Member Reviews

As someone with endometriosis, the hem of his garment story means a lot to me. This entire book was wonderful, even though some parts were a bit redundant.

The Hem of His Garment
Reaching Out to God When Pain Overwhelms
by Dr. Michelle Bengtson
Pub Date 01 Aug 2023
Revell and Netgalley provided me with a copy of The Hem of His Garment:
As a social media follower of Dr. Michelle Bengston's, I was thrilled to be asked to review this book!
We all experience pain. Manifestations can be physical, emotional, relational, or spiritual. The change may come after a tragic accident, a great loss, or sudden and unwanted changes. Often it is temporary. But what if it isn't? Is there a time when the pain just won't go away, when the healing won't come?
Dr. Michelle Bengtson offers a countercultural perspective on pain based on her own experience of chronic pain. Providing hope without false promises or empty platitudes, Dr. Bengtson unravels the complex emotional aspects of pain. She encourages you to question God, identifies the lies you've believed about your pain, and reorients your perception based on God's truth. The chapter ends with a playlist, reflection questions, and a prayer.
The pain may not change, but the experience may.
I give the Hem of His Garment five out of five stars!
Happy Reading!

I enjoyed this book for a number of reasons.
First, the author did an excellent job at pointing her thoughts back to scripture. It was encouraging to be reminded of times in scripture that God addresses his love for us despite our suffering. And to be reminded of the people in scripture who persevered through pain with God.
I appreciated that the author didn’t pretend that healing will come on this side of eternity. That suffering is a part of this life is not shied away from in this book, which is a relief! And what a relief to also read how our pain in this life can bring us closer to one another.
I enjoyed the thoughtful inclusion of scripture to meditate on, write down, and memorize. I also liked the music playlist at the end of each chapter and the prayers from the author.
This book is also a nice introduction on the idea of lament. It’s okay to grieve and lament our pain (spiritual, physical, and emotional) with Jesus.
I recommend this book to everyone because we all have pain.
Thank you to NetGalley for a free copy in exchange for an honest review.

The Hem of His Garment: Reaching Out to God When Pain Overwhelms by Dr. Michelle Bengston is a Christian Health book. The author is a neuropsychologist, who has experienced excruciating physical pain as well as emotional, too. She is completely open about her experience, and many times I had tears as I read.
The author has an easy to understand style of writing. At times it was like listening to a friend talk. Chapters are short so readers won’t be overwhelmed. At the conclusion of each chapter there are a summary, scriptures, helpful advice for living with chronic pain, and song recommendations. She is totally transparent and comes from a standpoint of having been there herself.
I appreciated that it is suggested that along with medical treatments and medication, prayer is an important asset in dealing with pain. The cover and title suggest it is a Christian book, and the author delivered. I agree with her and find it helpful to me, too.
This will be a book that will be kept for future reference. It would be something to share with those that are grieving a loved one, have chronic pain, or a disease. I gleaned so much by reading it. It gets a 5 star rating from me. A copy was provided by NetGalley, but these are my honest thoughts.

A beautifully written book of encouragement. Dr. Michelle Bengston is well placed to write this book on pain due to both her work as a neuropsychologist and through her own personal experiences. The book is written in such a way that you can both read it from cover to cover (as I did) or pick out a section that is most suitable for you at a specific moment. With her intended audience in mind, Bengston has structured her book accessibly so that each short chapter ends with a summary, helpful actions to take and also some some song recommendations. I took a lot away reading this and it definitely made me look at my own experiences a new. A book I shall be returning too.

I often feel emotional with books but it is rare for me to cry. This book brought me to tears multiple times because I was fed spiritually and emotionally as I walked through my pain journey in each chapter. Every verse was a balm that the reached my heart. The author was so vulnerable that you can feel her pain and struggle. It was impactful and raw and biblical in every sense. The balance between the Bible and personal stories was perfect as it was approachable with a strong, visible foundation. I knew within the first 10 pages that this is one of my favourites this year.
I received an arc via Netgalley in exchange for a honest review.

I deeply appreciate being given an advanced reader's copy of this book published by Revell through NetGalley. This is my own personal opinion of this book.
The Hem of His Garment: Reaching Out to God When Pain Overwhelms by Dr. Michelle Bengston is for any person who has experienced or is experiencing physical, emotional or spiritual pain. This book is written by a woman, a neuropsychologist who was experienced severe physical pain along with emotional, and the secondary pain associated with it.
I highly recommend this book and was messaging a friend about it before I even finished reading it. Dr. Bengston knows the depth of pain in several forms. I have also. She has a voice of experience and in baring her soul to the reader she is definitely someone I can learn from because she has been there too. She breaks down the various kinds of pain that we suffer through including physical, financial, spiritual, grief and more. She explains the "secondary pain" which worsens the pain that a person is already suffering from. i.e. the judgement and words or actions of others who have no possible clue as to what an individuals' body is enduring from fatigue to the physical breakdown, etc.
She goes on to share with believers in Christ that along with medical intervention in forms of treatments and medication, prayer is an important asset in dealing with pain.
The author includes Scripture, resources of music selections and solid advice for dealing and living with pain. I recommend this book for those who live with disease, those in mourning, or any type of debilitating pain.

