Member Reviews

This book was a delight! I wanted something fun and light to get me out of a reading slump, and I was drawn to the bright, fun cover of this one. It's packed full of tropes (enemies to lovers, forced proximity, one bed), witty dialogue, dream scenery and a fairy godmother (after all, who DOESN'T want to be gifted a free vacation at a chateau in France?!) It had a fun mystery subplot that I didn't expect but it added a lot to the character development. If you are looking for a fun beach read, this is it!

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This was a heartwarming enemies to lovers romance with a little mystery tossed in. I loved the atmospheric scenes and the humor.
Many thanks to Swift & Lewis Publishing and to NetGalley for providing me with a galley in exchange for my honest opinion.

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This was a wonderfully immersive read with a setting that was incredibly vivid with a storyline that was just as vibrant. The intertwining of the budding relationship between Noah and Merry along with a love story from a different time in the same setting was unexpected and made me invested in how it all fits together. The way that Noah and Merry played off of each other and really saw each other underneath what everyone else expected them to be was what created a really lovely foundation for a heartfelt connection between them, and I absolutely loved reading every second of it. Although the pacing was sometimes uneven, and the ending in particular felt a bit rushed, this was a perfect summer read that instantly captured the richness of a European getaway complete with equal parts romance and atmosphere.

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I am not a romance reader but I thoroughly enjoyed this book. It is clever with using the romance cliche tropes but then moving you in a different direction. There is humor sprinkled throughout. The author also wraps in a mystery to be solved which keeps the story moving. I found the characters lovable and contemporary. There are some steamy scenes but certainly not distracting or distasteful. Overall, this was a fantastic summer read and would fit well into anyone's travel holiday.

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Thank you to NetGalley for providing me with this book.

I loved this book! Not only was it absolutely adorable, it was so funny, I wishI could reread for the first time.

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This book is perfect if you're looking for escapism! Because I'm not kidding when I say Sarah Ready provides just that in 'French Holiday'. I giggled, laughed and swooned my way through this book. I've got to be honest - I am very jealous of our main character, Merry, because I want to go to a French castle and find romance too! 🤣

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Thanks to Netgalley for an ARC of this book. I wasn’t sure what to expect since I wasn’t familiar with this author. The book opens with a heartbreaking scene in which Merry’s best friend is marrying her sister Angela. Unfortunately, Merry is in love with Leo and this wedding is killing her. Noah is Leo’s other best friend and best man at the wedding and there seems to be some inexplicable animosity between him and Merry.

Luckily, Merry has a godmother, Jupiter, who is really more of a fairy godmother, who offers her the opportunity to escape everything in her life and stay at a chateau in France. Initially reluctant to do so, Merry eventually reaches a breaking point and decides to go. Of course, Jupiter fails to tell her that she has simultaneously rented the chateau to Noah. The moment she realizes this is quite funny.

In fact, there are a lot of funny things that happen in this story. There is one particular scene involving a lobster that is beyond farcical and had me laughing out loud (not to be confused with lol). There were also some wonderful descriptions. When Merry offers Noah a ride (back in NY), “He looked at me like he’d rather sit in a barrel full of oozing pus-filled slugs, and practically ran out of the restaurant to hail a cab.” When she gets to France and gets a chocolate croissant from the airport, she observes: “In New York, a baked good from an airport kiosk would taste like rubber shoe soles and dirty cardboard, but apparently in France, even the lowest of the low serves ambrosia.”

Merry, who has decided to go by Meredith in France as she strives to reinvent herself, does not speak French, but her explanation is so funny: “We already ascertained that I speak extremely limited French. Mainly, even with my translation guide, I can only seem to remember, ‘Bonjour,’ ‘comme ci, comme ça’ and ‘voulez-vous coucher avec moi ce soir?’” As Noah finishes telling Merry she’s not in some rom-com where some handsome guy named Pierre is going to sweep her off her feet, a handsome guy named Pierre shows up on his motorcycle.

Meredith is determined she’s going to experience “love” while in France, and since Pierre is clearly interested in her, she’s going to make the effort. While getting ready for her date, she explains that she had to watch a tutorial to learn how to do a smokey eye before doing it. “It took about fifteen minutes…okay, two hours, but why don’t they tell you doing a smokey eye is impossible?”

Meanwhile, Merry and Noah are growing to know one another better and forming a grudging friendship, mostly pushed by Merry who is sunshiney and optimistic while Noah comes across as more of a curmudgeon. She appreciates every bit of joy she can drag out of him. “Noah gives a rusty laugh. It sounds out of practice, and unused, like a door that’s been shut for a long time and is only now creaking open.” And I loved this conversation. Noah has to leave for a few days. When he returns, Merry admits she used one of his books to try to kill a cockroach.
“Anyway, I used the book to scare the cockroach.”
“So it was a horror novel?”
I laugh and we share a grin. “No. It was some sort of giant history book. Four hundred pages or so. I was going to bore the cockroach to death.”

