods: now and the nineteenth century in Cappadocia and that adds a little action and adventure feeling.

Otherwise, I recommend it to teenagers and dreamy romantic souls.

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I enjoyed this book initially but the ending felt rushed. The story was predictable, but enjoyable. The use of historical fiction to show how the vampires became vampires was quite interesting.

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I am a sucker(no pun intended.. lol) for vampire books! I enjoyed reading this book, there are some parts that could be written better but you’ll find that in every book, I get a Vampire Diaries vibe with Madison and Alexandre.. I am excited its a series!! Definitely will read the upcoming books! ,

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I really enjoyed this and it felt so refreshing a read with vampires, there is so much more to this than just vampires, it’s mystery , fantasy and horror as well as romance. This is the first in a new series and Shalini really lays out the groundwork really well, you really connect to the characters. This is one I will definitely recommend and be looking forward to the next books

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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I’m looking forward to the second book in this series and will definitely keep an eye out for it on NetGalley especially with how this book ended! Seductively gripping and twisted. Highly recommended! Readers, find some quiet alone time to settle in with this one because you won't stop reading until you've turned the final page.

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This is the first in a new series and I can’t wait to read books 2 and 3 after that ending!
It took me a while to get into this one as there were chapters from the past about Alexandre and then chapters from the present day about Madison and it felt a bit disjointed.
I knew they were going to meet but got a bit impatient waiting for this to happen.
Once the past and present came together I flew through the book and loved every minute of it.
I really liked the main characters and can’t wait to find out what happens next.
Thanks to Second Sky and NetGalley for the opportunity to read this book.

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Imagine being in foster care with your younger brother when you get a visitor to say you have inherited some property. That property turns out to be a mansion and there is plenty in the way of funds to allow you to live a life you really have only ever imagined. Turns out there is a catch, the property is home to a family of vampires.

When Maddie and her brother move into this huge house she starts to investigate, I mean you wouldn't you? She finds herself in a cellar where there she discovers clothing, papers, paintings and other items from the previous owners and there are also some beautiful statues.

Following a duel timeline, I discovered how the residents in the cellar came to be there. An expedition that went fatally wrong and discovered a truth that no one thought possible. Filling in the past and present details, the author weaves a wonderful story, while it is aimed at young adults I really enjoyed this one as well. There are some wonderful moments where stereotyping vampires comes into conversations.

The story isn't just one of a young woman who gets a house and meets vampires, there is something far more than that to this story. It is the beginning of a series and so this book lays the foundations for what will follow. It gives the reader a chance to begin to connect to the main characters and this is done in a slow way, not too many at once but all the time keeping the story flowing.

This is a mystery and horror as well as a fantasy and romance story. I do think young adult readers are going to really enjoy this one. It is imaginative and also edgy. It is one to keep an eye out for and one I would happily recommend.

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Madison deserve everything after what she gone through. Money and big house just the beginning. Her explore make her meet Alex. This is interesting story, have two timelines make me enjoy the reason of main problem.

Thank you to NetGalley for provide this book, it is pleasure to review this book.

#Hidden #VampiresofMarchwood #ShaliniBoland #SecondSky #NetGalley #ARC

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