First sentence: About a year prior to the release of my first book, I was deathly ill,, on medically prescribed bed rest, and being kept alive with IV hydration and nutrition.
The Hem of His Garment is part-testimony, part advice for fellow sufferers. Each chapter has a good amount of storytelling, some devotional style sermon-ettes, a few practical prescriptions to further the chapter's themes, and songs for a suggested playlist.
The intended audience is a) those currently in the midst of pain and suffering b) those that have been in the midst of pain and suffering c) those walking alongside those experiencing pain and suffering (caregivers, etc.) d) pastors who want to better minister to their congregations--some of which may be in the midst of pain and suffering.
There are thirteen chapters in total.
Disclaimer: I read this one is bits. I'd read two or three chapters in one sitting, but, then not pick it up again for a week or two. So I read it in about five or six sittings...but over a period of six or seven weeks. I wouldn't be surprised if I started it in July to be honest. My recall for earlier chapters is on the weak side. I did read the last four chapters in the past two or three days. So my strongest recollection is for the last section of the book.
This is not the first book I've read on pain nor will it be the last. Is it unique? Yes and no. Unique in that it contains very personal stories of the author's own experiences with pain and suffering. Obviously her testimony is her testimony. Is the subject matter unique? Not really. Nor is her approach to the subject matter. There is nothing new, novel, unique about what she has to say about pain and suffering. Is that necessarily bad? No. I'd be more worried if she'd claimed otherwise. But is it worth reading? I'm conflicted. Honestly, and this is just my personal opinion, this could have been condensed perhaps even to a pamphlet--because there isn't really anything new to add to the subject.

Michelle Bengtson reaches down and pulls the reader up and through pain. Though darkness seeks to crush with pain, she guides the reader to the light above it. Speaking from her own experience she illustrates the rewards from endurance. Doctor Bengtson provides step-by-step instructions through pain to hope and joy using scripture, music, and prayer. No one is immune to pain. Every home should have a copy of this invaluable book.

When we're walking, or sometimes just crawling from moment to moment, through pain of any kind it can really help to hear from someone who has or is currently experiencing similar trials...someone who has been faithful in reaching out and taking hold of the hem of His garment and holding on for dear life.
Dr. Michelle Bengtson is that person. Michelle comes from a place of experience, from a place of desperate hope, and unwavering trust in the One who promised to never leave us, to walk with us during those painful afflictions and trials.
She has written from the crucible of indescribable pain, pushing through so that you and I might be encouraged and given the strength and assurance that we are not alone. She encourages us to hold onto the truth that God is with us and will protect us from the enemy's schemes to destroy our faith.
She covers every possible pain scenario, whether you are experiencing physical, emotional, relational, financial, or spiritual pain, grief, or loss, and goes through the questioning and thoughts that we commonly experience when walking this road. But she doesn't just lay out the logistics, she encourages us to hold on and trust in the God who hears and heals.
This is a great resource to have on hand when you don't know what to do or say to a friend who is suffering and would make a very compassionate gift.

I just finished this book and I would love to know how Michelle Bengston got into my head to share some of my pain and also love how she fully understands the frustrations that come when well meaning friends don’t “see” or understand our pain journey. This book sees me in my pain and offers tangible ways to walk through pain with grace. Michelle, through her own personal experiences, shares about physical, emotional, relational, financial, grief and the pain of loss and how to walk through it with Jesus and scripture. She knows because she is walking this walk, herself, with the reader. Two biblical people, who she intertwines into many chapters, are Job and the woman with the issue of blood. Both faced so many hardships yet both were fully restored because of their faith in God. Each chapter has a short devotional type reading, some deeper thoughts, LOTS of Scripture, some thought provoking questions, more scripture, a prayer, AND a playlist!! So good!! I can’t think of anyone who has never walked through some kind of pain or knows someone walking through some kind of pain. Everyone needs this book!!

Dr. Michelle Bengtson has written often about depression and anxiety. This book takes us on a different journey, one that traverses the valley of pain. Pain comes in many forms. It can be physical, mental, spiritual, relational, and every nuance of each of those. Dr. Michelle doesn't take the position of physician to patient. She is in the trenches with you. Her walk through pain, of all kinds, is evident on every page. Each chapter is brimming with scriptural help yet not in a condescending way. She gives empathy as well as help. Each chapter ends with scriptures, prayers, songs of praise, and a way to take the next painful step, praising God along the way. It is a much needed book. Unfortunately, people in the midst of pain are often bowed down by the weight of it. It is important if you read this book to pass it on to others who may be unable to lift their eyes to touch the Hem of His garment. Bring them to the help that is in this book.