A word about Jupiter. This woman is a character, who calls herself a muse for artists, and I feel like a book could be written just about her. However, there are two things she says that I love:
“I like being a nude model, because the artists only think about the art. I dislike sitting for portraits, because then the artist is only thinking about me being nude.”
“Without art, a soul becomes a barren desert. Art is rain for the parched earth.”

I loved this book and would gladly read it again. I hope to be given the opportunity to read more from Sarah Ready. I definitely recommend it and it’s going on my list of favorites.

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This was my very first Sarah Ready book that I read and wow was I happy I read it and yes, I finished this book in less than two days! That is how much I loved the characters and the storyline. It reminded me a little of "27 dresses", but more funny.

Meet Meredith Deluca, aka Merry, who is in love with here best friend for 5 years, Leo. The only problem is that her best friend Leo is about to walk down the isle to marry her sister, Angela. Leo's best man Noah immediately notices Merry but he also notices the way Merry looks at Leo and knows right away that she is in love with her sisters soon to be husband. Merry gets drunk (obviously because what else would you do in that situation) and her and Noah, the best man, end up kissing and Merry wakes up in his bed not able to remember what happened the night before.

Fast forward to Merry getting an opportunity from her godmother to run away to France for a few months to escape the crazy in her life. She arrives and immediately loves the French Castle that she will be living in but is quickly dismayed when she realizes that she is not the only one staying there. Noah, the best man that she may or may or may not have slept with is there too doing research.

Lots of hilarious moments which involve a pet lobster names Louis and bats and animals and French neighbors, Pierre & Camille, this book had my attention and made me laugh out loud many times.

This was a true vacation or beach read and I loved it.

I cannot wait to read my next Sarah Ready book!

Thank you Netgalley and Sarah Reddy for my complimentary copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. I honestly thoroughly enjoyed it!

Overall rating 4.3

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The perfect sunny day read. This book will whisk you away to France, you will want to eat cheese and drink wine from the bottle as you fall in love with Merry. Not only did I laugh out loud while I read this but I stayed up reading long past my bedtime as I just had to know the ending. This book had it all, enemies to lovers, comedy and mystery. Definitely one to read this summer.

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I thought this was going to be a classic romcom holiday summer read, but this book offers more than that!
It's not only provides you with interesting quirky and relatable characters that trapped in one place, but also offers more emotional exchange, heart-to-heart conversation and self-discovery, with amazing chemistry that will swoon your heart! Not to mention of how it explores France that is not Paris, and more insight on the painting and arts that got me so emotional! I really love this book!

What can I say? I'm a big fan of Sarah Ready.

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I really loved the cover of this book and it instantly grabbed my attention. The story is a fantastic and fun vacation to enjoy in the summer sun.

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I really really enjoyed this book. I loved the underlying story and also watching their love story play out. It had me swooning. I'm a sucker for slow burns. This was a good one.

I got this audiobook from NetGalley in exchange for my honest review.

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Loved this book so much. Merry and Noah have my heart. I really enjoyed how both the mc’s had their own paths they were trying to navigate from getting over unrequited love to uncovering family history. I really loved that Noah was the one who fell first. The whole history about the chateau and Noah’s life intrigued me just like it did with Merry. But learning about Merry’s younger years made me want to hug her and tell her one day she wouldn’t have to ask for love or to be loved and that she would one day feel it for a lifetime. I cackled when Merry referred to Jupiter as their fairy godmother, because that’s what I thought about her since Merry made it to the chateau.

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Fun and flirty enemies to lovers romance. Protagonist Merry has had an awful case of unrequited love for her best friend Leo for years. Unfortunately for her, he's now marrying her sister, Angela. Ouch! After the trial that is Angela's wedding, Merry knows she has to get away for a while. And just like a gift from above, her godmother offers her a chance to stay in the French castle that she had just so happened to purchase. This is Merry's shot to finally become the leading lady in her own life, get over her feelings for Leo, and maybe get under a handsome Frenchman? Of course things never work out how you plan. When Merry arrives at the castle, she's shocked to see that she isn't the only one there. Apparently her godmother also offered to let Noah Wright, famous documentarian and best man at Leo and Angela's wedding, use the estate for a while as he works on his next project. This wouldn't be an issue except for the fact that they seem to hate each other, and the chateau is a bit smaller than expected... They agree to cordially share the space, and Merry settles in for her peaceful French vacation. However, as she spends time with Noah and sees his true self, she realizes that he's not as awful as she originally thought. In fact he may just be the best man for her.

This was a lovely slow burn romance, with a couple of hilariously laugh out loud scenes. The setting of the crumbling French castle near a small village is perfect for a romance like this. The food, the bridge, the art, oh my! I could feel the connection between Merry and Noah from the start, and it was great to watch it bloom. Noah's slow reveal of his past and his familial mystery was also a great addition to the story. Great summer read. Would recommend.

I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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Merry DeLuca is in love with her best friend and sister's new husband. When the opportunity arises to move to France and live in a huge chateau for three months, she takes it. She's ready for distraction and a new mindset. But when she arrives at the chateau she's surprised to find it already has a guest living there - Noah, her brother in-law's best friend and her nemesis.

