Member Reviews

Merry's sister just married her best friend and now she thinks that she loved him. She is upset, but decides to quit her job and go to the castle that her god-mother owns in the French countryside. When she gets there, Noah, the best man from the wedding is there staying in the castle as well and they hate each other. They decide to take separate rooms and stay out of each others way.

I thought this was such a cute enemies to lovers story. I do think that it drug on quite a bit and could have been shorter. I liked the aspect of Noah searching for his parents and how Merry was able to help be a support for him.

Thanks to NetGalley, Swift & Lewis Publishing, LLC, and Sarah Ready for this advanced copy in exchange for my honest review.

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I don’t usually read romance books but this one was so so so good! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

French Holiday could possibly be my number one February read so far.

Merry finds out the man she’s in love with is getting married to her younger sister, so she does what any other woman having a life crisis does: she goes to France to live in her Godmother’s chateau. Of course, when she arrives she realizes the chateau has also been promised to Noah, the best friend of the man she’s in love with (who she also happens to hate). Through the process of some close proximity tropes and ONE BED, romance ensues.

This book surprised me, it was sweet, funny, and had a little mystery thrown in. The characters are so lovable but complex in their own ways. Themes of different kinds of love are talked about throughout. Easily a 5 star read!

I received this ARC from NetGalley, but my review contains only my honest opinion, book releases on April 26th of this year 💗

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This was a fun and funny story. It would be a great summertime, beach read, or even better, a french holiday read! I enjoyed the easy banter and chemistry between the main characters the most while reading this book.

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This is my first book by this author and I feel like I've been missing out.

Merry goes to France to stay in a crumbling chateau after her sister married her best friend and the man she was secretly in love with. When she arrives at the castle she realizes that the best man from her sister's wedding, Noah, is also staying there. They decide to have a truce and live together as friends. Merry begins to unravel the meaning of her life and who and what she truly loves.

This is a forced proximity, holiday romance with a touch of fairytale-like scenarios. I wasn't expecting this to be a 5 star read after reading the synopsis so I am pleasantly surprised. This book as it all: romance, travel, humor, and mystery. It delves beyond superficial banter into how childhood experiences and trauma can affect the way we love and how we grow into the person we become. The author somehow manages to do that while still keeping it a light and fun read. I really enjoyed this book and will definitely be reading the author's other books!

Thanks to Netgalley and Swift & Lewis Publishing LLC for a digital ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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I honestly struggled with rating this one. There were some definite five star moments for me = it has been a long time since I laughed as hard as I did while reading about that lobster and the serious nuggets of truth around unrequited love and a parents impact on a child's self worth were really well done. This is my first Sarah Ready book, but it's definitely not my last - I found myself looking up her backlist to see what other books I could get my hands on!

However, for some reason there were parts of this book that just dragged for me. it felt a bit longer than it needed to be - with extra plot lines and parts to the story that didn't feel coherent at times.

Thank you to NetGalley & the publisher for an advance copy of this bookfor me to read and review.

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This is my first Sarah Ready book. It was very entertaining. I enjoyed the character development and romance immensely. It had some issues about three quarters of the way through with plot, but then it came back around.

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I'm dying from a book hangover!! I didn't want to leave Merry and Noah. This is my first book by Sarah Ready and I'm so impressed. She wove such a beautiful love story. Merry and Noah had so many layers to their characters. My heart broke for Noah when I read his story, but the amazing love that Merry had for Noah that brought him through to the other side was remarkable. My absolute favorite book of the year so far for me!!

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This was such a fun read! Merry is fun and relatable. Noah is brooding and troubled. Even the secondary characters they meet in France have a fun sub-plot. Merry's parents and sister were a bit unlikable but that drives the plot forward.

Even though the story is light and fun, there was mystery, intrigue, and even talk of murder. The main characters were drawn to each other but kept resisting so there was a lot of will they/won't they. Most of the setting takes place within the walls of a castle in the French country side that is falling apart around them. The castle seemed to have a personality all it's own. I loved their journey of dealing with their past to work towards a future. The pace was perfect and I kept wanting to read to find out more. There was a lot of humor infused throughout the story. I particularly loved the parts including Louis the lobster. Add this to your TBR if you're a romance lover. You won't be disappointed!

