Member Reviews

Oh my, I LOVED this book. At 600 odd pages, it’s not a quick read, but as with Frankopan’s previous book The Silk Roads, I found myself unable to out this down until I’d finished it. It’s a savoury, interesting read and I think everyone interested in history, human development and our next steps read it. Huge thanks for the reading copy, I have no doubt I will return to this amazing book over and over again.

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I loved Frankopan’s The Silk Roads. Discovering this book was an obvious choice and I was delighted to learn that I had been given the opportunity to read this book in exchange for an honest review.

Frankopan’s writing style is seductive. He uses rich language that is food for the brain. In audiobook format you’ll be able to while away many hours listing. Reading is more like a big meal, it’s satisfying but very rich, and better enjoyed over many months. As a result it’s taken me some time to be review ready.

Fascinating, well researched, edited and brought together. This will be on many Christmas lists this year. Beautiful cover.

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I was so excited to read this book as I loved the Silk Road and the History of The World, but unfortunately I did not get around to reading it before it expired. I will now be seeking it out in the shops!

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Unfortunately, I was unable to
read this book on my mobile
so I'm unable to review it.
I wish you lots of success with the book.

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A really interesting study of the world. Will incorporate parts into my curriculum, especially concerning the use of climate change.

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This book is one heck of an undertaking to read - but my goodness, what a *pleasure* it was.
The sheer amount of work that went into this book alone deserves five stars, but it is delivered in a digestible way that is easy to dip in and out of. I see from other reviews that this opinion is not necessarily shared, but I personally found it a smooth, enjoyable read at all points.

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For me, this long book is one to be dipped into, chapter by chapter. I read unrelated fiction concurrently with this one. A lot of research has gone into the writing of “The Earth Transformed”, and I found the first chapters on the Ancient world, which I knew very little about, the most interesting. However, I am not especially enthusiastic about the chapters from the Early Middle Ages to the present. Climate change in this period is something in which I have some (academic) experience, and I feel that some important arguments were omitted in favour of pre-conceived, popular ideas which is disappointing.

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This book is obviously an immense read and definitely not one for everyone. But if you're interested in general history / the environment I massively recommend. The scope of this book is fantastic and Frankopan had me from the introduction. A particularly interesting part was the discussion of the Roman periods, but the writer sustained the quality and detail throughout.
I've already hand sold and recommended this to quite a few customers and I'm excited for the paperback release to increase interest.

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It deserves four stars for the amount of research this book clearly required. The sheer breadth and scope alone of the undertaking is highly impressive. Whilst for me it was never an easy read, it was offset by how much I genuinely learned. I would recommend this book to anyone, even though stylistically I cannot say I found the author endearing. Some of the writing tended to be overbearing and lecturing, and at times repetitive and digressive. However with a work of this sheer scale and complexity, it is kind of fitting that it should be something that requires the reader to work a little.

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I’ve already sold tons of copies of this masterpiece! This book is wonderfully written, unique, fun and educational. I highly recommend everyone to read this, no matter your interests this is brilliant

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Another cracker from Peter Frankopan. I loved The Silk Roads and The New Silk Roads (as well as being an enthusiastic participant in his Twitter poll of the World Cup of Fruits...) so I was very chuffed to be given the opportunity to review The Earth Transformed.

This volume is a remarkable piece of historical writing that places the natural environment in the forefront of the role it has played in determining the path that human history has taken. Frankopan, who is widely regarded as one of the most accomplished historians in the world, presents a captivating investigation of the ways in which natural occurrences such as volcanic eruptions, solar activities, atmospheric and oceanic upheavals, and human behaviour have influenced the course that human history has taken.

This book presents a thorough account of the origins of our species, charting the history of human beings from their first days and exploring the role played by religion and language in the context of environmental interactions. In addition, the book traces the evolution of human beings from their earliest days. The relationship between human beings and the natural world has always been a complicated one, and this is something that Frankopan investigates in this book. He demonstrates that over the course of human history, people have endeavoured to understand and manage the environment, whether it is through agricultural practises, the development of technology, or the desire to exert control over the weather. Frankopan draws attention to the risks posed by this manipulation and the potential repercussions that may befall us as a direct result of the choices that we make.

