Member Reviews

I couldn’t connect with this book.
It’s obvious how influential ESG is, but the book felt like it meandered too much. As a result, it was unable to hold my full interest.
I wish the author much luck, but this book wasn’t for me.

When my local record store owner handed me this album a couple of years ago, I had no idea who ESG was or their incredible influence on a huge chunk of the music I listen to.
This was a great exploration of an incredible band and an incredible album. I don't think I'll ever think about early hip hop, the riot girrl movement, or even the post grunge alt-rock era the same ever again. It's a terrible shame that this album, which has shaped so much of modern music, remains so unknown.
If you've never heard this band, put down what you're doing, go to YouTube, Spotify, Apple Music, or whatever platform you like and listen to them right now. You can thank me later.