Thanks to NetGalley, the publisher and Sarah Ready for an ARC copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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I have enjoyed some of Sarah Ready's other books, but this one was just ok. The love of Merry's life just married her sister, so Merry leaves everything behind and heads to France to stay in a chateau for a few months (as one does). When she gets there, she finds she will be sharing the chateau with Noah, aka the best man from the wedding, whom she can't stand.

It started off well enough, with a meet not-so-cute, shenanigans, and plenty of tropes (enemies to lovers, one bed, forced proximity), but I never really felt invested in Merry and Noah as a couple, and I lost interest in the plot turn about half way through. I was also expecting this book to really go deep on the French angle, since it's in the title, but it felt like this book could have taken place anywhere, which was disappointing.

Thank you to Swift & Lewis Publishing for gifting me with an ARC to review!

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I really enjoyed the dreamy French setting of this book! It was funny, sweet, and I loved all of the silly moments in the chateau. (Shoutout to Louis the Lobster!)
After Merry’s sister marries her best friend, Merry takes a three month trip to a chateau in France for a chance to get over her heartbreak. However, the chateau is not in the best shape and she finds Noah, the best man, already there. (And yes, there is only one bed.)
Both characters had so many layers to their personalities and were very believable in their relationship.
I would’ve liked to see more of Merry’s relationship with her sister be unpacked and the end felt a bit sudden to me, but overall I would definitely recommend this if you’re in the mood to escape to France during your read!

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher of this book for a digital ARC.

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This is my second time reading this masterpiece; it was just as good as the first time! I love everything about this book, and I CANNOT wait for more from the author!!

It was lovely, intriguing, sweet, and even witty at times. Absolutely stunning. I don’t think I’m capable of coming up with a cohesive and well thought out review. There is so much to love in this book.

Diving into the found family I find myself incapable of putting feelings into words. I wanted nothing to happen to all the characters because they are all so near, dear, and precious to my heart.

I have so many more thoughts but it’s hard to put everything into words. This book was perfect in so many ways and I will greedily snatch up multiple copies!!!

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Another amazing book by Sarah ready. I only started reading her books this year and they're already becoming some if my favourites.
This story might be a little predictable at first but it does not distract from the brilliance of it . The characters were brilliant and well written and the storyline was enjoyable. I needed to keep listening to find out what woukd happen and hoped it went the way you wished.

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An amazing story by Sarah Ready . Merry 's sister just married her best friend Leo who happens to be the man she is secretly in love . When her godmother offer her to stay at her castle in France for three months she accepts . She just had quit her job so she will spent her summer in French countryside , drinking fine wine , eating French cheese and flirt . When she arrives she discover that she is not alone there . Leo other friend Noah and best man at his weddind is staying at the castle . They don't like each other very much but they agree to live together . The castle is in a horrible condition and they have to share a bed . Noah was looking for a famous artist who has dissapeared seven years ago and Merry was helping him . I loved how the truth make Noah free and happy . I loved the sceen with the rat , and of course Louie the Lobster .
I received this book from net galley and the publisher as an ARC. Thank you! All thoughts and opinions are my own .

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Merry's is in love with her best friend Leo. Leo is marrying Merry's sister Angela. The best man, Leo's other best friend, is grumpy hunk Noah.

Noah and Merry have a hot night together, but from then on Merry's life becomes more and more of a drudge. When Merry's godmother offers her a stay at a chateau in France, Merry packs her bags for a three month stay. You can guess who's meeting her at the chateau's gates.

Tropes: enemies to lovers, grump and sunshine, there's only one bed

Add a family mystery that takes over the middle of the book and puts the romance on a back burner for a bit until you get to that point where you want to know how it all works out.

I'm deducting a star/point for the OTT slapstick scenes in the kitchen.

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Sarah Ready delivers a wonderful book about unrequited love that is beautifully descriptive and well executed novel. With the cute cover and blurb I was expecting a lighter romance. That doesn’t mean that this is a heavy read, it’s not. This book is women’s fiction and romance as the main characters have more to deal with than a typical romance. The story begins with Merry DeLuca being watching as her sister marries her (Merry’s) best friend and the man she has been in love with for five years. Her godmother offers her the chance to go live in France at a castle she owns and Merry accepts.

As Merry arrives for her three month planed holiday she finds the castle is unexpectedly dilapidated. Worse than that, Noah Wright the best man from her sisters wedding, is also at the castle. He is a famous for his travel show and has paid to stay at the castle while doing research. At the wedding he recognized the love that she has for the groom and called her on her feelings. Settling in for a forced proximity romance, with one bedroom I was surprised there is more to the story. Noah has his own background and unrequited love. And together these two are wonderful as they set out to be friends and maybe more.