The history of climate change is also explored and Frankopan provides an analysis that is very critical of the manner in which human actions have contributed to the phenomenon of global warming and the effects that this phenomenon has had on our environment. This book is not just a history of our planet, but it is also a call to action, pushing us to understand the influence that human activities have had on the natural world and to take steps to conserve the environment for the generations who will come after us.

The Earth Transformed has been painstakingly studied and is written in a way that is understandable to readers of all backgrounds. The way that Frankopan writes is interesting and educational, and the data that he uses to back up his claims comes from a wide variety of sources. This book is a significant contribution to the area of world history, presenting a new viewpoint on the interaction between the natural environment and human history and is a must-have for everyone interested in this topic.

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An excellent, informative and well written of how climate affected humankind and how the different civilizations were destroyed by not being able to have a sustainable approach to environment.
It's fascinating and terrifying at the same time, you read it like a novel but you know it's reality.
Well researched and well written.
Highly recommended.
Many thanks to the publisher for this arc, all opinions are mine

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An absolutely fascinating epic on our planet and how we as a population have changed and moulded the earth. Not a light read by any means but a must read for anyone with an interest in climate/weather/society as a whole.

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I hoped it was going to be a pop-science book. Far from it. This is a book at the level of a massive PhD dissertation. Fascinating if you are into it. If you are common mortal like me, this is waaay too much for what my little brain can hold. Nothing to do with the author or the book itself. It's just that my expectations were completely off.

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In this book historian Frankopan looks at how climate has impacted on world events. In his view the two are inextricably linked and human impact is also a driver for climatic events. This is a masterly and apposite piece of world, the polymathic knowledge and research alone is staggering. It's not a quick read but it is an extremely vital one if we are to understand the path that we are now following.

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Acclaimed historian, Peter Frankopan, provides a detailed and unique history of our planet in terms of its ever changing climate and environment. Humans impact the planet and the planet has impacted humans throughout our history. Volcanoes, earthquakes, geology, tsunamis, floods, temperatures, droughts, solar and lunar activities, atmosperic and oceanic changes, magnetic shifts, changes to the earth's tilt and orbit, comets, meteorites etc.

A fascinating perspective on the history of the planet before mankind, and throughout human history, civilisation and agriculture. A sobering conclusion that we are heading for a catastrophic depopulation event that will be far worse than the current climate change issues. It is highly probable that nature and the planet's environment will reclaim the planet from mankind one way or another. The last massive volcano event was back in 1815 and the explosion was like millions of atomic bombs where the ash and gases cause a catastrophic volcanic winter. Another catastrophic volcanic explosion is expected within the next several hundred years that will reduce human over-population.

The hard copy is a whopping 736 pages so best read on a kindle or listened to as an audio book.

Many thanks to the author, publisher and NetGalley UK for the ARC (kindle).

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This is an epic tome of knowledge, research and questions. Reflecting upon geographical and climate changes over centuries , Peter Frankopan draws our attention to the environmental disasters and issues of the past and the impact on the human populace as well as wider ecological / agricultural effects. This is a book that could be a point of historical reference or a focussed read through key times in history. As with his previous books, Peter Frankopan gives a clear and methodically presented argument about how over millennia the planet has endured continual change; science and history combine to produce a fascinating and absorbing read … as for the future and climate change there remains no clear answer but the human denial of the past and their impact is unquestionable . With the accompaniment of maps and imagery , this is a book that merits time and focus. It raised questions and challenged my perception and thinking which is never a bad thing plus highlighted periods of history / environmental events I had never heard of. An excellent book …yes it’s long but worth it. Highly recommended

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This is a book everyone should read. Global history, but from an environmental point of view. What is the effect of climate, weather, natural disasters - floods, earthquakes, tsunamis - on populations, history? Frankopan takes the story from the Big Bang to the 21st century, and beyond; and he tells it extremely well.

Highly recommended.

With thanks to NetGallery and Bloomsbury Publishing for an ARC.

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