No matter the pain you are suffering, Dr. Bengston offers help and comfort through it.
She wrote while experiencing her own pain and it comes through as real and open. I was experiencing a lot of pain while reading the book so it was slow going for me. But Each chapter has several subheadings that offer great stopping places when your mind can only handle so much.
While I have been suffering, myself for twelve years, I found myself in much agreement with the things she shares. There is hope for us all. Pick up this book today.

This author is an inspiration to me on Social
Media as she has shared her journey through pain. Reading this book was such an encouragement and inspiration to me. I will definitely be sharing it with friends.
Thanks for the advanced copy

Dr. Michelle Bengtson has been through it all and so keep your focus on the Lord. She's an inspiration to me. I appreciate her honesty and authenticity. This book did so much comfort and encouragement; no matter what type of pain I'm dealing with, this book is applicable and helpful for the situation.

5.0 out of 5 stars An answer to prayer for friends in chronic or continuing pain
Reviewed in the United States on August 2, 2023
I long ago learned I cannot fully understand someone else's pain if I have not been there. Michelle Bengston has been there - actually still IS 'there' with constant pain I cannot imagine. I have friends who are suffering who don't have to imagine and this book of help and hope is an answer to prayer for me to give these friends.
When you have no words, you don't understand, but you want to encourage, and offer relief to those in pain of any kind, from someone who understands, this is the perfect gift.

As I read through Dr. Michelle’s new book, I am reminded of how much my life identifies with what she has written.
Dr. Michelle Bengtson’s new book, The Hem of His Garment”, couldn’t have come at a better time in my life. Why, because it’s great to have a book that is written not only through a Nero-Physiologist point of view, but from one who suffers pain. She writes from the heart of her experience in emotional, relational, spiritual, and physical pain, in hopes of helping others in their suffering. As one who suffers chronic pain and recent loss, I can only attest at how her words have helped me in my time of need and my time with God. She gives me permission to question God. To lament at my situation, but with a better perception of the truth of His word. Similar to her previous books, at the end of every chapter, there are reflective questions, a prayer and best of all a musical playlist.

It’s a fact of life: we all experience pain. And sometimes we even talk about that pain. But what we don’t often do is talk about how to live with the kind of pain that lingers, that doesn’t really go away, that even makes us question God.
Dr. Michelle Bengtson has lived with chronic pain and multiple cancer diagnoses for both herself and her husband, so she writes from a place of experience. And she also writes from a place of hope.
In The Hem of His Garment, she walks readers through the seasons and types of pain: physical, spiritual, emotional, and relational, offering insights from her own experiences, practical ways to connect with the God of all healing, scriptures and prayers, and even uplifting and soul-comforting playlists when worship is what is needed.
Whether the battle with pain is past, in the present, or yet to come, this is a helpful and healing book that I highly recommend.
*Thank you to NetGalley and Revell for the complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

The Hem of His Garment reaches into the spaces of pain few other books about suffering bother to address including physical, emotional, relational, and spiritual realms. Dr. Michelle Bengston, a clinical psychologist and sojourner on suffering's path, relates to those who with their own struggles and heartache providing powerful personal examples and Biblical insight.
Each chapter concludes with a personalized prayer, a set of reflection questions and exercises labeled 'Your Rx', and a recommended list of praise songs.
The Hem of His Garment challenged my thinking and offered comfort without minimizing feelings--a gift to those dealing with pain, grief, or lament. I've already purchased a copy for a friend and put this book at the top of my list of those I've read this year.

Michelle Bengston brings perspective and purpose to one's experience of pain. Sadly, we are not promised a life free of pain. Physical, emotional, relational, or spiritual pain marks the human experience and has undoubtedly been a part of mine. I've felt stuck in a cycle of pain that seemingly has no end. In the storms of life, it is easy to lose hope.
In a wise and personable way, Michelle helps us navigate the times when "pain won't go away, healing does not come, and grief and hurt settle in to stay." She faces the tough questions we ask head-on, offering hope and a fresh perspective from God's Word. Without fail, Michelle's testimony of pain and her efforts to seek God for truth give credibility and weight to her message. Instead of being fixated on pain and asking, "Why me?" I am now encouraged to keep my eyes fixed on God and what He says about my situation!
Each chapter ends with a recommended playlist, reflection questions, and a prayer, helping to make the book more personal and practical.
This is a must-read if you are struggling to understand pain, are tempted to blame God, and need help holding onto God's promises when the storms of life arise!