I enjoyed the descriptions of the village, the food, the neighbors and even the lobster. Of course a mystery about a famous artist is right up my alley as well. One of my fantasies is to live in France for several months so that just added to the appeal of the story. I want to stroll with the characters over the lover’s bridge, eat picnics at the vineyard and live on baguettes. Merry’s past treatment by her mother and sister add to my concern for her and made it more rewarding when she moves forward in her life. I’ve not read the author before but I will absolutely be checking out her catalog of books.

Thank you to Swift & Lewis Publishing LLC for the ARC in exchange for a review. (4.5 Stars)

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Thank you to Swift and Lewis Publishing and Netgalley for an ARC of this book which I voluntarily read and reviewed. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

FRENCH HOLIDAY is only my third Sarah Ready book, but with each one I’ve devoured, she is only more firmly cementing her place as one of the authors I can rely on to give me a story that is not only funny and romantic, but emotional as well.

FRENCH HOLIDAY follows Merry as she struggles to accept that her best friend Leo, who she’s been in love with for years, is not in love with her, but her younger sister. That, combined with a devastatingly depressing time at her job, entices Merry to take a long-term trip to her aunt’s chateau in France where she runs into cockroaches, bats, a vindictive lobster, and Noah, Leo’s best man in his and her sister’s wedding.

Though this may seem like the perfect enemies to lovers setup, the story goes so much deeper with searches for love, both familial and romantic, difficult family dynamics that so many will be able to relate to, and a mystery plot filled with heartbreak and joy. I loved reading about Merry’s comical misfortunes and could absolutely feel and relate to her internal struggles as she discovered the meaning of true love.

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This book is the cutest to the core! I absolutely adore Merry and Noah, they are perfect for each other! This is what I meant when I want a good romcom. It was quirky, funny plus the slow burn slash awesome chemistry complement the plot. Writing, marvellous. Pacing, fast. No need to pause to read this, I finished in one sitting mind you.

Merry is my kindred-spirit. She's what I'm looking for in a romcom main character. She's hopeful yet grounded. She's the definition of natural quirky, she has funny bones in her and I love it. She isn't like the typical female protagonists where when there is a misunderstanding she would bawled over the guy without confrontation, or blindly putting the blame of the other party, but she listened to Noah. She gave him her trust, she's acting very wise and mature for a romcom female main character. Just love her personality. I could relate to her a lot, she's kinda like me in certain way of thinking. I truly get her and why she acted and thought like she did, because at some point I had similar experiences like Merry, and I bonded with her for that.

Noah is a dreamboat. He's mysterious and romantic but you need to look closer to notice that. I actually like men like him. He's the type that shows love through action rather than words. And their banter? Urgh, I love it.

There isn't anything lacking in terns of the writing, plot and characters. Maybe there's a little cliché at some point but I love it! Idk what to say anymore. Their slow-burn is everything. The one bed trope but make it funnier yet putting them closer and closer, arghhhh I adore them so much! This book is gonna be at the top lists among the books I love this year.

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Fun quick read… there were some really funny parts (the rat and the lobster! Hahaha)
The romance felt a little too rushed to be real but it was definitely entertaining. :)

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I received a copy of this novel from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. This book was so fun the chemistry between Merry and Noah was fabulous. The setting of France was perfect and there was love, lust, mystery and humor. Highly recommend!

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Sarah Ready is amazing at hooking you in right from the start with an interesting premise, characters with CHEMISTRY, and a fast moving plot. "French Holiday" brings all of that right from the get go and it's easy for readers to get sucked into the book right from the start. The main character, Merry, is plucky, charming, and infallibly optimistic, despite the shitty cards she's been dealt in life. Always playing second fiddle to her sister -- who literally marries the man Merry herself has been in love with for years -- she escapes to a French castle and lands in a forced proximity situation with Noah, the male lead. The chemistry between the two was great - it felt REAL. I liked their banter and how natural it felt at various points of their relationship.

I think my biggest qualm with the book was that it starts as a romance with an interesting subplot, but by the end, it feels like the subplot has taken center stage and the romance falls secondary. While this isn't a bad thing, I think it wasn't what I was expecting, so I was a little taken off guard. I would have preferred for the relationship between Merry and Noah to stay at the forefront of the novel from start to finish personally!

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