I usually enjoy slow-burn and enemies to lovers romances but this one was a bit drawn out for me. By the time the romance started I didn't feel like there was much build-up and they gave off more of a friendly vibe. The subplot of Noah's parentage was a little confusing to me. It almost felt like the second half of the book shouldn't have gone with the first. But I really enjoyed the descriptions of beautiful France, the chateau, and the food. 2.5/5 stars.

Thank you to NetGalley and Swift & Lewis Publishing LLC for allowing me access to an eARC in exchange for my honest review.

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4.5 stars

I really enjoyed French Holiday! This was a fun read and the chemistry between Merry & Noah was off the charts. I always like reading books that happen in other countries as well. In old castles… lol. And the backstory of Noah’s family was really interesting. The ending was perfect and a great way to end the book!

I would definitely recommend it to anyone looking for.a fun summer read!

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French Holiday by Sarah Ready is an absolute delight to read. I love this author's work, but this book is probably her very best. This story is the perfect summer ready. Merry and Noah and their love-hate relationship is the very best of what makes a rom com. I cannot recommend this book enough. The setting is lovely, the plot keeps the story flowing throughout-- all things about this book are great. Such a fun read! I received a digital copy of this book from the publisher with no obligations. These opinions are entirely my own.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the eARC! All thoughts and opinions are my own.

I have been searching high and low for romcoms that contain not just the romance but also the comedy, and I'm so happy to say that this book delivers on both fronts! Contemporary enemies to lovers is a trope I'm often wary about, but I liked the way it was presented here. Although some may find this read a little trope-y, I adored both Merry and Noah and enjoyed observing how their relationship and personal characteristics developed. I was also pleasantly surprised by the non-romantic aspects of the plot, and found the events that unfolded to be unique and engrossing. Overall a cute and fun read, and I'd definitely recommend!

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French Holiday written by Sarah Ready was an adorable, quirky enemies-to friends-to lovers rom com with a little bit of mystery. This book was hilarious, it made me laugh and question my sanity, I couldn't help but laugh when the characters got attacked by a lobster. This book <b>IS NOT</b> like a typical romance novel, it was a bit different, there was romance, but it was mysterious. The only minor issue I had with this book was it could have been way shorter. There was one thing that truly bothered me and didn't make me love this book was the sister, she always made everything about herself and was a bit too petty for me. I needed this book after all the sad ones I had read before. Don't even get me started on the cover, it's so aesthetic and beautiful. I truly enjoyed reading about all the French cuisine, <b>DON'T READ THIS BOOK ON AN EMPTY STOMACH</b>. I have never read a book written by Sarah ready before this one, but despite not loving it too much, I will definitely read whatever she writes in the future. If you want to read a book about the French countryside, then don't let this book slip through your fingers. I was a bit hesitant to read this book because I didn't know what it was going to be like, but it was quirky and adorable.


<b>One crumbling French castle, two enemies at first sight, the holiday of a lifetime, what could possibly go wrong?</b>

Merry DeLuca has a problem....a really big freaking problem. Merry's sister, Angela just married Leo. Leo and Merry were best friends, Merry had the biggest crush on Leo, but never told anyone her feelings for him, Merry never even told Leo how she felt because she had a fear of being rejected. Leo is the one and only man Merry has ever loved. Merry has had a fear of being rejected because of her father, he always told Merry she was his best girl and that he loved her so much because Merry never got attention the way Angela did. Merry's dad decided to walk away from his family, Merry decided to follow him, but she realized he was having an affair with another woman who had children and they did things that Merry and her father liked to do together. Merry was such a relatable character, I couldn't help but cheer her on throughout the book. Merry's life is quickly spiraling down the drain and she doesn't have an escape plan. After Merry's dad walked away from his family for another woman I lost all respect for him. Angela just had the way about herself that made everyone fall in love with her and that's how she met Leo. Angela decided to have a flat tire, but when Leo arrived to help out, it was <b>LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT BETWEEN THOSE TWO</b>.

When Jupiter, Merry's godmother offers her a three month holiday to live in a romantic castle in the French countryside, Merry leaps at the chance. Merry has a job where she fires people and that sucks, she doesn't think it's fair, so she quits and takes her three month vacation. Merry knows her French holiday will fix everything, there will be delicious flirtations, mouthwatering French cuisine, and beautiful strolls through the French hills. Merry believes this will be the best time of her life, well that's what she thought, at least until she arrived and found Noah Wright will be staying at the castle with her. Noah was the best man at Leo and Angela's wedding, and the worst man Merry has ever known. Noah is a famous travel documentarian by day and by night he is an arrogant devil, Noah refuses to leave the castle just because him and Merry don't get along. Since Noah and Merry both refuse to leave the castle, that means they will be stuck together in a French castle for THREE MONTHS!!!!!! Merry and Noah decide to strike a deal since they are both stubborn, they'll live as cohabitating friends for three months, and then they will part ways and never see each other ever again. But as Noah and Merry spend time together in this crumbling French castle, everything starts to change and secrets are uncovered.

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Original plot line. Enjoyed the complexity of the main characters. The middle was a bit tedious to get through but overall strong work and will continue to read books by this author.

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